Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

From Maggie Valley

Be sure to read yesterday's blog---in order to understand this one!!!!

I do have a signal here at the cabin---so I will get to post a blog when there's time. Of course, with all of the yakking and talking the four of us have done today, that doesn't leave much time for blogging!!!!! I also have to iChat with my hubby ---to make sure he's behaving himself!!!! ha

The cabin is nice ---and other than smoking up the house by not having the flue open when we lit a fire in the fireplace, things are GREAT. I got here first --so took a few pictures to share today. Above is our view from the deck at the cabin. We are 4000 feet UP, and the road up is rugged. Below are some of the inside of the cabin.

This is looking toward the living room/dining area. The fireplace is to the left, and the deck wraps around the cabin.

This is looking up toward the loft area. That area upstairs is my room. I have a king bed in the bedroom, private bath and sitting room area up there. Pretty NICE... There are two bedrooms downstairs --which the other three are using.

This is from the living room --looking toward the kitchen. We had a delicious dinner tonight of pork chops on the grill, baked apples, sweet potatoes, peas, rolls and cake.

This is our screened in porch ---where I'm sure we will sit and enjoy each other this week.

Maggie Valley is a gorgeous area --and our cabin is nice. As I said previously, the only thing we don't care for is the steep and rugged road up here. All of us said that we may stay here forever and never leave. Ha Ha.... (My honey would have to move in here too though!!!)

Have a great Wednesday.


EJ said...

I like your screened porch!

Jayne said...

What a lovely place Betsy! Have a wonderful time. :c)

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely place and great scenery!!

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

You are so blessed, Betsy to be having such a great time with friends in a beautiful location. I'm so happy for you! I love ya girl. Tell your friends we all said hello and to have a fantastic and enjoyable time together. You all deserve it! Tell George hello too, when you type to him LOL...

Arkansas Patti said...

You do find the neatest cabins and the prettiest views. You sure got the pick of places to sleep.
A little smoke only adds to the atmosphere.
Keep enjoying.

Shelley said...

You know how I love those log cabins! I'm looking at these photos and the layout looks extremely similiar to my log cabin! I'll let you stay in the loft! :-)
Hugs, Shelley

Beth said...

Wow...a screened porch, a fireplace, a good view, and good friends---what more could you ask?

A lovely place you have there, Betsy...and I know you'll have a lovely time there with your best buds. I'll be thinking of you this week...

Harriet said...

What a wonderful place to stay. ENJOY!!

Cherry said...

fantastic place for the fantastic four! have a great time! can't wait for more photos and updates. :)

Darla said...

What a cozy cabin...I love it!! I would also love to hear those walls talk after ya'll leave!

Darla said...

P.S. Tell your friends how much I love seeing the adventures that ya'll take together...

Dorothy said...

Betsy, love your cabin! I'm dying to know if you think the foliage is about at it's peak up there' We have no resersations, so don't know if we can stay in the Valley. There's a big Clogging Convention there this weekend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a cute little cabin Betsy. So glad you have a signal up there...also glad Mrs. P made the trip with no problems. Enjoy!!!

Peggy said...

Love your cabin! Don't think I would want to leave it either. You have a awesome time with your friends and I will wait to meet you when you and your Sweetie are in the area.

Salitype said...

ah! first, the view is majestic..there's something special being surrounded by mountains.

the cabin looks very cozy and welcoming! i like the loft area and the open planned living space.can't really blamed you all if you don't feel like leaving, i'm just looking at the pictures and i feel the same way!


Diane AZ said...

What a beautiful place, inside and out. The four of you friends must be having a marvelous vacation. Enjoy your special time together!

Susie said...

Wow! That looks like a fantastic place. I bet it is so nice there with the fall weather we are having.

The cabin is beautiful. I would love to stay in a place like that.

Did you rent the cabin from an individual or from a rental company?

Becky said...

First of all..What are you doing up at 4am? You should be sleeping in an a vacation ;-)

Looks like a GREAT place and I am sure you 4 will make wonderful memories.

Take care

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

What a beautiful cabin...enjoy your friends!!!

Lou said...

