Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sharp Top Mountain

See that picture above???? That is one of three peaks which can be found at the Peaks of Otter. This one is called Sharp Top. While we were there last Thursday to celebrate my birthday, I noticed that they offered a bus trip to the top of Sharp Top... I got excited about that since I knew that I couldn't possibly hike all of the way UP there (due to my recent knee surgery). SO--we decided to take the bus up to the top...

WELL-----------what I didn't know at the time was that there were still 1500 feet to go once the bus let us out. That doesn't sound too bad, does it????? HA!!!! All 1500 feet were straight UP---with tons of uneven steps to climb. There must have been a million steps... Okay---I exaggerated a little ---but for someone who had just had knee surgery, it felt like a million. BUT--I MADE it (one step at a time).... GADS!!!!!

Here are some pictures starting with the picture above of Sharp Top --with more pictures below.

Here was our bus ---which took us up the mountain!!!!

This is just an example of one set of steps we had to climb --once we got off of the bus. I think there were TONS of steps since we climbed all of the way up into heaven!!!!! ha

"Are we there yet, George??????????" At least, I was still smiling --and my hair wasn't dripping wet yet..... I thought it was going to be cool on that mountain---so for some reason, I took a sweater.... NOT NEEDED!!! ha

Well----we made it to the top... As you can see, the elevation is 3875 feet.

From the top, this picture shows the 3rd peak (Harkening Hill) to the left --and a bit of Flat Top on the right. You can see the Blue Ridge Parkway ---and you can see our resort (Peaks of Otter) below --where we stayed the night before.

Here is a zoomed-in picture of our resort.. The housing area is to the right. We were in the middle building. The building to the left is the conference center and restaurant.

Here's the Birthday Gal ---at the top of Sharp Top Mountain... Think they could have offered an elevator down for this old woman who truly had more trouble going down than up... My knee got a HUGE workout this day!!!! But---be proud of me because I did it (with lots of help from George)!!!!

Here's my HERO----standing at the TIP TOP of the world!!!!! NOW---if you scroll back to that first photo, you may be able to see the rocks on the top of Sharp Top Mountain... That's where we were!!!!!!

Moral of this story: Ask how far the bus will take you FIRST, before making a decision to take that trip. However, I must admit that I'm glad that I went --and was proud of myself for doing it!!! It was gorgeous up there... I'd do it again--even after knowing about the steps!!!



Kirigalpoththa said...

Whoaa..That is some journey. The view from the top is trully amazing. Glad you could do all the way up.. Perfect spot to celebrate your b'day isn't it? :)

Jane said...

Glad that you and your knee made it up those steps!


diane b said...

How proud you must be of yourself. I can't believe you could manage all those steps especially down hill after your operation. Well done. The view is magic and the resort looks tucked away in a quiet spot.

Anonymous said...

Betsy, coming over here and seeing your header is like waking up to a beautiful day every day! You are a better woman than I am. There is no way I could have made it up that mountain. I would have been sitting somewhere waiting on everyone to pick me up on their way down. lol. Glad you made it though.

Catherine said...

Wow ~ good for you Betsy for getting all the way up to the top! A task for anyone even if they didn't have knee problems ~ LOL!

xo Catherine

Valerie said...

Congratulations on making the journey! I am so glad your knee was holding out and is so much better. The pictures are so very beautiful from the top (and from your resort as well). What a great birthday trip! You sure have a special guy there!

I remember when we drove up Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondaks - that when we got to the top we found out we were not at the top! We had to walk/climb the rest of the way there. We started out with stone stairs - but ended up holding on to a railing as we spanned smooth rocks. We got there and the view was worth every step - BUT - found out there WAS an elevator that went from the parking area to the weather station at the top!

Oh, well - I did get awesome shot from the climb up!

Arkansas Patti said...

That peak is so sharp it reminds me of a child's drawing. Not quite real looking.
I am so impressed with your makeing that journey. I'd have been sucking air on that climb up and pretty sure George would have an orange growth on his back going back down.
Proud of you lady.

NENSA MOON said...

