Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November Backyard Birds

Woooo---it's been a long time since I posted a Bird Blog... What has happened to me????  Poor birdies... I've been feeding them and watching them --but just haven't taken time to get their photos...  SO--this week,  I decided to take a few and share them with you.  Above is one of my regulars,  a female Cardinal.   These birds are the first to the feeders in the morning and the last to be there right before dark.

Above is one of our many, many Goldfinches these days.   I think we have more Goldfinches this year than we have ever had...  I just hope those Pine Siskins (which we had about 100-200 two years ago) don't come back this year.  There were so many of them that they would run off all of the other birds.  Last year,  we had none and so far this year, none.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they won't come!

It was raining when this male House Finch visited us...  Don't you just love that expression on his face?   I think he's telling me to make the rain stop!!!!!  Poor thing!!

I absolutely love Carolina Wrens.. They are just the cutest little birds... I think they'd come in our home and find a nest if we let them... They love to get in our garage!!!!!   These little guys can really sing though...

Here's another picture of a gorgeous male House Finch.  It is amazing how much larger the House Finches are than the Goldfinches.

This little darling is one of our White-breasted Nuthatches.  I love to watch them going back and forth to the feeders finding each and every peanut I put out.... They are so cute.

Finally,  here's one of the sweetest birds around,  our Carolina Chickadee...  These little guys are always around  (along with the Tufted Titmice and the Nuthatches pictured above) ---all year long.   Such Sweethearts!!!!

I tried to get a picture of one of our sweet little Bluebirds,  but by the time I got ready,  he flew away...  The only woodpeckers I have seen at the feeders lately are the Red-bellied,  the Downys,  and on occasion--a Pileated.   I haven't seen many Mourning Doves lately --and our Bluejays are gone somewhere else for the winter.   I did see a big hawk in the distance on Sunday ---so maybe some of the birds are staying away if there are hawks nearby...

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my Backyard Birds this week.



~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I so enjoyed seeing your birds! I love to watch them as well, and have many of the same ones you do. I noticed on Saturday that the Juncos have returned. It's hard for me to say which one is my favorite, but I think the wren is right up there with the chickadee, although the Flicker... :-)

Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos of your birds Betsy. The Carolina Wrens are my favorites to watch. Hope you have a nice day.

Valerie said...

Always a treat to see the birds!

Must be a cardinal thing - coming first (while still dark here) and last (when the cover of darkness is just about on us). I have missed seeing them - as I am away during the day and don't know if they are around then - but it is always too dark to capture them in the morn and eve times.

DeniseinVA said...

Good morning Betsy, what a delightful variety of feathered friends. I think you must have all our Goldfinches your way. I haven't seen any for a while, and would DEARLY love to see a Bluebird but have never seen one in my garden.

Unknown said...

Ahh a girl after my own heart. lol I'm a bird watcher too. Of course bluebirds are my favorite and I never tire of seeing those babies leave the nest each Spring then come back to raise their own.
I'm off to work..gotta feed the younguns in the lunch room. lol
Have a beautiful day!

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, definitely they are welcome intermission from sceneries and flowers, they are so beautiful. That cardinal is so endearing, there are birds in our property in the province also, it's just that my lenses are not that long to give justice to their beauty. BTW, your autumn photo has been lingering at my office desktop and never fails to warm my feeling every morning.

linda m said...

Love your bird pictures. Most of ours have flown South for the Winter. I haven't sen any of the ones that do stay.

Karin said...

Such pretty birds. Not much in the way of birds around here. Snow has blanketed the land and its quite cold outside. Seeing your bird photo is a little window of warmth for today! Thanks!

Peggy said...

Enjoyed seeing all your birds! For the past week I haven't had any birds at the feeders. In fact I haven't seen any around at all. Did have a couple of doves one day but none of my beautiful song birds. Hopefully they will soon be back.

Arkansas Patti said...

Was wondering if you had quit feeding but then bird watching at the feeders is best when it is too nasty outside to do other things. Getting that time again.
My favorite bird which recently returned is the Junco. They remind me of feathered Monks.
In Florida I adored the Rufous Sided Towhee. Haven't seen any here. They scratch like chickens on the ground and work hard for their food. Enjoy.

Small City Scenes said...

Love your bird pictures, Betsy. I do have several feeders and the birds come to them but not to many stay for long---we do have barn cats so you can see why they don't stay.

I am going to visit my Mother today. Her power was out for 12 hours on Monday and she was a bit upset about that. So I consoled her then and will again. they are predicting more winds for her area so we will batten down the hatches. LOL MB

From the Kitchen said...

