Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Home --Season by Season

I love going back through old pictures...  Needless to say,  I have ALOT more now than I used to!!!!! (Maybe that is a good thing that I didn't have so many old pictures to go through!!!! I have too many to go through now.. Ha).... Anyhow---I wanted to show you our little home in different seasons.   One thing which I absolutely love about Tennessee is that we get all four seasons --but we don't get the extreme heat nor the extreme cold...It's no wonder why so many people retire here.  We are also 2000 feet UP --on the Cumberland Plateau,  so that is nice (especially when the temperatures in Knoxville and Nashville are in the 90's and we are only in the 80's).   Seems like the best of all worlds,  don't you think????

Anyhow here are four pictures of our home in all four seasons.  I'll begin with Summer of last year (August) which is pictured above.  As you can tell,  there's not a huge amount of color around although the roses still bloom until frost.

Here is a picture of Fall  (taken last Fall)--and the gorgeous colors we get up here.  It's a beautiful time of the year and a busy one for me --since I am in charge of raking and blowing tons and tons of leaves!!!

Here's a picture of late Fall/early Winter ---after the leaves were gone (almost)... I do have to rake and blow many times before they ALL come down.  As you can see (since the roses are still blooming),  we haven't had a frost yet.

I just have to show you my all-time favorite Christmas Snow picture --taken last year in December.  I've shown this before (the others also I'm sure) --but this one makes me say "AH" each time I see it...

We didn't get too much snow last year --but what we got all came at the end of December and beginning of January.  It was a hard winter for most --but we've had worse!!!!  One way I know that is because our Fall Pansies made it through the winter and are still blooming and showing off NOW.

And now--we are to Spring of 2011.  Since we've had lots of rain the past couple of months,  our yard and flowers have really put on a show for us.

NOW---check this out!!!  This was our yard in 2006.  (Compare it with the picture above.) There were no roses yet in the front and no big road flowerbed.  We did have the 3 little round beds by then --and we had our big side flowerbed (which is where we had roses planted at that time).  The roses struggled on the side because there's just not enough sun there... So-- George started moving them to the front in 2007... This year we have over 57 different rose bushes.

Finally, here's one of the first pictures we took of the outside of our 'new' home... OH--how much we loved it.  You can see me (this was in Fall of 1992)  inviting everyone to come in!!!!!  The little elderly couple who had lived in this house since it was built in 1985 was having to move to Arizona to be with their daughter.  The husband had had a stroke and the wife just couldn't take care of him by herself.  They were the sweetest couple--but were NOT yard people.  I think they had a lawn service to mow it --but that was about all they did.

We didn't actually move in until June of 2003--after I retired... George continued to work until 2006---so we didn't begin too much yard work until about 2005-06.  Since then,  we have stayed very busy.. It's WORK ---but oh how wonderful the results are to one's soul and heart once those little buds pop up out of the ground/dirt... AND then to give us the blooms they do----well,  you know how fabulous that is!!!!!



Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

may I have your permission to show my students your photos. ( I was going to whether you saw yes or not. LOL)

I was trying to get my students (8 year olds) to have their seasons words. One of them found it hard to write.

Darla said...

I need to post photos of this yard from several years back until now....HUGE difference, just like yours! Love what ya'll have done!

Beth said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this walk back in time with you. I agree that the winter pic is definitely an "Ahhh!" one. But those roses--wow!
You and George have done an incredible amount of work and have such a beautiful spot in which to live and ontinue to grow together.

You give me hope for our future spot! :)

Betty Manousos said...

Hi Betsy, your home is sooo beautiful!
lovely yard, too.

great idea for a post!

i really loved your photos and i thoroughly enjoyed reading your post.

betty xx

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Wow, what a difference you have made to your yard !
I enjoyed seeing the different seasons, but most of all, enjoyed the transformation from grass to all those gorgeous flower beds, and roses.
What a magical place you have both created.

diane b said...

Great post Betsy! It is fun to look at old photos and compare with today. We have been here for 20 years and the change is dramatic. I might pinch your idea for a post. Your house engulfed in the four different seasons is beautiful. You do live in a lovely area but anywhere that has snow is too cold for me.
I love being warm and wearing light clothes all year but the down side is that we have green all around all year no obvious change in seasons.

Bill S. said...

Flowers in the yard - oh, how they brighten our day and our lives. I love the season comparisons.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This was a fabulous post.The changes you have made to the yard are incredible.Every time I see a picture of your place,I can't help but think that it looks so inviting.Each season ha its own beauty.

King of New York Hacks said...

