Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interwoven Names

The word interwoven means linked or connected.   WELL--in my Family History search,  there are some common names which come up over and over in families… For instance,  click HERE to see my post talking about another intersection of the Bruce family (my mother's mother's family) with the Ballard family (my mother's father's family).   While researching the Bruce family,  I found out that my 5Great Grandfather  William George Bruce (1752-1814) was married to Annie Nancy Ballard (1755-1813)…  When I started researching Annie Ballard,  I found a connection to my side of the Ballard family.  Finding this kind of information is so much fun.

Recently,  while researching my Great Grandmother Bruce's side of the family,  (Martha Matilda Carr Bruce--pictured above)  the CARR family,  I ran into a connection between that family,  my Bruce family,  and a new family that I have not studied much--the HOGE family.  This HOGE name kept coming up --while I was researching with a Ballard cousin who lives in Spain.

Here are some of the ways that the HOGE family is interwoven in my family:
1.  My 2Great Grandfather Bruce,  Joshua Henderson Bruce (1825-1904) married a Margaret Anderson HOGE (1825-1870).  They are pictured above.
2.  Margaret Anderson Hoge's parents were:  Daniel Hoge (1785-1837) and Nancy Ann Stafford (1783-1853)
3.   Besides their daughter, Margaret Anderson Hoge,  there were two sisters in that family who connected with my family.  One was their daughter,  Susan M. Hoge  (1820-1853).   Susan married a son of my 4 Great Grandfather Bruce (Rev. Joshua Bruce --1778-1865) named Harvey Chesney Bruce (1818-1891). 
4. Another daughter was Sarah Hoge (1811-1891).   Sarah married John  Carr (1798-1874).  John's father was John Kerr Carr (1755-1835).  John Kerr Carr was my 3 Great Grandfather Carr.

5. My 2Great Uncle Robert Henderson Bruce--pictured above (1883-??) married a Mary Lelia HOGE in 1909.   Mary's father was John Milton Hoge (1844-1913).  Her grandfather was James Hoge (1807-1885). And her great grandfather was Daniel Hoge,  the father of Margaret Anderson Hoge, who was the Grandmother of Mary Lelia's husband,  Robert Henderson Bruce.  Bet you didn't get all of that!!!  In short,  my 2Great Uncle Robert Henderson Bruce married his grandmother's brother's son's daughter!!!  OR--he married his Great Uncle's granddaughter.  I am sure you have it now!!!!!! ha ha (Or maybe--you have quit reading this by now!!!!)

As I said in last week's blog post,  when working on Genealogy,  it is all about NAMES.  People today don't seem to name their children after family members --like they used to do.  Today's generation may be harder to follow than year's ago.. On the other hand though, today's generations have many more technical ways of keeping information.  SO--maybe in the year 2500---- finding out about your relatives may just be easier due to all of the ways to communicate these days.  We won't be here to see how they remember us--although I'd love to see them working on Genealogy in 2500!!!!

BUT--for me right now,  trying to find info on my ancestors leads me to research lots of different names… The bad thing about names is finding too many of the SAME common names --over and over like getting one John mixed up with another person with the same name… However, the good thing about names is finding those unusual names,  like HOGE or DUDLEY or BLAND,  which connect some families…


I mention all of these names and dates in my blog in hopes of meeting more people who are interested in the same people I am.. We learn so much from each other.  AND--due to my blogging,  I have met several distant cousins.  Isn't that just super?????

Thanks again for hanging in with me on these Genealogy blogs.  Like I said,  it is a passion of mine --but I'm sure that talking about it to others can get pretty boring…  I said something to George about the "grandmother's brother's son's daughter"---George said,  "Huh?????"  ha ha

Have a great day --and take some time to learn more about your ancestors.  I'll close with a funny one for you.



Anonymous said...

Fascinating information Betsy. I love the treasured, old photos you have shared also. It's wonderful that you have met so many cousins. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Big Dude said...

Sounds like something that would require a passion to be able to stay with it. Let me know when you've gone as far as you can on yours and I'll help you get started on mine :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I don't think I would want to research my ancestors,because in the Mennonite world the same names were used over and over again.In one family it was not uncommon to have 4 or 5 Jake Hieberts,as an example.Have fun doing your research.

pam said...

It's fun to do isn't it. Unfortunately, I go back a couple of generations and end up in Lithuania, with all sorts of name changes and thing.

Harriet said...

Great information! You have been so lucky to connect with cousins.
You have some wonderful old photos, I love old photos and it is really good when you have a name to go with the photo.

From the Kitchen said...

I'm ready to start on our family genealogy--well, soon! I'm curious as to what program you use/recommend.

I don't recognize any of the names you mentioned. Hudson and Tuck would be the names I'd start with.


Out on the prairie said...

There is a large group of Dudleys in Lincoln,NE that had a moving business. They were shirtail cousins to my DAD and moved us many times.My dad lived where my family homesteaded and would come home and announce who he had danced with to his aunt.She in turn would say to not get his hopes up too much because they were related by this and that. He said he moved just to find a spouse.

