Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Very Thankful Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving --and enjoy celebrating all of the things in life which I am truly thankful for. This year, since George's parents were with his sister in Tullahoma, TN and since none of our other family members could join us for the day, George and I decided to do something totally different. We called a good friend in Kingsport, TN (who has MS and who also lives alone) and asked her if she had plans. She had none ---so we drove up there and took her out to dinner. She told us that we provided her with a fabulous Thanksgiving this year, but believe me, the blessing was OURS.

We had a fabulous day ---and the dinner at Cracker Barrel was excellent. But---even better than the dinner (if that is possible) was the long ride we took all over Kingsport and that area. Reida doesn't get out much these days---so she enjoyed showing off her little city to us. AND--we surprised her by taking her out in the country in search of a new waterfall (which she didn't even know was there). We found it---and Reida was amazed!!!! We all had a wonderful day---including seeing the wild turkeys on Bays Mountain.

Hope you enjoy some of our pictures from this perfect day with a special friend. Above is a picture of two childhood friends, Reida and me. We are standing in Reida's newly renovated kitchen. It is gorgeous! Below are more pictures.

George took our picture --while we waited for our delicious Thanksgiving Dinner at Cracker Barrel. And believe me, dinner was delicious--and the company was better!!!

Wild turkeys on Bays Mountain --where we took a ride on Thanksgiving afternoon; don't you know those guys were happy not to be on someone's table on that day!!!! ha ha

There were three of them in this group... Pretty, aren't they? They are quite colorful--so I assume they are all males.

Here's two more --in another area. I could almost hear the one in the rear saying: "Hey, wait for me." ha

This is the waterfall we saw on Thanksgiving Day... It was in the country -and the drive was fabulous. This waterfall is named Bays Mountain Falls. We showed it in a previous post--but wanted to show it one more time.

It was a cold afternoon ---and this girl was freezing --while getting her picture taken beside that 'weird' tree..... Is that tree PREGNANT????? ha ha

George did what he always does when we visit waterfalls... He got 'up close and personal'...

We truly had one of the nicest Thanksgiving Days we have ever had. I love doing things for others---and visiting Reida on this day was truly a blessing for US. After leaving her home that afternoon, we headed for Erwin, TN ---for a couple of fabulous days hiking and 'waterfalling'.



Kirigalpoththa said...

The tree is definitely pregnant :)

Valerie said...

That is a funny tree!
Love your post. What a special day it must have been.
You put a smile on my face this morning.

God certainly has blessed you in many ways!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy, you and George are just the kindest, most generous people. What a thoughtful thing to do knowing Reida has difficulty getting about, and being able to spend time with childhood friends would be a blessing.
You ate at my favorite place...we ate there Thanksgivng also, an hour an a half wait, but worth every minute !
Love that tree and beautiful waterfall...

Darla said...

I think the tree ate too much over the holidays, like me! I just love you and George's big hearts!!

pam said...

You are so sweet! This is what the holidays are all about!

Tabor said...

What a great holiday. You fixed the lack of relatives just right and the photos are perfect! Gotta love those turkeys.

Kate said...

Hello Betsy,

Hi from Scotland, I had been visiting with Judy today and saw your comment so decided to call here as well... I've enjoyed my visit this morning and send 'Good Wishes' from this side of the pond. I like your blog and look forward to calling again.

Cheers and Blessings Kate x.

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Sounds like you had a really wonderful Thanksgiving even though you couldn't be with family this year. I love the Cracker Barrel restaurants - I'm sure the dinner really was delicious. And speaking of dinner, that tree looks like something that might be getting ready to eat you!

Beth said...

Sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving, Betsy. You and George were so kind to think of your good friend, Reida. I know the day was a blessing to all of you. I love the pictures of the turkeys---the wild ones are so much more beautiful than the domestic white ones. Probably not as tasty though! :-)

Becky said...

