Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Little Piece of Heaven!!!

This past week,  George and I enjoyed several days at our favorite mountain cabin in Arkansas,  at Mt. Nebo.  This was the first year we have gone this late in March--and we did have an entirely different experience from other years..  First of all,  the weather didn't cooperate at all,  since we had cold rain and lots of fog and clouds most of the week.  But,   as we always do,  we make the best of a 'different' situation ---and of course managed to have a wonderful week.

The disadvantage of this kind of weather was the lack of very many beautiful sunrises and sunsets (which we love when we are there)... The advantage was that we got some gorgeous FOG shots!!!!!! ha

Luckily,  we took this set of pictures (except for the first one) the very first afternoon we were there.   That was our only clear day all week.    I apologize to my long-time followers --since I have posted MANY Mt. Nebo pictures through the years (since this is our 7th trip there --since 2006).  You will know this special place WELL.....

Below is our mountain cabin --which sits on the top of the mountain, with a great view of the valley below.  This little cabin has one bedroom,  one bath,  a small kitchen and a living area with a GREAT fireplace (which we used constantly).

Above is a picture we took on our LAST morning there.. George put up the tripod and we sat outside in the drizzling RAIN to have our pictures made.... ha ha.....  We did like the view of the fog in the valley below though.

This  picture was taken from the front side looking at our cabin,  with the edge of the cliff in the back.  The bedroom is on this end of the cabin.

This shows the back side of the cabin.  There is a wonderful back porch and a patio area with grill and picnic table.

This picture was taken from the 'other' side of the cabin.   The kitchen is on the front and the living room area faces the back.  The cabins/houses are not close together --which makes for some great privacy!

You can see the porch and patio from here.  Because of the weather,  we didn't get to sit outside very much this trip,  but,  since I always take birdseed with me when we travel (like all good birders do--ha ha),  I made friends with LOTS of birds this past week.  I would sprinkle bird seed along the rock edges and on the concrete patio floor...    It didn't take long for all of the birds to come and visit!!!!!!

This  is a picture of the rocks on the edge of the mountain --with a view of some of the valley below.  The town below us is Dardanelle.   There are several hiking trips in this area.

While we were there, there were LOTS of Turkey Vultures in this area--and they would land on these rocks to rest.  I got a few pictures of the big birds which I will share in future posts.

Here is a view from our back porch. You can see the valley below.  This truly is a 'piece of Heaven' to George and me.  Whether it is sunny, cloudy, snowy, ICY (which it was one year while there),  rainy or foggy--we love it!!!!!!

Hope you had a wonderful week... I will begin to catch up with your blogs soon.



Busy Bee Suz said...

I adore this quaint little cabin...such beautiful views and it seems SO peaceful. Love the photo of you and your sweetheart. Sorry the weather was not better, but I know you still had a great time away.
Glad you made it home safely.

Tracy said...

Welcome HOme and so glad you had such a great time! The views are gorgeous and the cabin lookslike a little castle; how fun! I love the picture of you and George :)
Missed you...

June said...

Cozy, cozy, cozy cabin!
And awe-inspiring views too!
You have a wonderful life, Betsy.

HalfCrazy said...

Wow, that is one beautiful place! I appreciate all the fog and the really cold climate. I especially like the fact that you guys own a beautiful cabin on a good spot!

I LOVE hiking! Sometimes I even sprint up instead of being really careful. I like the adventure! On some parts of trekking, I take my time and go slow to appreciate the beauty around me.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Welcome back.This place is as beautiful as ever.It is no wonder that you keep going back there.I love how you are able to turn even less than perfect weather into a great time.

Mr. Bill said...

What a beautiful getaway!

Betty Manousos said...

Hi Betsy!
Wow, you both look gorgeous!!
Great scenery, and I really enjoyed these photos!
I love hiking, too.
Looks like you had a great time and
welcome back!

Happy Monday!

Betty Manousos said...

Oh, and I'd love it if we'd share links.
I love your blog.

diane b said...

I can see why you love it. The cabin is gorgeous and the view is fabulous. Lucky you got some shots before the weather came in. I'm glad you had a good time anyway. You two are such cheery souls and so in tune with each other that it must be easy to have fun whatever the weather. I love the way you wear matching shirts.

RoeH said...

Well I'm totally jealous. What a gorgeous place and that cabin. I would have loved the weather. I was in Hawaii once on Maui I think and the week turned out to be one continuous rainstorm. Lots of tourists there were griping about it. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I just loved that whole week there in the rain. We wandered down into a rain forest that had neat trails and to do that in the rain was just the neatest experience. Weather doesn't change my appetite for having fun. I'd have loved the fog.

Darla said...

Rain or shine this looks like an amazing get a way! You crack me up traveling with birdseed...

Catherine said...

It looks like you two love birds had a beautiful week ~ and lots of fun seeing different things. Oh you two are the cutest!!!

Like your new blog look!

