Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Lights in Fairfield Glade 2010

Before we left for our beach trip,  we drove around the Glade to see some of the Christmas lights in our area.   Here are a few pictures from that little ride!  Above is a picture from one side of one of the lakes in our area ---looking across the lake.  You can see some of the reflections in the water.

Here is one using the long lens....You can see things more easily now--including the reflections in the water.  Christmas lights are always so pretty -- and never seem to show up as pretty in pictures... But---we were enjoying the beauty from across the lake!!!

Wanna take a ride with me in that big, shiny truck???

This big house had lights EVERYWHERE.... But--my favorite was the big star on the roof...

This house seemed to have a little of everything --and everyone --on and around its porch.

I loved seeing the Penguins at this house display---and I'll bet that those Penguins are much happier now that we have had lots of snow on the ground here... ha

I have one more set of light pictures --which I will show another day.

Hope you are having a great week --and getting ready to celebrate a NEW YEAR....



Darla said...

I enjoy seeing Christmas lights too. You just never know what some people will display. The light reflections in the lake are very pretty. Great header!

Catherine said...

Those sure are some pretty lights! Hope you are having a good week too Betsy.
xo Catherine

Jane said...

Beautiful lights!


pam said...

We didn't drive around and look at lights this year, so this is perfect!

Arkansas Patti said...

Thanks for the trip, Like Pam, I didn't make the drive this year either. Love the water shots.
I tend to think less is more and am often amazed at how much effort people put into their displays.
I really like those penguins also.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing these pretty light displays.Some people spend a lot of time and money decorating for Christmas,so the rest of us can enjoy it.

Dorothy said...

It's nice to see your pictures of Christmas lights, since we didn't get around to seeing many this year. Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! Would you like to follow each others blogs? :D

Anonymous said...

There sure are pretty light displays in your neighborhood!

Tracy said...

Good Morning, my Dear!

Love the lights...and my e-mail address is ohheelstas@aol.com for future endeavors...
Also, with all the off-field troubles the Tar Heels have had this season AND another player was ruled acadmically ineligible, well, I'm really not confident about our team either...as you said, let's just hope it's a good game for both and it'll be especially fun watching now that I know a true Vols fan!
ACtually though, I have to admit I am a follwer of Pat Summit and the Ladies BB team...
hugs :)

Out on the prairie said...

I had lunch in Fairfield, Iowa yesterday, a charming town built up by thoose studying TM.I need to gather one last look of the lights around me again.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So enjoy the lights, and always your pics!

I Am Woody said...

We saw some beautiful lights in CA while attending a boat parade! What fun! But didn't have a tripod with me so all the pics are on the blurry side:(

Pat Tillett said...

I have a friend who starts planning his decorations and theme during the summer. Yes, they change the theme almost every year!

Sunny said...

One of the best parts of our long drive on Christmas day was a chance to see a lot of lights and displays.
I like the lights reflected in the water...very pretty!
☼ Sunny

KathyA said...

We did a ride around, too, and really enjoy seeing all the lights.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

They are all so very pretty. I think more people hung lights this year, than the past two, maybe hoping the economy is getting better...
There is nothing more festive than Christmas lights, the first time I saw them in Colorado Springs, CO where we lived, I couldn't believe my eyes, that individuals would go to such lengths !

Karin said...

Your header looks terrific - party time like! Lovely to go for a drive and see all the lights! Thanks for sharing your photos! Just a family gathering planned for our New Year's - no big parties - but that's the way we like it!

Unknown said...

G'morn, Betsy ~ What a bright & delightful New Year's greeting. So love the lights ... love driving around looking at them ... will miss them.

Have a beautiful day ...
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, My husband and I did the same but did not take pictures! Our community is brightly lit - I enjoy what the Community Association does also at the little mall area + the LST condo's. Have a super great day & stay warm!

imac said...

Like that Header Betsy.

amelia said...

Pretty light but I like mine more simple. Plus the hydro to run them!!
We took all the decorations down yesterday and I have my house back and I'm cleaning it today!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love light pictures, and yours are great! The second picture is better than the first. LOVE the reflections!! I see you have included an inflatible in there! I don't like them, but some are cute. I think the pharisees would have gone wild for the pumped up inflatables, don't you? But the penguin, I DO love him, is he blow up? On first glance, I thought you'd found a penguin manger scene somewhere, ha ha!! Can't wait to see the next light surprise!!

Kay said...

