Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, January 8, 2010

The BIG (??) Snow in Middle Tennessee

First, let me apologize in advance to all of you who have had enough snow for a lifetime already this winter. I know that I'd feel just like you do IF I had THAT much snow. And I know you would send me a bunch if you could. BUT--we haven't had any much!!! Snow has missed us already about four times so far this winter... This week, the 'big one' was predicted for all of middle Tennessee... Sure--I said!!!!! (Just a little skeptical---that would be ME.)

All of my TN friends were excitedly talking about the BIG snow we were supposed to get yesterday. We have had terribly low temperatures for the past week with highs in the 20's and lows in the single digits. SO---the conditions were right, one would think. Me??? I was skeptical!!!!

When George and I made our weekly Wednesday grocery store trip, we were amazed that there were so many people in Walmart... GADS---people were in "panic mode" here--buying supplies for a week or two... I was still skeptical!!!!

But, inside of myself, I was truly hoping that we'd get a nice snow... I wanted to get excited... I really did!!! For you see, we live 2000 feet above sea level on the Cumberland Plateau. One would think that we would get more snow than other places nearby. However, for the past three winters, the snow has gone north of us, east of us, west of us, and south of us.

The forecasters this time really scared folks. We were going to get from 1-4 inches here. The headlines on Wednesday said this: "Cumberland Plateau prepares for hard-hitting Winter Weather". All of the news reporters were going through the big list of what to do in case of bad weather. That is all fine----but I was still skeptical!!!

The school system here (and in surrounding counties) called off school on Wednesday night for Thursday, LONG before the storm was to get here. Other meetings and classes were canceled ahead of the storm, and people just waited for the 'big one' to hit.

WELL--- I hate to admit this, but I was RIGHT. Other than flurries, we got NO snow much at all until after 3 pm. And --even with the light snow and flurries all day, I don't think I could call what we got even 1/2 an inch... I think it is just a good dusting!!!! How disappointing!!!!

See that radar picture above? That was at 8:30 our time yesterday morning---and the storm seemed to be missing most all of middle Tennessee... Isn't that just amazing????? I was disappointed---but truly just had to laugh!!!!!

Here are some pictures of our recent frigid weather and also of our BIG snow yesterday...

Here is a picture of the small cascade behind our house (taken by George on Jan. 3)--near the golf course fairway. We've seen ice here before --but never this THICK.

A close-up of the thick ice behind our home; As I said, our temperatures have been extremely cold (rare for us here) for the past week. The temperature has not gotten above freezing since January 1st here.

Another radar picture at 11 a.m. (our time); NO snow much in Tennessee!!!!

I took this picture at 3 p.m. ---after it had snowed here most of the day.... Ha Ha Ha

I took this picture at 4:30 p.m. ---after a little more snow late in the afternoon!!!

Another 4:30 pm picture taken looking out on the back deck (near the bird feeders)

Another view from the deck --looking toward the golf course fairway; Note the big accumulation on our railing and picnic table!!!!! Tee Hee!!!

Here's one more picture of the "BIG SNOW" we had... Wanna sit on our swing with me???? It's about 10 degrees this morning.

WELL--- if I hadn't have been so skeptical, I may have been horribly disappointed --since I want to see some snow so badly. BUT--I really just have to laugh instead... AND---I have one more reason why middle Tennessee is not getting any snow... Look back at those two radar pictures!!!! NOW---do you really wanna know why?????????? Are you sure??????

OKAY--here goes (and I apologize again if I offend anyone).... I hate to admit this, but Mr. Global Warming himself, AL GORE, lives near Nashville, TN... He would say that the reason we aren't getting snow here is because of Global Warming... That's why the entire country has been so warm recently..... RIGHT????? SURE!!!!! (NOT!) ----Ha Ha Ha (Bad Joke, I know!)

Hope you had a wonderful Thursday wherever you are!!!!! My advice: IF you don't like snow and don't want to see much, then you need to MOVE to middle TENNESSEE.



SquirrelQueen said...

My theory is that the more the weather people talk about it and the more we are warned that a storm is coming the less likely we are to see anything at all. Sorry to see only a little snow and such cold temps for your area. We have been having rain but freezing rain, possible snow, warnings are out for tonight, yeah right!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Darla said...

Betsy, we would take your dusting of snow!! Today we are having the 30's and raining...yucky, yucky. Now they are saying maybe a flurry or two tomorrow.......love your little global warming joke..

Jane said...

Ahhh.. I am jealous over your dusting of snow! We have nothing, zilch..... just lots of very high winds this morning!

Stay warm,


T said...