Have a good week Betsy!
xo Catherine

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

That truly is a piece of heaven! If I had gone there I don't think I would ever leave. LOL Thank you so much for your caring comment on Lester. Still having crying times and its comforting having friends that understand and don't tell me "cheer up, it was just a goat". Looking forward to reading more about your wonderful trip.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous setting! I can see why you call it a piece of Heaven.

amelia said...

Stunning, stunning, stunning!!!

For all the times you have posted about your little cabin, I don't think I've ever seen such pretty shots of it and the surrounding area. Maybe my memory is bad!

Do you have hydro up there? It looks so isolated it would surprise me if you did. It's such a beautiful place, so rustic and just perfect..

From the Kitchen said...

What a gorgeous cabin and location. When life gives you fog, snuggle up and enjoy!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are fantastic, i love love love the rock cabin, and the view is gorgeous. that first photo of you and george is great and I can see the fog behind you, also see the fog in the others. welcome back to blog and, waiting to see the fog photos

Janice K said...

What a beautiful place....I can see why you love it.

I really like your red dogwood header too. I saw my first crocuses blooming in our yard yesterday. It will probably be another month before we see our dogwoods bloom.

Have a great day!

Out on the prairie said...

Amazing little get away, it has me wishing to visit.I had a friend just get back from near the Hot Spring area and he would like to move out of this cold down to there.

Anonymous said...

It truly is a magical cabin in a spectacular setting. So glad you enjoyed your visit and the great fireplace. Can't wait to see more pictures. Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

My goodness, that view is truly SPECTACULAR & very very high... I'm a scared-y cat when it comes to heights, so I wouldn't have been able to get close to the edge AT ALL! =)
YiKeS! heheheee

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wonderful views of the cabin and the natural features. It looks like a beautiful place. Glad you both enjoyed the spot. BIrdseed when traveling is a nice idea! Have a great day today & keep an eye on the weather as we may have a storm or two if the weather predictions are right.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, welcome back! Love the view from the cabin...wow, spectacular! I can see why you both love it there. Great photo of you and George. Glad you both had such a wonderful time and thanks for sharing your trip with us. Now I have another place I'd like to visit to add to my list! Have a good week. Hugs, Cheryl

Patty said...

Hi Betsy
This is Patty from AutumsMeadow blog
Sorry for not being in touch for such a long long time. I had to close that blog down due to some personal stuff going on in my life. For now it will remain closed, but life has once again settled down and I have been able to open a new blog
it is called In The Trailerhood. I hope you will come by and visit and we can reconnect again
Hugs to you

Arkansas Patti said...

I do love that view from the back porch. Your vacations lately have made packing a slicker paramount.
Have you thought of contacting states suffering drought? I am sure they would pay you big time to visit them.
On the behalf of Arkansas, I want to thank you for the much needed rain.
I know you had a great time regardless. You two are so good at making lemonade.

Small City Scenes said...

What a wonderful little hide-away. I am glad you had a great time---as you always do. the views are spectacular. thanks for all the great shots. MB

Karin said...

That's a lovely photo of the two of you! What a picturesque and idyllic location for return visits! Thanks for sharing all those photos and making my day! we hope to get above zero today and the sun is peeking out! Glad you're back safe and sound!

Ginny Hartzler said...

It may have taken me quite a while, but I am beginning to warm up to this place!! How close is anyone else, or other cabins? This weather is good in a way. The fog and low clouds have their own silent kind of mysterious beauty. You will now have a totally different kind of posts, I like that. It IS a very cute cabin!! And wow to the first pic! That actually looks like low lying clouds behind you and George, very cool. i have maybe one bad picture of a turkey vulture, wish I had some good ones!!! did you change your background or has it just been a long time since I've been here? Very pretty!! Welcome back!!!! Your spark has been missed.

Diane said...

Very beautiful place Betsy. But I sure wouldn't want to walk in my sleep!! Diane

nanny said...

Your pictures are so wonderful...
I had a feeling you were in Arkansas and I hated so bad the weather we had....
the cabin is just perfect. Do you have to reserve it years ahead of time? I can't believe I have never been there and it's only 3 hours at the most from my house. I'm going to have to do something about that!!
Last week might have been better than this week, it isn't starting out very good....High, high winds and tstorm/tornado watches/warnings!
Do you stay at the cabin all week or get out and go places?

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It's easy to see why you love this place. You're giving me lots of ideas for future vacations for Doug and me, too. He would love this. As for weather, it was about the same where you live. I know. That's where I was visiting. :)

Glenda said...

Great photos, Betsy, in spite of the fog and rain! The cabin and surroundings do look like a little piece of heaven. The picture of you and George is really good - one that is frame worthy! Glad you had a good time!

HalfCrazy said...

About your comment in my blog..

There are a lot of tourist spots here in the Philippines that ever since it was highly publicized by the government, the spot was damaged by industrialization and not so much care and funds are used to maintain the place.

Whatever happened to publicizing the place and also taking care of it?

