Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pure Entertainment

This is what I do on a cold, snowy day!!!!!   I watch my birds!!!!   All of these pictures are of two male PILEATED WOODPECKERS chasing each other around a tree...  They would go round and round ---and I tried to get their pictures when they'd come back to 'my' side.... Pictures don't really show it the way it was ---but you will get the idea.  I apologize that there's one of our deck rails in the way.

Hope you enjoyed seeing my little entertainers....   I stood there with my camera for the longest time --watching these guys play!!!!  I guess they were staying very active since the temperature outside was about 20 degrees F---and there was about 5 inches of snow on the ground..  All of these pictures were taken on Thursday,  January 13.



ratieh said...

refreshing entertainment in the evening! (Indonesian time) =)

have a great day Betsy.. ^^

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I know these two were fun to watch. We see the pileated woodpecker occasionally in the woods but can never get a good close-up. We both enjoyed your wonderful pictures this a.m. Have a great day.

mamahasspoken said...

Great pictures! Curious as to how you got such a clear picture. Did you open your window? If I took pictures through my windows, they would have all these dirt marks on them from the dirty windows.....
Also wonder what would happen if the woodpeckers ever caught each other...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Woodpeckers do display a lot of dancing. I enjoyed what you saw when I was in Singapore.

Valerie said...

I sure hope it warms up for you soon! Such wonderful weather eh??

Love the woodpeckers. I only see these guys perhaps once a year. I was thinking of maybe a larger suet feeder at the back of the yard - where I have seen them. Not so sure Larry will want me getting ANOTHER feeder - although he is catching on - he has started picking up my camera when he is home for lunch and capturing some of what I miss while I am at work!

Who know - maybe he will start photographing again - (He was an amateur film slr guy when we first got married!)

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! What a special treat! I get executed to see one of these guys,from a long way off.My camera would have been very busy to see a sight like this.

Sunny said...

Good morning, Betsy ! Wow looky here ~ I made the front row of your peeps !! :)

Your woodpeckers are mighty dapper looking! Mom and I used to sit at her table by the sliders doors in the winter and have coffee and watch the birds and chat.

Nice memories you just brough back to me ~ Thankyou , Hugs! and have a great day !

pam said...

I wish I had some of those in our yard. We used to have one, but I haven't seen him this year.

Neal said...

I think it's fun to watch about any animal and birds are no exception. You got some very nice shots of the woodpeckers.

KathyA said...

We refer to scenes like this one as 'kitty TV'. The four of them used to sit on the sun porch and watch avidly!

Jen said...

I'd buy a ticket to that show! ;) ha! Lucky you.

Janice K said...

I think you hit the jackpot! I have seen two on the same tree before but much too far away to get such good pictures. I haven't heard my pilated for a while, but he seems to always come back.

Those pictures are really neat!

Tabor said...

Wow. Our usually stay far away.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the woodpeckers! I would have enjoyed watching them as well!

amelia said...

Great pictures!! I wish the ones we see would come closer but they don't!

It's -30 here this morning. Brrr!!!

Fred Alton said...

I love watching them play. You captured some great pictures Betsy.

Anonymous said...

Years ago where I lived in rural Virginia, we had a pileated woodpecker, enjoyable to watch as he pecked out his daily meal. Thanks for sharing the photos of these 2 beautiful birds.

Pat - Arkansas said...

I hear woodpeckers in my neighborhood from time to time, but only once have I actually seen one. Great photos of these little clowns.

Darla said...

Tell them the female was here the other day. Cool photos, I bet you are so ready for that snow to melt!

imac said...

Aint Nature wonderful.

Karin said...

Send them my way - I could use some entertainers like that! They are gorgeous Betsy and you got great shots of them! One day off today and so much to do!! Take care!

Connie said...

Your bird entertainers are probably better than watching a movie or a TV show, Betsy. You got some really great pictures! :)

Cicero Sings said...

I've seen them dance around the trees too, but not this year. Fun to watch.

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shots, Betsy. I get the idea that they are playing ring around the tree with you a willing participant. haha!! You are fortunate to see the Pileated up so close. I see them winging their way overhead into the woods. And don't get any pictures. MB

Catherine said...

Watching the birds is always a good way to spend a cold and snowy day. And these ones look like they are very good entertainment! :)

xo Catherine

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a treat! I haven't seen any pileated woodpeckers here yet, altho I'm sure there must be some out there. We've had the red-bellied, the red-headed, and the downy in our yard. I'd love to see this one. Thanks, Betsy, for sharing these great photos. ~Cheryl

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are great pictures, Betsy! Once in a while I will see two in the tree across the street, but I've never been able to get a pictures of them. They will go around to the other side every time they spot anything!!