Ahhhh.... the weather gods are poking at Mr. Gore aren't they!

We didn't get much either - just about 1-2 inches. My home town, which NEVER EVER closes schools, actually had to close due to ice - not snow!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Don't you just love the weather forecasters? They try to panic EVERYONE...I think they secretly work for walmart and home depot. (they do the same thing if a hurricane COULD be anywhere near Africa)
Your yard does look pretty though.
Can you believe that in our newspaper yesterday, they said WE could have snow flurries on Saturday????? WHAT???? never would happen in a million years. NEVER.

linda m said...

Betsy, I will be happy to send you some of ours. I live in WI and shoveled twice yesterday only to wake up to more snow and now I need to use "ramming" speed to get out of my drive way to go to work. Think I'll move to TN.

amelia said...

Like everyone else, I'd like to send you some of ours!!
The cold has been far worse that the snow for us. It's -26 this morning with strong winds which just about froze my toes when I put the feeders out a while ago!!

Neal said...

That's not a joke Betsy .... I've read that global warming is causing hurricanes, extremely cold weather, extremely hot weather, droughts, rainy weather, etc so why can't your lack of snow be caused by global warming. We ended up with between 4 and 5 inches....just a guess from clearing the driveway.

Janice K said...

I'm sorry you missed it. It was a beautiful snowy day here yesterday. We decided not to leave the house....and now it is getting colder.

Harriet said...

We ended up with about what you have from the looks of your pictures. I have to say I'm happy since this is more snow than we've had in a while. I hate the ice that comes with it, many roads in our area are closed. There are so many hills around us. We are on level ground but there are hills between us and the main roads. These roads don't get salt right away.
It was 15 at our house this morning.
Stay warm!

SmilingSally said...

You call it a dusting; I call it COLD.

Sunny said...

It's snowing here this morning, and if I could send it to you, I would! LOL
Keep warm.
Sunny :)

Susie said...

Girl, don't feel bad we didn't get any either. Not even a flake. Lots of cold rain but that's it. Hopefully you will get some soon.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, they do that here when it is going to snow...run to the store like they will not have another chance.

We do have 4 or 5 inches...the police say not to be out unless it is necessary, but it is so much fun to be out and see everything.

I hope you eventually get more than a dusting...I need at least one good snow a year to be happy...and don't mind if we have two or three.

Arkansas Patti said...

Ah Betsy, this former Florida girl is like you in desperately wanting snow. We did get a bit more than you but not by much. Still it was so pretty.
Just noticed that we are almost on the same parallel. Hum.
Hope you and I get what we want but that the roads stay clear for those who still have to work and that no one loses power.
4 degrees and windy this AM.

Mandy said...

I was a little disappointed too! Around Nashville, we got about the same . . . about 1/2 inch at our house.

Connie said...

Betsy, this made me laugh! They closed the schools before the storm even hit?! HA HA! Schools are all open here today even though we got 4 or 5 inches yesterday and last night. There are lots of house for sale in Ohio if you really want some snow. :D I'd even sell you mine! HA HA! Glad you are able to keep your sense of humor about the weather, Betsy even if it doesn't turn out the way you'd like.

EG CameraGirl said...

The snow is really avoiding you!

Actually Global Warming doesn't mean every place is warmer than it used to be. Instead the poles (north and south) are melting and creating bizarre weather patterns. As much of Canada is above the Arctic Circle, we hear a LOT about the melting. ;-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

POOR Baby, no snow, and i know how much you wanted it. We were wanting sunshine as much as you wanted snow and we got 8 hours of it yesterday and it is gone again. We love sunshine and get depressed if it does not do it's normal floria thing. You can have the snow, I will see what i can do about ordering it for you from all the people who have to much of it.
love the ice photos, so you did get that

Joy said...

You wouldn't believe how cold it is here in Texas too. 3 days of constant freezing temps. Yikes.
Your snow is pretty though. That is enough for me.
It must be all the hot air Mr. Global Warming himself is making to keep all the snow away. ha
♥ Joy

imac said...

If Christmas starts panic buying then snow will surly start it.

Love your pics too.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Come visit me, Betsy and you will see all the snow you want. They had to send the snow plow out to the farm to rescue me this morning. My drive was completely drifted over and I couldn't get out.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy, we seem to have gotten more than you further East. Also we live in a little "valley" of sorts which makes the snow accumulate rapidly.
It's snowing again as I type, not huge amounts, but it makes for a pretty picture.
Al, will surely know, if we get the BIG one ;)

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy,I have some good advice for you.In order to get your fill of snow,schedule a visit to Manitoba in January.Oh,and be sure to bring a heavy jacket and boots.I do understand how much you love snow and believe me so do I.Anyway you would be most welcome over here and I will show you LOTS of snow.LOL

Karin said...

