Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grassy Cove, TN

It seems as if Sundays are becoming our 'Take a Ride in the Country' days!!!! This past Sunday, we drove south to the Grassy Cove area. This little valley is located between Crossville and Grandview. A cove is a sheltered area---and Grassy Cove is surrounded by mountains.

It's a sparcely populated area where people are born and raised, and seem to live there for generations. At one cemetery where we stopped, I noticed that there were quite a few graves with the same last name. Then George pointed out that that was the name of the little road we were on. Interesting, huh?

It appears as if the main way that these folks make a living is FARMING. We passed many farms dotted around the valley. It is a fabulous area --and we enjoyed our day. I am sharing some pictures from this little trip today, with more to come in the future.

Above is the little sign by the road telling the name of the community. Below are more!

We drove down little roads like this. Some were paved (sorta) and some just rocks. When we got to the end of the road, there was a house there. I waved at a lady sitting on the porch. I'll bet she wondered what we were doing wandering around there!!! ha

As you can tell from the first picture at the top, the skies were gray --since they recently had had some rain. Soon though, the skies were trying to clear. But, one of the first things we noticed was the fog on the mountains--after the rains. Or--was it mist???? The mountains were so pretty!

I mentioned above that the main source of income in this area is farming... I included this picture just for friend, SUNNY. I think this cow was telling us to tell Sunny that she needs to come to Tennessee!!!!

One of the first places we stopped was this little Methodist church (and cemetery). They were doing some renovating ---but even still, I thought it was pretty. I'll share more information about this little church in another post.

Finally, this is one of my favorite pictures in this little valley... Along with friend, ROSE, who loves barns, I too love this red one!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing our pictures of little Grassy Cove, TN. Wouldn't it just be awesome to live there? Talk about peaceful!!! Of course, as you know, farmers have to work HARD.

Have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday!


Darla said...

How much fun to take these rides on Sunday afternoons. This rural area does look so peaceful...

Michele said...

A pretty rural area indeed. I love how the mist is hanging around the hills in those trees, it's so picturesque!

Diane AZ said...

I enjoyed exploring Grassy Cove through your post. I love your images of trees, cow, red barn and church. It is fun to imagine what life is like in that valley. :)

Tabor said...

Lovely photos. I like the barn and the church the best, but all are really nice. YOu do live in a very lovely area.

Jane said...

That looks like a wonderful trip for a Sunday!


Catherine said...

Sunday rides in the country are the best. There always seems to be something to see.

Hope you are having a good week Betsy!
xo Catherine

RoeH said...

I want to move to Grassy Cove. Now.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful area and your photos are superb. With the temps as hot as they have been, a ride through the country in an a/c car is very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing with each of us.

June said...

Oh my gosh, Betsy! It looks so much like HERE!
Just before I read you this morning I was thinking about how, this time of year, I wouldn't move to ANYWHERE ELSE, but how, in a few months, I'll be longing for more green again. That's why the Tennessee dreamin' started and why the urge will strengthen again as the long cold winter approaches.

amelia said...

What an idyllic place to live!! You have the most beautiful countryside where you are and the (Smoky?) mountains are just gorgeous!!!

linda m said...

What a beautiful, peaceful looking place to live! I would love to move there and just sit on my porch and reflect on God's wonders!

June said...

Betsy, come on over to my place and do a little comparison photo-viewing. I think you'll be amazed. :-)

Harriet said...

What a peaceful place!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Besty, what a lovely place! I adore the cow photo, it has such a friendly face. And I love old churches, too, so I look forward to reading more about that little Methodist church.

diane b said...

Its fun exploring and finding such a quaint, picturesque farming village, loved the cow and the red barn.

MadSnapper said...

all of the photos are wonderful and tell me the story of your wanderings. my favorite is Sunny's cow. and the red barn jumps out of the green in that photo. when i saw the icon I thought is said Greasy Cove and thought WHAT? then opened and saw Grassy Cove. much better. I thought you had been to florida panhandle.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the red barn in the distance.

take care

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

We used to do this take-a-ride-in-the-country thing. Sad thing is, it seems there are less and less country roads, to do that on.

