Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 28, 2011

More of my Backyard Birds

Last week I showed you some of this month's Backyard Birds..  Click HERE if you missed that post.  The birds are always active at the feeders during the winter and I am glad to be here to feed them.  Today I will snow you some more of these little sweethearts...  Above is a real sign of SPRING,  the ROBIN.   They don't come to the feeders very often--but this guy seems to like the suet feeder.  Below are more.

Here's another good picture I took of a female EASTERN BLUEBIRD.  It's similar to the picture I showed last week--but a little different.

Here's a pretty male House Finch trying to get some 'grub' from the plate. Looks like he is doing his aerobic exercises also!!!! ha

Here's a winter visitor to our area,  the DARK-EYED JUNCO.   We never see them once the weather gets warmer.

I love this little bird,  the CAROLINA WREN.  They are such sweet birds and really want to live on our porch or in the garage!!!! ha

Finally,  here is another favorite bird of mine,  the PILEATED WOODPECKER.  These big birds love the suet feeder --and I love watching them move their big bodies around as they eat...

Hope you have enjoyed seeing more of my favorite birds...  Remember to FEED the birds --especially in winter.



Beth said...

I always enjoying waking up with my coffee to your posts. My favorite today is the eastern bluebird--I just love those birds and their expressions. I've not seen a robin up close, so that was interesting. They didn't come to our feeders either.]

I enjoyed Friday's question, althouh I didn't get a chance to answer.
For me, it's HGTV -nice half-hour segments which are just enough to relax the mind for more grading and other brain work or to rest my body in the recliner while watching.
If I'm really stirred up, I retreat to a book, a Joyce Meyers inspirational Cd or music.
Your Friday idea is wondeful, Betsy as are all your posts.

Thanks for the encouragement for this week.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Betsy, What pretty pictures this morning. You have a great variety of visitors to your backyard. Thank you for sharing them with us. The wrens are quite comical, aren't they? They were always trying to get in our garage too! Enjoy your day.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Stunning pictures to start the day.
They made me smile :)
Those little Carolina Wrens are such busy bodies, always stealing my flower pot moss to feather their nests.
Just lovley Betsy.

Arkansas Patti said...

Spring really is close isn't it? Lovely shots Betsy, clear, close and sharp.
I do love the Junco the best. They are such busy little scratchers.
Right now I am Robin rich and after that big rain we had, I'm sure they will find a lot of worms.
Getting the urge to get my hands dirty.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! The close-up of the Robin is so pretty.I think I may have said this before,but try putting out some raisins for the Robins.Once they find them,you will have a steady customer.Having the birds close enough for such good photos is priceless.Have a great day.

Catherine said...

I don't think I will be seeing any pretty birds soon ~ predications of 3 days of snow again. Thanks for sharing yours Betsy!
xo Catherine

Pranavam Ravikumar said...

So Nice...! Thanks for the post.

Small City Scenes said...

Great pictures of your birds. As usual. MB

mamahasspoken said...

Noticed the feeders aren't enclosed and curious as to how you keep the 'furry birds' out of your feeders.

RoeH said...

How cute. All of them. The Eastern states have so many pretty birds moreso than the western states. At least the ones in the desert areas or the high altitude mountain areas. My daughter in DC has cardinals, bluebirds and the like in her yard that I have never had.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Betsy, you always inspire me to be a better bird watcher! I just never get such a variety of birds as you do, although according to all the maps and books there are plenty here. I must be missing them. Of course, I do better in the summer when I can sit on the porch and watch the feeders. Love those little finches...they always practice for the Olympics on my feeder, too!

From the Kitchen said...

Your "guests" are beautiful and seem quite happy to hang around for the food and accommodations. Enjoy!


Larry said...

Very nice photos Betsy and I'd love to see a pileated woodpecker here... I know they are about, but never in my yard to my knowledge... I love the picture of the bluebird! Larry

Harriet said...

The Robins don't come to our feeder but we have them out in the yard. I guess they find bugs to eat. My husband is putting in a new deck and I think he has scared away some of our birds. Hope they come back we enjoy watching them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am having trouble picking a favorite today. all the little birds I love, the tiny ones. i think i will choose the bluebird but it is a tie with the wren. these are so precious and fluffy and sweet looking. i am singing when the red red robin comes bob bob boboin along

Beth said...

Lovely bird shots, Betsy! So hard to pick a favorite---maybe the Pileated. He looks like he's doing a chin-up! And, of course, I always adore the Carolina Wrens with their pert little upturned tails.

amelia said...

