Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jeff's Bird Pictures

When my son, Jeff,  visited us on the 15th,  my backyard birds put on a show for him.  He was able to get some great pictures with his camera and long lens.  Above is a picture of a BABY Male NORTHERN CARDINAL.   We have two young ones who frequent the deck  looking for some food.  Isn't this little guy adorable?  (One way to identify the young cardinals is by the color of their beaks.   Theirs is black, whereas adult cardinals have reddish/orange beaks.)

The PILEATED WOODPECKERS come to the suet feeders about twice a day.  I'm glad one came while Jeff was there.  He first captured the woodpecker on a nearby tree.

Here's a closeup of Mrs. PILEATED WOODPECKER.  (Note that there is no red whiskers --which the males have.)

The yellow GOLDFINCHES are so gorgeous this time of year.  Jeff got some great pictures,  didn't he?

Our little DOWNY WOODPECKERS are with us year-round.  They are such cute little woodpeckers--and definitely love suet.

Two larger birds which come to my deck these days are the Brown Thrashers and the BLUE JAYS.   Above is a picture of one of our noisy blue jays.  They are pretty birds --but certainly make alot of noise!!!!   (Those pink blossoms on the deck are the remains of some of the Rhododendron blooms.)

Finally,  here is one of Jeff's pictures taken when we were at Cumberland Mountain State Park the afternoon of the 15th.  He got a neat picture of a male NORTHERN CARDINAL  at the feeder there,  but look above his head....  Don't you just love this picture????

Hope you enjoyed Jeff's photos... (Thanks again, Honey, for visiting us.  We loved every minute of your visit.)

Have a wonderful day,  and thanks SO much to all of you who visited my blog post yesterday and said so many wonderful things to me.  That one was hard for me to write--but one which I needed to do.  If I can help one other person,  then it will be worth it.  So far,  I have had 56 comments PLUS 52 page views.  That means that 108 people read that blog post yesterday... Oh My Gosh!!!! Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.  I truly love all of you!



Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I do love that last one in particular. Doesn't look like either knows his neighbor is in the vicinity! We are slowly seeing more variety at the suet and other feeder in our yard, but the old big black birds are aggressive and chomp down the food really fast!

Big Dude said...

If I ever learn to use my camera, I may have to get me a long lens for shots like these.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Jeff has some wonderful pictures.Thanks to him and to you for sharing them.

Darla said...

Great job Jeff!

~mel said...

Fantastic photography ~ just like Momma's :) ~ thanks for sharing! I never knew about the pileated woodpecker male having the whiskers ~ duh! makes sense to me. You're such a great source of information about those important things in life we need to know. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Have a wonderful day:)

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Jeff got some really awesome pictures!

linda m said...

Always love your bird pictures (as well as your flower pic). Thanks for sharing. Jeff took some awesome photos.

Neal said...

Those are good pictures. I think the downy woodpecker is my favorite.

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, I really enjoyed Jeff's bird pictures. I especially love the Blue Jay with pink Rhododendron blossoms. :)

Out on the prairie said...

It is always nice to see pics through someone elses eye.

Janice K said...

I enjoyed Jeff's pictures, but thought that first one of the young Cardinal was most interesting in particular the shading of his feathers. Very nice.

KathyA said...

Jess really has some photographic talent! Just like his mama!

Larry said...

These are special! Larry

Karin said...

Please thank Jeff for the lovely bird album! My fav has to be the plump little goldfinch! Our bluejays are back - and the racket - yikes! Enjoy your day!

Tabor said...

Great photos...but most impressive to me is all those sunflowers! I am amazed that the squirrel has not chewed through the wood at the side of the frame to find his feast.

Small City Scenes said...

I am so glad your son came to visit. He took some wonderful pics for all to enjoy. MB

HappyK said...

Fantastic pictures - all of them.
The young cardinal is so cute!!! He looks so fluffy.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Jeff really got some amazing shots. It's impossible to pick a favorite. Good job, Jeff. Thanks for sharing, Betsy.

Loren said...

It is no wonder that Jeff is a good photographer! He gets it from his Momma :) Truly amazing photos and thanks for all the info along with them !!! You know your birds Betsy!!

Have a blessed day my friend!

Becca's Dirt said...

Amazing photos Betsy. Love the last one too.

amelia said...

Love your sons birdie pics! I have two pair of rose breasted grosbeaks right now and they'll stay till winter. Usually we only have one pair. They are spreading the word about the free food!!

I read yesterdays post Betsy but it was all too close to home for me to comment. You know most of my past anyway but where most people had a male member of the family assault them sexually I had a female and you know who that is.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I like this series of bird pictures quite a lot. I did not know about the difference between male and female Pileated Woodpeckers, so was also glad to learn that fact. Have a super nice day!

Diane said...

The bird pictures are great. The blue jay is such a sleek and beautiful bird, isn't he. The last one (the squirrel and cardinal) almost looks like you could put a cartoon caption on it. It looks to me like the squirrel is about to turn the knob and drop the bottom out of the feeder and the cardinal knows he's up to something. Just my imagination I guess. Nice post Betsy. Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Jeff is a very talented photographer, these are wonderful. i love that shot with the squirrel and cardinal. the downy woodpecker made me laugh, he looks like he is sitting in his recliner all kicked back, really sharp Jay but the gold finch gets my favorite. wow on the color and the photo and of course the female cardinal with the attitude. great all of them

Happy@Home said...

