Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, November 22, 2010

They are GONE!!

I was going to show you Part III of our Blue Ridge Parkway photos today---but since George and I worked ALL weekend to clear our yard and flowerbeds of the rest of the leaves,  I wanted to share with you a 'pretty and almost leaf-free'  yard today!!!  SO---the Blue Ridge Parkway pictures will be posted tomorrow.

Above is a picture I took from our back deck ---showing you that our trees have mostly all lost their leaves for this year...  YEAH RAH!!!!!  Since we have about 50 large shade trees in our yard,  Fall is a very busy time for us, and we really have the leaves!!!

George and I have a 'system' for doing this... I blow the leaves out of the edges and out of the flowerbeds  with the leaf blower--into the middle of the yard.  George then uses the lawn mower (with a bag) --and mows up the leaves to use for mulch on our compost pile.   There are several places in the yard where the leaf blower doesn't work well---so in those places,  I use the rake... Like I said, it's a big job.. BUT--it's great exercise!!!!!

Above is a picture of our front yard ---taken from the driveway --looking across the yard.  You can see some of our Pansies in the two round beds in this picture.

This is the lower side of our front yard --where we have a bench --so that I can sit out there and enjoy the Roses.  You can see all of the leaves in the empty lot next door --and in the neighbor's yard.  That is what our yard looked like BEFORE!!!!!   Aren't you proud of us???? Want to hire us??????

The tree to the right is one of our Redbud trees --and those are all of the seed pods which are left on the tree...  They will eventually fall.   You can also see our Clematis in the center --near the bench.  It is about gone for the season,  and George will cut it back.  You can also see some of the Roses --still trying to bloom,  even though we had 3 nights with temps in the 20's  (NO frost though!!!)...

This is the upper side of our front yard.    The English Ivy and Periwinkle both are doing GREAT in this area.  Sometime,  I'll show you a picture of this area when we first planted the Ivy and Periwinkle....

See the stump there in the front?  We had a dead tree --and had to cut it down a few years ago.  We left the stump so that I could put a basket of flowers on it during the summer.  However,  the squirrels and chipmunks (and who knows what other critters) have dug down into that old tree stump--and have a home down in there!!!!

Some of you have asked about our Pansies.  We have about 72 Pansies planted in five different beds around the front yard.  Here is a close-up picture of one of the beds.  We have to be careful when planting Annuals in these beds since we have Perennials in there also. BUT--these Pansies will grow and spread...  They will bloom here until about July (unless the winter is very very harsh).

Remember the Reblooming Iris I covered during the 20 degree weather we had recently???? WELL---here it is ---still blooming even though it is almost December.   Amazing, huh?

Here's a picture taken from the street of our home---showing the 'bare' trees....  Both George and I love Fall ---but we are always happy when this HUGE job is done.  Anymore leaves that come down (and as you can see,  there are a few) will just have to blow away all by themselves... ha ha

I just have to show you this picture... After all of our hard work on Saturday,  we got out about 4:15 to run some errands and to enjoy supper at the Colonel's Buffet.    This was the sunset we saw while driving...  Luckily,  George had his camera with him --so we stopped so that he could get some pictures...  Isn't that an awesome way to end a hard day????

Hope you had a good weekend also.


Anonymous said...

That is an awesome sunset! You and George sure have a lovely yard. The pansies are so pretty and I am amazed at your irises. Hope you have a great week and a marvelous Thanksgiving.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

All neat and tidy, and I for one can appreciate all that hard work.
An Iris in bloom, isn't that just special, we have Petunias that are blooming again, after I have thrown them on the compost pile,
and today another 70 degree day !
You and George live in one of the most beautiful areas, in all seasons of the year, it is spectacular.
BTW knee doing a bit better. Thank you.

Beth said...

A lot of hard work, but I bet you have some laughs between you as you work!
It would be worth the work to me to have such a lovely big yard.
I would spend much time on that bench near the climatis and roses.
Do you take the roses inside somewhere (like a shed) when it the winter is truly here?
Your pansies look so refreshing to these eyes already getting used to brown everywhere. Next year I will try to extend the color season with them.

Big Dude said...

