Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Story You Will NOT Believe

Have you ever gotten involved in a MESS when you least expected it????? WELL--when we were having dinner at Deerpark Restaurant (see yesterday's blog), I was sitting at our table just as happy as a lark eating my Pumpkin Apple Cider Bisque ---when all of a sudden the cork from someone's wine bottle across from us, blew its top ---and the cork flew directly into my Pumpkin Bisque. (Now---don't laugh!!!!! It may be funny even to me now--but it wasn't then!)

The bisque went ALL OVER ME.... (That obviously is not me--in the picture above---but that's probably the way I looked!!!) Imagine seeing pumpkin all over your shirt, your arm, your jacket--which was behind you, the floor, the window, the tablecloth, the menu, your pants, even your shoes, etc. etc. etc...... The wait staff came running since I just sat there --not knowing what to do... They brought me a wet napkin --so I wiped and wiped and wiped the pumpkin off of me the best that I could... They came and cleaned up everything else that they could....

They apologized and said that that has NEVER happened before... SURE!!!!! I will say that everyone was very nice ---and did everything they could to make us 'happy' under the circumstances.... They even brought us FREE wine to drink!!!!! Guess they thought that would ease the pain embarrassment.

I was a very good little girl though (unlike the girl in the picture above)---and didn't allow that incident to upset me... I just walked around the buffet line with spots all over my shirt and pants--and just smiled at everyone I saw... (Who was that funny-looking woman with food all over her????)

Luckily, I didn't have on a white or light-colored blouse that day.. It was dark green --so the spots weren't 'too' obvious... I was determined to enjoy my dinner --and I did (every drop of it).... AND--I even went back for more Pumpkin Bisque.... ha

Now--I know that my good friend NEAL will love this story---and he'll swear to you that "I" am the one who had been into the wine!!!!!! He won't believe the 'true' version... Wonder why?????? Why wouldn't anyone believe that a cork from a wine bottle on another table would fly like lightning right into the middle of my bisque, and splatter it all over me???

At first, I thought that someone had shot a gun because the noise was so loud.... Don't things like this happen all of the time????????? ha ha.... This is one time that I'm sure that Neal and George would love to have had ME on video... But this time---I was truly INNOCENT ... Rare, I know!!!! ha......NOW--you can laugh and laugh and laugh.... It's rather funny NOW when thinking about it... This could ONLY happen to ME!!!!!! ha ha

Here are a few more pictures from Deerpark Restaurant---a place I will never forget!!!

Here is another picture of the outside of that gorgeous restaurant... I looked a little nicer going in than I did coming out!!!!!! ha ha

And --here is another picture of the courtyard which is the open area in the middle of the four wings of this facility. Everything looked so pretty--all decorated for Christmas!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay away from the Pumpkin Apple Cider Bisque.... I'll see you on Monday!!!!

P.S. The first three pictures came from the internet!!!!


Anonymous said...

OH! I can imagine what a shock that was! I hope you and George have a very nice weekend Betsy!

Catherine said...

Haha ~ I bet you smelled good all day Betsy with your pumpkin apple cider bisque stains! I would say the restaurant should have bought your whole meal for you, never mind one tiny glass of wine! :)

Hope you have a beautiful weekend friend!
xo Catherine

eileeninmd said...

You were a good sport and I am glad you didn't let it ruin your time and dinner.

ratieh said...

whoaa..i can imagine how shock you are at that time. if i were you, i would ask the restaurant to give me free meal for a week. haha..=P

DeniseinVA said...

That must have been quite a shock when it happened. You've always got such a great attitude Betsy. Glad that cork didn't hurt you other than give you a bath in pumpkin soup. A friend of mine got hit in the eye once and had a terrible time getting over it. Lesson learned for someone I hope, like watch where you're pointing those bottles when you take the corks off, hopefully not in the direction of any more customers. Lovely pictures!

Jane said...

Too funny! Not in a million years will this incident ever happen to you again!


