Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fabulous Valentine's Trip

George and I had a wonderful Valentine's trip to join our good friends,  Judy and Charlie, in their beautiful mountain home in North Carolina.  We went out to dinner a couple of times.  We TALKED and TALKED and just relaxed.  It was a wonderful trip and a great way to  celebrate Valentine's Day --with such good friends.   Above is a picture of me and Judy.  Judy is standing up on some steps --since she is really MUCH shorter than I am!!!!!

We visited Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville, North Carolina AGAIN (since we have season's tickets now)..  Since it is still winter,  there were no outside flowers blooming yet.. We have to wait until April to go back for that.  BUT--we did visit the Conservatory again --and there were many beautiful green plants and several beautiful flowers in bloom as you can see from the above picture.  As you can imagine,  we took a gazillion pictures ---so you will be seeing them on our upcoming blogs I'm sure.  (My new header was taken at Biltmore on Valentine's Day.)

Here's a view of the beautiful North Carolina mountains above Fontana Lake (which was very low on this side of the dam).  The mountains are very pretty--even in winter, aren't they????

And of course a trip wouldn't be a real vacation for us IF we didn't stop and see some waterfalls.  Isn't this a pretty little waterfall??  I loved seeing all of the Rhododendrons along that little creek.

George and I had a wonderful time with our friends...  I'm sure the four of us solved ALL of the problems in the world this week---with all of the talking we did!!!  ha ha

These are two wonderful people, Charlie and Judy.   We are blessed to have two such wonderful friends...  Thanks for the great time, you two!!

Finally,   no mountain vacation would be complete without a gorgeous sunset.... The weather was fabulous all week----and we enjoyed beautiful blue skies plus sunsets (like the one above) --over the mountains..     Life was beautiful in the North Carolina mountains, and we certainly enjoyed the view from Judy and Charlie's home!!!!

Hope you had a great Valentine's Day and week.


Big Dude said...

Looks like a great place to spend Valentine's Day. We were in the NC mountains as well.

Beth said...

It would be wondeful to wake up to such a view every morning. They are very blessed.
Looks and sounds like a fantastic time. Glad you could go.
I love the header.:)

Darla said...

I'm glad you had a nice and safe trip...I want that begonia in your header, it is a begonia, right? Whatever it's name, I still want it!

ratieh said...

Hi Betsy! seems that you had a really great valentine's trip! and you got a very beautiful sunset pic! me likey..


Sciarada said...

Buongiorno Betsy, a nice way to celebrate Valentine's Day, I wish to you and your husband and to the couple of your friends a happy day, even if late!
A kiss!

Jo said...

What a lovely trip with such good friends in beautiful surroundings. Welcome back Betsy and George. Hugs Jo

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful scenes,made even better for you,since you experienced them with good friends.The mountains are lovely and that little waterfall is precious.

amelia said...

What lovely pictures!!! I can't imagine how wonderful it would be to wake up to those views every day! Oh well, in my dreams!!

I'm happy you had such a great time, nothing like good friends and good chatting!! :)

Kelly said...

....Betsy, it looks like you had a wonderful time. I'd love to be close enough to the Biltmore to have season passes. I enjoyed it when we visited there a couple of summers ago.

Melanie said...

I'm glad you had such a good time visiting with your friends. Your pictures are just beautiful...as always!! :)

Tracy said...

WElcome Home, my dear! I missed you but am so glad you had such a glorious wonderful time; now about those problems solved...when is you appt. with the president so you can chat about your solutions?
I'm sending you an e-mail...

Jeanne said...

Yes you are right - the mountains are beautiful all year! Beautiful pictures.

mamahasspoken said...

Looks like a wonderful time spent with great friends and beautiful surroundings. Glad you had a good time!

Arkansas Patti said...

Beautiful scenery, great friends and the ability to solve world problems, who could ask for more.
So happy you had such a lovely time.

diane b said...

How could you not have a good time with such beautiful scenery, nice friends and a sunset.

Harriet said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip!

Snap said...

Looks like a wonderful way to celebrate St. Valentine's Day. Love the waterfall and sunset. Always fun to travel with you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welcome home, we missed you, love the header, so pretty. they look like great friends to visit. i am shocked you found a waterfall. ha ha and even more shocked you took a gazillion pictures, ha ha again

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun and with the nice weather, your photos are just beautiful. So happy you had this opportunity to visit with friends. Enjoy your day Betsy.

