Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

VERY Early Spring in Our Yard

Most of you know that we live in the eastern side of Middle Tennessee on the Cumberland Plateau.  Here in Fairfield Glade,  we are 2000 feet above sea level---so generally,  Spring gets to us a little later than it does in areas like Knoxville or Nashville.  However,  this February has been one of the mildest ones I can remember.

We had some cold weather and snow the end of December and also the first couple of weeks in January.  But since then,  we haven't had very much.  That is unusual for us since we usually get most of our snow and cold weather in February.

Because of the mild conditions,  many of our Spring flowers and plants are showing signs of growth.  Yesterday,  I walked around in the yard taking lots of pictures of the signs of Spring here.

I love the thoughts of an early spring,  but, as I've mentioned to some of you in your blogs,  I cannot ever forget 2007.  That winter we had an early spring followed by a very severe freeze/frost the first week of April.  Many of our new Spring flowers along with the new leaves on the trees DIED that year...  It was horrible!!!!  SO---I just pray that that won't happen in 2011.

Today,  I'll share some pictures taken in our yard YESTERDAY...  Hope you enjoy a tiny touch of Spring!!!!  Above is a beautiful blue sky --and you can see that there are still no leaves on our trees!!!!  Below are more.

We always plant Pansies in the late Fall --and if the winter isn't too severe,  they live until it gets really hot here (about July).  Here's one of our little beauties.

Here's one more of our beautiful little blooming pansies.

This picture is very exciting since it shows spring growth on one of our rose bushes....  WOW--that is so NEAT!!!

Even one of our ground covers,  our Periwinkle,  is trying to bloom...

One of these days,  we are going to have some gorgeous tulips blooming in this bed.

AND---we will have beautiful daffodils blooming soon.

Finally,  I noticed this tiny little crocus blooming.  I got 'up close and personal' --and took a picture.  It looks bigger than it is..  It's pretty but truly TINY.

I never would have believed that we would have this much Spring growth in February...  Like I said above,  I love it ---but just hope that it doesn't turn into 2007...

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Yesterday was a beautiful day to walk around in the yard and see all the new growth on the plants. I remember 2007; our Japanese Maple had put out new leaves and then we had the really hard freeze. The leaves died back and it looked horrible all year. Fortunately, the following year, it did well. Hope you have a great day.

Debbie Taillieu said...

Can't wait to see the finale!
There is nothing better then spring when everything is fresh and new. Well, maybe fall! I love the fall colors, cool crisp temps and the holidays.
So much to enjoy in life, huh Betsy!
Have a fabulous day!
Debbie's Travels

pam said...

I know. This warm weather is making me nervous. My trees took forever to recover from 2007, and some of them never did.

Big Dude said...

I have the same concern about a cold spell

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good Morning,
I love seeing the new life in spring.Even though my spring is still weeks away,it is encouraging to see the life in your gardens.Those pretty Pansies brightened my morning.Have a wonderful day and enjoy the pretty flowers.

Melanie said...

Your flowers are so pretty. I hope your weather will stay warm enough for them.
I was just talking to my husband about that yesterday!
Our daffodils are already peeking through. Yes, I hope they don't get frozen.
The weather has a mind of its own!
Have a great day! :)

diane b said...

No doubt about it but that looks like spring, I hope you don't get a cold snap.

Catherine said...

You are making me jealous Betsy!!! Look at your spring you lucky girl!

do you and George have a spare bedroom you want to rent out for the rest of February and March???? ;)

xo Catherine

Kelly said...

...lucky you! Our daffodils are starting push through, but the periwinkle is still dormant. I can't wait to see all the spring flowers...

mamahasspoken said...

I think I remember that spring (or one that we had that was so similiar). Broke my heart in that my daffodils were just ready to bloom when we had the freeze. It took them a couple of years to recover.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Wow, you do have some spring going on...I just love those wonderful little pansies...such glorious color for such a little plant!!!
Have a beautiful day!!!

Connie said...

It was lovely to see your signs of spring this morning, Betsy. We won't be seeing those for a while yet here. Great pictures!

From the Kitchen said...

I haven't seen one sign of spring around here and that's a good thing. We, too, have had early "comers" who have been frozen back by a spring snow/ice storm. I love seeing your "signs" though.


Reanaclaire said...