Hehehe... so that's the bus which took you both to climb the mountain...?! a cool bus!!
I'm glad you could do those steps... after did an operation.
Really proud of you Betty!!
Love to see all the photos.
Thanks so much for sharing with us.

hugs, nensa

Peggy said...

Wow! You did awesome Betsy! Lots of climbing but what a view and what a perfect birthday trip. Have a blessed day!

Big Dude said...

You are a real trooper.

Janice K said...

Good for you, Betsy, and What A View!

Fred Alton said...

What a feat!! Not sure how long it would take me, but I would have loved to be at the top taking in all of that scenery. Is Sharp Top anywhere near Bristol? I remember seeing a mountain very similar to it as I flew my first solo flight in a Cessna 150 from Morristown to Bristol. You are a very determined lady to make that climb with such recent knee problems.

Susie said...

Glad you made it to the top Betsy cause it looks like it was definitely worth it! What a beautiful view!

Anonymous said...

What terrific views! The resort looks so nice and I can imagine the view you had from inside there. I am proud of you for handling all those steps! George really did an outstanding job with your birthday surprise trip. Thanks for sharing all the pretty photos.

RoeH said...

Oh but isn't it worth it now. Those views were wonderful.

Mother Nature said...

A place so beautiful surely had positive therapeutic effects. Happy Birthday, you lucky girl.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so glad you were able to do this Betsy, for those views are amazing.
What a fun weekend, aside from the HEAT!!!

Dorothy said...

Wow! you DID have quite a workout! Just hope you didn't do too much! Georage is such a sweetheart to plan this trip for you! I know it must have been fun!

NCmountainwoman said...

Well, that's proof positive that your knee surgery was a success. And you are so right...in so many things it's one step at a time. Great post and beautiful pictures.

KathyA said...

Amazing views!! And good for you, Betsy, for being such a trooper!
I'd have no problem going up, but coming down is where I have trouble.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Wow! You are a hiking and climbing couple. :-)

And we are not, so that's why we don't see waterfalls. :-)

Pedaling said...

i was glad to read that you ended with "i'm glad i went..."
that must mean you didn't pay for it, to badly, the next day.
what a gorgeous view!!

ruthinian said...

Awesome! You are on top of the world! Your photos are gorgeous and I am jealous of your energy. I wish I had the time and the energy to go out and hike and see the world above sea level. Glad you had great fun. Keep sharing your adventures

Rose said...

Oh, my! What a magnificent view...beautiful place all the way around. I sure wouldn't mind being there.

Debbie Taillieu said...

I want to be like you when I grow up! What a fantastic hike! I have put this one in my favorites so when I get out there, this will be one of the first hikes I do! So happy to hear (and see) that you had such a fabulous birthday!
And glad your back safe and sound!
Have a fabulous day!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you made it to the top of Sharp Mountain (I can see from the first picture where the mountain got its name!). Beautiful views from atop that mountain; thank you for sharing them with us!

Connie said...

WOW Betsy, nothing stops you. My knees hurt just thinking about it. But what a view. Beautiful just doesn't cover it.

Jeanne said...

That does look like a very rough climb but Great Job and Happy Birthday! Looks like it was worth the effort with beautiful view of the countryside.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful birthday climb ... on top of the world surrounded by the angels above. Beautiful AWESOME pictures, Betsy. How is the knee doing now?

Have a beautiful summer day ~
TTFN ~ Marydon

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i can see why they named it sharp top mountain and i am surprised you made it to the top on those beautiful stone steps with your knee problems. you done good

Pat Tillett said...

wow! The view was well worth the climb (maybe not for your poor knee)...

Beautiful views from up there. Weren't you just a bit worried when you saw that bus?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes!!! That picture of George really gave me a start!! It looks like he could free fall down those steps at any minute!! Now that looks like he might have been able to hold onto the rocks by bending over, but the earlier picture of the steps going up - nothing to hang onto!! Just you and George hanging onto each other!!! Gads! And that first picture, you were right at the very sharp top? I love that you took a picture of that sign, such interesting info! I didn't know it was the higest point here.

Love Of Quilts said...

That had to be hard on you...but I am glad you made it ok and got the most beautiful photos...I liked the on you zoomed in on of your resort.. the only thing its missing is color like pretty blooms...but I like it so well if you don't mind I want to make it my background on my desktop...would that ever be pretty. God Bless Trish

The Retired One said...