Dorothy said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I would have a fit if one of those came into my sight!

Harriet said...

Great pictures! Looks like they have been busy working on that tree!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You doubled my pleasure at seeing my favorite birds! I just love all of the Woodpeckers! Great pictures. It looks like our coming snow may not be so bad later... we'll see! Have a great day!

Big Dude said...

We have them here, but only see them occasionally. Have you got the snow shovel ready for round 3.

Tracy said...

Oh How fun! I'm glad you specified the date because I was wondering when you'd gotten more snow.
The woodpeckers are very lovely and just 'cute' you know? I can see the display in my head of them running around the tree.
I hope all is well within your world...

Arkansas Patti said...

You not only got a free show but you also had your trees doctored.
Those pileated woodpeckers are so neat. Really nice shots.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are gorgeous and really entertaining on here, so i can imagine how much fun they are for real. at first glance i thought it said PLEATED woodpeckers. ha ha on me and getting OLD

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It's interesting that you should have seen these two males interacting on one tree this way. Another blogger (Riverdaze) posted images of two female pileateds behaving in much the same way yesterday. Another example of interesting critter behavior.

Out on the prairie said...

A very nice capture. Cold is the word all over, it was 8 this morning, but alerts are out for this evening.


Wonderful post!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

How relaxing to watch the birds at the feeder. These photos are so beautiful. I just love those birds. They are so colorful and pretty. Your photos are just out-of-this world. I would love to be able to take such grand shots of birds. It's such a joy to visit your blog.

Unknown said...

Wonderful series, Betsy! We have a few species of woodpeckers here but none of these guys. They look just like Woody Woodpecker....or vice versa!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Awesome photos...can't believe you got that many terrific photos of them...it's snowing here now...

floweringmama said...

Wow!! It's been snowing here now for a couple of hours, but the only birds out are the chickadees.

Cathy @ Country Cathy

mudderbear said...

It's interesting that you can sit and just watch them for so long. I've never even seen one. When I look at your birds I want to hold them and pet them, but, maybe not these two. I don't think they would like that. ^.^)

nanny said...

Wonder if all of that pecking warmed them up? lol

Kay said...

It must have been fun watching them. My birds are "in hiding" today because it is extremely windy. I do see one hunkered down on the fence. Poor things.


Chris said...

Wonderful pictures Betsy, I can see how much enjoyment you get by watching these lovely birds, especially when the weather keeps you at home.

LV said...

Even your deck did not keep you from getting some great shots of these woodpeckers. I think they are colorful. We do not get many here.

Unknown said...

I was wondering if you still had snow! I love Woodpeckers they are just such neat birds. x

From the Kitchen said...

Your very own little "Woody" woodpeckers. They had a favorite tree in our backyard in Charleston. I loved to hear their peck, peck, pecking!!

It's too cold here for man, beast or woodpeckers!!


carolina nana said...

Looks like on the weather you'll be looking for more entertainers in the days to come. Hopefully the snow is gonna miss us.
Have a blessed tomorrow

Carletta said...

What fun! I kinda like that they're little red-headed joys. :)

Loran said...

Betsy, I love your January header shot! And all the reds! You are having real winter there. Hope you stay warm and entertained by all those beautiful birds!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I like the very red tops of their pointed heads! You too wonderful photos of them, Besty.

More snow coming our way tomorrow!

Bookncoffee said...

So pretty! The whole blog is pretty! Love the cardinals.

Diane said...

Their colors are striking. Nice shots, Betsy. Diane

Velvet Over Steel said...

How Cute, Betsy!! Your pictures still turn out great even from the distance. My camera would have focused on the 'railing'. Ha..

Stay Warm!!!

Janie said...

Funny that they seem to be entertaining themselves as well as you with their chasing game. Does seem like a good way to stay warm.

Jackie said...

56 comments before me! The reds and blacks against the snow is just beautiful

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy! I wish we had them in our area. They are so great to watch....so striking!

SquirrelQueen said...

Great photos Betsy, these guys must have been a hoot to watch. I would love to have a window view like yours.

Do you ever do videos of your little birds?

Nordis said...

Wonderful photos.

diane b said...

That must be fun watching those characters. They are so colourful with their motor bike helmets on.

Unknown said...

You are right. This is pure entertainment!

Rose said...

I can so imagine this in real life! Were you laughing the whole time?

Unknown said...

Oh what a couple of pretty red-heads! lol I would love to see a video on these two sometime. I can imagine the chatter that goes on between them. lol ((hugs))

Mary said...

Such gorgeous creatures! I'm suprised they will share that close space without chasing each other.

ruthinian said...

wow this is so cool. awesome.