Very nice, I'll have to remind my friend in Nashville that he should move on up and his temp will go down. great pics.

Unknown said...

These are so beautiful. Even the snow. I can handel the snow you speak about. I chose not to participate In tons and tons of leaves LOL

Connie said...

Your yard is beautiful year round, Betsy. Must be a lovely place to live. :)

mamahasspoken said...

WOW can see the transformation not only from season to season but year to year. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, I love all four seasons and your home/yard is gorgeous year round. Working in the yard is hard work but it gives you such a sense of accomplishment. I appreciate you and George sharing your beautiful flowers and the seasons with all of us. Have a good day!

Rose said...

You have really made an improvement on that yard....and that snow picture is one of my favorites, too. It would make a wonderful Christmas card.

Kelly said...

...you've made so many improvements and have turned it into a nature preserve (smack in the middle of a really big nature preserve!) :-)

Les Barr said...

That's a nice lookin' Country Home. Would not mind having a place like that myself. Keeping a Home in shape is always work. It never seems to end. There is always something to improve, fix, or keep up with. Enjoy your Home, Betsy. Thanks for Posting.


Anonymous said...

Splendid idea..really impressive.
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ME said...

I love gardening work ! It gives me so much of peace of mind. The end result which one gets is not less than getting a reward .. yes the colorful flowers! Your house looks amazing man!
Your Garden Personality
Which type of garden goes with your personality?

Out on the prairie said...

Working the other day my daughter thought she should take some before and after shots.It was fun to see the change.

RoeH said...

If you haven't done it already, frame those pictures for your walls. They are just wonderful. And I just love your house. If I could, I'd be a neighbor it that area it's so beautiful. But not one of those stalky neighbors. Just a nice one.

Catherine said...

Goodness you have a big beautiful yard Betsy! It's a good thing both you and George are retired ~ and hopefully have a tractor ride on lawn-mower!! :)

xo Catherine

linda m said...

Betsy, you have one of the most beautiful yards. After putting in my flower garden yesterday I can really appreciate all the work you and George have put into your house and yard.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the early winter, beautiful and the first one of the two last shots is beautiful, the NOW one. it gets prettier every year

Pat - Arkansas said...

Loved your four seasons photos, and the others. This is a delightful photographic record.

amelia said...

Just a lovely yard. A good combination of forest and open space.

TexWisGirl said...

i love that you get 4 distinct seasons (even if one of them is filled with falling leaves to keep you busy!) the springtime shot is just gorgeous. you've really worked on your yard and roses and it shows. just lovely.

Dorothy said...

Hi Betsy,
I loved seeing your beautiful house and yard in different seasons. I was wondering about your Roses in the pots by the driveway.....do they remain there all winter or do you have to put them somewhere else to protect them from the cold?

pam said...

Lovely! I see that Dorothy above asked the same question I was going to...what do you do with the potted roses in the winter?

Neal said...

You guys obviously enjoy yard work because you've made the yard absolutely gorgeous.

Reanaclaire said...

hey Betsy, what a beautiful home you have! i like the spring.. yes, a lot of difference comparing the two.. flowers do make a lot of difference! thanks for the invitation! LOL..

CottonLady said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos, Betsy!
Your home is pretty in all seasons. You both have worked so hard and now we all get to enjoy it too! Thanks for sharing these pictures. You two have really "stopped to smell the roses"!


Karin said...

Well, that was another fun post - to see all the many wonderful changes you have made! And your welcoming arms and smile - priceless! Gorgeous place whatever time of year - but I love this year's spring and the winter photos the best!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

I love this post! Your home is so pretty, and boy do I wish we lived up a few more thousand feet in the coolness! Espeacially today as we are hitting a record of 98! OY!
Thank so much for all your sweet comments about Annie! I appreciate you so much, Betsy!
xo, misha

Lady Di Tn said...

A very lovely post of the season of TN with your home as a focal point. Thanks for sharing. I have lived in TN all my 61 years and fall in love with my state daily. Peace

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I like this idea! I like spring the best with flowers....but all are nice.

Janice K said...

You two have been busy, and all that hard work has definitely paid off....What a difference!

Diane AZ said...

Your yard looks fantastic in every season. It's fun to see the changes, great post Betsy!

Unknown said...

The place looks great!

I hated yard work until we bought our own place. Then I really got into making our yard look nice and even learned to enjoy mowing.....when it wasn't too hot.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The beautiful fall picture with the orange trees, and the cozy winter snow picture with the Christmas lights win hands down!!!!! But I love the others, too!!! What a neat idea! I loved this!