Janice K said...

Good friends, good weather and a good time...I'm happy for you.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, so glad you had a wonderful trip...you sound and look so happy and refreshed. ...and I'm glad y'all solved all the problems...gets a load off of me :-) I'm going to get to go to Biltmore!!! Michael has a week of training at Johnson City in early March and I'm tagging along since I think it's close enough for me to get to Biltmore !!! I'm excited!!!
Have a beautiful day!!!

D said...

Betsy, we missed you but see you were hard at work. ;) A happy belated Valentines Day to you and George. Love those Carolinas!

Out on the prairie said...

A lovely area to visit. I am envious of you going to the conservatory.A touch of summer in there.

Pedaling said...

perfect valentines week-end.
wow, that sunset!!
yay for great friends, visiting and love and water and the n.c. mountains!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, So happy you enjoyed your jaunt! I like the pictures very much. A trip to the Biltmore is on my agenda for spring. I am glad you got to see your friends. Isn't the weather here at home wonderful? I am really loving it! Have a splendid day today!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so glad you both had a lovely weekend with your sweet friends.
A season pass to the Biltmore? Oh, how sweet. Love the conservatory!

Small City Scenes said...

What a grand way to spend a Valentine's Day. Beautiful people, great conversation, good food and nice scenery---how could it get any better than this. MB

Dorothy said...

Glad y'all had a happy time! Your pictures are wonderful. Blessings!

~mel said...

It looks like a wonderful Valentine's get away! Next year, hopefully ~ we plan on stopping in Ashville on our road trip. I love your Mt. Nebo shirts :)

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

You two sure picked the perfect place for a Valentine get away! Love that sunset photo and can't wait to see more of your wonderful trip.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, your photos are great and it looks like you all had a marvelous time. Everyone looks like they are having fun! I'd so love to see the Biltmore...maybe one day before long. You live in a beautiful area with lots to see. I really enjoy all your photos! Have a wonderful day, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous picture of the mountains at Fontana Dam. Bob has passed by Fontana a few years ago, while riding the motorcycle. I have yet to see that part of the country. I would love to return to Biltmore again. That is a beautiful place! We have friends who work at Biltmore. When we visited Biltmore a few years ago, our friends gave us free passes. Nice pictures of your friends and you and George.

LV said...

We missed you, but sounds like you had a very nice time away with your friends. That is a truly beautiful part of our country. Was there once and would like to go back.

Shug said...

Hi Betsy...I have been waiting for you to get back...I knew you would have some wonderful pictures...BTW what kind of camera do you have? Your pictures are always so clear.
So glad ya'll had a great get-away. Your friends look lovely and I their place has a beautiful view. Welcome home and I hope your day is filled with joyful happenings!

Fred Alton said...

Looks like you had a lovely trip and time with friends. It's the Good Life! And especially so in the mountains at this time of year. Wonderful.

Fred Alton said...

Looks like you had a lovely trip and time with friends. It's the Good Life! And especially so in the mountains at this time of year. Wonderful.

Debbie Taillieu said...

A perfect Valentine Getaway, Betsy!
Thank you for taking me along!
Have a fabulous day!
Debbie's Travels

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you KNOW which picture is my favorite; I love the sunset!! And the lake. Does this qualify as the tinest waterfall you've ever been to? Do you keep records of such things? Like the smallest, the biggest, the most powerfel,etc.? It would be fun to do a post of them all sometime. Your new header is beautiful!! I'm so glad you had so much fun AND the weather was good!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Where to begin? Love the plant in the header photo. Gorgeous mountain vista. Beautiful waterfall. Magnificent sunset!

So glad you had a good time with your friends. That was a lovely Valentine treat.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I am so happy that you had such a great trip. I think the Biltmore is beautiful with any season. Great to have such nice friends also

I Am Woody said...

Glad you had such a fabulous trip!

Loren said...

Beautiful pics Betsy! I am so glad you all had such a wonderful time together and with your friends!! So awesome that you have season passes to Biltmore House....Such a wonderful place to visit and NEVER gets old!!

Welcome Home....you & George were definitely missed!

Kay said...

They sure do live in a pretty place.


Karin said...

You've had a fabulous trip I see! That flower in the header looks like one from the geranium family - very pretty! Love that itsy-bitsy waterfall too! So cute! What lovely photo of you two couples and a gorgeous sunset to cap it off! You are blessed!

