The blogs I follow present a great variety to me (which I love): photo-only blogs; personal story blogs; family-oriented blogs; blogs about gardening--which include both veggies and flowers; travel blogs; blogs about pets; birding blogs; cooking and food blogs; health and well-being type blogs; question-based blogs; etc. etc. etc.
What is the most important thing about blogging to you? To me, I love getting comments and building relationships (through email)... That way, I can really get to know another blogger. The number of followers doesn't mean as much to me --- since many of those people never make a comment, so I don't get to know them.
This brings me to the most important question: In your opinion, what is the best way to thank people who come to your blog, or ask you a question????? I struggle with this one --and notice that bloggers do it several different ways (depending upon the number of comments you get, or the amount of time you have to devote to blogging).
Here are some of the ways I have seen this done:
1. Some bloggers respond to comments on their own blog --as another comment.
2. Some bloggers send an email to everyone who comments on their blog, even if it is just a thank you.
3. Some bloggers don't reply to comments unless a question is asked. Then, they may either email or leave a comment on the blog.
4. Some bloggers thank others who visit their blog, by visiting that person's blog.
I used to do #1 above ---but realized that most people (me included) never have time to return to that blog. SO---I decided not to do it anymore.
I have never done #2--and really don't think it is needed. I have some wonderful blog friends who always send me a 'thank you' via email when I comment on their blog. That is nice and I do appreciate them taking the time for this. I will say that I would probably do alot more of this IF I had the time. BUT--keeping up with so many blogs is about all that I can handle (and I cannot always do this well either).
I am one of the #3 group. I do appreciate all of the comments, and hope that people know that. IF they ask a specific question, I will email them with the answer... If I don't have their emails, I WILL leave an answer on my blog for them (wondering if they will come back to get the answer)... OR--I sometimes leave an answer on THEIR blog. I feel like the most important thing for me to do is #4.
Most of us (I think) participate in #4. I always visit another blogger who visits me. If we enjoy each other's blogs and start communicating regularly, that is when I make a decision to follow that person's blog (after several visits).
NOW--it's your turn to talk!!!!! Which of those four ways listed do you do to communicate with others? OR---do you know of another good way to communicate? OR---is communication important to you??? I would love hearing your opinions --and hopefully, they will help me and others do a better job of saying Thank You.
We had a great time at Biltmore yesterday and didn't get home until 8 p.m. We saw lots of Dogwoods, Azaleas, Tulips and even some Daffodils still blooming. What a fabulous place. I'll share pictures next week. Have a great weekend. I'll see you on Monday.
ALL illustrations and pictures today are from the internet.
I mostly do what you do: 3 & 4. I will respond to a question or if someone has reached out to me in response to a need or problem I've written about, I will email them my appreciation and let them know I value them and their input.
I also visit their blogs and comment. I'm also like you in that if I feel a connection to that person and his/her blog touches me in some way, I will add the blog to my regular list on my sidebar.
I only respond in my blog if I think the question is something others will wonder about--it's usually something I didn't make clear in my post.
I do tend to stay faithful to those who respond back to me. If they don't show an interest in my blog, then I begin to feel as if my comments are not really appreciated on their blogs and I take them off my list.
There are exceptions: two involve Joanne,the young mother who had a stroke and a third is a young woman battling breast cancer. I follow theirs without leaving a comment (once in a while I do) and don't expect any acknowlegement in return.
I update my list about every two months or so. Since I stil teach full time, I have to limit the number of blogs because I think it's rude not to acknowledge the posts verbally and I can only fit into my schedule a small number.
I don't feel it's necessary to email back a thank you for every comment unless I'm not following her blog.
I do wish folks would email with their email address and not those 'no address, comment only' emails. Then I have to go to their posts and hunt their email, if I want to email back.
Good questions, Betsy. I was happy to see your post. I somehow thought you'd be gone all weekend.
Am looking forward to your next set of Biltmore photos. :)
I love the way you illustrated your thoughts in this post with the relevant funny photos to make me smile. That's what I liked most about your blogs, full of lovely and happy photos. I live in a stressful city and hardly see colorful birds and flowers like yours. I think our birds are equally stressed too and they look small sized and grayish!
All in all, I rate you as a thoughtful and very smart blogger!
Hi Betsy!
I try to respond to comments (Which I LOVE) by going to the blogger who left one. But, when I have some free time on my hands I do some blog following and see what's going on with the blogs I follow and leave a comment.