Tabor said...

Being neat and clean in a restaurant is something we so strive for. We eat carefully, and sit carefully and then something like this comes along and tests you sense of humor.

RoeH said...

Oh dang...I wish I'd been there to see that. Too funny! Love it.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am trying hard not to laugh.Sorry,but i must have been funny to watch,but not to experience.I guess it is good it happened to someone like you who has a good nature and able to take it in stride.Thanks for sharing this 'special' moment.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wish George could take a photo of you at that 'time' :)

From the Kitchen said...

The soup looks delicious in the bowl!! I'd say you did what you had to do--wore it proudly--and went back for more.


penny said...

Now don't think poorly of me but I must admit I started laughing as soon as I started to read you account of the cork in the soup mishap.. snicker :)

Glad it didn't stop you from enjoying you meat. It looks like a beautiful place.
I hope the spots came out!

Hugs and smiles,

Darla said...

This is funny! Glad it didn't hit you in the head.

Snap said...

I'm with Darla ... glad the cork landed in the soup and not your head! Pumpkin bisque ... sounds delicious and who knew it would be a new designer logo!!!!!!! :D :D

Unknown said...

It sounds like you handled the situation very well. Poor thing! Guess the Good Lord was giving you a different perspective to see the rest of your day ;-) Good humor will always take us farther than a fit! It's just harder to find in some instances! Have a great weekend!

Neal said...

Yeah, that's a likely story .... hitting the bottle a little too much huh? :) Surely George got a picture....first thing I did was go to his blog to see if he had posted a picture. I'm sure he would like to but probably don't have the nerve. :) BTW, I didn't have to wait until the bottom of the post to start laughing....I started in the first paragraph. :)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Don't know what to say except...at least it was something you liked!!!

Arkansas Patti said...

Sorry but I was laughing long before you gave me permission. What a rare thing to have happen.
I'm sure people were piting poor George as you walked around all decorated for being with a woman that clearly couldn't handle her bisque.
You pulled it off quite well gal. Thanks for the chuckle.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Great story! Thanks for letting us laugh with you!

Jen said...

Oh gosh that cork must have been traveling at a high rate of speed to cause that much damage.
Good thing it didn't hit you in the head.
Snow flurries here this morning and I thought of you as soon as I saw them. ❅

nanny said...

OMG...that story is priceless!! You couldn't stop my laughter with your warning/ha sorry!
Only you Betsy.....
At least you got free wine!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry betsy, but I am laughing. i have seen things like that on TV but never had it happen to me or seen it. reminded me of my favorite scene in pretty woman where the snail flies accross and into the man at the table. funny story great post

KathyA said...

Betsy, I believe it! Stuff like that happens to me all the time! Not sure why. Just be glad the cork didn't hit you in the eye!

Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, "Excuse me waiter; there's a cork in my soup". :)

Twilight Man said...

OMG! Your detailed story got me to visualize the incident so vivid and I burst out laughing. You must have felt like a clown! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, O.K. just plain admit it - George simply cannot take you anywhere! : ) That is the running joke at our house with my husband and I as I am the messier of the two of us. Glad there are no cameras in sight when I eat spaghetti with all that Marinara tomato sauce!!! Same with watermelon. Have a wonderful Friday and thanks for that fun story.

Sunny said...

I'm sorry to laugh but...hahahahahahahahahaha!
OMG that is too funny! Just think it could have been worse, it could have been tomato soup!
Have a great weekend.
☼ Sunny

Karin said...

You'd win the $100,000.00 on AFV for sure if you had a video! I bet those other folks felt terrible that this incident happened. You were such a good sport, so forgiving, and carried on with life! What a great attitude - you live up to the statement in your header. And that color of the soup is stunning! Hugs to you! So glad all was washable or else they should have paid your dry cleaning bill! Thank God the cork didn't smash an eye!