Great photos! Our birds are headed your way in great migrations--well, maybe it's only the Canada geese--so haul in some extra food!


Susie said...

Girl you know I enjoyed them. They are so sweet and fun to watch.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the mama cardinal is amazing and beautiufl, the chickadee is as cute as skeeter

Dorothy said...

Betsy, you know how I like birds, so I'm glad to see you posting them again. You have the same opinion of the different kinds of birds as I do!

Fred Alton said...

Love the birds, Betsy. Thanks for sharing them with us. I'm not knowledgeable at all about birds or their habits except for the few that everyone knows - like Jaybird, Robin, Cardinal. I'm becoming more familiar with the North Carolina Chickadee since they visited the cabin this summer and made nests on the eaves.

Sunny said...

It's always delightful to see your little birdies. I have had Chickadees eat out of my hand - they are so cute :)
☼ Sunny

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing your birdies with me.Around my feeders it is pretty quiet these days,BUT,we have snow in the forecast and that could change everything.

From the Old InkWell said...

Hi Betsy, Yes, it is so important to take time to enjoy the birds and all that's around us for that matter. I love your first bird pic, the cardinal. Have a great week!

cyclopseven said...

Your knowledge about birds is amazing. As usual, I like the photos very much. They help to lower my stress level. Thank you for sharing:). God bless the birds, and Betsy too!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots! But I like the Chickadee best!

Anonymous said...

The minute I saw that first bird picture that song, Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head, popped into mind. lol. Great pictures. I have not seen any doves here lately and I usually do. I wonder where they are?

Busy Bee Suz said...

So what you are saying here is that the female cardinals are big eaters?
I love the little chickadee's...they are just the cutest!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, What outstanding photographs of our bird neighbors! I love 'em! Have a great day, enjoy the brisk Fall and keep taking excellent photographs!

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful shots!! I miss the birds of home......

KathyA said...

Enjoyed the birdwatching today, Betsy!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love the birds! The photos are so great, feel like you can touch them.

Debbie Taillieu said...

I'm looking forward to the week of birdwatching!!

Have a fabulous day, Betsy!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

It's lovely to see the birdies, all congregating at your feeders.
We have been inundated with Robins, at least a hundred Robins each day, stopping by the bird baths.
They must be roosting in the woods ?
Thanks for sharing your bird photos, they make me smile :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have some pretty birds around you neck of the woods. We mostly get a bunch of old noisy black crows around here :-(

Susan said...

Backyard birdwatching is so rewarding
during dreary months. The hummingbirds leave, but the Fall and Winter birds take their place at the feeder.

Anonymous said...

Those are some AWESOME photo takes Betsy that you took of those birds, a lot better than I could do!

Thank you so much for sharing!

God Bless you, and everyone!!!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I'm not up on my birds like you but I sure enjoy them visiting the garden. You got some great photos.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to show my mom this post today when she comes back to work tomorrow - she watches the birds too - i'm partial to the Cardinal tho

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I'm happy now. It's about time, no birds all fall!!! I tried for a chickadee picture yesterday, but really they are just on speed!! My fave here is the little wren, I completly agree, they are too cute, even though I was attacked by an enraged one a few years ago.

Diane AZ said...

I really enjoy seeing your backyard birds. You captured so many adorable poses! I especially love Mrs. Cardinal and the sweet Carolina chickadee.

Out on the prairie said...

I am getting good traffic to my feeders, but out in the wild they won't pose today. I would get all set and poof they were gone.You have some great shots Betsy.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am now sitting too much on the computer to care for the birds eecept to throw my bread and rice. Besides, my birds are boring, not beautiful as yours.

I posted this comment on my site.

These days, I seldom hang my laundry outside, except on Saturday if I am home.
1: The Auckland weather changes so much that there is a joke, there are 4 seasons in one day, and 4 seasons in one block.
2: It may be fine when I go to work, but it could rain two hours later.
3: The blogging bug has infected me, once I get home from work, I am blogging, and am not bothered with hanging the laundry,
So the eco warrior has succumbed to her laziness and just rely on her drier in her laundry.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am now sitting too much on the computer to care for the birds eecept to throw my bread and rice. Besides, my birds are boring, not beautiful as yours.

I posted this comment on my site.