Reanaclaire said...

This is something new to me... great information...

Norma said...

I'm a Bruce by marriage and my grandmother was a Ballard. I've look through your names, and don't see any of "my Ballards" or my husband's Bruces. Great post--thanks for bringing me here.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Another interesting post. My family also has those intersections where there are "Double cousins". Have a super great day today!

Pedaling said...

I'll bet you like puzzles, too.
A lot of those old time names are coming back into popularity.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Wow, that is so interesting!!! On my Dad's side it's the name Richard.. mostly in middle names. On my son's Dad's side it's David mostly.. first and middle names. Along with Wesley! That's been a middle name for a few generations, including my middle son. Who wished that was his First name since Jr. high. Sorry son... :-/
Ha.. Great, great post, Betsy!! Hope you're having a Great week!!

Coreen xoxoxo

Busy Bee Suz said...

I can see how this would be both fun and confusing!!
So, have you made a family connection to Oprah or George Washington yet??? :)

Rose said...

I really like hearing about your search...but with this one, the thought crossed my mind...can you really remember all that or do you have to write it down and study it?

Either way, I do enjoy.

Small City Scenes said...

Fascinating, betsy. You are really delving into this.
My older brother and my daughter love this too.

So nice to have pictures not everyone does. MB

Tracy said...

It really is fascinating...I have a great aunt in NY who traced my mother's entire side and wrote a book about it and got it published for each member of our family-so there'd be no real research there but I'd be interested in seraching my father's side to see where those roots are.
I hope you are enjoying your day...I'm catching up on blogs, Nicholas' is at a friends' house and a neighbor is working on our bonus room upstairs so I can have a scrapbook area :) I can't wait!!!

CottonLady said...

Interesting, Betsy! So in other words...George's Grandmother's great niece!?

I have not started on the geneology part of my family...I am going through my Mother's BOXES of pictures that got stored here at my house. A suggestion to all--please label your pictures!!! I'm afraid I will end up not knowing who is on most of them.

Pat - Arkansas said...

A fascinating post, Betsy. Love the old photos. Kudos to you for doing the research on your family. The various connections between the Bruce, Carr, Hoge, etc. families reminded me of the old song "I'm My Own Grandpa."

Wishing you and George a wonderful day.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I have to admit that, as I was reading this post, I couldn't help thinking about the song entitled, "I'm My Own Grandpa." I'd reprint the lyrics here, but it would make my comment awfully long.

My cousin-in-law is a sculptress, and she was commissioned a few years back to do a life-size sculpture of the founder of the town of Eaton, Ohio, whose name was William Bruce. His dates of birth and death were 1762-1830, though, so it doesn't appear to be your William Bruce.

Adrienne Zwart said...

I have to admit, I was pretty confused. LOL But I love your sense of humor, and your excitement in finding your family connections is very evident. I wish my family had kept better records. It has been said that my paternal grandfather was using the name Butterfield as an alias, and he disappeared, so I guess we'll never know.

Kay said...

My brother and I were dabbling in our family history a couple of years ago. We got back as far as the 1600's and then hit a wall. We kind of gave up after that, but it was fun when we were doing it. Found out that one of our ancestors was the founder of a town in the eastern part of the US and that his home is still standing and is now a museum.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I may have mentioned this before, but my aunt absolutely adores geneology. And she helps others during research at our small local library a day or two a week. She's even been called in to help someone on other days. And she's nearly 85 years young! I think this research and her excitement in doing it is what keeps her so young at heart. But, her husband does get a little glassy eyed when she launches into a yet another story about a find. Have a great day, Betsy!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oops...should read *doing* not during!

Valerie said...

I love it!!
I know exactly what you mean about having your husband look and you and say..."WHO???"

But I have caught the bug and am digging deeper and deeper. This morning my sister came over and it looks like we found another trail to travel on. I have read my grandpa's few last pages of a diary before - but never noticed the name Harvey Armstrong named - in reference to his dying mother Sarah Armstrong.

Today I linked Sarah and Harvey together and I think I found their family with parents and country of birth listed.

I know you understand the thrill! I can't stop smiling!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the photos are great, and i notice your great grandmother and the photo of mine, have the same exact unhappy expression on their faces, i think back then they thought it was a sin to look happy. my grandmother and grandfather photo are very much the same as yours. ok now i have to admit, i read the first part and the last part and skipped the names and dates part. i understand the joy of finding a connection with distant cousins, i have some of that, but i don't care about it like you do. i have a lot of our family tree and they did use John, James, Robert, Jack, Francis over and over in my dad's family. have fun, and i always enjoy even if don't read all the names

Barbara said...

WOW you have been researching my friend, you have some wonderful finds here, I never did do much in looking for my family tree, to many missing pieces to make mine possible. Hugs Barbara

Ginny Hartzler said...