Loved your post! These climate changes have so many folks discombobulated - sometimes I feel like they're crying 'wolf' again and again, causing us to refuse to believe them or at least be a doubting Thomas. It's great and important to be cautious, wise, prepared, but like you, I refuse to go into panic mode! God is still in control of all of creation! Too bad you missed a good dumping of snow - maybe next time!

Diane said...

Re: your last sentence - then it would really snow!!!

mint said...

hahahhaha! We have 5 ins. here.Yuck!

marmee said...

we are getting more snow today right now...it is very cold.
hope you get some more.
happy snow days in january.

Jenny said...

I love the frozen falls. That is so cool! Have you seen where they take old doilies and spray them with water and freeze them solid to hang on trees like snowflakes! Looks like your weather is cold enough for that particular decoration! Brrrr....

Diane AZ said...

I think your snow pictures are quite beautiful especially the one with the picnic table. The image looks almost monochromatic except for the closed umbrella.

Cookie said...

I lvoe snow pictures :)
Ice can be worse than snow!
Those weather-guessers never seem to get it right.

Chris said...

Although I am totally sick of snow I hope you get your wish. Your photos are lovely, it must be really cold if a waterfall has frozen. The weather forecasters informed us today that parts of the country are only 2 degrees warmer than in the Antarctic--- Yippee I say.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, you got more snow than we did...we've had flurries all day today and temps in the teens...I'm not a fan of snow but it would make some nice photos for a change!!! Stay warm!!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Great photos, Betsy. You folks got a bit more snow than we did here, but not much. Gardening Daughter (who prays for snow) was much disappointed in the amount, also.
It's been bitterly cold here, too, but balmy compared to some parts of the country.
Hope you're staying warm.

Loran said...

Even though I'm not a big fan of snow and winter and cold week after week, I can totally appreciate your enthusiasm! I'm glad you are enjoying some real winter weather.

penny said...

Your scenes are beautiful and I love them But then I never have to shovel either. Your yard looks like a winter wonder land, Betsy. Thanks for sharing the beauty.

Tina said...

Okay..if that is where there is no snow..lol I'm on my way to the middle of Tenn. I feel it in my bones you are going to get a good dumping b 4 the winter is over..Calling all snow...this way to Betsys!!!

Small City Scenes said...

We don't get much snow out here either. Well three years ago we got about 3ft of snow and it stayed forever, very rare here---set all sorts of records, and I was stuck here. I began to see it as not a good thing. So be happy with a little dusting and take pictures. Think of your birds---they don't want snow.
So I will send you some of this rain and you could freeze it and then chip and have your snow. LOL

Cheryl said...

Oh Betsy this was so cute...I do know that you have been wanting some snow but hey, a dusting is something. Believe me, after getting over a foot last weekend here plus paying to have the driveway plowed several times...it gets old fast! But I think your place looks lovely with its nice coating of snow. Enjoy! Make yourself a snow angel!

Anonymous said...

It's just sad. We don't get any snow at all here in Malaysia.

pam said...

School was closed and that makes our dusting fabulous in my eyes!

diane b said...

You seem to be one of the few north, Northern Hemisphere bloggers who isn't covered in snow. Have you seen London? (See my blog.) You must feel a bit peeved to have the freezing weather but not the pretty snow to go with it. At least you don't have the dangers of driving and sliding. The shots of the sprinkling are pretty anyway.

Anonymous said...

If you only see white, in my book it counts as snow! Snow-count where I'm living: (we're living in a cold part of SA) 3 times in 20 years - and it melts before 10 Am.!! So… my sympathy is with you - I love it when I see it!

storyteller said...

LOL ... As an outsider on the West Coast looking in, I love this post for many reasons. Substitute RAIN for SNOW and you've got the dilemma we face in Southern California, though writing about lack of rain when others are experiencing floods generates no empathy. I suspect it'll be the same for you. That said ... I enjoyed all your photos, maps, and found your post entertaining.

I got carried away while sharing 'tamale-making' at Sacred Ruminations yesterday afternoon and evening ... so this morning I'm trying to catch up on blog visits before the day actually begins ... just a couple of blessings of this retired life ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Rosa said...

There is always a hole that forms over middle Tn! hahaha, I had to crack up!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I'm glad you got your Christmas wish.

Nina said...

Regardless the snow... Burrrrrr.. We've had a couple of feet so far. Not unusual here and winter is just getting started. Most of our snow comes in January and February... You look like you could have made a mini snowman!?! Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P