And even if you find one, some 'bozo' comes up behind you and rides your back bumper, till you pull over and let him pass.


I'm so glad you still have leisurely back roads!!!

Julie said...

You are right...peaceful, Godly, and hard working describes this place perfectly...heaven on earth!

Sunny said...

What a pretty area, I just LOVE the cow, thank you for thinking of me :)
We take Sunday rides quite often, you never know what you may find.
☼ Sunny

Peggy said...

would love to have Hidden Haven in those beautiful mountains. Miss them alot. That cow looks very happy to see you. LOL

Janice K said...

It makes me think, we shouldn't always be in such a hurry and take the time to drive down some of the backroads that are right under our noses.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Good morning, Betsy. I enjoy riding in the country too. You picked a lovely spot to visit. Charming old barn and the misty mountain scenes was pretty. A very peaceful, and lovely place and I wouldn't mind living there either.

Do you ever visit the Sparta area? Just wondering because that is where my family is from. I believe they had a farm on Calf Killer Creek.

imac said...

I enjoyed your Sunday Jaunt Betsy

Mary said...

I love the cow and the church and the barn photos! Great visit to the area. I love places like this.

Reanaclaire said...

I love the countryside very much these days.. it is like being young all over again.. :)

Cicero Sings said...

Such lovely explores. D always talked about the Sunday drives his folks would take them on ... all the older kids have fond memories. I always think day trips are lovely ... one can still come back to their very own bed and bathroom!

myletterstoemily said...

i just loved your tennessee farm

the lovely winding road and red
barn were my favorite photos!

Small City Scenes said...

I think I love Grassy Cove. What a delightful place and a step back in time. I like all the shots but I specially like the one with the red barn. gorgeous. MB

I Am Woody said...

I love the cow pic. What an expression you captured:)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy,I love the way this place looks.Those back roads just beg to be explored.Thanks for sharing your Sunday afternoon adventures.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a beautiful area...I could almost imagine myself living in a small town like that.
If only they had a Target. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I loved my little drive through the cove with you! My favorite is the little church and graveyard, I take many pictures like that and love them, don't know why! I will look forward to the story on it.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Beautiful. Drives can be very relaxing in areas like that. Betsy is there a trick to centring the picture in the header? Mine won't fit right on my photo blog.

Tootie said...

Betsy, that was a nice tour. That last picture reminds me of a puzzle I have done. :)

Kay said...

Whenever Ben and I are on vacation up in Northern California, we love to just take off down some country road we've never been on and go exploring. We don't to that much down here in SoCal because there are not that many country roads to follow.

DayPhoto said...

Wondeful! Another delightful trip!


Ginny Hartzler said...

In answer to your question on my blog about the white dresses. It's a tradition. Every year when they go to the beach, Melissa and her friends dress the their girls in pretty white dresses for the formal beach pictures. They look very lovely on the beach, especially with a tan. Now you've got me thinking, I'm going to post one from each year on a post.

Ginny Hartzler said...

In answer to your question on my blog about the white dresses. It's a tradition. Every year when they go to the beach, Melissa and her friends dress the their girls in pretty white dresses for the formal beach pictures. They look very lovely on the beach, especially with a tan. Now you've got me thinking, I'm going to post one from each year on a post.

Splendid Little Stars said...

I totally enjoyed your trip! I have been in that area, but not in that actual place. It seems so pastoral and old-timey.
I saw lots of mist on the mountains in Glacier National Park after a rain. It was a gorgeous sight.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Such a lovely little cove, the First Sergeant and I have been there on our way back from Rugby..
These rural havens are dotted all over Tennessee, you wouldn't even know of there whereabouts unless you 'happen' across one, no Mapquest I'm afraid ;)
Personally I could live the rest of my life in one of these off the path green-spaces, it's a little heaven on earth, that not many outsiders are privileged to visit.

Pat Tillett said...

What a beautiful place! someday, I'd like to live in a little spot like this...

Anonymous said...