I especially love following you and George and seeing all your beautiful pictures and reading your stories. I hope one day that you will follow me again!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Debbie's Travels
I'm a #3 and 4 kind of girl! I appreciate comments but can't make blogging my job...just some fun and a place to record thoughts and photos was my idea when I started out. I will say the benefit of new relationships has been worth any effort I've put into it!
I sometimes reply back to the person,but not always.I have occasionally made post to say thank-you to my followers.Yes,when someone new leaves a comment.I will look at their blog and usually leave a comment for them.
I mostly do #4. I love and follow a lot of blogs and feel guilty sometimes for not visiting everyday. I do find time at least a couple days a week to sit down and catch up on all their posts. I don't always leave a comment but try to answer questions when asked. I always have to pop in to visit you so I can enjoy the birds and those lovely mountains and waterfalls! Have a blessed week and see you Monday.
I try to do No. 4 always. I've become very attached to my blog friends and worry when I don't hear from them. Some questions I e-mail an answer to. Some I will go back to the comments on my blog and answer if the question is relevant to more commenters and hope that they see the answer or explanation (wow, Faulkner would be proud of my long sentence). I don't go back to a blog to see if a question is answered but perhaps I should. I do notice that some bloggers "thank" their visitors in a comment on their own blog--can't quite figure that one out.
Now I'm going back to see what some of your other commenters say.
Have a great weekend.
Good morning Betsy. Comments and sometime emails for me. I know I'll never see a waterfall without thinking of you and George. LOL Recently, I haven't been able to visit my blogging friends as much as I would like though.. Did make a mental note that April would be a great time to visit the Biltmore. Til next time have a great weekend
Hi Betsy this is my first visit to your blog-site and it was interesting to read your ideas about blogging!! I'm like you, I generally do #4 and visit the bloggers who have commented on my site. I think it's all a matter of time.
I look forward to more visits to your lovely site.
"Adelaide and Beyond"
I do 3 and 4. But I must admit, sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the wonderful people out there and the more comments a person gets, the more time it takes.
Happy Friday Betty!
xo Catherine
#4 definitely. People are usually not too busy to read the comments posted on their blog!
A lot of thoughts coming back on this already! I never return to someone else's post to see if they commented back. Like you, I visit other blogs and if I start following them, I begin to comment on them - - - most of the time - - and hopefully I can find time. I never knew how much the blog world could start growing since I started mine to keep in touch with family. The great benefit as we both know is the friends we have made as a result.
This is a well thought out post. I do #4 but I also go down my blog list too and visit those who often visit me. I sometimes put up a post one day and visit others the next day. In other words post every other day. It gives me more time to visit others and more time for them to visit me. I usually answer questions via email, if I can find one on their post if not on their post.
This is a great post Betsy.
I do #3 and #4.
Everything else is too time consuming as well. It is annoying when someone asks a question, but there email is NOT attached to their profile. I do they expect ME to answer them????
Glad you visit was great yesterday...we had a late(er) day as well. Exhausted today!!!!
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Betsy, #'s 1 & 4 with a dash of 2. I try to keep the body of the post about the animals and birds with the comments a tiny bit more personal. Have a super good day!
I try to respond in emails form questions, otherwise send a message to their blog. I offer my email for further questions and do correspond to a few friends on both blogs and emails.If something catches me with a good feeling I like to relay that thought back to a blogging friend.
I like it that you enjoyed my chicken dinner poem. I enjoy going to all the little churches around and rarely miss these meals.I got an email today from the UMC asking to post what I love about them on a Facebook page.
I love the connections I've made. But I think the foremost reason I blog is to have a voice and to have that voice heard -- especially now since I don't have a classroom (captive audience!!).
I always thank new visitors and I also pay their blog a visit.
Good Morning, Glad you two had a great time at Biltmore and can't wait to see the pics.
I try to visit each blogger that leaves a comment on my blog. I try to email answers to questions I get on my blog posts.
Hope you and George have a nice weekend.
I try and leave a comment when reading my favorite blogs. It can become very time-consuming to leave comments, but I try extremely hard to let the writers know, I stopped by.
Looking forward to your Biltmore photos !
Currently I'm trying #1, it's like having a conversation with a lot of people. And sometimes things get added in my comments that weren't in the original blog!
And I've always done #4...if someone makes a deliberate choice to visit my blog or just wanders in...I want to know a little about them too, so I visit them!