Diane said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful time. It's nice to have friends that you BOTH like. Nice pictures, Betsy.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Welcome home, Betsy! It looks like you ahd wonderful weather and such a good time at your friend's home. I look forward to seeing more photos from the Biltmore!

Carletta said...

It indeed looks like you had a wonderful time!
Love the shot of the lake! I do think mountains are lovely even in winter. I recently told my Hubs I like seeing way into the forest.
Your new header is gorgeous!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That is a beautiful place and you got some great photos.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'm glad you had such a nice get-away, Betsy. It sure looks as if your friends live in a beautiful location. But, then, so do you. :)

Pat Tillett said...

It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. That sunset was a great way to end the post! Very nice Betsy...

Sunny said...

Welcome back! I had a feeling you two love birds were on the road again, haha!
Visiting friends is always fun especially when you get to see such lovely scenery.
Sorry to be behind with comments I have been running around like a chicken without a head! My son is coming for a week so I may be AWAL for a few days.
☼ Sunny

Glenda said...

Mountains, waterfalls, and sunsets are beautiful any time of the year! And so are good friends!

Loran said...

You and George take the BEST trips!

Alain said...

Your photo are wonderful, and the sunset is just beautiful. It looks like you had a great time!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Betsy,
That begonia caught my eye right away. What a beauty! I enjoyed your photos and memories of your trip.

Larry and I went through that area when we went to the Outer Banks June of 2007. It sure is a pretty part of our country.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

What a beautiful vacation! It sounds so relaxing. Your pictures are amazing. I love the view of the mountains and the sunset is gorgeous!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betsy, what a absolutely wonderful way to spend a Valentine's vacation. Friends, flowers and fabulous views, it doesn't get much better than that.

I love your new header photo.

Lola said...

I'm so glad that you all had a marvelous time. mtns are lovely all the time & seem to draw one into them.
Looks like you 2 have been on a diet. You look great.

CottonLady said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! Loved the little waterfall. I also really like your new header...pretty plant. Glad you back and you had a good time.
P.S. if you've solved the world's problems, PLEASE go to Washington DC and tell them how to do it!! :)

Connie said...

Welcome back, Betsy! Sounds like you had a great time! I love the sunset picture and the mountains/lake picture is gorgeous too! :)

DeniseinVA said...

Always so nice to get together with old friends. Glad you had such a great time. The Biltmore house and garden is a place I have been hearing about for several years. Hopefully we will get down that way one day. Love your header photo!

Lynda said...

As usual, I love your pictures but even more, I like your excitement about the trip.

The Retired One said...

Loved these photos Betsy...that waterfall was gorgeous!

Unknown said...

One of my friends in southern Indiana posted a picture of what I think are crocus coming up out of the snow. Such a welcomed sight. So glad you were able to get with friends; I just returned from a dinner with old friends. They are the best!

carolina nana said...

Glad you had a great time and good weather.
I noticed the shirt Judy had on says something about Hendersonville, was it NC or Tenn?
I remember years ago when I fished a lot and went to Fontana Lake often and each winter they lowered the level so much that you could see all kinds of things that were normally covered with water. I have seen several boat hulls in the bottom of that lake.
Have a blessed tomorrow.

Rose said...

Betsy, sounds like you had a wonderful time. I am getting anxious to head south...but want to wait till I am pretty positive the cold weather is over with.

Love the photos...gorgeous sunset!

Love Of Quilts said...

Life was beautiful here in Tennessee this week too Betsy...So pretty that we spend our Valentines day moving more of our stuff. I like the flower in your header what is it. I'm going to the Biltmore House one of these days. Glad you had a good time. Trish

Regina said...

Beautiful place Betsy. Thank you for sharing.
Happy Valentines Day belated.

KathyA said...

Love the geranium in your new header! Glad you had such a wonderful time. And yes, even in winter those mountains are striking!

Janie said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with your friends. You certainly saw some beautiful sights. Love the little waterfall, the sunset, and the conservatory.

Mary said...

Looks like a beautiful trip and being with good friends is always wonderful.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Simply gorgeous !
There isn't anything more beautiful than those mountains, in any season of the year.
Looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends, fun, food and friends, what could be more delightful!
You were missed.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wonderful place! Lovely pictures.