Oh Betsy, Grassy Cove is such a neat place and easy to get to. It was one of the spots we first drove around to when we were scouting the area out to decide if we wanted to live in TN. Lovely scenery and a slice life from way back when!

Sey said...

Betsy, I love this place. In our country, places like this were called province and most of the streets names were from the names of the oldest people or family who have lived in the place.

This is such a great place and nice to spend time to visit. Thanks for sharing this.

Diane said...

Sunday drivers!!! Did you ever notice that when you go to other places and seem to look at them from the "outside" everything seems peaceful and there must not be any problems there? Kind of like Norman Rockwell paintings. It's not until you're more involved that the veneer begins to fall away. If you do find out that it's peaceful and idyllic, please let me know, I'll move down there! Diane

Cheryl said...

What a lovely drive in a beautiful part of our country. Sometimes a Sunday drive can be so peaceful, this area certainly looks to be. I liked the photo of the red barn!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Tennessee is so beautiful. We loved it when we lived there. We do love NC too though. Your pictures are great!

No we haven't been to Dupont since last fall. I think it's time to go there soon!

Snap said...

Oh, Betsy ... I love this drive to Grassy Cove ... lovely shots. I want to visit!

Joe Todd said...

Great photos Betsy. I like the term "cove" You probably have some Hollars/Hollers to. I know we do in Ohio. Road trip next week. Heading north to Canada.

Love Of Quilts said...

I am all for living where it is peaceful and quite....and your pictures said that would be a prefect place. Trish

nanny said...

Oh I love the little road you wandered down....I would have gone down it too....
The red barn pic. is awesome and then the cow...your pictures are fabulous!!! Wish I could make some that good!!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Beautiful country side. I like the little road and the grassy plains.

Loran said...

Sometimes your posts make me miss the south. I can just feel the moist air and smell the damp earth.

Rosa said...

What beautiful country. It looks absolutely breathtaking.

Janie said...

Your drive was very scenic. I'll look forward to learning more about the little church and cemetery.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

I love those Smokies! My mom used to get so homesick for the mountains. We always told her we'd take her for a drive into Pennsylvania to see the mountains, but she'd say it just wasn't the same. Those Smokies were what she wanted when she was looking for mountains. This was a great post; I have such great memories of that skyline and those little towns tucked away in the hills.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I love that red barn photo also Betsy!!! I used to collect barn photos and paint them, it breaks my heart to see so many fabulous barns just fall down to negligence...

Anonymous said...

I think what you are doing is going on a "Sunday drive" on Sunday :-) I love the picture of that cow!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Grassy Cove is such a pretty area! It reminds me of the area in Pennsylvania where my gramdmother lived. Very pastoal and peaceful.

SquirrelQueen said...

Now that's the kind of Sunday drive I love. The rich green of the trees, misty mountains and little church, it doesn't get much better. The cow does seem to be asking you if you know Sunny.

carolina nana said...

What a peaceful looking little community. Those pictures are so soothing and I'm glad there are still places where the pace is slow.
Blessings to you

Karin said...

Loved your post again! Thanks for taking us along on your drive! Beautiful country side!

Connie said...

I loved sharing the ride with you Betsy! Great pictures. I really love the one with the cow in it. :D

Cheqna said...

hi there,

just came across your blog..beautiful sceneries on your sunday trips.

have a good one next Sunday!


penny said...

We too love to go Sunday wandering, especially on the back roads. You never know whats around the bend, maybe a gem or treasure like these beautiful views that you two found.

Joy said...

I enjoyed the drive along with you. What an postcard of a place.
I'm sure that lady was wondering what you were doing back in her neck of the woods.
♥ Joy

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, I almost feel like I have been home! What a wonderful post. Soon as the girls are settled, if not before, we are heading home. I keep wanting to go, but tell myself to wait till fall when it is not quite so hot....

Unknown said...

A friend and I are planning a trip to Grassy Cove. Is there a Kemmer we can contact ahead of time to show us the cave?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Harold, I'm sorry... Wish I could help you--but I know nothing about Caving --although I do know that there are many caves in this area.... Wish I could help. Hope you can find someone who can!