I enjoyed your post, I need to pare down my list of those I follow (again), it's getting to large for me to keep up with!
I think my comments are set to non-reply and I don't want that. How do I change it?
Great post Betsy.
So I think if you ask a question on a blog you should have a comment that can be replied to with email. I read most my comments thru my email. But I also check the box for follow up comments in the comment box because I know some bloggers reply to a comment, even if they don't ask a question.
Email (when available) and returning comments seems to work best for me :-)
I don't e-mail unless there's a question to answer or a response to be made more personally. I typically abide by rule #4.
I am a #3 and #4 type girl. I wish had more time so that I could respond to each comment. But there are only so many hours in the day:)
#1 and #4 work best for me since I don't have a lot of time. But i enjoy visiting other people's blogs even though I haven't posted lately.
My blog is young and has only a few followers. I respond to their comments on my blog. It sometimes makes for an interesting dialogue between me and the commenters and even, occasionally, between the commenters themselves. I realize that not everyone returns to see my response, but that's okay.
When someone new visits, I do go to their blog and usually leave a comment on one of their recent posts. In that comment, though, I don't usually mention the comment they left on my blog because I don't want it to look as if I'm using their blog to try to attract readers to mine.
Oh, and I do enjoy returning to a blog where I've left a comment, to see if the blog owner has responded to it.
Hi Betsy, another interesting topic interspersed with fun stuff! I love reading other blogs much more than I enjoy writing or preparing a post. I run out of ideas and inspiration very quickly! I do visit back all who visit me and leave a comment. I'm with you - I do #3 and #4 - although sometimes I may have missed a question and forgot to answer. Sometimes I've left an answer to a question from my post, when I go to visit their post and I comment and answer the question. It seems to work. There are several blogs I visit and comment, but they don't comment on mine - like some pastor's blogs I read.
Don't have as much time for blogging as I did a while back, but I love keeping up with yours and George's!
Looking forward to your pics from the Biltmore visit.
God bless and have a great week-end!
I basically do number one and number four. I try to always leave a comment on the blogs I visit. I love the relationships I have formed with my blogging friends. When any that I follow stop, I always have fond memories of them and wonder if they are okay. The blogs I follow have entertaining but informative knowledge. I love to learn so it is an adventure for me and then there are the blogs who photos are marvelous. I love to see others perspective and then the talent in the blogs I read is inspiring. Peace
I love your "Let's Talk Fridays"
first of all, I will say that blogging is wonderful therapy for me!
I have made so many wonderful friends and there are some like you, Ms. Ruth,Ginny, Bj and others that I have never met, but yet I feel like I know you.
I guess I am mostly #4...I love comments, but not because of what I write, it's because I love the friendship and communicating with other bloggers...
Good Question today...
Hugs to you!
Hi Betsy, I really like this post and will be back later to read the comments and see what others have said.
I tend to comment on blogs who also comment on mine. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the few I have so I admire those of you who have hundreds of followers!
As for email, I've yet to set mine up. I keep meaning to, just never have gotten around to it.
I do get a little worried about bloggers when we don't hear from them in a while. Nensa Moon comes to mind. So I try to let bloggers know when I will be taking a long break.
I don't know a good way to answer questions except to answer in a comment on their blog. Which reminds me, the finch feeder you asked me about was bought at Lowe's home improvement store. I like the number of feeding spots but I DON'T like how you have to fill it with the feed. It's slow going.
I'll be looking for more Biltmore photos! You and George have a great weekend.
3 & 4. I don't know how you do what you do as I have a hard time keeping up with the few commenters I do have!!!
Well Ms. Betsy, it just all depends on my mood and how much time I have...I do like to go to my commenters blogs and leave a comment answering their question..that way I know they will read it.
I always wonder about this whole answering comment thing too.
I will respond to a direct question if asked. Sometimes on my blog, but like you said you don't know if they come back or not but I still do anyway. I'm thinking that if they asked a direct question they will come back to check.
When people visit my blog for the first time I will go to their blog and leave a comment and thank them for visiting mine.
Sometimes I go back to their blog to answer it there.
If a few people have asked the same question I will even answer it the next day right in that day's post.
I don't think it necessary to respond to every comment. I certainly don't expect it.
