Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bull Sluice on the Chattooga Wild and Scenic River

When we travel to and from the beach (Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina),  we always stop to see some waterfalls (or something) along the way. Coming home this year,  we stopped by Biltmore House and Gardens.  SO--going to the beach,  we stopped near Clayton, GA to see BULL SLUICE.

Waterfall purists may scoff at Bull Sluice being included in a guide listing waterfalls, but this Class V Whitewater Rapid is a textbook definition of falling water.  Tons of frothing,  aerated water explode over this drop each minute,  producing an audible roar far downstream.

Bull Sluice may be approached on either the South Carolina side or the Georgia side of the Chattooga River.  We went to the South Carolina side and walked down a path to the observation deck.   While there,  we got to see several kayakers negotiate the sluice.  There were also some whitewater rafts --but we didn't get to the overlook in time to get pictures of them.   Above and below are some pictures we took while there (April 30).

This close-up picture, and the one at the top of the blog, show Bull Sluice.  They were taken from the overlook.   There was ALOT of water there!!!

I love this picture of George ---as he took pictures from our overlook.

Here comes some of the kayakers... See them?

Here he comes over the top!!!   Get a good breath!!   WHEW!!!!

OOPS... Where did he go????  I see the oar!!!!!! ha

WELL--luckily,  all of this group made it!!!!  Now they can float down to the sandy beach and get some 'rays'....

We had a great time at Bull Sluice --and enjoyed watching the kayakers...

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  Any big plans to celebrate this weekend?  We will be home --so I will post a blog on Monday.  Whatever you do,  have a good weekend.



diane b said...

What a beautiful place. The rapids/waterfall is big and creating a fun place for kayakers and oldies watching them.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful to look at,but I do not wish to trade places with the guys in the kayaks. I like how you often take pictures of George taking a picture.I have many such pictures of my Hubby,too.

Tabor said...

I have done some class 2 whitewater in my days...but will not do more than that!

Kelly said...

...definitely frothy! I don't think I'd be as brave as those kayakers, though! It's beautiful...great name too!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

A beautiful yet wild waterfall, I would never be so brave as those kayakers.
Always a fun trip you share with us Betsy, thank you.

Reanaclaire said...

I can almost feel the water gushing out from my computer :))
Very nice pictures here, Betsy!

Unknown said...

What fun! One of our first dates was white water rafting down the Gulley in West Virginia! Guess the fact that we survived that experience was a sign of good things to come!

Enjoy your weekend. Hope the sun shines on you. It's only supposed to get up in the low 60's today, but with a north wind and no sun, you might as well think 50's! So much for that elusive spring. I think we go right back to the 90's in a day. Sheesh!

Out on the prairie said...

I would be right down in that water, what a great run.

Catherine said...

Enjoy your long-weekend Betsy! Canada's was this past Monday. Hopefully you will have perfect weather!
xo Catherine

Snap said...

I love your flowers, but was wondering where the water was!!!!!!!!!! It is fun to watch the Kayakers in the white water (something I don't care to try).......

Janice K said...

Lovely to look at but playing in that water looks pretty dangerous to me.

Have a great weekend!

Arkansas Patti said...

Wish I could whitewater kayak. I have tubed minor whitewater and it was wonderful. These days, my kayaking is reserved for lakes and slow moving rivers.
Have a great weekend.

Les Barr said...

Those Waterfall's are always a treat to be around and photograph. Looks like a real nice place to visit and enjoy. Those people running the rapids with a kayak, I think are a bit nut's. I know that I'd never do that, but using one in a nice calm lake I would not mind trying. I've often looked at them at the local Sports store and wondered what it's like to use one.

Waterfalls around here are few and far between. I would have to travel up into the Pocono Mts. for that. However, there is one that I just spotted yesterday while out with my Pentax. Going to try and photograph it using a different technique that I read about in Outdoor Photography.

Also, thank you for leaving a comment on my Blog. It was very much appreciated.

Yha' all be well now, yha hear

Diane AZ said...

How fun to watch the kayakers! My favorite picture is the last one. I like the bright colors of the kayaks and also the trees in the background. Looks like a gorgeous place!

HappyK said...

Great photos! Lots of water there and I don't think I'd like to be in it. I'd rather be taking pictures of others in it. : )
We are staying around home this weekend. Ken will be baking my birthday cake which is on Monday. :-) He bakes a fine cake and I can't wait to have some.

KathyA said...

Lovely AND exciting!!

Lady Di Tn said...