Well, I bet George sure had a great Thanksgiving with 2 pretty ladies for company. Glad you had a great time.
Betsy, You are such a blessing to so many people. You have 187 followers, lots of commenters, and still you find time to stop by and "see" me or send an email. Makes me feel special, I am thankful for you.

Sunny said...

I don't think you could ask for a nicer day. How wonderful to share Thanksgiving with a friend. (I like her new kitchen.)
Those turkeys want no part of the day!
Great pictures Betsy!
Sunny :)

Mandy said...

What a great way to spend Thanksgiving!

Beautiful turkey shots!

Dorothy said...

That was a nice way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day! Nice turkey pix!

Bill S. said...

It sounds like you had a great time. I love your turkey pictures.

bookbabie said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day rather than sit home alone and wish you had family over. Our day was very busy with family at our house, so busy I didn't get a chance to take any pictures (and I'm still tired from the week so going out to dinner actually sounds good to me!)

Arkansas Patti said...

What a wonderful way to share Thanksgiving. You guys are so thoughtful. The beauty of eating out is the being waited on and no clean up.
That tree looks like most of us on the "day after".

Jen said...

What good friends you are!
Yes those are male/Tom turkey--very nice beards they have.

Connie said...

Betsy, I think you had a lovely Thanksgiving! How sweet of you to visit your friend and share the special day with her. Your gift to her was a blessing for you as well, as so often happens. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what better gift is there than the gift of yourself? none in my book. good to see you and your friend. friends are forever. and i really like that weird tree. you know i love trees.

Susie said...

Looks and sounds like a great day to me Betsy! I know your friend really enjoyed ya'lls visit.

Cicero Sings said...

Sounds like the perfect kind of Thanksgiving Day! Adventure, good fellowship, good food. What could be better.

LV said...

Another wonderful blog. That was a truly blessed thing you two did on Thanksgiving. We need more people like you. Always enjoy yours and George's post. You have so much beauty to share as well as love.

Diane said...

What a great idea, Betsy. It sounds like a great day with your friend. I love the turkey pictures, you can't say they're pretty but they do have a beauty about them, don't they. Imagine how delighted I was that day to find our normal looking neighborhood turkeys all puffed up in full dress. I just stood there and laughed at them and tried to get some good pictures.

Peggy said...

What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving! And what memories you made for your friend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

this is so wonderful...it looks like the perfect way to spend Thanksgiving...with those you love and care for.
Great pictures...and YES, I love Reida's kitchen too!!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The smiles on your faces tell of a wonderful time.Lucky Turkeys indeed.I really am fascinated by the patterns on the grass in one of the pictures,that alone is worth photographing.Have a fabulous day.

Deborah Godin said...

Great expressions on those tukeys, like "If we can just get through this one day we'll be safe for another years!"

Janie said...

I'm glad you were able to enjoy a wonderful visit with your friend, and share the wild turkeys and watefall with her!
That is an interesting tree. I wonder when it's due to deliver...

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

The turkeys are amazing and the waterfall is so beautiful!!..m.

Day4plus said...

What a fabulous day for the 3 of you. And a lovely ride to boot.
My mother didn't want to go anywhere, she just wanted me to come to her house and she would take me out to dinner. I had never done that on a holiday. We had a very nice drive--mainly because nothing was open. We did find a lovely resturant that took reservations only but had room for us and it was delightful My mother (remember age 93) she said "well i don't want to do that again, I guess I'll get a turkey". Haha---me I like gong out to dinner. MB

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

A pregnant tree, lucky turkeys, a beautiful waterfall, a beautiful friendship...who says blogging is boring...I think not!!!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

What a sweet and thoughtful thing to do. i've seen that tree, itsn't Bays Mountain awesome? Looks like the three of you enjoyed a wonderful day and a fantastic meal!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That sounds like a nice time. All those turkeys were Tom's, you can tell by the beards.

Anonymous said...