I love when people comment and I like to leave comments. I agree with you, you really get to know follow bloggers when both comment.
i love getting and giving comments. if i wrote on all the blogs i would like to it would take me 10 hours of the day. i have some that i write on every post unless i have a senior moment and miss one, and those are the ones i have become friends with and email with. If someone new writes on my post, i go to their sight and say thanks or make a comment. i do not follow them. i need to cut back on the ones i am following so am not adding new ones any more.
when blogging becomes a chore and takes more than 2 or 3 hours a day, i just pick and choose on where to comment. i dont stop followign i just don't comment on every post
I must be different (Betsy, keep your comments to yourself :) ) because I follow a blog because I'm interested in what they post and if they never make a comment on mine that is fine. For example, I like to read what you & George post because you go to some interesting places and take some interesting pictures and I would read your blogs as often as I could (which has been spare lately) no matter if you ever commented on mine. I do think the number of comments you get is directly related to the make on other blogs.
Betsy, I want to tell you I sure do look forward to your Friday subjects...always wondering what you will talk about next.
I have so been wanting to do another post about blogging, but have not gotten around to it. I visit some quilt blogs for try to get the juices start flowing...and I leave a few comments on those. A lot of those bloggers respond with a personal email...which is nice. And I even chat back and forth with some of them...
But my favorite response is for someone to leave a comment on my blog...I love comments. And sometimes wonder why they are important to me.
If I ask a question, I prefer for the blogger to either email me with the answer or to come to my blog and leave a comment...I do go back and check for an answer IF I remember. Sometimes my head is so full of thoughts, that I don't remember....but it still does not make my question any less sincere.
I started out blogging as a kind of journal, although I did not have the nerve to tell the world all my private thoughts...I also blogged to try to encourage myself to take more pictures and to sew more...and it really worked. Especially the taking photos part...and sewing, too for a while.
With so much that has happened in the past year or two, I have not sewn as much as I did...simply because I have a hard time sewing when I am worried or upset.
As far as me commenting on people's blogs, some I comment on almost every single post, I even have a hard time not commenting when I am so far behind....I am really trying to do better on that one. Hopefully, won't have to get behind so far again as I did last October and December...
I really do like at least one return visit....but some blogs I would visit and make comments regardless....and yes, I would follow them. I tend to bookmark a blog and read it that way before I start to follow it.
I too, am a #3 & 4 person. I always read the blogs I follow but don't ALWAYS comment, especially if I'm behind in my reading having been away or something. There are a couple of blogs I follow but don't comment at all, two of those are recipe blogs, though I have commented if I actually end up making a recipe and liking it.
I like getting to know the person a little so especially like the blogs that tell something of their life/ideas/thoughts. People are so interesting.
Don't get me started!!! Well, the most important thing to me about my own blog, is letting others know about Jesus, just my tiny little way of outreach, especially for ones in other countries. Once in a while, I won't leave a bible verse or story, like today, and I don't like that, but the blog is also my way of sharing my excitement about life and the wonderful things in it, and encouraging others to ENJOY LIFE. That no matter how bad things are, there are always others who are worse, so enjoy the moment and the beauty. About the answers to many people give you their answer on their blog, but after going there once to comment, I don't come back till their next poost, I'm just too busy. I wish they would answer on MY blog, where I will be sure to see it, or else e-mail. If I have a comment from a new person, I always visit their blog and thank them, then I see if I like it and take it from there.
Interesting questions, Betsy. I do #1 and #4 as much as possible as time allows.
I really appreciate commenters. They are what keeps me going. Other wise, these posts would be a soliloquy.
I answer each commenter with a comment and visit all blogs I follow. Yep, it can get to be a part time job but I enjoy it.
I'm a 3 & 4 girl too. What I have taken to doing is trying to subscribe through e-mail so that I get to read the new blogs that I find. I am not always good about checking my Google Reader; it's my goal to go through it and sort out the keepers and those that do not fit my needs.
I am a #3 and #4 kind of blogger. I always pay a visit to a blog if I see a comment from someone new. I also visit blogs of those who are new followers.
By emailing personal responses to especially kind comments, or to answer questions. I also feel somewhat frustrated when people make comments that beg an answer and do not have an email address. I have made some great blogger friends. These relationships are very important to me.
I am constantly updating my blog roll. You have so many who comment on your blog, I don't know how you keep up.
To me blogging is all about relationships.
I comment on comments (#1) quite often when I think the commenter is likely to return, because to make my own comment elsewhere seems like it would lose relativity. This involves close family and friends who are likely to visit each day and maybe go back to check other comments. I like this method.