My head is spinning!! Have you ever thought about why nobody looks happy in the old photos? Did you know why? It is because it took a long long time to take the pics and they had to be still forever. It was impossible to hold a smile that long. Also I'm sure they were not happy that it was so expensive. Only rich people could get photographed, that's why dead babies and and adults were photographed. There were no other pictures of them so this was the only thing. I'm planning to do a post on all this at some point. There is evn a website where you can see all the pictures of dead people, posed in real surroundings like they are still alive. I won't be posting pictures from that! I will only give a link.

I Am Woody said...

I love genealogy. Vol Fan's eyes tend to take on a very glazed appearance when I talk to him about it. In researching his family, I found a fun fact that I really, really love to tease him about. His 5G grandmother on one branch is also his 4G grandmother on another branch so his tree doesn't fork. I have had a great deal of fun with that one!

penny said...

It is interesting to find out about ones history. My sister did a lot of research on ours years ago.. until she came to a dead end.

be well and happy, Betsy.

imac said...

Interesting info Betsy, wonder how the interwoven would be of tomorows families?

Melanie said...

Hi Betsy~
I just love those old pictures! I enjoy looking through my family tree too. I agree about getting things mixed up though, especially when sons have the same first name as their father.
That reindeer picture at the bottom is just too cute!
Hope you have a great week! :)

Shug said...

The older I get the more interested I am about finding information about my family. I already have the info all the back to my great great grandparents, but after that, it gets kinda hard (especially when no one else in the family cares to help)
Sounds like you are doing a great job...


Anonymous said...

Looks like your genealogy research is putting your family tree pieces together!

Unknown said...

We always joke that my husband had to go out of county to marry someone he was not related to!

Did I tell you we watched the show about Tim McGraw's search about his family? That was a great program! I didn't watch the one last week because I am not a bit Rosie fan, but we really did love the show!

Hugs! Lana

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love looking at "old" pics. It is so nice for you to find relatives!

eileeninmd said...

Fantastic information, Betsy! I have been wanting to research my fmaily tree and now you have reminded me.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

WOW!! You sure have some great leads. As a newbie to Toronto, my roots lie in war torn Prussia, Bavaria Austria and Czechoslovakia. Though I've made some attempt not much comes up. And our house fire kind of mess up what I had.

Lola said...

Great post Betsy. I love the genealogy of knowing who you are. I have on my mothers mother's side back to 1600. Unfortunately not near that much on mother's dad's side.
I have tried to find out about my fathers people but have nothing to go on. I do know that the name Carr was involved. Have you any info on the Carr name from middle Tenn.?

Anonymous said...

Betsy, you have a most interesting family history. I think most of us want to know our family history but aren't willing to do all the research involved.

Take care and have a great week :-)


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your are so fortunate to have so many wonderful photos of your ancestors and so much information about them, Betsy. My family is hard to trace beyound my grand parents. I wish I knew more!

Karin said...

You do an amazing amount of research into your ancestry. I just can't imagine being able to find anything much on my family! I just love your photos! Those are precious! I had to chuckle at Ruth's comment - she is so right about the repetition of names in Mennonite circles! I think in my hubby's high school grad class (he went to a Mennonite school!) there were only 4 different last names!

carolina nana said...

Searching family history is so much fun and it is amazing what you can find and the links families have before they were supposed to be linked !!
Have a blessed tomorrow

KathyA said...

"Interwoven" is such a perfect term for your family names/search! How exciting for you.

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, i am really amazed at the number of your commenters, whatever subject you post here! I am thinking that genealogy tracing comes with age. My mother is now 81 and whenever someone starts talking about far relatives, she starts on telling us who's the father, brother, daughter, husband of whoever they are! When we are kids we hate that line of thinking, but i realized now i am beginning to think of putting those names together or else it might soon be late. My teen-age niece and nephew now have our responses when we were their ages. So i thought as we age we tend to value our ancestors. Maybe i should start asking my mother on paper, i should not procrastinate, or i might find myself already late. thanks Betsy.

SquirrelQueen said...

I hadn't thought about it before but nterwoven is the perfect word to describe some of the connections. I have only found one so far but I'm sure there are more.

You can talk about genealogy all you want Betsy, I love it. I've been working on both mine and my husbands families for over ten years now.

One of the biggest surprises I have found so far was the Skelton name on my mom's side of the family, I came up with a third cousin who went by the nickname of Red.

Loren said...


I am just amazed at all you have discovered in your quest and finding relatives in blogging!!!???? How awesome is that!! I can just hear George though LOL

It takes so much patience and perseverance to do this Betsy! Keep it up and don't worry about anyone being bored by your posts.....46 comments and counting!
Keep sharing with us :) Love learning and being on this journey with you!

Kirigalpoththa said...

I know up to my great grand father. that is all :)

Linda Lambertson said...

John Kerr Carr was my step father's 3rd Great Grandfather also.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Linda, I couldn't find an email for you and noticed that you no longer blog ---so thought I'd try to catch up with you this way. Hope you read this!

That is neat news about your hubby.... He obviously is a distant cousin. Does he work on genealogy???? I'd love to hear more of his family connection with the Carr/Kerr/Karr family (so many spellings).. ha

email me at betsyadams @mac.com