It certainly is a lovely restaurant and you got great photos!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Betsy, but I have to laugh. A video of your experience would have been priceless. I'm glad that you were good-natured about your experience and didn't let it ruin your Thanksgiving holiday!

I Am Woody said...

Sorry but I really have to laugh:)

Pedaling said...

What a funny little story to start out my day! You're a good spot.

Out on the prairie said...

W.C. Fields said," I would rather have a bottle in front of me, rather than a frontal lobotomy." Yours might be,"I'd rather have my bisque in front of me, rather than all over me." Glad you survived this with grace, but that is because you are a classy lady.Now if it had been me, I am sure my language would have caught everyones attention.

Sharon said...

Um... actually the restaurant should not have charged either meal and given you an address where to send your cleaning bill. JMO

They got by cheap, and I am sure they knew it! Delicious is one thing...

Big Dude said...

Sounds like you handled it fine and it will get even funnier the more you and George tell the story. I'm amazed at the number of people who don't know you're not supposed to allow sparkling wine to pop its cork as you lose most of those bubbles you just paid a premium to have in the wine.

Diane said...

What I was thinking as I read your post is -why should you be embarassed when somebody else caused it. I know we do, we don't want to look like we took a bath in our soup but it's really funny about human nature, isn't it. Diane

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Now we know why that restaurant is so memorable! And I thought those kind of things only happen to me. I always seem to spill or drop something every time no matter how hard I try to not let it happen. You know, like a fork full of peas just politely roll off and onto the table? Or, that spoonful of soup just decides to overturn on its way to my mouth? Thanks for the chuckle, Betsy! Have a great weekend!


Lynda said...

Very, very funny and Praise God, you did not let it spoil your day. Some people might have ranted and raved - - - thus spoiling the day for many. I have gotten to the age in life that if no one gets hurt, it is all good!!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

What a messy story but had to grin! Life is exciting, right

D said...

Betsy, I am chuckling a wee bit... :(( sorry, but I can only imagine what must have gone through your mind... quite stunned I would imagine.

The best part is you kept right on going and didn't let it ruin your day. You're my hero. XOXO

PS: boy does that bisque look wonderful

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, this is a scream!! But I did stop laughing when I read about how much got splattered! If this was on a T.V. sitcom, it would be too unbelieveable!! Did it come out in the wash? And just as important, you have posted a picture of the bisque for me to see, yum!! I suppoes the waiters were trying to get you so drunk that you forgot about the whole incident. The dangers of alchol are not to be taken lightly, har har har!!!

Unknown said...

I like your attitude. You always find good things in everything even in something as upsetting as this one.

You are a kind-hearted person, Betsy.

Thanks for sharing this experience.

Cassie said...

That was pretty funny, but I'm sure a shock at first. Besides the mea culpa bottle of wine I hope they also volunteered to get your clothes dry cleaned. I know bisque usually has lots of butter in it.
;0) Have a good weekend Betsey! Blessings.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy: I'm just glad it landed in your bisque and NOT your eye !
Isn't that the grandest of places, it looks like a restaurant straight out of the Olde Country, lots of atmosphere, and coziness.
The decorations are just spectacular.
Sorry I've been rather scarce lately, I've been back to work for two weeks now, and it's wore me down.

DayPhoto said...

I LOVE your header! And your post was ever so good! I would not have liked to be you...but still You wrote a good blog post :)


CottonLady said...

Oh, goodness, glad it didn't hit you. Soup is washable, a black eye might be harder to explain!!


amelia said...

That is so funny!!! I'd have been rolling on the floor laughing!!

I'd love to have seen George's face as well as yours, I bet you were both completely stunned and wondered where on earth this missile had come from!!

mudderbear said...

That is funny and unbelievable too. I have to compliment you on how you handled it and turned it into a really great post. I want some Pumpkin Bisque Soup................

Cheryl said...

