Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Deer Me!!!!!!

We certainly don't have to drive to the Smokies or to the Shenandoah National Park in order to see wildlife... As you know, we had a skunk on our deck recently (click HERE). Last night, a bat was sleeping on the front porch (up high --in the corner). AND --also yesterday in the late afternoon, we saw a Mama Deer and her three babies. I got some good pictures of the deer --so wanted to share them with you today. Above is one of those sweet little fawns.

First we saw one little fawn in the back yard (near the golf course fairway). Then--we noticed another one in the yard next door... Soon, another fawn came into our view. FINALLY, here comes MAMA--bringing up the rear... She noticed me --so she caught up with the babies and hurried them along!!!

Those babies were enjoying some of the plants in our next door neighbor's flowerbed. These three fawns still had their spots---but you can tell that those babies are growing fast. Look at their long and lanky little legs!!!!

Mama is staring at me ---but didn't seem too frightened... She let her babies continue to eat!!!! Isn't she a beauty? But--she looks pretty lean herself, don't you think?

I couldn't get a picture of all three of the babies in one photo--but I got two of them... They headed through our neighbor's yard --and were going into the empty lot across the street (in the front).

The babies went into the empty lot --and Mama stood near the road for the longest time... I kept walking closer to get a better picture. She didn't run --until I got pretty close. This picture is not cropped, so you can see how close I was...

BUT--I guess the old woman with the camera was finally getting too close for Mama Deer. She raised her TAIL --and took off into the empty lot.

Thought you would enjoy these pictures... I'm not sure I have ever gotten pictures of deer that are any better than these. Aren't they just gorgeous creatures? WELL---I (we) love them UNLESS they come and munch on our Roses. That is a NO-NO----and we've told them that many times!!!!! Most of the time, they are nice to us!!!!! ha

Have a fabulous Thursday!!!


Kirigalpoththa said...

Oh deEr! So many varieties of deer :)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Awesome pictures Betsy !
It's three in the morning here, I'm getting ready for work. I've just looked out of the window, and they're a mama deer and two babies eating apples off the tree !
I thought they bedded down at night, but guess they needed a snack ;)
I love the fawns in your shots, they really show their spots.....

Joe Todd said...

Very nicely done. Do you ever get golf balls in your yard?

June said...

GREAT pictures! Sweet little fawns. Sweet!
Mama does like lean unto to SKINNY! But she's well enough to do a good job of making sure the kids are okay. Good mama.

June said...

No, Mama does not "like" lean unto skinny. She "looks" lean unto skinny...

Arkansas Patti said...

Great shots Betsy. Nothing is sweeter than baby deer.
She does look a bit thin. Certainly not winter ready. I'm sure this heat has made grazing scarce.
I would probably have to put food out for them and break all of nature's rules.

Valerie said...

Hi Betsy -
School started this week for teachers - and trying to get the classroom ready and lesson plans and seating charts and grade books for 15 classes - well it is a bit overwhelming - so I have been bad about keeping in touch. I went in a few times last week - and everything I hung up -Fell down!! It is toooo humid for the tape to stick. So frustrating!

Love these deer photos - wow what a blessing to see them today! I also like VERY much your header photo - but wait - is it really fall already! I am not ready to give up all the greenery!!

Hope you have a great Thursday!

Jo said...

Oh what a lovely post, Betsy;) your photos are stunning. You got really close to the mama deer. They are good not to eat your roses. Does the neighbour mind them in his flowerbeds? HA! Have a wonderful day, my friend. (((Hugs))) Jo

Anonymous said...

Great photos Betsy! They sure are cute as long as they leave your pretty roses alone! Enjoy your day.

Elettra said...

Betsy what a wonder,fantastic shots, I love Bamby

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, Betsy!! Wonderful catch! Even with all the deer pics I've taken, I've not gotten any baby fawns!! So adorable! The babies seem rather plump, but that mom could use a Boost shake! Her face and body are so thin! Don't think I've seen a deer with such a thin face! Did you use zoom on that last picture? You were that close??? Well, I'm thinking it was because she had babies, and as long as you were near her and not her babies, it was alright. You should be tickled pink with these amazing pictures, what a real treat!! Say, by the way, did you snap the bat? That would be cool! Maybe he'll return. They're good at killing mosquitoes.