For others, I don't always feel comfortable leaving comments with someone who has no idea who I am. When I do comment then, it is just a few words. I have to say that of all the blogs I follow, there are just four or five, outside of family, that I really want to visit everyday and enjoy exchanging ideas and thoughts with. This is usually done with comments...#4 comes closest. Sometimes we send emails and I love that. I would like to think we have a friendship.
I adore these people and their insights into living. That includes you, Betsy. I look for you everyday on both our sites.
I usually leave a comment as a comment after my post ~ or visit the other persons blog and leave a comment there or direct them back to the comment I made on my comment. Ahhh... the confusion of it all! But... that's the life of a blogger:)
I almost always respond to all comments on my blog by leaving a comment but it's usually one big long comment naming each person seperately. Like you said though not many people go back and read that.
I would love to email each person that comments but I just don't have the time to do it. I have started emailing those that ask a question though.
When I get a new commenter I always go and visit their blog and leave a comment. If they return to mine and I find their blog interesting I'll add them to my list of favorites. So I guess my way of doing it is pretty much the same as yours.
My problem right now is that I have several blogs in my reader that I no longer enjoy for one reason or another. I've tried to remove them (several times) but they just keep popping back up in there. I can just scroll past their posts but I really wanted to clean things up and remove the ones that I'm no longer reading
hi Betsy, interesting Questions.
i use to e-mail every commenter and thank them for their comment.
I blog because i like to share the things i love and i do love the feedback.
I really enjoyed your post, and those images are gerat!
happy weekend!
betty x
Good Morning Betsy,
I read your blog yesterday morning but wanted to give it some thought before I responded and I also enjoyed reading the 46 comments on their responses.
It's a difficult question just becuase what I thought was the way I'd do it: #1..I began with that and then it was just too much time involved. I also wondered if they had time to come back and read the return comment so I stopped doing that.
What I think I do is go with my gut and if someone visits and I vist their blog and 'feel' like it's a place I could regularly stop by either by the content or the reciprocity or we just click; like I did with you...I continue to follow and e-mail and really get to know the person/people.
I also recognize that some people are just 'passers-by' and they stop once and that is the end and it was nice for that moment.
But I typically do what you do, I visit their blog in return and 'try it out' but I tend to go back to the people I have buildt relationships with and developed friendships and thank them by hearing their voice consistently.
Great post Betsy and I too feel that most important are the quality frienships developed.
love and hugs to you dear...I ran out of steam with my A to Z and will forge ahead on Monday. I'm not an everyday blogger and this challenge has forced me to become one and it's not feeling comfortable.
talk to you soon!
For me the best way to thank someone is to return their comment. Everybody loves comments whether we admit it or not. If someone took the time to leave me a comment the least I can do is leave them one even if it's a blog I wouldn't go back too I leave a comment and thank them for visiting. Sometimes it takes me a couple of days but I always return them.
I think some people answer comments on their own blog so as not to return visits. I think if you want a 'following' you have to visit others and leave genuine comments. I despise the comments I get like
'nice picture, I'm now following you please follow me.' Those are folks who want to see high numbers on their followers list and most of those never visit again. A true follower is someone who says I wonder what Betsy posted today and they will know it might be flowers, or birds or waterfalls or something unexpected but always upbeat and joyful because they've come to 'know' you and they like what they see. :)
Hope you're having a great weekend! As I sit typing this it is POURING the rain down and expected to last must of the day.
Well, I love visiting the different blogs, I am with you Betsy, the number of followers does not mean much, I love comments, it is nice if we work hard for some to come and comment on how it looks, or says, or thinks, lol I love people, and blogging I have not made many friends, God says to have friends we must be friendly, well I think I am friendly but have not made many really good friends, many visit, some leave comments, some do not, but I do love those who visit and leave comments, I can respond to those, when you do not comment I never know you been there, love your blog, and love you Mrs Betsy, you are a dear woman with so many talents, God bless you
I to am a #4 person I feel like that is a good way to show appreciation.
I started my blog just as a legacy for future generations to read about the life I lead and how lifestyles were during this time. But now it has been a true blessing to me with all the friends I have met and I really enjoy communicating with all my blog friends everyday and reading about lifestyle differences in other peoples lives and places.
