Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thoughts of Early Spring--Part II

Be sure and read Part I first (click HERE) if you missed it. Today I will show you more photos of our yard in March of 2007. Above are our beautiful Tulips (in the side flowerbed). Below are more!

Here's more of our Tulips.. Aren't they just gorgeous?

Here's a picture of some of our Daffodils --along with more of the Tulips.

I love the pink Tulips and of course, our beautiful Daffodils (or Jonquils, or whatever you call them in your area of the country).

Here is the best picture I have ever taken of the telephone pole in our front yard... Isn't it a beauty????? ha ha (Oh how we hate that pole--but it's there. We inherited it!) Anyhow--except for the stupid pole, I love the picture of our Redbud and our white Dogwood---both blooming.

Here's one more picture of our side yard ---looking at the big side flowerbed toward the backyard.

I showed you this little round flowerbed in yesterday's post---but the one yesterday was taken at the beginning of March and this one was taken toward the end of March that year. Even the lilies are beginning to sprout.

OKAY---I mentioned yesterday that I didn't want my yard to look like this in March this year. Wonder why I said that!!!????? Well----seeing the following picture will help you to understand.

This is what happened the first of April, 2007 (AFTER that beautiful March we had had). We had a VERY hard freeze here (for about 4-5 days) ---and lost all of our Daffodils, Tulips and Lilies ----along with our Redbud, Dogwoods, and Azaleas blooms. The picture above when compared with the one above this one, shows how the freeze zapped all of the lilies --and turned them to mush.

You can read about this horrible freeze and see pictures by clicking HERE. Many of you may remember this post from April 5, 2009--when we were afraid that we were going to have another horrible April freeze. Luckily, we didn't. But--as long as I live, I will never forget the Freeze of April 2007.

Now you should know why I do not want the March beauty in our yard. I'll take it any other time--but not March. Our weather usually always gives us at least one more freeze in early APRIL---so if we have beauty, we want it to wait until after the last April freeze... The horrible freeze in 2007 was the worst I have EVER seen. You won't believe it until you see the pictures of the black leaves on the trees which had just added those new spring leaves.

SO---do I want a beautiful March like we had in 2007??? Absolutely NOT---if there is a chance we will have a freeze and lose everything in April... Okay--now you know the answer to my 'tricky' question!!!!



Jane said...

Beautiful pictures. I always look forward to your spring flowers. I, however, do not look forward to spring or summer... too hot, too many allergies, too humid.......


Arkansas Patti said...

I do remember that freeze Betsy. It was awful and caught all the plants in their underware. We had to cancel our Garden Club Tour that year for no one had a garden.
I'm with you. Spring, come only when it is safe.

Jo said...

Betsy;) I just love your tulips and daffodils (which is what we call them in South Africa) We also have a late frost in South Africa -normally after winter - about October third week, which is way into spring, almost summer in SA. So I also learnt to W A I T and it's well worth it. Thanks for this post. I'm doing a garden post tomorrow - missing my garden back home but have photos to keep me going here in Khartoum! (((Hugs))) Jo

diane b said...

Aha now I understand. Surely, after all this cold weather you have had now, you won't get more in April. It will have all frozen out by then. Your March flowers were beautiful.

Jayne said...

I remember that freeze VERY well Betsy. It was horrible. Everything was killed. Everything. We had no leaves on anything for months. So nice to see the reminders of the spring to come!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, you have beautiful landscaped yard. I love the tulips! We have a redbud and dogwood trees, they are some of my favorites. Great photos.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

sigh....for all the beautiful color...

Bill S. said...

I am dreaming of spring - but I am not through ice fishing yet. Gardening will come later. Beautiful pictures.

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is one beautiful telephone pole. ;0
I think you should post more pictures of that.

I hope you don't have another feeze...not a pretty sight!

Karin said...

Ahhhhh! I totally agree with you! We once had an early May freeze and all the blossoms on the trees froze and consequently there was no fruit on those particular trees that summer. Not nice! Wish you an awesome day!

Connie said...

Gorgeous flowers, Betsy! Love all the colors. I hope when spring arrives this year you don't get a freeze afterward to ruin it all.

Harriet said...

I agree I don't want the freeze to ruin all the spring flowers but I'm so ready for spring or at least some sunny days!!!

penny said...

Your spring flower beds are gorgeous, Betsy.
I would love to copy and paste them into my yard, if you don't mind:)))

Darla said...

It was a beautiful March in your yard though. We don't consider being out of the frost zone around here until Easter...

Rose said...

I had to think to remember, and then it hit me. We did have that freeze...Sarah had given me a Japanese maple the year before for Mother's day...and it had sprouted. The freeze totally killed it.

You wouldn't want to be here today, Betsy. We got a couple more inches of snow last night but it has all been rearranged by the wind...it is at least a foot deep in some places, while others are bare.

Bubbie, went out this morn and turned right around and ran back in. When it is too cold for him, it is cold.

NCmountainwoman said...

Beautiful photographs. I do hope the coming spring will be just as wonderful. No more "Easter Freeze" we hope.

Mandy said...

Thanks for sharing a little spring with us, Betsy!

I'm getting cabin fever in a bad way around here! We live on a back road that has lots of steep hills and curves - they never clear the back roads of course so I'm stuck!

Unknown said...

Oh your tulips are stunning and you have inspired me to plant some bulbs of my own Betsy. I remember that freeze it was terrible, we had late snow last year on March 28 and it did the same here, so sad.

Have a great day.

Roses and Lilacs said...

We sometimes get those very early warm spells that trick plants into growing too soon.

Your tulip beds are beautiful. Love the assortment of colors and shapes.

Susie said...

These pics remind me of Easter so much! Love all your blooms!

EG CameraGirl said...