Dear, sweet Betsy, I must admit I had a good chuckle over the incident! Your post brightened the gloomy, dark, and damp day we are having! You did a wonderful job of accepting what happened to you. Here's hoping your weekend isn't so "wild"!

Kay said...

LOL...sounds like a plot for a TV sitcom.

LV said...

Betsy, this was the best laugh I have had in days. I am sure it was not funny to you. I would have been shocked at first and then laughed how at crazy things can happen. They should have given you another Cider Bisque for free.

Tracy said...

Oh my goodness, how funny...and yeah, I'm sure you weren't laughing then! I certainly hope they comped you big time for all the mess 'they' caused...

Fred Alton said...

Oh Metsy! You poor thing. (He said as he stifled a huge laugh) What an unfortunate thing to have happen. Eating out and following all of the social graces has never been my forte - so I'm really self-conscious about some of the messes I've been in - but life goes on and so do I. I'm sure I would have been mortified! Bless your heart.

The Retired One said...

Sure looks like a wonderful place and it looks so festive for the holidays.

Andrea said...

Oh Betsy, that was so kind of you. Others of a different disposition would not be as poised as you in those circumstances. Maybe another would make something like that to the hair of the culprit in the picture. But you are a very nice, kind, cultured lady, still can smile and of course gain more respect from the onlookers. Hahaha, but you got us there! I visualized it pretty well.

NCmountainwoman said...

I'm sure they were glad it happened to someone like you rather than some of those nasty folks.

A friend of mine recently gave me a good quote. I don't know where it came from but it definitely applies to your fiasco. She said, "Well, if you know you're going to look back at this and laugh, you might as well laugh about it now."

floweringmama said...

Oh Betsy, this happened to me about 15 years ago with a bottle of catsup! Unfortunately, I was wearing a white shirt and the bottle exploded on me.

I'm glad you had such a great attitude when it happened and were able to enjoy your meal.

Dar said...

ROFL...I know, not nice to laugh and laugh and laugh...I would have been livid, for a few minutes and then gone on like you did. So, how WAS the Apple Cider Pumpkin Bisque, internally? Thank goodness, it all comes out in the wash. The restaurant should have paid for your meal and dry-cleaning, however.

Dorothy said...

That's awful, Betsy, but I know you handled it with all the grace and charm you could muster! I would have probably run to the restroom and cried!

Connie said...

Betsy, it is just like you to handle something like this with such grace and a sense of humor. Must have been quite a surprise! I'm just glad you didn't get hurt when it happened. That cork could have injured you if it had gone in a different direction!

I hope you and George have a good weekend! :)

Jackie said...

I so identify. if there is something gonna bs spilled by another...it is always me. i have backed into a big fancy cake and ruined my coat..and the cake of course!Thanks for the chuckle!

diane b said...

The picture that you painted made me laugh, but I'm glad it didn't go in your eye. I wish George had got a photo. Well done for keeping cool and enjoying your meal.

carolina nana said...

I cannot believe your George didn't take pictures of you with the pumpkin all over you !!!
HAve a blessed weekend

Pat Tillett said...

What a funny story Betsy!
I would have held out for a free dinner also!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

LOL, they didn't offer you dry cleaning money and free dinners?

You are very wise and not wear light color clothes. I learned that long ago. In fact, I hardly wear loght coloured tops.

Thanks for a funny story. George didn't put it om AFV?

SquirrelQueen said...

OMG Betsy, what an exciting dinner you and George had. Are you sure they weren't aiming for your bowl of bisque??

I know it wasn't funny at the time but I can't help but laugh. It did give you a great story to tell.

Wishing you and George a great weekend. I know winter weather is headed your way, is snow predicted for your area?


Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my goodness Betsy!!!! Only YOU could have this happen.
Glad you did not get burned...or burned up.

Beth said...

What would have been the sense in getting angry, right?! Good story and I do believe it. I'd be one it would happen to.
I do think they should have given at least you your meal free--but then neither Mike nor I favor wine. But the important part is you still had a good time.
Lovely pictures as usual. :)

Cicero Sings said...