Have a wonderful time with your friends!! the cabin is beautiful!
come see what I'm dealing with here in the Mile High City..the porch light is on...
Mountain Mermaid
Ps.. please change address to this blog..am no longer using the other!

Carol Murdock said...

HAVE FUN, FUN,FUN!! The Cabin is great! I'm so green with envy!! xoxo

I Am Woody said...

What a beautiful place! Have a fantastic time! Hug everyone for me:)

Roses and Lilacs said...

What a cute cabin. It is designed very well with a nice great room everyone can enjoy together.

Snap said...

Looks like you are off to a good start in a very beautiful place! Have fun!

Kay said...

Oh my. What a beautiful cabin you are staying in. I sure wish I were there with you to enjoy the beauty.

Mary said...

What a great cabin!

NCmountainwoman said...

Great friends and a wonderful cabin too. Can't get much better than that.

Judy said...

Hi Betsy, Love the photos below of you and your friends and the cabin is beautiful. I know you are having a wonderful time catching up and just being together. Enjoy!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a great place, you should have a ball with all the catching up that needs done.

Cheryl said...

What a lovely cabin and view. I would never want to leave such a cosy cabin. Have a wonderful time with your friends.

Jackie said...

It is just fantastic that you have these three good friends to celebrate with every year, and that you all have been able to keep it up for so long. Here's to many, many more yearly get-togethers for you girls!


amelia said...

Looking at your pictures I think I could live there forever!! What a gorgeous cabin!!

Have a truly wonderful time there!

storyteller said...

How fun to get away like this with friends. I'm sure you're having a MARVELOUS time! I enjoyed seeing all the current photos and the old ones too. Love the one with the Brownie troop especially. It's precious ;--)

I've just spent a bunch of time creating my 2nd Blogoversary post at Small Reflections. Hope you can drop by when you return from your outing with the gals. I've created mega-collages of some of my favorite mosaics ... just because.
Hugs and blessings,

Lola said...

Looks great Betsy. You are in a very nice place. Anywhere in the mtns is ok by me.
Have fun. Enjoy.

Inday said...

It looks more like a palace than a cabin to me for its huge size.

Beautiful place to be. Have fun and enjoy the time together with your little friends.

I would like to try baked apples. Of course, I will include all of you in my prayers for your sustained health.

Unknown said...

Amazing posts Betsy. Your journal (I prefer calling them that than I do "blogs") is inspirational. You're right about choices and attitude at the top of your banner: that is the holy grail of happiness.

diane b said...

What a super place for a holiday except for the drive up. Have fun with your special friends and send us lots of pics.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

With a view like that,a gorgeous cabin and a few good friends,this sounds like the perfect mix for fun.

Joy said...

You find the best places to stay. If I come that way I'm consulting with you instead of a travel agent. haha.
I guess you all are doing a lot of cooking in the cabin. Doesn't sound like you want to do that commute up and down much. But wow, what a beautiful cabin and wonderful surrounding.
Enjoy your friends. I can just hear the laughter from here.


marmee said...

i hope you gals have a wonderful time together...it is so great you do this every year.
happy fall.

Diane said...

Have fun, Betsy.

EcoRover said...

Betsy, your pics of the gang over the years are amazing. Thanks for sharing them, the views of your cozy cabin, and the gorgeous fall foliage.

Small City Scenes said...

Wow Betsy, what a neat place to stay. Of course the surrounding area is so pretty. Have fun. MB

Kelly said...

...gorgeous cabin!!! I guess it was worth the steep road...

Sunny said...

What a lovely cabin. You'll just have to get 4 wheel drive hiking boots! Ha-ha!
Have a wonderful time.
Sunny :)

Janie said...

How fun for 4 lifetime friends to get together year after year!
What a great cabin and a beautiful spot.

Connie said...

I love all that pretty wood inside the cabin, Betsy. That looks like such a nice place.

Marge said...

Looks like you're having a great time. I've been to Maggie Valley and it is beautiful! Have fun!!!

storyteller said...

What a MARVELOUS place for your get-together! Reminds me of my Writer's Retreat in Taos, NM a couple of years ago. I suspect you've had a WONDERFUL time reconnecting ... even if George was 'pining' without you. I just caught up on HIS blog a couple of minutes ago ;-)
Hugs and blessings,