No, we don't want a terrible freeze to ruin your garden like it did last year!

Sunny said...

I'm loving your flowers as I watch the snow fall outside. I can't wait for spring to get here!Sunny :)

carolina nana said...

Oh how I remember that freeze,it devastated the apple crop around here along with my muscadines and even made wild flowers not bloom that bloom that year.I with you we don't need a warm March to get everything started early! Have a blessed day,Marilyn

Small City Scenes said...

Beautidul! Beautiful! Beautiful!!

I do love the great color of the Tulips.

We usually have a late frost after being lulled into thinks Spring has arrived. Since we are having such a mild winter I am thinks the other shoe will drop very soon.

I don't think Hawks rob the Eagles nest but I have seen Hawks chasing Eagles but I think that is after an Eagle has robbed the Hawks nest. The Hawks like the little varmints (mice, frogs etc). Eagles are mostly scavengers---sad to say. They love a good road kill. While we have seen magnificent pics of Eagles scooping fish out of the water they are here by the rivers because of the spawning salmon---their fav food. Our Majestic Bird.



Beth said...

Beautiful pictures, Betsy! My favorite, of course, is the telephone pole...hee,hee. (By the way, we have a hated telephone pole, too. I have to try to take all my pictures around it.)

Oh, how well I recall that freeze in 2007---ugly,ugly,ugly. I especially remember how the frozen hostas looked----wilted and gooshy, like they had melted or something. I hated even going outside after that freeze---the plants and trees looked so very sad.

Dorothy said...

Your pictures make me anxious for Spring, but what I really want is for it to be winter now and get through with it and then be Spring!
Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Pretty pretty pretty flowers, Betsy! And I agree, if March were to turn out like that again, I wouldn't want it. I want SPRING to last ALL YEAR LONG, not just a month or so! heheheee

Plain Chicken said...

your flowers are beautiful! makes me wish Spring would hurry up and get here. They are predicting snow in Birmingham on Friday. We will be completely shut down if that is true!

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous photos Betsy. Oh so cheerful to behold today as it is gray and gloomy here. I can always count on you to brighten up my day. I cannot imagine having that awful frost.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! The colors just pop off the screen! It almost looks like it's not real. And of course I love the redbud, but I see what you mean about the pole! Those light pink tulips are soooo georgous! But I also notice your grass. Maybe it's because everything here's been white for so long, but your grass seems exceptionally bright green. Do you have one of those yard services treat the grass? I did look at your freeze post, and have to say I've never seen anything like it. Those black leaves would give me the heebie jeebies!! That's just creepy and depressing. That one shot of the tree leaning sideways with all the black leaves, and the long shot of the many trees with black ones among them,are almost unbelieveable! I hope my comment layout is the one you wanted. I actually enjoyed learning about that. I never knew such options existed!

Together We Save said...

Your tulips are beautiful.... but here in my part of Tennessee those daffodils are called buttercups. That is what my grandfather always called them. His birthday was in Feburary and he loved them he always joked they would bloom just for him on this birthday. Yours with the orange tipped cups are very pretty.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Love all the beautiful spring flowers.I understand about wanting the flowers to wait until all frost is past.Unfortunately,where I live that is pretty common.Somehow the plants always bounce back.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: May your weather allow you to have a great garden. I heard from George more snow is coming. We are under another Winter storm watch but it isn't too bad yet.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Spring in Tennessee is so beautiful. Your tulips are gorgeous! You seem to have all of the colors of the rainbow. I'm stuck in NYC becaus eof the blizzard and my husband and girls told me they got quite a bit of snow today too.

If you have time, please go vote for my team's cake. Ask your readers to vote too. It's for a great cause and your or your readers could win an Electrolux range!

Jen said...

Oh wow-that would make my heart sink too.
Better check the Farmer's Almanac and see what it says about it this year? Then run and get some extra sheets to cover those delicates up if needed. ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the tulips are just plain ole wonderful. such bright colors and your yard is beautiful. I hope your flowers don't bloom until after the last freeze comes around. this has been a really cold winter.My mother loved jonquils, when we looked out her kithen window the yard was full of them, even in the window box.

Anonymous said...

Dear Betsy,

Your lovely pictures of the tulips warmed my heart.

March is our snowiest month, and we usually get snow in April as well. I remember putting pots of pansies out on 4/15 one year, and waking up to find them buried in snow the next day.

That's why I only put out plants in pots until after Mothers' day :-)

imac said...

Tulips and spring, you could pain that post green in summer and white in winter,lol.

LV said...

I will be so happy to see flowers like that again. I just hope some of mine will make it through the winter even in my garage.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how quickly our environment can change. In a few weeks we will be blooming along with the tulips.

Velva said...

C'mon Spring! This has been one cold and nasty winter. I hope by late March the warm weather begins to return with no possibility of a hard freeze.

Cookie said...

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. Every year we go to the tulip festival. (Did you read my blog way back last spring??) Now I can't wait for April to come!

Diane said...

I bet you're glad you took the pictures anyway. You can always enjoy what you had once. Those spring freezes are so nasty.

Ms. ~K said...

Are you teasing us w/ a taste of Spring?

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

I love all of your beautiful pictures....m.

Kirigalpoththa said...

You have a beautiful garden!

Pedaling said...

covered in snow, but dreaming of spring.
tulips are my favorite looking flower-yellow and red are my favorites and i love purple.
my mom loves daffodils- they remind me of her- growing up in arizona we never could grow such beautiful spring blooms, but here in utah- we can and i love em!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful flowers Betsy, I love all the Tulips and Daffodils. I understand your statement now, it is bad for them to bloom that early.

I am concerned that we might have the same problem here this year. My daffodils and lilies are starting to push out of the ground. It's still February and I am going to have blooms by early March, hopefully they won't freeze.