Pat - Arkansas said...

I'm glad you are home safely. I'm sorry the weather didn't cooperate with you a bit more; t'was the same here. You and George always turn lemons into lemonade; those are lovely photos.

Unknown said...

How beautiful! Sorry the weather did not cooperate, but I am sure the time away was still enjoyed to its fullest! How smart to bring birdseed for when company comes! :-)

Did you see the two eaglets? That third one was trying to get out yesterday. It will be interesting to see if he/she, makes it. Glad they all survived last night's storm that went through the Midwest!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What gorgeous views from that little stone cabin, I could live there permanantly !
I wondered how the weather was affecting you, since I remember it was warmer last time you were there, but true to form, you enjoyed the difference no matter what.
You were missed !

HappyK said...

What a beautiful place for a vacation no matter what the weather. I just love the cabin. I love stone houses anyway and this looks so cute. What fantastic views you have there.
Glad you had a good time and happy you are back home safe and sound.

Ann said...

Oh I love the look of that cabin. What an awesome place for a vacation. The weather may not have been very cooperative but it sure is a pretty place. Looks like the perfect place to relax and unwind

Connie said...

What a gorgeous spot, Betsy. I'm glad you and George had fun even if the weather didn't cooperate very well for you. :-)

Rose said...

Betsy, that place always looks so appealing to me...I think I would just want to go, take a good book, and sit outside if the weather permits and read and sit and watch the world go by.

Glad you had a good time! Lorelei and Sarah came and spent the weekend with us.

mamahasspoken said...

Glad you had a great trip even though rain seems to be a common thread among your recent trips. Good job making the best of it!

Neal said...

All I can say is that is a gorgeous place. I think we might have to plan a trip to that area.

Jen said...

Glad you had a good visit there anyway and I'm sure the birdies are glad you came too.

Shug said...

first of all....Welcome Home! I have missed you.
Gorgeous place...Oh wow, the view is awesome and I know you all had a wonderful time despite the weather. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us...Is this your cabin or one that you lease for the week? Enjoyed seeing this part of your trip.


JDS said...

Looks like a stunning location. I've only vacationed in Arkansas once, but I came away thinking it is one of the most underrated states in the nation.

Shug said...

Hey Betsy...It's me again..My husband just finished looking at your photos...He would like to know the name of this cabin or the number....I just might get to take a trip!!!
He loved it!

carolina nana said...

That is a beautiful place, no wonder you love going there.
Looking forward to your bird pics.
Glad you had a good time,sorry about the weather.
Have a blessed tomorrow

The Retired One said...

Yes, I remember this place from your blog, but I love seeing your photos whenever you go. I am in Milwaukee tonight as we are flying down to Florida tomorrow to my daughter's wedding. I won't have my computer in Florida so I will have to back read your posts when I get back...I look forward to them then. So glad you had a good time!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Welcome home! Glad you are back safe and sound. The views from Mt. Nebo are so beautiful! The cabin looks so cozy and wonderful, Betsy. I cna see why you and George love it up there so much!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Trully a little piece of heaven. The view is incredible and the cabin looks so homely.

Glad you two had a great week together!

Adrienne Zwart said...

You two visit some of the prettiest places and stay in the most charming accommodations! Thanks for sharing your view with us.

Carletta said...

As Adrienne said, it is charming!
The view is unbelieveable.
It would be nice to have a place situated like that to live in full time wouldn't it? :)

Looking forward to seeing the rest of your photos.
Welcome Back Betsy!!!

Annie Jeffries said...

omigosh, Betsy. I really need to visit Tennessee,or at least THIS part of Tennessee. The hubs will be very happy to know that I've added this to our 2012 travel dance card.

SquirrelQueen said...

Welcome back, from your photos it does look like a piece of Heaven. And the dogwoods in your header are so beautiful, look like you found a little springtime too!

Kerrie said...

How absolutely breathtaking and wonderful!! I came over from Ginny's and so glad I did! Lovely! Kerrie

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

What a wonderful shot! A fantastic background. Thanks Betsy..!

penny said...

What an amazing view you had.. no wonder you two love birds stay there.


Loren said...

Oh Betsy!! What a GORGEOUS place! No wonder you continue to return year after year!! I will have to show this to my husband as it looks like a place we should go! We were married in Eureka Spring so Arkansas holds a special place in our hearts!!

KathyA said...

Magnificent!! In the first photo, it looks like the cabin is perched on the top of the world!

What is the inside of the cabin like?

So glad you had a great time in spite of uncooperative weather. Fog can be interesting, right?

Janie said...

What a great view from the cute romantic stone cabin! No wonder you keep going back.
Glad you were able to enjoy the trip even if the weather wasn't very cooperative.
Love the pic of you and George!

Lynda said...

Oh my - - - look at the height!!! I love the picture of you all in the beginning. It truly does look like you are high in the clouds - - - like birds and airplanes! The cabin is so adorable!