This is GORGEOUS Betsy, but I worry that you overdid it..did you hurt the next day?
I have been so busy and so far behind in reading blogposts of my friends that I believe I missed your birthday post...so happy, happy belated birthday my friend....I am so glad you are up and about now, but be careful not to overdo it on that knee!!!!

imac said...

Sure looks beautiful Betsy, I think I would have took the bus too.

Anonymous said...

Yet another spot on my list of places to visit. Your trip was truly memorable and so are your pictures of it.

Hooray! It is raining!

Diane said...

Hope your knee didn't give you any trouble after you got home. Congratulations, that was a climb. What a cute little bus. Diane

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Well,this sounds like you are back into the hiking scene.Way to go Birthday Girl.
The pictures are super great.

Cheryl said...

Oh Betsy I am so very proud of you for doing that hike! Whew...I do hope your knee feels ok after a huge workout! What gorgeous views from the top and lovely photos of both you and George. Did the bus take you back down or did you have to walk all the way back to the hotel??

Kay said...

Another neat place. I love "traveling" with you and George.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That was a real knee workout, I hope it isn't too sore. Happy Birthday to the birthday girl.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Good for you for making it to the top! Nice job! Love the pictures, and I am inspired to take a trip for sure, now!

Connie said...

Wow, that looked like quite a climb, Betsy! The view was spectacular from the top though. Congratulations on making the climb! :)

Jen said...

That's some view from on top of the world!
Glad you make the hike up and down.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! lovely views, and oh yes... belated birthday wishes!

Glenda said...

Wow, Betsy! I'm proud of you, too! That must have taken some effort and determination to climb to the top! I'm sure it was worth every step! Beautiful views!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Hi Betsy! Happy be-lated Birthday! Sorry I'm late. (I was gone for a while like you thought). :-)

What a Beautiful pictures!! I would love to go there someday!

& YES I am Very Proud of you, Betsy! I'm afraid that I may have stayed on the bus and waited. LOL So glad you took the adventure/challange! :-)
& your George is a prince for sure!
So glad you had a Great birthday!!
Big Hug,

Jackie said...

I was at IMAC's blog and followed you here. I live in south Georgia...and we have a 'home away from home' in Waynesville, N.C. I love your photos of the mountain 'climb'..and I smile. I, too, would have wanted to know that I had to walk that distance. It is harder to walk down the mountain than it is to walk up it. Beautiful photos....
Hugs and smiles to you from Jackie

carolina nana said...

Well as the old saying goes the proof is in the pudding ! You are back to normal after that hike!
What a beautiful place !
Have a blessed tomorrow

Tes said...

Geez, you have my admiration for making it to the top, Betsy! Amazing! You're good. Lovely photos. Thank you for taking us on a tour. :)

Rose said...

Wow! i know after awhile i get tired and sweat. Can't imagine going this distance. Your husband is "a keeper".

Small City Scenes said...

Yeah, going down is lots harder on the knees than going up.
But be proud of yourself and remember the ice. HA!!

Gorgeous views too. MB

Mary said...

Brave lady! I'm not sure which looks worse...the bus or the steps! I'm glad that your knee did OK and hopefully it will get easier to do stuff like this. Great views!

Neal said...

That is beautiful. We missed that somehow. Patti let me down...she normally points out everything within 50 miles. :)

Karin said...

Wow - you two simply amaze me! I'm glad your knee wasn't worse for all the work out you gave it! What a fantastic memory you made! Glad you are back in the swing of things! Hugs and have a lovely week-end!

Carletta said...


SquirrelQueen said...

It looks like the view was well worth the climb, that is beautiful.

Speaking of heights, I keep meaning to ask if you and George have ever been to Brasstown Bald in GA?

Adrienne Zwart said...

Oh, Wow! I love that you take pictures of the signs. I always think I'm going to remember those interesting facts, but I never do.

Your knee will get better with more time and exercise. i remember going down stairs being more difficult too. I wonder why that is? I'm glad you were healed enough to make that climb, though. The view was spectacular and the resort is very inviting!