These days, I seldom hang my laundry outside, except on Saturday if I am home.
1: The Auckland weather changes so much that there is a joke, there are 4 seasons in one day, and 4 seasons in one block.
2: It may be fine when I go to work, but it could rain two hours later.
3: The blogging bug has infected me, once I get home from work, I am blogging, and am not bothered with hanging the laundry,
So the eco warrior has succumbed to her laziness and just rely on her drier in her laundry.

imac said...

Beauty in Birds Betsy. love them all.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Love your wonderful bird pix Betsy!!! I'm in awe of the little finches and the doves...
I tried to leave a comment early this a.m. but blogger growled at me!!!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Great birdie photos. I heard a woodpecker the other day and grabbed my camera--the pictures didn't turn out great. We have lots of cardinals all the time. When I put food out then we get some chickadees, but then we get mice and squirrels fighting for the food! We even have a hawk that hangs around here. Once we saw him flying away with a squirrel!

Together We Save said...

Your pictures are amazing... I don't put out feeders, my neighbors have 4 cats and they kill everything they can.

amelia said...

Love these pics! We have at least twenty blue jays that just won't go and they eat everything!! Any seed any suet that I put out they devour in seconds. They are honestly worse than the grackles in summer.
I have so many other birds looking for food but they just won't share. Any ideas?

Kay said...

Great shots of your birds. And you know the names of them. I always have to look them up online to find out what they are and sometimes I can't find anything. We don't have all of these different types. We just have the Finches, the Sparrows, Scrub Jays and a few Doves in our feeder. Then there are the hummers which I love the most.

Kay said...
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LV said...

Your world is filled with so many lovely things. Now you have your own bird sanctuary.

Kerri Farley said...

You have the same birdies in your yard that I have in mine! I LOVE these sweeties!

Kirigalpoththa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely photos! Your bird pictures are getting better!!

JayLeigh said...

The birds are so very pretty! You captured such wonderful pictures of them. I'm amazed you spotted so many different types! I sure enjoyed your post. ♥

Velvet Over Steel said...

You sure have some beautiful
resident' birds! Great pictures! Thank you for sharing! :-)

Blessings & Hugs,

Kelly said...

...you don't want the Pine Siskins, and i've been waiting 11 years now for one to arrive! Maybe it's a good thing they don't come to our feeders! Loved all your photos...you have a huge variety.

Kelly said...

...you don't want the Pine Siskins, and i've been waiting 11 years now for one to arrive! Maybe it's a good thing they don't come to our feeders! Loved all your photos...you have a huge variety.

Catherine said...

All your sweet little birds make me happy Betsy! Banjo and I can sit and watch the birds at the bird feeder for hours on end. They are so entertaining. They certainly outshine most of the stuff that is shown on TV ~ that's for sure! :)

xo Catherine

Connie said...

Such cute and sweet pictures, Betsy! I do love the expression of the one in the rain. HA! :D

carolina nana said...

Hi Betsy, Those are about the same birds I have seen around my feeders lately. I have many cardinals this fall. I saw and heard a Blue Jay today but it didn't come to the feeders. Hope you have a blessed tomorrow.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Loved the picture of the female red bird. So very regal. have a great day...m...

SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Betsy, I love to see all of your little backyard birds. The male House Finch has the most adorable face and they are so pretty. The nuthatches and Carolina Chickadees are just adorable.

The weather people say we have snow coming this weekend along with lows in the teens, want me to send it your way?


Anonymous said...

Your bird photographs, as always, are so nice to look at! I keep asking Bob if he has seen any birds at my new feeder. Well, he did see one yesterday -- a woodpecker. He took a picture with his Blackberry to show me he had seen a bird. At least I know at least one bird is coming to my feeder!

Rose said...

Betsy, that wren would come in your house if she could. They are such a friendly little bird. There was one at home that got till it would land on my dad's foot sometimes when he was sitting on the front porch...or they would land on the swing with us sitting in it...and their song! It is hard to believe such a voice from such a little bird. I love just about all birds, but I suppose the Carolina wren is my favorite.

The Retired One said...

You had me with the female Cardinal...LOL
Gorgeous birds, Betsy!

Rose said...

i think birds are a great creature to capture on a camera. thanks rose

Mary said...

Our birds are so much alike I feel like I'm looking at my own blog..LOL! I just had several House Finches show up yesterday and will be posting them soon. I had a couple Pine Siskins but I think they moved on. The Carolina Wren and Nuthatch shots are very pretty....two great birds. Along with the Chickadees and Titmouse, I always think of the word "perky".

Janie said...

You have a great variety at your feeders, and you get great photos of them that show their individual personalities.