Jeff's bird photos are all great. I love to watch the birds, but rarely capture good photos of them. His photos look like they could be in the Birds & Blooms magazine.
Thanks for your recent visit and kind comments, Betsy. To answer your question, we are in the Charlotte area of NC. We also enjoy the beautiful mountain areas.
I see you are in FFG. My parents lived there for 20 years and we had many wonderful vacations in the Glade. Reading your blog brings back happy memories of our time spent there. It's a great place. Lots to do and so many nice people.

imac said...

Real nice bird captures from Jeff here.

From the Kitchen said...

Spectacular photos of your feathered (and furry) visitors. I especially love the goldfinch.


Dar said...

Your Jeff is a chip of the ol' block I see,and said in a kind, respectful way. He has your knack with the camera. Great captures. I love the young cardinal. You can see each feather.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Jeff must get his mad camera skills from you...or vice versa?
Great shots.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks to you and Jeff for these bird pictures. I love seeing the details of the different birds.

Rose said...

Jeff got some great pictures...I can just imagine how hard that post was to write yesterday.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your son is a fabulous photographer, and my favorite is the cute fat goldfinch. I just read your last post, and Betsy, I am SO sorry!!! But this experience has helped to make you who you are, and you are wonderful. I firmly believe that we go through valleys so that we can empathize with and help others. Forgiveness hurts us and eats us up, but rarely affects the offender! I also feel that your post will do so much to help others!!! Your valley was not for nothing!! Hey, how do I check these stats, I've never heard of them!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Jeff is as talented a photpgrapher as you and George, Betsy! I love the cardinal photos --the baby is so cute and the one with the squirrels seems to be saying: "Hey! This si my food!"

Tracy said...

WOW! I think you rasied your son right; to enjoy nature and capture it with the camera :) Good for you...I love all the photos but the baby cardinal is so sweet! and boy that bluebbird looks cross; I think someone stole his seed!

thank you so muhc for sharing Jeff's photos and again, good job on the post yesterday!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, Jeff has taken some wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing them with us! The little goldfinches are a favorite of mine. Did you find a feeder with a lot of feeding places? I hope you don't get any of the nasty weather we've been having. Stay safe!

Catherine said...

You have the prettiest birds Betsy! Right now, I am trying to get rid of Grackles ~ they are invading my yard and scaring away my Finches and Nuthatches!

Hope you are having a lovely week Betsy!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the birds are very nice. Tell Jeff he did a good job. I like the last picture, of the cardinal and the squirrel, the most.

LV said...

I enjoyed traveling with Jeff through the bird paradise. Sorry, I am late visiting. Power off since 8pm last night. I am so tired from the storms.

Arkansas Patti said...

Jeff takes wonderful pictures. I really love the one with the squirrel.
I see where the storms that roughed up Arkansas are headed your way. Stay safe.

SquirrelQueen said...

Jeff got some great photos! I love the baby cardinal, it is so cute. Of course you know which shot is my favorite, the squirrel and cardinal together is priceless.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Jeff has done a good job!

Connie said...

Betsy, your son got some great pictures! Thanks for sharing them with us. I love that little goldfinch--such a bright yellow. :)

The Retired One said...

Oh MY! To capture all of these birds...so MANY of my favorites!!
Been worried about you and your weather and storms your way...stay safe honey!!

Fred Alton said...

Oh My! What wonderful pictures Jeff took. That zoom lens is really working for him. Great job.

Janie said...

These photos have great clarity. Jeff must have a very good camera.
Love the close up of the woodpecker and the first one of the baby cardinal.

Sally Wessely said...

These are amazing photos. Jeff did an awesome job.

I need him to come and try to catch a photo of the momma bird who has built a nest on my front porch. I can't catch her. Every time we open the door, she flies away.

carolina nana said...

Those are gorgeous pictures,what kind of camera does Jeff have?
I wish I could get mine to turn out like that.
I missed reading any blogs yesterday but will definitely go back and read your post.
Blessings to you.

Kerry said...

After growing up in the midwest, living in the south,and then moving to the Northwest, one of the things I miss is the cardinal. Such a spectacular bird, and I took them for granted the whole time.

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsy, Thanks so much for responding to my additional comment today. I may have to talk to you sometime. It is amazing, but not surprising, that you've had so many views.

Anyway, I do love these pictures. I would never see birds without your blogspot. They aren't so easy to spot here. Well, I live in a city...........That Goldfinch is the prettiest thing, and the bluebird colors are so awesome. Tell Jeff thanks for the pictures. They are so appreciated.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Dear I tell you that there are no squirrels in New Zealand? In Borneo, they are very fast, and my grandpa used to trap them for us, then my dad trapped them for his grandchildren.

Twilight Man said...

I have been enjoying your blogs showing all the colorful and lovely exotic birds. It made me appreciate how great and beautiful our nature is. I thought that if I start posting my local bird photos like Betsy, I am sure my readers would scream and ask me to take them off. Our birds are mostly in somber gray and brown shades besides those black ugly crows! Maybe I should dye them pink and blue! Ha ha!

Chatty Crone said...

Your son took absolutely awesome - I know those are just words and everyone is saying it, but it's true.

I love your birds. Love the colors. Love being so close.

I know you enjoyed your son's visit.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Betsy. I'm joining the chorus of loving the pictures songs. I'm surprised the birdies aren't jumping to the beat. Love the squirrel, who appears to be defeated by the birdfeeder. Amazing. How can that be? The little stinkers seem to be able to get in anywhere.

Lynda said...

I love the picture of the young cardinal. I have never seen one that age - - - only the adults. The little one is so pretty with its dual colors!