Seeing this, spring is really coming!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope the cold stays away, these are all wonderful. maybe it will not happen again this year. so glad the roses are starting to get new growth, love the crocus and pansies. beautiful spring growth you have now and hoping it stays pretty.

Karin said...

Hope for the sake of the plant life that the cold stays away! Your photos are beautiful - what a special little crocus and I just love periwinkle blue! Everything is just lovely your way and March is just a few days away! We're still all covered and piled up in snow!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Yes, signs of Spring are everywhere. Like you, I hope they don't get damaged by a late cold snap. I caught a glimpse of some new rosy-green leaves on the rose bush I can see from my kitchen window, and the daffodils in the yard are swollen with promise.

I admire your lovely, clean flower beds! Someone has been doing some work!a

Out on the prairie said...

I have a few things starting to peek, and snow forecast for tomorrow. One February I was building a deck on the back of a home and it got so warm we were shirtless.The downfall was we also got sunburned and the stores had zero relief products out.

amelia said...

I loved seeing these pics! I do enjoy the bulbs coming through and all the flowers coming up but I can't stand the heat that comes with it all!! If only we could have all this with cool temps, it would be so nice.

Tracy said...

YEAH!!! spring is coming your way as well! I just love the newness the season offers in both physical beauty as well as emotional renewal~
thanks for sharing your lovliness with us!
hugs to you to get you through your day!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

When your seasons change, they change fast, don't they? How nice to see these little glimpses of the spring glory to come.

We had a few days of warm temperatures...enough to get rid of the old snow. Then we got another 3-4 inches of snow a couple of days ago. Now the forecast is calling for 6-10 inches tonight and tomorrow.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yes, I sure hope that the cold stays away for you. We've got jonquils coming up here. It seems a bit early because they are saying another big snow is possible for us next month. We may get 1 or 2 inches tonight. Hope all those predictions are wrong. Your spring flowers are so pretty, enjoy!

Sunny said...

Wow, Betsy, I'm totally envious. We still have lots and lots of snow and possibly more on the way.
Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers :)
☼ Sunny

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

Going to be a big spring flower parade around your place when they all bloom! I am so worried about a freeze as our dogwoods are starting to bud. Just don't want everything to get hit by another freeze like you mentioned. Have a very blessed day!

Darla said...

I am trying so hard to NOT entertain the thought that ole' man winter might return no matter how brief his visit may be.....love all these Spring signs here!

Tabor said...

As you probably know I am not at my house but at my daughter's. It will be interesting to see what I have coming up in my yard when I get back. Really looks like spring where you are!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I do hope your spring conditions continue with no threat of frost.
I adore those pansies.....

Joe Todd said...

Great post and photos.Wish it was a little more like spring in Ohio. Heading south in a couple weeks(Charleston) should be a little more spring like there.

Small City Scenes said...

Early signs of Spring are so much fun to find. Well we just got hit with cold weather and SNOW. Bunches of it and where we live up in the hills we got more than the lowlanders. 18inches plus. All my plants are being insulated under the snow and the Crocus was just starting to bloom. In the Valley they were cutting Daff buds for stores but that is on hold for a while. Good 'ol Mother Nature. MB

Marge said...

My buttercups are already blooming at the edge of the woods. It's hard to believe since we've had such a hard winter. Of course, we may get washed away today with all this rain!

Shug said...

Morning Betsy..
We have all of that happening down here in Texas too. I'm with you...I sure hope we don't end up with a late freeze. Expecting bad thunderstorms today with the possiblility of Hail...Yikes!
looks like you are gonna have a pretty big bed of daffodils. I love the beautiful color of yellow as it gives brigtness to each new day of Spring...
Have an Amazing day and I'll see you tomorrow..

ratieh said...

ahh..can't wait to see spring in your yard Betsy! i love the color of your flowers, very beautiful! =D

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have flowers ALREADY! We have yet another snow storm in the forecast for tonight into Friday. This new storm sounds like a repeat of the last one we had that dumped a foot of wet, heavy snow on us.

Rose said...

Oh, wow, you are a lot farther along than us....I hope it doesn't come a freeze down there. I am looking forward to the flowers yu are going to show us later....

KathyA said...