Your birds are all so lovely! I think the junco's come to us for the summer as we never see them in the winter. I guess it's too cold for them.

Tracy said...

I spent a great deal of time outside watching birds this gorgeous beautiful weekend and I was able to catch a glimpse of a few of these; the woodpecker, the bluebird, the finch and one I wasn't quite sure of what it was...next on my agenda is to go and find a book to help me identify the birds that come to visit now :)
I love your photos and they inspire me so!

Happy Monday!

Karin said...

Such wonderful photos of your local birds! That Carolina Wren is such a sweetie! Can't wait for our Robins that could be another 8-10 weeks. Meanwhile, for entertainment, I had two crows doing aerobatics in the blizzard weather yesterday. One was flying against the wind which almost made it stand still. They were doing dives off the buildings. Nothing else was going on, so I found them entertaining! More snow today!

Jeanne said...

Your bird pictures are great - they should be on a calendar!
Have a good week,

Leslie said...

Visiting here from Beth's place... and so glad I did. What amazing photos you've taken! These beautiful creatures brightened my morning... thank you!

KathyA said...

I DO enjoy the bird pictures very much! Love those pileated woodpeckers! We're waiting for the bluebirds and the owls to come back. The barred owls may very well still be around, we just haven't heard them lately.

Barbara said...

Such good photos of your birds, I seen the DARK-EYED JUNCO on my fence post this morning, but by the time I got the camera he had flown away, awwww, so I will just enjoy yours, hugs my friends, and you sure can take some awesome flicks, have a great day, Barbara

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Excellent pictures of the birds! I love that Pileated Woodpecker. The look on its face is priceless! Have a great day today & keep an eye the weather as it may get stormy this afternoon.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely closeups, I enjoy watching them a lot.They are so entertaining and I always feeli should have more feeders.When I putout myoriole feeder I get a few robins in for the grape jelly.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely closeups, I enjoy watching them a lot.They are so entertaining and I always feel i should have more feeders.When I putout my oriole feeder I get a few robins in for the grape jelly.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely closeups, I enjoy watching them a lot.They are so entertaining and I always feel i should have more feeders.When I putout my oriole feeder I get a few robins in for the grape jelly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy! I love the male finch and the woodpecker. Your header is beautiful. I know you are like me and ready for spring. I hope you all did not get the bad storms last night. I woke up at 5 a.m. with tornado sirens going off. It was wild around here for a while but all is o.k. Just gonna rain all day now. Hope you are doing well and have a good week.

Janice K said...

That robin is a really good sign! Haven't seen one here yet, but I have seen our pilated woodpecker out on his favorite tree--I wish it was a little closer to our house. Your pictures today show wonderful detail. God must have had fun as he designed all these beautiful feathered creatures.

Big Dude said...

We don't get many robins in our yard - I think they know they'd be cat food, but last week saw a big herd of them in the pasture across the road - heading North I assume. We have a couple of pileated's being very visible lately. When they're feeding they sound like a jackhammer.

Carletta said...

Gorgeous shots Betsy!
I saw a couple of Carolina Wrens just in the past couple of days.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I so enjoy your bird pictures, Betsy. Thanks for another wonderful selection.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Betsy, your closeups are great! I haven't seen a Pileated yet, but we have all the others. My first sighting of Robins this year were 32 that flew into the yard. A great sign that spring is coming! I quit putting suet out as it was attracting the pesky Starlings and they just devoured it in no time. Have a great day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are among your best bird pictures ever!!! Favorites- wren, bluebird, robin!! I haven't seen a robin yet, I'm still waiting to snap the first one I see and post it, but It will NEVER be as good as yours. Yours is the best robin picture I have ever seen anywhere. The little wrens I adore, but they are feisty, brave and undaunted!!

DayPhoto said...

Oh! Spring! Yes, you did a perfect job in snaping this lovely birds.


Jo said...

Beautiful bird photos, every one, Betsy. I love the Robin photo especially. Thanks for your kind comments and regular visits to my blog. Bless you dearest Betsy. (((hugs))) Jo

CottonLady said...

Love all your birds! I had a robin at my birdbath this morning!! First one I've seen in a long time. I love the little juncoes, but did not have a one this winter, which is VERY unusual for here. Usually have lots of them. You are indeed ready for spring with your pretty flowers and now the pretty birds.

Shug said...

I guess I need to get some bird feeders! The pictures are soooo good and the colors of the birds are beautiful...All I ever see around here are black birds and crows...Of course they are pretty birds as well...
Enjoyed this post

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all so cute and cheerful!!!
I hope you had a beautiful weekend!

