Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birds at Mt. Nebo--Part II

Last week,  I showed you Part I of the birds I enjoyed while at Mt. Nebo in Arkansas the week of March 28.  If you missed that post,  click  HERE.  Today,  I'll share another group of birds I saw ---and enjoyed feeding while we were there... Above is a winter favorite of mine,  the DARK-EYED JUNCO.  Below are more.

As I said last week,  we had an abundance of CROWS around.  Here is a picture of one of them snatching a sunflower seed.

Here's a pretty bird,  but one which can be a nuisance to other birds.  This is a BLUE JAY.  Speaking of Blue Jays,  ours here in the Glade leave us during the winter --but come back from Spring until late Fall.  On Saturday,  April 9,  the Blue Jays were BACK at my home --and the feeders!!!!  They are very noisy birds!

I love these little birds since we have them at home.  These are the CAROLINA CHICKADEES.   They 'pal' around with the Tufted Titmice and the White-breasted Nuthatches...

And here is the other one of that 'trio' listed above.  This is the WHITE-BREASTED  NUTHATCH.   These little guys can be found hanging upside down on trees some of the time!!!!!  They also make the cutest little 'chatter' sound.

I kept watching the TURKEY VULTURES,  as they circled around  and around.  The picture above shows the huge wingspan of these big birds.

Finally,  here is another picture of the Turkey Vultures --after landing on one of the rocks near the edge of the mountain.

Hope you enjoyed my Arkansas Birds...  I think I saw about 13 different varieties of birds during the time we were there.

Hope you have a wonderful day.


Beth said...

I enjoyed these, especially the pics of the smaller birds. Blue jays were a problem at my feeders in Cinci. Some were bullies.
Those turkey vultures sure are ugly!:)

Anonymous said...

Turkey vultures are neat to see on the ground.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is good to see that the fog didn't keep you from enjoying the birds.Right now I have perhaps 50 or more Juncos on the yard.They are eating me out of house and home,but I love it.I know they will soon be moving north for nesting.

Neal said...

Nice Betsy!! I love all of them....except the crow and I have no use for them. Do those buzzards know something that I don't? :)

Anonymous said...

You had a great idea to take food for the birds on your trip. I have enjoyed seeing all the different birds. Those turkey vultures are hideous!!! Have a nice day, Betsy.

mamahasspoken said...

We have those turkey vultures around here too. Usually, when you see them, you know there is something dead near by. Once, on my way home from work, I saw about 15 of them enjoying a snack of deer on the side of the road. It was a most interesting sight.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the ones in AR look just like the ones here and at your home in TN. we saw our first Jay of the season, they appear this time of year. don't know where they go during the winter. great shot of the vulture on the cliff.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Super duper photography Betsy...loved all of these photos...the turkey vultures are so ugly, you just have to love em!!!
Have a beautiful day!!!

Catherine said...

So many sweet little birds!
Happy Tuesday Betsy!
xo Catherine

Harriet said...

I agree the turkey vultures are ugly. We have Blue Jays here during the winter usually there are three that come to the feeder together.

Jen said...

I rely on my Blue Jays to tell me to the peanuts out. :)
I'm sure these guys will be happy to see you and George again next year.

Janice K said...

I bet those birds can't wait till you come back again.

Susie said...

It's funny you mentioning how loud the blue jays are. I hear one right now outside the window.

Loved all the birdies Betsy.

Karin said...

Woke to the songs of the crows this morning shortly after five! Noisy guys too and such raspy voices! Loved your little birds - they are so sweet! We have blue jays up our way too and they really attack when anyone - person or animal - moves into 'their space', lol!

My vote for the ugliest bird goes to the ------ turkey vulture!

Have a great day! It's off to work I go!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It seems odd for the Blue Jays to leave you during the winter. We're further north and usually have worse winter weather than you (with the exception of this last winter), and they stay here all year. I've enjoyed visiting Mt. Nebo with you through your posts.

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shots Betsy. Them ol' buzzards are weird aren't they. MB

Diane said...

I did. Some of the blue jays winter around here and once in a while a robin doesn't leave. I love the little juncos and chickadees. Nice pictures Betsy. Diane

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Loved your bird shots, Betsy. I'll try to remember to take some bird seed when we go on vacation. Great idea!! Have a great day...it's rainy here and it's in the forecast for every day through the rest of the week and weekend except for tomorrow.

Becca's Dirt said...

Sounds like a great time of lounging while watching the birds. Great photos.