Wow! Things are looking rather fecund in your yard!! We had more snow, so everything here is pretty much covered...still... But soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You have me beat. I do not have any flowers of any kind blooming or even in bud here. Just lots of critters! Have a great day in spite of the soggy weather.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! Well, I am such a pansy person that I was going to say they are my favorite, but I actually like the sweet little crocus and the single tulip leaves shot the best. That single tulip coming up is just stunning. it must be the light (and your photography skills, too!! Ha ha!)

Unknown said...

Don't you just love the darling faces of pansies! So welcoming ...

Envy you but am so enjoying our snow & winter in full swing. I love to treasure each day of each season to the fullest.

Your florals aer beautiful & so welcoming ...

Have a beautiful day ~

Jenny said...

What a gorgeous walk through your later winter woods! Love all the flowers! The crocus picture is absolutely gorgeous!

Cicero Sings said...

I'm green with envy at all your signs of spring. -23.3C (-9.94 F) at noon with a windchill of -27C today here.

mudderbear said...

How beautiful and refreshing. It's so good to have a breath of fresh air through your pictures. Here,Mother Nature just teases and teases us everyday. It's warm...32*...it's cold. It's sunny, then grey. It rains a little, then we wake up to snow. We learn to be patient here.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

It's really looking a lot like spring in your lawn. Those photos are so lovely and how exciting to see the spring flowers blooming so early.
We have daffodils or jonquils, and the cherry trees blooming.
I sure hope the flowers don't get killed by snow. I expect more snow before winter's over.

~mel said...

Oh my ... we are so buried under the snow yet. I'm happy for you being able to see some signs of spring ... hopefully we'll catch up with you in May. lol

Diane said...

Beautiful spring pictures Betsy. Seems hard for me to believe with the snow we have on the ground and 3 degrees above as I write this. Nice to see the green. Diane

RoeH said...

Hope there will be no surprise spring blizzards now to hurt those adorable little pansys. I love those.

CottonLady said...

Wow, Betsy, you really do have spring springing up all over at your house! I have some iris just beginning to peak, but that is all. I have to start watering..it is just too dry here. I've enjoyed all your pretty little blooms!

Lynda said...

We are seeing the same things here but we have a few daffodils in bloom. Our snow crocus started last week. It has been beautiful - - I agree!!!

Lola said...

OMW, you do have an assortment stating Spring. I am glad to see the new growth on the rose. What do you do with them in the winter?
Last winter{not 2010/2011} is when I lost most of the plants that had survived in winters past. I have to leave most out. Only very tender do I bring in.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

I'm holding my breath that we don't have a hard freeze or even snow. Many of the daffodils here are in bloom! I guess the squirrels ate my tulips because I haven't seen any since I planted them a few years ago....darn squirrels! Your flowers look beautiful. Enjoy the beautiful spring weather!

Neal said...

Maybe spring will return this year. For a while I wasn't sure. :) They have a winter weather advisory out for here right now and a winter storm warning for where Allison is. I love your flowers...they always make me feel better. :)

The Retired One said...

You are so lucky...flowers??? Already??? Wow.
We won't see any until May!!
I hope you don't get a bad freeze now too...the weather report looks BAD though for the whole midwest and south for next week...I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

carolina nana said...

I've noticed a lot of green in my yard but no blooms yet. This weather truly makes me nervous I know it will get cold again,I just hope not so cold that it kills things that are popping out now.
Have a blessed tomorrow.

SquirrelQueen said...

You are really getting some signs of spring in your yard Betsy. That little crocus is so pretty.

This time last year our yard had little flowers but at the moment all we have is white, it's snowing tonight.

Regina said...

Spring has sprung.
Wonderful scenes Betsy.
Thank you for sharing.

Happy weekend.

Beth said...

Such pretty pansies. It would be lovely to have that work here, however, even pansies don't survive our winters.
I hope that you don't have a frost---that happened to us the same year as yours--such a disappointment.
I enjoyed the Biltomre post. I thought some of the ferns looked alive as in ready to eat you or at least bite!:! The fan one was really cool.
Your work with geneology is fascinating--you have tenacity ---have to in order to keep researching.
I hope you're having a good week.

DayPhoto said...

Wonderful! You give me even more hope that spring is coming!



Janie said...

It's so encouraging to see that spring is already happening in Tennessee, Betsy. Our spring can't be too far behind! As soon as our 8-9 inches of snow melts, the plants can get busy with the spring growth.