I love the sound of water rushing by and this would be a good place to enjoy such happiness. Great photos. Wishing you a great weekend and we too will be home. Hopefully we will get the oak tree cut up that fell and brought down our electricity in April. Also, the tree trimmer came through our road last week but a tulip poplar fell off the bank across the street which made our cable go out. At least our electricity come up the hill instead of with the cable. I just thought it rather odd that a tree would fall right after they came through and cut trees and trimmed them. Here is wishing you a wonderful weekend. Peace

Pat - Arkansas said...

Bull Sluice is a beautiful and interesting place. I really enjoyed your photos; thanks for making waterfall-watching an armchair event for me. Love it!

penny said...

I wish I had the nerve to do that, but alas I don't so I will just enjoy your outstanding photos of Bull Sluice falls, Betsy.
I love your shot of George shooting the rapids :)
We are just chillin, Memorial weekend :)

be happy and well,

Jann said...

Ahh, makes me miss the river rafting hubby and I did with friends in Oregon on the Rogue River. What a blast! The water wasn't quite that rough tho!

carolina nana said...

Those are gorgeous pictures of the falling water but that kayacking looks dangerous. That would not be for me that's for sure,not even when I was younger. Daughter has done it and each time I tell her she better stay in calm water but I know ther's no fun it that.
We were fortunate and dodged the storms again yesterday, but we only got 1/2 inch of rain so far this morning.
Have a blessed day

Small City Scenes said...

Golly that looks like a lot of fun in a lot of water. Not for me of course---oh I wish I was so brave. MB

imac said...

Roaring force - just like a bull,lol.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

This post just confirms my long-held opinion that kayakers are CRAZY! You and George got some beautiful pictures of some really crazy people, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So good to hear from you. I can see you two are still traveling and having lots of fun doing it. I just can't keep up with it all anymore. The food page on facebook has over 2400 subscribers. Really keeps me busy but I love it. I have been trying to get my garden stuff in and it has rained for days and days and weeks here. lol. We have been so fortunate to miss the horrible storms that hit so much of the South, too. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend. Come by anytime. Love hearing from you. Hugs, Judy

Shug said...

Oh My Goodness....One of these pictures took my breath away....I couldn't breath because I was trying so hard to help that one Kayaker out of the rapids. This girl can't swim, so I don't believe I will be doing that!
Wonderful pictures! Hope your weekend is fantastic...

FAB said...

White water .. upside down .. hang on to the paddle .. that brought back some memories from my earlier years ... must have been mad!!

Have a great weekend Betsy.

mudderbear said...

I can almost hear the sound of the water in these pictures, and I'm just a little bit surprised by the peace they bring just looking at them, for all the noise and turbulence they depict. I would not want to be on them, or IN them either. Great pics. Have a really nice weekend. I don't know what we're doing. There are too many possibilities/people involved. Hope yours is just great.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it certainly rates as a waterfall to me. and i like that shot of George, he looks prepared to jump in and rescue those kayakers if they don't come back up. right?

amelia said...

It's a lovely place but I wouldn't want to be one of the kayakers. Not even in my younger days!!!
I hope you have a good weekend, we had ours last weekend but I was alone as hubby went to the city to help our son scrub mould out of his attic!!

Karin said...

Very lovely shots Betsy! Beautiful to watch, but going down the rapids - NEVER!! Congrats to those who can! Like that photo of George intent on his photography!! Enjoy your long week-end. Have to work this evening and then babysit all day Monday! Sat and Sun are free - yeah!

Glenda said...

Wow! You are quite the photographer! Great shots of the kayakers - and the beautiful scenery.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Are these people out of their MINDS??? At least you and George know where to draw the line, I would be clucking a mile a minute if I thought you did this! It is a very good capture, though, and the boats are colorful!! I think we have enough fear and danger in life without going looking for it.

Chatty Crone said...

I live here and didn't know of this place - thanks - I'll put it on my list! Looks wild!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, In my younger days I would have been joining that group with a play-boat kayak. Now, kayaking on my calm safe lake here is as much as I want to tackle. Outstanding pictures. Glad you both had such a nice time to and from. Have a fantastic day!

Big Dude said...

"in a guide listing waterfalls" - I thought you guys just wandered around in the woods until you found a waterfall :-).

Betty Manousos said...

i wish i could watch the kayakers.

it's so fascinating!

Great photos, as usual, Betsy.

Have a lovely weekend!

betty xx

CottonLady said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy, but I, too, would not like to be the kayaker! I'll just take pictures! Have a great weekend. I will be going to DD and SIL on Monday for a bbq. They live close by, so not a far drive.
Blessings to you and George!