Really neat photos of the Christmas lights. I always have problems shooting Christmas lights because the seem to end up blurring. I guess if I used my tripod they'd come out clear.


Sunny said...

These are pretty pictures, Betsy ! I like best the one of the front porch and all the people...'er I mean decor ! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones !!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Such beautiful pictures of the Christmas lights. Hope you are having a good afternoon.

Unknown said...

We had about five inches of snow while we were in church for the Christmas Eve Children's service/pageant. SERIOUSLY! But we drove around town as best we could to see all the lights one more time! The girls love them just as much if not more that the fireworks on the 4th of July!

Great pics!

Happy New Year!

nanny said...

Very pretty pictures....the lights on the water are so peaceful!

Naturegirl said...

Betsy! I'm snowbirding once again in the state of sunny AZ and am stopping by to wish you a healthy, happy, and peace filled New Year! hugs Anna xo

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

I love the photos..especially the one with the reflection off the lake.

So where are you right now? Yes, we had a white Christmas as I'm sure you know..haha 9 inches at our house and we are still snowed in on this ridge. From what we are hearing from people we know and the news articles we are reading....Gatlinburg traffic is backed up for 3 miles with folks wanting to get to Ober Gatlinburg to snow ski.

The other part is not so good...there are hundreds of vacationers here that are isolated in mountain cabins and can't get down the mountain roads...3 inches of ice underneath the snow... over in Sky Harbor there are 700 cabins and lots of folks stuck and out of food.... Sevier County Rescue has finally sent out ONE truck to start helping to rescue these people. There's another guy that owns a tow truck service that is helping bring people and their vehicles down so they can go home.

Right here on our ridge we've met several people that are stuck as well. Thomas and a few of the other men he's met have tried to chip ice off the lane with no success.

This is the worst snow storm since the blizzard of 93 so everyone is totally unprepared for what has happened here.

We are fine though. I keep a walk in pantry full of food, the wood stove, pellet stove and heater are running and the stand by generator is patiently waiting in case we lose power!

Drop by to see my snow storm photos!

Stephanie ♥

Connie said...

Lots of pretty lights there, Betsy. The penguin was cute. HA! :D

Lynda said...

Great pictures and love the new look on your blog. I really need to learn how to do that - - - I need to ask some young people who do changes on theirs well - - - just need to set aside the time.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love seeing all the homes dressed up in pretty lights. I just wish it was not so much work!

imac said...

Betsy, thanks for your idea of Between, neat idea, on that idea, would you be interested in joining our little band of Headbangers??
we could do with 1 more to make our 6th person?????.
If interested please send email to me and find out more..

Diane said...

Beautiful Christmas lights Betsy. Diane

Day4plus said...

Aw betsy, the lights are gorgeous. I have a hard time taking pics at night time. You did good.
I like the house and decorations with the porch---well I just like porches. MB

The Retired One said...

Very pretty Betsy!!

Fred Alton said...

Beautiful capture of the Christmas decorations in Fairfield Glade. We saw lots of lights but I didn't think to try and take pictures. Wahhhh!

Anonymous said...

Yup. Such a terrible thing to happen especially on Christmas day. I really hope that the poor puppy survived the accident, 'cause I'm not sure if he's alive or not. But wherever he is right now, let's just hope that he is in a better place.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Beautiful Christmas lights, Betsy.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I always love to drive around to see the Christmas lights! So many people do such a beautiful job.

Your blog banner made me smile -- that is a fabulous bright and happy new year's greeting! :)

Elizabeth said...

WOW, that glitter 2011 banner really brought a smile to me!! Lovely pictures of night lights on the water. That snow was something, wasn't it? Here in Mississippi we had a beautiful white Christmas...not since 1963!

Looking forward to your postings in the New Year. :-)

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

These photos look like "Christmas"...loved the little truck!!!

Sharon said...

Nice to see the lights, somebody put in a lot of time doing them, gotta appreciate that!

Elen Susan said...

Even did I go for watching the christmas lights on the christmas eve. It was a sight that I will never ever forget. So much to see and enjoy.Your Photo are marvellous. I loved the star as well as the penguins.
I am also anxiously waiting for the new year.
Wishing you a happy new year!

Neal said...

Nice Betsy. For some reason I thought you weren't starting your blog back up until next Monday....my bad.

SquirrelQueen said...

You live in a very well lit area Betsy, those are some great light displays. I really like the reflections on the lake, twice the lights!

My favorite is the one with the truck. What I really like about that shot is the tree on the right had side and the way it looks against the brick.