Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2010 Best Of...: PHOTOS--Part I

I have two more "2010 Best Of" posts in order to complete this series... These last two posts are just some photos (not in other categories, such as waterfalls or birds, etc.) that I really like.  Hope you enjoy these as much as I do.  The photo above was one of my favorite winter pictures from around our home taken on 2/15/10.   I love it when the snow collects on the evergreens and looks like fingers.

This picture was taken in Fairfield Glade,  near our home,  on 3/2/10.

This is one of my favorite beach pictures from our trip to Ocean Isle Beach in May. This picture was taken on 5/5/10.

We were at Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky when we took this picture of the fog in the valley... This picture was taken through a big window at the park restaurant --but, even through a window, this one made my list of all-time favorite pictures in 2010.  It was taken on 9/24/10. 

This picture is not as clear as most (taken with my long lens from a distance)--but seeing those three baby fawns enjoying a snack from their Mama was just so neat to witness...  This picture was near our back yard (beside the golf course fairway) and was taken on 10/10/10.

We have lots and lots of gorgeous Autumn pictures.  This is just one of my fav's.  This was taken on 10/19/10 in the Smoky Mountains.  

I will share six more pictures with you tomorrow.  I have enjoyed picking and choosing favorite pictures --since it gave me a chance to go through all of my pictures taken in 2010, while reliving all of those memories..



Tracy said...

Hey Lady,
I love the photo of the fawns...and of course the ocean! you can have the pictures of the snow; no more for me thank you very much!
We did have 72 here yesterday and oh my was it nice.When is spring again?
I liked the photo essay of Bert...it's nice to meet your family!
hugs to you~

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Such pretty photos to start my day. Wishing you a very nice day.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The deer picture is priceless.How fortunate you are to live at a place where the deer roam freely and you get to see this.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Love, love these pictures Betsy !
The fawn ones are so sweet, but I must admit my favorite is the last one, all those gorgeous colors up in the mountains.
Wrap up well today, it's cold !!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beaches to mountains in a few seconds, you know my favorite has to be Pine Mountain. i cant beleive how beautiful it still is and is just as i remember it after 50 years of not seeing it. great photos all of them

Melanie said...

Hi, Betsy~
Those pictures are so beautiful! I especially love the two mountain pictures. They always remind me of home.
When there's fog in the mountains, my husband says the groundhogs are making coffee. :)

diane b said...

They are great shots and I can remember your stories that go with them. I, too love to revisit holiday photos because you can enjoy the holiday again.

Crystal said...

Awesome photos. I never knew that deer would have three fawns at the same time! Live and learn. :-)

Connie said...

Lovely pictures, Betsy. My favorite would have to be of the deer and her little ones. That would be neat to see.

Anonymous said...

All beautiful photos and beautiful memories for you...favorites are the Smoky Mountains and the deer with her young!

Arkansas Patti said...

Really loved the fawns. What a rare sight you captured. Amazing at the different sizes. You can tell who is the pushiest and gets the most milk.
Also loved the snow, still hoping for one that lovely.

Love Of Quilts said...

Good pictures Betsy...I have enjoyed them...you had a great year in 2010...wishing you many more. Trish

amelia said...

The ocean pics are definitely my favourites. Make me want to pack up and drive down!!!

From the Kitchen said...

You know I LOVE the last one--the mountains, the color, the fog and the haze!!


Janice K said...

Those are all so neat!...but my favorite was the mamma deer and her babies. I always feel to see something like that is to receive a special gift of love from God.

Stay warm!

Karin said...

Love that view from the restaurant! The family of feeding fawn is lovely too - can't get over the differences in sizes! Love the fall photo though, and the ocean walk, and the waterfall! Yup, love them all!
Have a great day - staying home today 'cause I have little drips from my own nose!

D said...

Betsy, as always, simply beautiful photos of amazing scenery. Those panoramas are indeed breathtaking.

LUV that big heart! ;)

Dar said...

How you are loving that new camera! WOW! Love them all but my favs are the triplets nursing, the mountain fog and the fall mountain leaves. I want your camera.
Thanks for all your sweet comments, Betsy. Love coming here and relaxing while taking in your sight-seeing. You live in such gorgeous surroundings, truly God's Country.
As for my son keeping in such close touch, he always says thanks for loving him so much. He's just a sweetie.
BlessYourHearts, You and George

Small City Scenes said...

Wow, Betsy, these are all favorites---sure hard to chose just one I bet. All lovely. MB

Fred Alton said...

Oh what beautiful pictures that speak of the joy you and George have with each other, sharing your passion for the out-doors and for each other. I especially loved the deer shot - but all are great!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

These are all so lovely. But you know my love for the Smokies, so I have to say that last one is probably my favorite. I know that spot well and have a dozen or more photos taken from there on our various Smoky Mountain vacations over the years. I'm enjoying your "reruns" very much.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm glad you're showing more tomorrow, 'cause I know you have more that are just this good! My faves are the deer, the last one, and the Fairfield Glade one! But they are all stunning, can't wait to see tomorrows!! About your comment today, you are so right, there is no way that preacher or anyone can know this. But it it an intreguing little puzzle I have pondered from time to time, why God gave us our brains, but we can't use all of them. And this makes such perfect sense that I believe it is probably right. We really don't need to know these things, but it it fun to ponder. Have a great day, again it's like summer here!!!