Have a blessed weekend
I'm pretty much a #4. Sometimes I answer a question with a comment on my blog but only if I think someone else might have the same question. I agree with you it is hard to go back and read answers to all of the blogs we visit.
Betsy, I enjoy very much your blog. I communicate with folks like you. I like to visit the blogs of other people. It's a great way to "talk" with others.
I love your header photo of the tame dogwoods.
Have a wonderful weekend.
WOW! I LOVE this post and LOVE reading your answers from everyone!
I will email if I have time to respond and this has to be the one that I feel so much guilt over...having the time to respond! There are some who follow me that if i comment I get an email every single time. I think, wow I am awful that I don't do this LOL
I have NEVER responded on my blog and NEVER gone back to a blog to see if they have responded to something I have said. I follow many blogs and chances of going back twice to one specific post is not usually something I do or have time to do.
I am sooo very thankful for blogging and blessed with the friendships the Lord has given me through so many bloggers. I would be so sad If I had to stop. Meeting wonderful people like you and George just are such a gift and I am so very thankful!
If I ask a question on a blog, I try to go back to see if it's been answered. Sometimes I will reply to comments left on my blog but usually if it is someone new, I will visit theirs and thank them for stumbling over my way.
I've tried some of the ones that you mention but always wondered if anyone came back and read my comment to them. Now if it's a question/statement that I think really needs me to answer/comment back I'll do it in a new post.
I'm with you, primarily doing #4.
I think I try to do more like #4 - return visit to my bloggy friends. (Though as of late, I've been a bad blogger.) But I have to say it's been such a wonderful experience connecting w/ so many people, learning new things and making new friends. The best part is getting to meet a bloggy friend in person like when I met you and Leedra!
Big Hugs to you and George,
Hi Betsy, interesting post and it is nice to see what everyone has to say. I am a 3 and 4 person. I always try to visit bloggers who visit me and comment. There are times where I go thru my list of blogs I follow to see their new post and make a comment. I do appreciate everyones visit to my blog and I try to return the favor by visiting them and following too.
Hej Betsy!
I visit who visits me...ALWAYS.
I dont user to answer the comments in my blog....I prefer to visit the readers and to know better them. If I like the blog, I want to read again and it doesnt matter if they visit me or not, I´ll continue visiting and reading....
But if the blogger doesn´t visit me, of course...I can continue reading the blogger but I don´t comment anymore...
I follow many bloggers and most of them are in my list on the MENU of my blog. The blogs are photoblogs or not.
Have a nice sunday
I try to visit those who visit me. I have too many blogs though and I can't or don't always get around. I have debated abut taking the comment widget off. Then people can visit or not and I won't know it and won't feel obligated to respond or visit them.
Blogs are tools we use but people in big office buildings own them and make a lot of money from them or they would not be available for free for us to use and get hooked on. Patty and I have been doing this since the 1990s and have said it all many times and not much of it is worth repeating.
I never did get more than 100 or 200 comments on one blog post but Margaret and Helen get 1,700 or more on each post they publish. You can get their address from Google. Margaret and Helen. And they don't visit anybody.
Hi Betsy, Great question! I am also very grateful for visitors to my blog. I do 3 and 4. By the way, I like the cute blogging cartoons you included in this post. :D
Great post. I am definitely of the #4 school. When there's a question I try to answer in the comments and via email--just in case someone else has the same question and is too shy to ask. But I email it too if I have their email address.
Hi my friend. I think were both on the same page and I feel the same way you do. I do the same. Its hard to keep up. You did get some wonderful feedback and great blog.
My accident was bad enough for me.
Im scared to drive. I hit a truck and my car only four is a right off with 18 thousand dollars damage to . The front end is not there. I broke my nose and fractured a cheek bone. I was a mess and black and blue. I still dream of it. My first accident and hope its my last. An angel by the name of Nacey was with me in min and that lady kept me calm until the EMTs came and off to the hospital I went stapped to a spine board. God is looking out for me. It could have been worse.
My airbag did not deploy . Its almst a month. I rest alot and pray alot.
Yes I do the same as you! How do you even read 63 comments before me? and visit all of us? I would guess you work hard at blogging :)
I do the 4th. sometimes, when it is personal, I email.
For some of my readers, I really feel that we have become friends. like you and George.
I try to do 3 and 4, Betsy. I answer by email when possible, or in the comment session if that's the only way. Sometimes I do both if I think other readers might be interested in the answer...
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