Carletta said...

I've always been impressed with how much work you and George put in your yard and now seeing how far you've come I'm even more impressed with what you've achieved. :)
So lovely!

Glenda said...

SOMEBODY has done an amazing transformation in that beautiful setting! Every season is gorgeous! God must really enjoy the little spot of heaven that you - and He - have created!!

HappyK said...

I like Maryland too for having all the seasons too and nothing really extreme.
I love your house in all seasons. It looks welcoming and charming. Love the angled boards.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I know I've said it before, but you and George have a beautiful place there. It was pretty even before your loving care came on the scene, but it's really gorgeous now.

Tracy said...

AHHH, what a great idea to take a photo each season...I like that and my, what a vast difference your home has taken since you bought it! You've worked wonders with all the gorgeous flowers and the beautiful lawn!
Hurray for you and so lovely!

Unknown said...

Beautiful passage of time. You two have really put a lot of your heart and soul into your yard.

Elettra said...

My favorite photos are December 2010 and spring 2011 !!!!!

LV said...

What a lovely place you have no matter the season. I really like the winter and spring sights. Absolutely beautiful.

imac said...

Your Garden keeps you both fit.
Your love for each other keeps you young.

Arkansas Patti said...

Looking at the yard when you bought it and now, Wow, has George done a wonderful job.
Gotta go with Spring.

Ann said...

No matter what season it is you have a lovely yard. You and George have put a lot of hard work in to it and I'm sure that you loved just about every minute of it :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your yard is beautiful in ALL seasons!!!! You two have certainly put a lot of heart and soul into it...as well as COLOR!!!

Janie said...

Your home has undergone quite a transformation since you bought it! Wow, all the roses and flower beds have added so much beauty. I love it in every season.

Lola said...

Wonderful. I love seeing a home in different seasons. I think the Christmas one is so pretty. I miss the snow.

Susie Swanson said...

What a beautiful yard. I love them all, but the winter one is special. You and your husband have done a great job. Like you I love a pretty yard. We live next to a road and I've seen people slow down and look. It makes me feel good about the hard work that's invested. I need to put some of mine up.
Unlike you we have hot weather, it's reading 85 now and the sun has went down. Got up to 95 today. Thanks for the tour of your home and yard.. Susie

Chatty Crone said...

First of all - your home is lovely - every season - I can tell how much you love it there and it looks loved.

Great idea too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your home looks lovely in all four seasons!I love the transformation of your front garden, Betsy. You and George have really added so much beauty and I know you both enjoy it very much!

Larry said...

Betsy... your climate and home do sound perfect... maybe I should consider leaving the mid-west. Today there were horrible high and hot winds and so much damage, but nothing that can't be cleaned up in a day or two... it can be discouraging though. I enjoyed this post... thank you, Larry

KathyA said...

It IS work, Betsy and one can tell that you and George have worked very, very hard --- but -- it's absolutely gorgeous!!

Diane said...

Beautiful pictures of your home Betsy. The seasons really do make it look different. It's fun to look back where it was and how it is now. A lot of changes and COLOR! Diane

carolina nana said...

It's always so much fun to look back through pictures to see how different things look. You all have really improved your place over the years. What next??????
Have a blessed tomorrow

Loren said...

Wow Betsy! What a transformation! Sooo Beautiful! I LOVE all of them but the Fall colors are just GORGEOUS!

I would agree with you on keeping a yard looking so nice is alot of work :) if you are like me though, It is wonderful to work and see the fruits of your labor :)

I find it sooo theraputic and peaceful to work in my flower beds!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I love the four seasons, too. Your photos are fabulous and your home is so lovely in every season. You and George have really put in a lot of hard work in the yard and it shows! The flowers are just gorgeous. Have a great Wednesday!

SquirrelQueen said...

It's great to see your yard in all the different seasons, it is beautiful in each one. I really like what George has done with the roses in containers, he has given me some ideas.

I spent part of our weekend working in the yard so I definitely agree that it is WORK!

Fred Alton said...

Betsy, you and George have made an extraordinarily beautiful home there! Hmm...I thought as I read your blog...Frances and I are like that little old couple that had to move to AR. I pay to have the yard mowed. However, Frances does great with roses and other flowers. She is a "green thumb" but of late can't do all she wants to do because of her health. Even so, her flowers turn out beautiful. Now we don't have anything near as many as you have there! Yours are ever so gorgeous.

celina said...

Wow nice photographs,these are just beautiful a well designed homes there i found..Thanks for sharing this great list here with us very inspiring.
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