You sure have your lawn and gardens slicked down good for winter - being able to do a lot of it with a mower is a big help. Glad to hear you keep them for mulch and compost. I'm able to use the blower and mower to blow ours directly into the shrub and flower gardens that surround the yard - mulch and fertilizer at on time. We're Iris fans and I'll have to check into the everbloomer.

Valerie said...

What a beautiful way to end a day! You accomplished so much - and your yard is beautiful for your efforts!
What a great way to use the leaves in the compost.
Have you been composting long? Is it a "pile out back" or do you have one of those mulch house boxes?

It is a neat feeling when you are able to help create rich healthy soil to use on your flower beds!

Cicero Sings said...

You have been busy! Having trees does make for a lot of work come fall but they are so worth it. I think pansies are so cheery -- and so hardy. Remind me of the flower, Acceptance With Joy, in Hinds Feet

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh those aching muscles after all that work.The pictures show a yard that is lovingly kept and your reward at the end of the day is gorgeous.Hope you find time now to sit and enjoy the weather.

Connie said...

What a gorgeous sunset, Becky! Your yard looks great. We raked the last of our leaves here today too. I'm glad we got it done before snow arrived. Often it comes before they have even finished falling from the trees.

linda m said...

All your hard work sure paid off. The yard looks great and then you got to see a beautiful sunset. Lucky you!

Unknown said...

Betsy you and hubby did a wonderful job on those leaves! We've never really had to rake much here in the country. I have mowed and mulched and blew them off onto the side of the ditch though. lol

Pretty soon all our leaves will be gone too. :(
Enjoy your Monday sweetie!

Peggy said...

okay you two are hired! LOL With so many oak trees on our property I rake all winter as they are too stubborn to all fall anywhere close to the same time. I like raking though so its okay. Love, love, love the iris!

Catherine said...

That lovely green grass still looks so beautiful. I'm just seeing the white stuff! Your pansies are so beautiful and will be so wonderful to see in the spring. How wonderful to see such an amazing sunset ~ lucky you!

Have a good week Betsy!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

are you sure you did not blow those leaves over in the neighbors yard? is that why they are covered?
that is a good system you have, bob used to mulch ours to in our home in st pete. you still have a lot of green in your grass, that is good, and the house looks lovely framed by the trees.

Unknown said...

Ooo! Tell me more about the re-blooming Iris! I LOVE them and will be re-landscaping around the house next spring!

I am sure you are ready to rest on your "laurels" after all that work! Great job!

amelia said...

What a lovely sunset!! Lot's of hard work for sure but well worth the effort!

I can't believe you still have green grass and flowers blooming. Absolutely everything has gone from our garden and the lake has got a crust of ice already and the ground is frozen.

From the Kitchen said...

I would have loved to flail around in those leaves once they were raked. It was a favorite thing for my sisters and me!! We seem to have a lot of leaves but have few trees. Oh well, I even like the look of them on the ground!!

Love the bare tree photo! I did one of birches while in Virginia. The sunset is a great reward!!


Fred Alton said...

WoW! Betsy, You and George have a beautiful home and it's obvious from these pictures that you put your hearts into keeping it looking neat. And what a gorgeous way to end the day. It's as if God set his approving smile on all of your work that day.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

WOW! Our yard is covered in pine needles instead of leaves--can we still hire you guys? ;) Grass doesn't even grow in our backyard. At least I have free pine straw to put in my front flower beds.
Beautiful Iris. I love iris, just can't seem to gtow them in my yard.
Lovely sunset. Perfect end of the day.

Susie said...

Ya'll did such a great job! How about coming down here and taking care of mine?!?!? hehe!

Arkansas Patti said...

Gosh, I hope you don't get a wind storm and all your neighbors leaves blow on your nice neat property. That would be an act of war.
You all did a wonderful job and you have such a pretty yard.
I am a big Pansey fan also and they provide cute faces and color all winter. Spunky little flowers.
Eating out and a lovely sunset nice rewards for a job well done.

Velvet Over Steel said...

Even after all the leaves are gone, your yard looks Beautiful!! & Yes, if I could, I would hire you guys!! :-)

Loved all the pictures! You have an awesome house, yard and neighborhood!!

Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!! & yes, I will still be having Turkey as well!!! :-)

Love & Hugs,

Out on the prairie said...

I mow every 2-3 days to keep the leaves at bay,they dissolve well. If I have a lot I shoot them in my big garden beds and even take a few from the neighbors.You have a nice yard and enjoy that you will have some blooms through the winter.Good job and a nice post.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

To have space for 50 trees!!! I'd take the leaves. You did a good job gathering them for mulch. It all looks great.

Joe Todd said...

I went golfing instead of doing yard work. LOL

Small City Scenes said...

Ah that sunset was a perfect ending to "Rake Day"---dinner out too. Wonderful job and yes you two and your leaf blower are hired---when will you be here? LOL!!
You all did an excellent job. I'll rake in the Spring because you wore me out already. MB

Pat Tillett said...

What a BEAUTIFUL sunset!

It seems that your yard is pretty much a full-time job during some periods...

Harriet said...

Beautiful sunset! Fall leaves are lots of work, but your yard looks great!

Tracy said...

What a beautiful sunset to reward you for all your hard work! I enjoyed visiting!

Kirigalpoththa said...

No more of those beautiful falls leaves!
Do you expect a similar white winter like last year?

The sun set photo is a beauty!

RoeH said...

I love that the leaves are good for growing next years stuff. We always used to rake them to the side of the road and burn them. But the smell was really nice.

Karin said...

Happy Monday to you! You both did an amazing job on the leaf blowing business! That is quite the job! Your yard looks fantastic - love the pansies and iris! Enjoy!

Dorothy said...

Beautiful sunset, Betsy! I know that sunset and the buffet was a great way to end your work day! Your yard looks great! I bet you slept well that night!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Hooray for a great job done!!!!!!!!

CottonLady said...

Beautiful yard, Betsy and George! One thing about where I live--we have so much wind the leaves all blow away!! Love your iris. I still have petunias blooming, but they are so protected that they almost last all winter. I have yellow pansies-they are quite showy. Beautiful sunset--have a great day.


I Am Woody said...

Leaf season is one thing that I do NOT miss!! That is HARD work - great job!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

God was watching your hard work and sent you a gift when you were done! You two really have it down pat! I can't find one single leaf at all in those first pictures! I can hardly believe that pansies will last till summer, what about the snows, and frost and ice?? Ours never have lasted even as far as Christmas, so we don't get them any more, but I love them and wish we did.

Sunny said...

What a great job...yes! I'll hire you, haha!
We have so many leaves and they just keep coming. One disadvantage to living in the woodlands!
How amazing that your Iris is still blooming; it's such a pretty color, and the sunset is gorgeous!
☼ Sunny

Neal said...

That is a beautiful sunset. Looks like you're set for the winter. I still have some leaves to get up at my mother-in-law's house....if they ever fall off the tree.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Gorgeous sunset photo!!! Your yard looks so clean !!!
We used to rake and mow and work like dogs until we realized that the neighbors' leaves just blew into our yard...so we don't do as much any more...Your yard looks like perfection!!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You and George did a wonderful leaf clearung job, Betsy! My husband and I did the same this weekend but our property is much smaller then yours.

Your pansies look pretty! Beautiful sunset photo!

Jo said...

Oh wow, Betsy! Do you think your neighbour will hire you both to clear his leaves. What a huge job. Well done to both of you. I'm astounded at the irises which I remember you closing up. What a treat and what a beautiful shade of blue now. I love the ending of that perfect day. God's reward to you and George for a job well done. Have a blessed day, my friend. (((hugs))) Jo

Linda said...

You've a beautiful yard. Mine in under snow now so there is no need worrying over leaves anymore.

Beth said...

That re-blooming iris is so pretty, Betsy! What a gift to have it blooming now when other plants are dying.

Sounds like you and George have a great leaf-eradication system in place---and the results are lovely. The sunset was a beautiful reward for a job well-done.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thank you for your opening statement. I needed to be reminded every now and then, especially today.

The miners are still trapped.

nanny said...