Unknown said...

Wow! You really did get close! We have a lot of them running around here, and we pretty much enjoy them as long as they don't eat too much of our corn or jump out in the middle of the road when we are driving.

It's raining here this morning. This will even out all of our fields as they "turn," so it will probably be time to get the combine out late next week! Guess who might be driving the darned thing???? ME! I didn't even make it up the second step of the ladder last year! YIKES! We are going to have to set some ground rules tho, like NO YELLING AT ME IF I MESS UP! (unless it's a whopper, which I will try very very hard NOT to do!) Think I should blog about this!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

These are WONDERFUL photographs of the deer! Deer are in the woods all around us. It is possible, but I have never seen a deer in our yard. Whenever we visited Bob's brother (when he lived in Virginia), the deer would come into his yard. I always watched for, and photographed, them.

Susie said...

They are so sweet! Do they get close enough to eat your smorgasbord of roses?

Tipper said...

So pretty in their summer coats. I'm glad you got to watch them : )

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

You take wonderful pictures of wildlife!

Big Dude said...

They are definitely cute little fellers but hope they don't become pests. They are fond of shrubs such as azaleas and will eat them to the ground. You might want to discourage their feeding in your yard.

Janice K said...

So DEER! It looked like you got that mama just as her tail flipped up and she was ready to go.

I think your day was "extra blessed."

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

These are super pictures.WOW<you got really close to Mama,before she took off.Got to love those babies,they are so cute,even with their long legs.
Hope today brings more great photo opportunities your way.
❤ Ruth

Catherine said...

So sweet ~ the spotted babies are adorable. Nature at it's finest!
xo Catherine

NCmountainwoman said...

They are beautiful. We try to plant things deer aren't supposed to like, but our deer didn't seem to get the memo. We have to spread deterrent around a lot of the plants.

Peggy said...

You have a wonderful wildlife zoo right in your backyard! Momma deer and babies are so beautiful.

Glenda said...

You do live in paradise!! I love the pics of the fawns!

Cicero Sings said...

Beautiful pictures Betsy. Yes deer are wonderful looking creatures ... until they eat ones garden plants!

Harriet said...

WOW! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!!

Fred Alton said...

There is something about the thrill of getting close to wild game animals that nothing else has. I know for sure you don't have to leave Fairfield Glade to see deer ... and I've traveled many times to Catoosa for a hunt. Great places for deer to live and breed - and together with your help of planting flowers they have good grazing too. ☺

Sunny said...

You really got some great shots! The fawns are so pretty with their reddish coats and spots. You got so close to Mama Deer before the flag went up!
Thank you for sharing these delightful pictures with us :)
☼ Sunny

Joy said...

You got some great shots of them. Love the babies with their little spots.
♥ Joy

Sey said...

So fantastic. We never saw deer wondering around our yards. Most of them are on the forest and on zoos being taken cared off because they're extinct. You're so lucky to see them as often. Have a nice day Betsy.

Jen said...

Great pictures Betsy! I always worry about those little fawns following mom across the road.

I Am Woody said...

I love to see deer!! We have lots is our area too and it may seem commonplace to see them. But I get excited each and every time.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love all the green on your blog Betsy!!
The deer are so sweet, I hope they listen and don't eat your pretty roses.
THe roses you featured yesterday were/are gorgeous...your yard must always smell great!

Neal said...

Great shots Betsy. The fawns are so cute.

imac said...

Deer are such gaceful creatures Betsy.

Diane said...

Yes, they look quite skinny to me. Hope they get enough food to help them through the winter. Beautiful pictures, Betsy, you do have a lot of wildlife there, don't you. Diane

Diane said...

Yes, they look quite skinny to me. Hope they get enough food to help them through the winter. Beautiful pictures, Betsy, you do have a lot of wildlife there, don't you. Diane

Cheryl said...