CottonLady said...

Well, my friend, I was going to try to pick a favorite, but I love them all!! Each in their own category.
I have a dove sitting on my office window ledge! Guess he/she is telling me that their water dish is frozen. Must go.....

Kay said...

I love the frozen waterfall and the deer are really cute too.

Loren said...

Wow Betsy these are all JUST STUNNING!! Truly all could be a winner in their own category for sure!! We have deer that roam through our back door as well and I have to say that has been such a gift. As we throw deer corn (we don't just make bags with it LOL) out for them with our granddaughter and then run into the house and wait & watch for them to come. She has her own little bucket and almost immediately now is asking to go get "corn" so she can feed them. Then when they get in our yard she runs to the back door squeeling and says' "Oh wook (look) de are sooo cute! De are eating with their momma" It just never ever gets old nor does seeing Gods creatures in our presence. So trusting and so precious!

Bless you today my friend!!

Out on the prairie said...

Wow, you do have some nice photos. I like to look back occasionally, but use mine in a variety of ways that my best turns out to be newest. HA!

Pat - Arkansas said...

I can see why these made your 'Best of' list, Betsy. They are wonderful. I'd be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. What joy it must give you to look back at these special times and places.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Gorgeous photos, Betsy. The last one is my fav, I love the fall colors. I'm anxious for better weather and the opportunity to get out and go! At -25 wind chill here today, I think I'll be staying in...at least the sun is shining! Stay warm.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

They are all great...Love that deer shot so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I know you'll already guess my favorite - the White-Tailed Deer. Today is another cold one. A banner day, though, for birds. So far I have seen 16 different species in the yards and have photographed 15 (Missed the Hawk but it ate another Coot so I am not unhappy to have missed that event). Have a super day!

Susie said...

It would be hard to pick a favorite from those Betsy! That autumn pic is really pretty tho.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, I so love that last one! It is just wonderful. Love that you captured the deer and triplets...something we don't witness every day.

Big Dude said...

Those are some terrific shots Betsy

Rose said...

love the photo esp the water /ice down the rocks, love the mama deer feeding her family thanks rose

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I adore the big heart made up of all the small ones. It so speaks to me...m...

Diane said...

I never realized it but it DOES look like fingers. My favorite is the doe and fawns - precious. Diane

Janie said...

You've been to so many beautiful places. Love the landscapes. But I have to say, the deer photo is my fav.

mamahasspoken said...

I love the mountains of Kentucky for some reason ;o)Oh and the deer one too.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Beautiful pictures! My favorite one is of the ocean because I've lived across from the ocean twice in my life and it brings back so many 'warm' memories!! Thanks Betsy!!

Coreen xoxoxo

LV said...

I do not know how you or George could pick any one as the best. You do nothing but the beat everyday.

ruthinian said...

Oh can't wait to see the deer in our backyard again. I know they come every now and then I can see some tracks but they are so elusive this time of the year. can't wait for spring.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow again! I am fascinated by your beautiful photos!!! Thanks

carolina nana said...

Nice pics,love the deer with 3 babies,that's something you don't see everyday for sure.
Son had his surgery on his ankle today and so far so good. he is in a hard cast for a while so we won't know if the surgery worked or not for a while. Right now he is in a lot of pain again so we're just praying that it will be worth it.
Thanks for remembering him.
Have a blessed tomorrow

ratieh said...

as always, i loooooove your pics! they're so beautiful Betsy! =)

oh, i love the view of winter and autumn, which i can't enjoy them here in Indonesia. ^^

Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Hello Betsy, Your blog is beautiful.I love your background and your gorgeous photos. I'm your
newest follower.
Blessings ~*~ Wendy ~*~

Catherine said...

That beach would be heavenly to be on right now Betsy!
xo Catherine

SquirrelQueen said...

All of your photos are gorgeous Betsy but my favorite is the one of the fawns and their mama. I have never seen fawns nursing in the wild which makes it even more special.

I also like the Ocean Isle photo, I would love to be on a beach right now.

Neal said...

The last one is my favorite....that is just beautiful.

KathyA said...

The frozen water on that rock wall is no neat!

Kind of crowded at that doe-fountain, isn't it! :)

Did you look through the shells on the beach that day?

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Gorgeous photos! I remember most of them! :)

Nance said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! i enjoyed looking at all of them but my fave so far is the Mama deer with her fawns. as always, thanks for sharing your memories, Betsy!

Mary said...

Wonderful! Enjoy them just as much the second time. I like the second one and the deer in particular.