You really did a magnificent thing, you and George. Your thoughtfulness really made Reida's day and that is plain to see. She seems to be so proud, too, to be able to show you her new kitchen.

She is and other people like her who can't get out much usually have a ton of things to show off or talk about and nobody buy four walls to share it all with.It is like going fishing with a friend. You sit there and catch a whopper and have a ball talking about it.

Or, you go fishing by yourself and catch another whopper and not a soul around to show it off or to talk about it. Unless to talk to the fish you caught it is not much of an event.

I like your sharing and think all your visitors did too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot. And...

Your pictures are priceless. Especially those turkeys. I don't know much about who gets trees like that pregnant but I wouldn't be surprised if it was some tiny bug of some sort.

Maia said...

What a nice day you had1
I like the pattern on your turkey photos and the waterfall is beautiful too.

imac said...

Truly friendship Betsy, glad you had a great time.

Patty said...

It looks like you had a wonderful day. I am sending you an email with a new waterfall for you to visit. It just happens to be near MY favortie vaction spot :)

Chris said...

What a wonderful thing to do, I bet you had a great day out. As for the tree, it sure does look pregnant. I hope the turkeys didn't think you had come for them for your thanksgiving dinner.

Cheryl said...

How wonderful you and George are to share the holiday with a friend. Your friend must have been overjoyed to have you come visit and then take her to dinner and for a lovely ride. I must say Betsy, you and Reida look somewhat alike! And her kitchen looks very pretty!

Rosa said...

Looks like a wonderful turkey day indeed! We get wild turkeys too. They have to be one of the ugliest birds ever. No wonder the indians killed them for food! lol Beautiful waterfall, as always. xo

Elenka said...

What a wonderful day. I'm glad you had such a blessed day.

Wendy said...

Oh Betsy, joy and love shine all through this post! You are truly blessed! And so kind to think of taking your friend out for Thanksgiving dinner. What a beautiful day you all had.

I will never get tired of seeing your waterfall pics. I love waterfalls too.


deb said...

what a blessed thanksgiving you had....

we did a cracker barrel thanksgiving a few years ago.....next best thing to your own.

Shelley said...

What a wonderful friend you are Betsy! And I can tell that Reida is one special friend - glad you all had a wonderful time. I especially loved those turkey photos! They always move too fast for me to photography!
Miss you! Hugs,

Marge said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We went out this year for the first time ever! It was a little strange not cooking...hey - don't those turkeys know it's Thanksgiving -they should be hiding!

SmilingSally said...

What a great idea, Betsy, and you can't beat Cracker Barrel for good eatin'.

Meems said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend Thanksgiving. Blessing someone and being blessed in return... that's just how blessings work right? That waterfall looks fun, too.
Glad you had a Happy Thanksgiving.

marmee said...

this sounds like a truly wonderful day. i am certain your friend was so grateful to have you and george visit with her.
happy december dear betsy.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving, good friends, good food and finding a waterfall. And to top it all off you got to see wild turkeys. It just can't get much more perfect.


Mary said...

A wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving! Everyone was blessed on a day for thanks. The turkey shots are great. I don't see turkeys much, but get excited when I do. Nice shots of you and George and the falls.

Diane said...

Your stories always make me smile,Betsy. What a wonderfully fun life you live. Happy Holidays!

Cookie said...

As always, beautiful pictures! I'm jealous of that kitchen in the first pciture :) And those turkeys shouuld go into hiding this time of year!
as always, the waterfalls pics are my favorite.
Glad to hear you had a good thanksgiving :)

Joy said...

What a special day. I know Reida enjoyed it too. Reida is name of my sister in law. Spelled the same way. Don't come across too many.

I know you would fit a waterfall in. I think its great!

diane b said...

How happy Reida must have been for you visit. A lovely Thanks giving for all involved. That tree is a beauty the falls too of course.

Connie said...

What a good friend you are. It was so nice of you to share the day with your friend.