What wonderful photos you've taken! I so love watching the deer and how lucky to be able to see the babies. They are beautiful creatures indeed. I thought Mama Deer was quite lean too...I hope they find more to eat. Have a great weekend!

Randy said...

You did very well to get that close! Great photos.-- Randy

Rose said...

Aren't fawns just the cutest things? I would have been so excited I could not have stood it!

Debbie Taillieu said...

How wonderful to live where you can simply enjoy the wildlife that visits your beautiful piece of "Paradise" (as one of your posts stated hehe)!
Love the wildlife pictures as you know, Betsy!

Have a fabulous day!

Snap said...

Beautiful shots, Betsy. I bet the deer think your yard is a buffet!!!!!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, please tell me that you plan on printing those beautiful fawn photos!!! Simply breathtaking...you can see the little spots on their backs!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Beautiful photos.

But dare I ask? Every time I see these photos of deer, near people... I wonder? Do you worry about deer ticks?

Anonymous said...

These are all such fabulous pictures! I can't believe they let you get so close. I wish we had more wild life in our neighborhood. I know they can sometimes be pesty but to look out of my window and see one would be great :>)

marmee said...

wonderful shots of your deer. i still get a thrill when i see them. we too have our share of wildlife all around us. i always count it a blessing when i see one as i am driving home.
happy september.

Jane said...

Oh, looks like I more than missed being first or second in line for the comments. By the way, where is my skunk friend????


LV said...

A rare treat for us. Seeing all these great wildlife photos near your home is amazing. You and George certainly picked the perfect spot to settle down. You have been truly blessed by nature and your skilled hands.

Anonymous said...

i love the deer, the bats and the skunks(well maybe not the smell)! what beautiful photos!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Love your deer photos, its nice to see twins.

Carletta said...

Looks like you've been hanging in my backyard Betsy!
It won't be long and those spots will be gone.
Mama does look a little thin but then again she had triplets. :)

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Triplets? Isn't that unusual?The garden must have something extra yummy.Your pictures are so lovely.

Lynda said...

EXCELLENT pictures! Deer are some of God's most Beautiful creations. I agree that the mom looks like she needs to eat more. Maybe the heat has affected her appetite, too.

EcoRover said...

After the skunk and deer, can't wait to see what comes next. Happy Labor Day, Betsy.

ruthinian said...

Oh Deer! What a sighting. They also frequented our backyard every now and then. Too bad, my camera is not available. Do you wear your camera around your neck when you are home? just joking. But I got some good shots of the wild turkeys outback the other day...just too lazy to post them on my blog. But I am so jealous of your series of photos here.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Good for you, being quick enough and having your camera handy enough to get these shots! Love the babies, and mama does look a litte lean, doesn't she?

carolina nana said...

Ha,Ha,Ha I was just thinking as I read about the deer,that I bet you wouldn't think they were so pretty munching on your roses!
Then i read your last paragraph,guess we think alike.
Have a blessed Friday

SquirrelQueen said...

How wonderful to have this little family so close to your yard. The triplets are so cute, that many is a sign that food is abundant. Maybe mama will fatten back up soon.

We know there are deer all around us but we have only seen them in our yard once.

Like Ginny I have to ask, did you get photos of the bat?

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy! I love seeing deer. Great sighting of the mama and her three babies. The spotted ones are so cute.

Glen Webber (Wildlife Photography) said...

Very beautiful animals Betsy. It must be so nice to have them about!

I must say a bat asleep in you porch is amazing. Not something you get in NZ. :-)


Connie said...

What great pictures, Betsy! It must have been neat to be up so close to them. Love this post. :D

Janie said...

Mama deer looks regal, and the babies are so cute. Mama has a lot to do to look after 3 of them! I hope they don't get too brave and eat all of your plants. It must be a lot of fun to watch them from your own home.

penny said...

Wow, Betsy.. can you see how green with envy I am.
I love seeing where you live, it so lovely there and you get to enjoy all the wildlife just outside your door.

Pedaling said...

we never tire of seeing wild creatures....too cute.
and it's not even spring!

Your blog header is beautiful, btw.