Darla said...

Oh yes, those Blue Jays make quite a racket! Circling buzzards, must have been something dead on the ground. Circling buzzards actually led to a dead person here in our area...pretty weird huh?

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely shots, I like the vultures

Loren said...

When my husband spent a weekend in Eureka Springs at a B&B we saw the most beautiful birds !! They also had squirrel feeders and we laughed and laughed as the squirrels would hang upside down, sideways, you name it ~ they were quite the trapeze artists! Anything for food right :)

Great Pics As usual! :)

Anonymous said...

Great bird shots! Loved them all even the Blue Jay and the Turkey Vultures!

amelia said...

Betsy, I wrote a long discourse about my battle with Jays and Grackles and blogger ate it and I'm not doing it all again!
Just letting you know I was here!!

Connie said...

I bet your bird friends were glad to see you, Betsy! :) Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic shots, Betsy... especially of the turkey buzzards... don't much like those suckers, they're scary, but you got great shots of em!!! =)

Blue Jays really ARE a nuisance, but I love the blue on em... so pretty! =)

Rose said...

That last picture of the vultures is a good one...I love all those other birds mentioned except the blue jay....and I like them, but they can be mean.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, We have all of these birds here at home so you must have enjoyed seeing all. Excellent pictures. I love the picture you took of the Buzzard sitting poised to go on that rocky outcrop. Have an outstanding day!

Glenda said...

Betsy, you get the BEST close-up shots of birds!! What lens do you use?

Thank you for taking the time to make personal comments on my blog! You are always uplifting!

Unknown said...

LOVE to watch the Juncos at m mom and dad's feeder. I really need to get one of our own out this winter. Now that we have the sun room, we can sit and watch our feathered friends.

Tracy said...

Well Dear, my favorite is the Carolina bird, of course...no, I also like the Blue Jay although he can be mean; perhaps we need to reframe our thinking and wonder if perhaps he's been bullied by other birds and needs to stand strong? I know, always looking out for the little guy!
I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday...

Velvet Over Steel said...

Well the birds have finally returned to my yard after a very long winter. So good to see them again and now birds always make me think of You, Betsy!! :-) I even thought about taking some pictures last weekend... but it would be very hard to get any as Good as the ones you take!! Yours are awesome! :-)

Coreen XOXO

Lady Di Tn said...

Very nice photos but I know vultures are necessary but I would not even think of photographing one. When I see little Nuthatches hanging upside down my first thought is "they like to look at the world at a different angle." Thanks for sharing the birds with us. Peace

Ginny Hartzler said...

A great variety! My fave is the tiny chickadee looking up! We have many here, but I have never seen one STILL on the ground. What is he looking at, YOU? Are you The Bird Whisperer? Ha ha ha ha!! I have been hoping to see a nuthatch or to around here, but none so far.

HappyK said...

Yes, I did enjoy seeing all you birds. The blue jays are noisy but they are so pretty. I love the little chickadees. Such cute little things.

DayPhoto said...

Great shots, Betsy!


Ann said...

I always enjoy seeing pictures of the birds. I've heard that blue jays can be a real nuisance but I don't get many around here. Once or twice one may fly through but they don't stay long. I do get nuthatches though and I just love watching them.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Beautiful pictures you shared with us. I am off to see Part 1 now.
Hope you can come by and enter my chocolate giveaway before May 1st.
Have a wonderful Easter

Lynda said...

Years ago there was a bird that used to dive-bomb one of our cats. It would peck the cat's back and then take off about the time the cat would flip to get the bird. I guess the cat had aggravated its nest at one time.

penny said...

I love the Easter colors and look of your blog, Betsy. It makes me smile :)
You bird shots are wonderful as well.

be well, be happy
hugs, Pam

Carletta said...

I'm taking birdseed on my next vacation. :) Awesome how many you saw.
I've read down the comments and I must have good Blue Jays or maybe just not a lot of competition for the seed. Mine don't come everyday but I haven't seen them mean.
You got great shots of the vultures! I like them up in the sky gliding along where you can't see their faces. Ha!
Hope you're having a good week Betsy.

mudderbear said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy...
I wish those little birds would let us hold them and pet them. They look so sweet.

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm just amazed at your photos of the Turkey Vultures. Even with a telephoto I have never gotten that close to them.

Regina said...

So cute and lovely!
Hello Betsy.

KathyA said...

I DID enjoy your Arkansian birds!!