Anonymous said...

There's no way I'd kayak rapids like that... I'll leave to the extremists!!! =)

I'm going to have another 'photo shoot' at my parent's farm w/ my 8 month old nephew... he's just so darn cuuute! heheheee!

Ya'll have fun, be safe, & GOD bless!

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a great time. I love kayakers... as long as I'm not one of them :-)

Janie said...

That's an impressive rapid! The kayakers seem to know how to get through it, fortunately for them. Great photos of the excitement, Betsy. Have a fun holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun way to spend a hot afternoon. The photos of all that water are so pretty. We will be at home and hope to buy another sweet watermelon! Have a nice weekend.

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness, what a drop off...it looks like such great fun though. I want to go kayaking at the ocean!
Enjoy the lovely weekend and all it stands for!
hugs to you...

Laura Lynn said...

Beautiful country!

SquirrelQueen said...

Years ago some friends and I scouted out Bull Sluice for a possible rafting run. It was too early in the season and the water was way up, we were a little crazy but not that much. I have done Class IV but not a Class V.

Great shots Betsy. Wishing your and George a great weekend.

Linda said...

Love all of your photos, Betsy!

You and George have a great weekend. Visit with you later.


Ann said...

you sure do visit the most beautiful places. Love all your photos.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Bull Sluice has some wild water! The kayakers were cetainly brave and adventureous to go down its swirling waters.

Have a relaxing weekend, Betsy!

Diane said...

Those kayakers are a different breed of cat. No thanks! Nice pictures, though, Betsy. Diane

Connie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I don't think kayaking would be for me! ha!

Have a great weekend!

Cicero Sings said...

It truly is amazing how those kayakers an manoeuver those rapids! I've watched them before too ... in awe.

Loren said...

Such awesome pics! I have to say one of my fondest memories with my Dad was when he took us kayaking!
It was a blast. We would float during the day and camp at night...SOOO MUCH FUN! :) THANKS for letting me go down memory lane!!

Happy Friday! Have a blessed Memorial Day! We are staying home as well, working in the yard. Our grandkids will come and spend the night with us tomorrow night! I.CAN'T.WAIT!! :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

Those kayakers are so brave. I mean crazy. :)
Great shots Betsy!! Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful weekend. We will be around the house, getting ready for our big graduation next weekend!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

That looks wonderful! One day I want to be brave like the kayakers. But for now I'll just watch. Have a great weekend.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Those are fantastic photos! Back in the day, I loved to swim. But don't think I'd have made a very good kayaker! Looks like fun, tho, if you are brave enough. You sure have some beautiful scenery to see on your trips, Betsy. Thanks for sharing it with us and have a wonderful weekend.

Cheryl said...

Hi Betsy, loved this post. I would love to visit the falls but I will leave the kayak at home. When we kayak it is in calm waters! I like the photo of George taking photos as well. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos of the rapids, Betsy! My hubby would love this place. It is neat to watch the kayakers. Sounds like you had a great trip.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos of the rapids, Betsy! My hubby would love this place. It is neat to watch the kayakers. Sounds like you had a great trip.

Unknown said...

One of our camera bags is the same one George is using! Our daughter got hooked on white water rafting while in JROTC. I can't wait to show her this blog. Bet I know what she'll be adding to her vacation list.

Adrienne Zwart said...

These photos are wonderful, Betsy! I love the one of George. :) But the one of the kayaker going over the sluice--outstanding shot!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

any idea why it is called Bull Sluice? Used to dun bulls against fleas? LOL

Did I tell you my husband is a hydro engineer? He loves places like this.

JDS said...

Love the river pics, they make me feel energetic just looking at them! Have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Twilight Man said...

I always envy your trips everywhere, How I wish you could carry me along in your car's trunk. The last time I ever saw such rapids like your photos was in Niagara Falls some 18 years ago! It is so daring and exciting for the kayakers to plunge through the waterfalls. Good shot! National Geographic would hire you if they had seen your birds and landscape shots! Keep it up Betsy!

Anonymous said...

Loved the falling water and the kayakers...beautiful!

Kirigalpoththa said...

That kayaker picture is super! Exciting!!

Lynda said...

We all have our own version of fun but mine is not putting myself in the middle of rapids! Great pics of the action!

The Retired One said...

Fabulous action shots and what a rapids they were! WOW!!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Fun post and I don't ever want to see my boat under water. Have a great celebration today.