A once in a lifetime experience -- but they make for the best of stories!

Am at the coast at the moment so not posting probably until I get home.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh you poor thing! Yep I'd say that's a memory that will last a lifetime. lol Who knew wine could be so dangerous! lol
I'm happy to hear you took it in stride girl. Wear that bisque proudly!

Small City Scenes said...

Well someday, Betsy, you will tell this story and laugh and laugh until tears come out your eyes. It will be so funny--then--maybe not now.
but an adventure is an adventure and must be looked upon as just that. MB

Rose said...

Oh, my, thank you Betsy...tears are slowly drying on my cheeks. I scrolled through the comments to make sure Neal had seen this. I am with him...didn't have to get very far till I started laughing. I can just imagine how you feel.

One time just a few years ago, Roger and I stopped at this little diner in a nearby town. It was late in the morn but we were goth having breakfast. He always uses catchup on his scrambled eggs...well, about the time our meal got to our table he picked up the catchup bottle to give it a good shake and the lid was not on good...catchup was on the window, on the table, probably on the floor and on him....luckily no one was behind us! I can't remember if it got on me...I just remember me along with the waitresses could not stop laughing!

At least you were innocent, whether Neal wants to admit it or not!

Unknown said...

What!?!? They didn't offer to pay for the cleaning? Actually, I am chuckling because when I worked in a restaurant these occasional situations would occur, sadly so. Glad you weren't injured. Glad you enjoyed the rest of your luncheon.

I remember one day I was delivering a huge tray of that sticky sangria to a table during the holidays, tripped on
the table leg & flew DOWN the middle of the table belly first, drinks flying everywhere ... me on my belly full length of the table looking up & meekly saying 'I am sorry'. This really nice person said 'are you okay', I replied, 'I think I am going to have another sangria'. Now that was one of the dumbest things I could have said, as I can't stand sangria. Everyone was a mess, everyone was really nice, I was soooo embarrassed beyond words.

Have a beautiful winter weekend ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Joe Todd said...

Your post made me smile. It has been a tough week so I really appreciate it.

Glenda said...

Well, it does make a funny story . . . I can picture it happening - just not to me!! Sounds like something you see on America's Funniest Videos! But you handled it really well, Betsy!

Have a great Sunday!!

Chad said...

That is really funny! Sounds like something from a movie!

Kay said...

Hi Betsy,
In answer to your question, Ben is doing fine. He's working, but he still cannot see anything but light and shadows through his left eye. He is still taking a lot of eye drops, so we are thinking maybe the drops are causing him not to see yet. One of the drops dilates the pupil. He goes to the doctor again on Dec. 10th, so we'll see how it goes then.

NatureStop said...

Ha ha ha!!!OMG I can imagine you Betsy:)

Anyway, we are off on vacation so wish you and George a Merry Christmas and a lovely New Year!!!


Mary said...

I wouldn't have laughed at the time, but it sure is funny when you tell it now :-) You are a good sport and handled it with grace.

Anonymous said...

The little messy girl photo looks like it could of been one of your childhood pics :-)


Fred Alton said...

Hi Again. Just came back to say thank you for the offer to come and harvest some of the Cumberland county squirrels. I used to hunt there - before the days of Fairfield Glade - and it was a great place to hunt. Have George harvest a few for your table. On the other hand...your neighbors may not appreciate you taking their pets! ☻

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Holy smokes! I've always wondered what would happen if one of those corks got loose in a crowded restaurant! Luckily it hit your soup and not you!

Kelly said...

Haha! Betsy....that's just funny. I only know one other person that would happen to, and it would be my mom. If there is a way for a waiter so someone to spill something on her it's going to happen. I'm going to pass your story on to her. Hope your clothes weren't ruined!

LifeRamblings said...

what a great story. good thing that you didn't wear light-coloured bloused that day. thanks for the laughter.