Diane said...

All great shots Betsy. I just love to see the bluebirds. I saw four robins here last week right during that -0 weather, poor things. We've had the little juncos, and the house finches, too. Some day's the back yard's full of birds. I love them.

Sunny said...

Your 'birdie' posts always make me smile. The little Bluebird is so cute, well they're all cute but he's REALLY cute! haha!
☼ Sunny

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy...I think you may have to start a new career...bird photograpy!!! Wow these are magnificent...loved that first one!!!
Have a beautiful week...and the wind here is driving me crazy!!!! It whistles through the siding on my front porch somehow and sounds like a train!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You sure have some good looking birds at your feeders, Betsy. We also saw quite a few on Sunday during a morning walk and I posted a few collages of some we saw including - tufted titmouse, red-bellied woodpecker, mockingbird and robin.

Anonymous said...

You sure have taken some great shots of these birds, Betsy, & they're all so beautiful!!! =)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Betsy!
I'm traveling this week so forgive me if my visits will be erratic. You know I love Bluebirds but that Wren is so sweet it may have become my new favorite bird!
♥ Pat

nanny said...

You sure do capture some great shots.....and have so many pretty visitors to your feeders!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you do have a great variety of yardbirds. The bluebird is one of my favorite and I just love that Pileated.

imac said...

Tweet tweet Betsy, love em all.

Anonymous said...

Nice bird shots! My favorites were the robin, bluebird and woodpecker.

Cicero Sings said...

Thanks for sharing your birds. I had a surprise visitor yesterday ... a pine siskin. It got up to 0C yesterday but overnight dropped to -20C and even colder with the wind chill (-30). That little pine siskin was back, huddled at the feeder this morning, just chowing down. It sure made a mistake in judgment ... should have waited at least another week before flying north!

SquirrelQueen said...

Fabulous photos Betsy! I love that robin shot, looks like spring has officially arrived at your place. Hopefully it won't be much longer before our robins return. We had high winds today with temps in the mid fifites, but then the wind stopped and we are back in the thirties.

carolina nana said...

Love feeding and watching my backyard birds also. I have never had a Robin even come to my suet feeders,I always see them out in the garden.
To answer your question about son's college. He got a basketball scholarship at Montreat College then transfered to Western after 2 years when Montreat dropped his education major, he didn't play ball at Western but was there on a full academic scholarship.
Funny thing about his major, he's never used it, instead of teaching he works for the Post Office.
Hope you have a blessed tomorrow

Neal said...

Nice Betsy...very nice. You have my two favorite birds...the blue bird and the wren. We've been seeing a couple wrens around our feeder.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, these are all wonderful captures.

The Retired One said...

Wow, Betsy! Wonderful photos...and especially the surprise at the end..that Pileated!! OOOOOooooo, just GORGEOUS!!

Connie said...

Great pictures, Betsy! You must have a lot of fun watching all your little feathered friends. :)

Anita Johnson said...

Just when I was ready to pack up and move south 3 bluebirds showed up in my Wisconsin backyard for the first time on Sunday. I hope they do OK...we have 4 inches of snow still on the ground. They warmed my heart, that's for sure! Your photos are beautiful...loved the ones from your previus post too!

Cheryl said...

Oh Betsy I did enjoy this post! The birds are just beautiful and I am so pleased you shared them with us. I did not have any birds at all this winter, just a woodpecker coming by now and then. The feeders were kept full and I even added a couple more for the winter. I do have ducks to watch though in the brook but I do miss the birds. I shall have to view them on your blog!

ratieh said...

very nice pictures and beautiful birds Betsy! i can refresh my mind by seeing all of your pics. =D *hugs*

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsy, I love seeing the pictures of your birds. They are so beautiful. I have to say I have become much more aware of birds since visiting your posts. I believe I was even watching a woodpecker yesterday. We have a quail family that goes past my kitchen window sometimes and some robins in the bushes. I have wondered what to feed them and if it works to put something on the ground. I don't know what we're allowed to do here, but I would like to lure them in a little to see them better. All of your birds are so pretty. I never get tired of looking at them. Keep that camera clicking....

Mary said...

That bluebird shot is wonderful! Love the pileated, too! Lucky you...I haven't seen one yet this winter.

Lynda said...

Your snow crocus is GORGEOUS! I have never gotten a picture that great! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

Chad said...

You know I love when you post about birds... lovely pictures, I especially like the Bluebird!

Janie said...

I love your photos and the big variety of birds that you see. I'm seeing robins flitting around here, probably a good sign that spring is nigh.