Your yard looks fantastic....
Don't you love seeing green after getting all of the leaves up. Good Job, I know you are tired!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The yard looks AMAZING!!!! You guys put in a lot of hard work, and it pays off though.
Love the cute pansies....and the sunset is amazing!

Darla said...

I am proud of you two, that was a big job. I want my clematis to grow as big as yours one day! Nice sunset too.

Diane AZ said...

How wonderful that the trees are bare and you are done raking! And you still have pansies and irises blooming, so pretty! And what a glorious sunset to end your day! :D

imac said...

I can see you and George picking up those leaves 1 by 1,lol.

penny said...

That sunset is a very delightful way to end a day of hard work raking all of the leaves, I am so proud of you both!
Your home and grounds are beautiful, Betsy.

Blessings and smiles ;)

Lynda said...

Great job!!! I may give you our address. However, our leaves are still falling - - - but getting very close to bare trees. We still have a lot of yard work to do - - - - because the painting is taking precedence - - - but that's okay, we know it will wait for us since it won't all blow away.
Your yard looks beautiful anytime of the year.

Kay said...

Still looks pretty with the blue sky showing through the bare branches though.


LV said...

I understand what you went through on your yard. I have so many leaves it is unreal. I do not rake them as that is too hard. I mow and mulch them and leave on the lawn. I know it was a lot of work, but your yard looks very nice.

floweringmama said...

Oh my goodness, what a lot of work. We lost all but one of our big trees in the big ice storm last year. We only have one large tree left and it's in the back part of the lot.

I can't imagine all that work! Whew!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Good job with your beautiful yards! I love that very hardy Bearded Iris bloom! Have a super good rest of the evening and day tomorrow!

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations on getting rid of all those leaves Betsy. It sounds like a monumental task! Your home and garden are really beautiful and that sunset is a stunner. Enjoy the rest of your week. After all that hard work you deserve a more relaxing time.

carolina nana said...

Good job !! Hubbie was out today again with the blower after ours. We still have a bunch still on the trees. Guess we'll fight leaves a while longer. There was a house on the news tonight that burned because there was so many leaves right next to it and the stove ashes they dumped out far away from the house caught the leaves on fire and burned right up to the house and caught it on fire. They should have hired you and George!
Have a blessed tomorrow

Diane said...

I'm sure you DO feel good. Nice to have that job done. Your yard looks so nice. Now you can sit back and enjoy the view - and the sunsets. Beautiful shot! Diane

Unknown said...

TDF sunset, Betsy! All I can say is ... I hope you don't get a strong wind what with all your neighbors leaves still on the ground ...

Have a beautiful & blessed Thanksgiving.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, i am always amazed at the number of commenter friends here. When you blow the leaves dont they go to the other's yards? With that lots of work on the leaves i might not be able to garden if i'm living in those areas. You and hubby are such very hardworking buddies. Your area is also very pretty, just like your house. I love also the sloping ground, not as boring as the flat lands.

Jackie said...

I can't say which picture I liked the most! I was noticing all the slopes in your yard, and thinking how tricky that must be to mow!

Glenda said...

Your yard is so beautiful - in every season! And I know it's that way because the two of you work really hard to keep it that way. The sunset is just gorgeous and is indeed a perfect ending to day full of satisfying work!

Rose said...

We don't have a big tree now, but the neighbors do and we have leaves to clean up from them.

We went to Sarah's yesterday and worked on leaves when we got there, and finished them this evening before coming home.

SquirrelQueen said...

You yard looks so pretty and leaf free. It is hard work but once it's done everything looks so good. I mow most of mine and rake the rest.

Beautiful flowers, I am amazed at those irises. You have a lot of green too, my yard is white right now.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful post, and God Bless you both!

Hope you both have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!


Janie said...

The sunset was a beautiful reward after all of your hard work. Your yard looks great, all cleaned up and ready for winter. Hope you get some snow since you enjoy seeing it, Betsy.

ruthinian said...

Isn't it amazing how the same place is transformed into something totally different and new each changing season? I love it. The changing seasons bring out the best in everyone and everything.

KathyA said...

Yes, very proud of all your hard work!! The grounds look lovely and very inviting!