Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is there a Room for ME????

See that photo above???? I'm afraid that my time has come to enter the Asylum... Recently, I've made some crazy mistakes.....

I've been "dazed and confused".....

The puzzle won't fit.... What is the problem???? WELL---first of all, I took on the responsibility (since I'm such a smart person who minored in Math in college) of working out the finances for my upcoming trip with my childhood friends in October... I had to pay some money upfront---so I thought I had it all worked out to the minute detail... I sent out emails to my friends telling each of them what they are going to have to pay for our cabin rental...

Instead of just giving them the bottom line of what they owed (which is probably what they wanted), I went into massive details --breaking it all down into its bits and pieces (like only a Math person would do). I was proud of myself and all of my 'hard' work.

WELL---- I finally heard back from one of my friends questioning my totals. How dare her question ME????? WELL---she had to go into detail in order to make ME understand that I had added it all wrong. I did what?????? ME---the Math person????? YES---I did.... I had to eat a little crow and apologize, something that we perfectionists don't like to have to do...

What is wrong Mrs. Math Person????? Are you stressed out?????

Too much late-night blogging, do you think??????

And then, after that embarrassing mistake, I did something even more stupid..... I hate to tell you this story because I'm sure you'll be crying (laughing) your heart out for me. BUT......

Last Wednesday, at the grocery store, George and I bought a couple of beautiful (and not cheap) steaks to throw on the grill on Labor Day. We NEVER ( I mean SELDOM) spend the extra money to purchase steaks. It was to be a beautiful holiday celebration. All was fine until Sunday.

I could almost SMELL those steaks ---as I got ready to marinate them on Sunday. I hollered to George and said, "Honey (sure I said Honey), please get the steaks out of the frig in the garage." George said, "Honey, I didn't put them in the garage frig." UH-OH (you know what is coming!!!)..... I said, "Honey, I didn't see them. I didn't put them in the kitchen frig." Double Uh-Oh.... We both looked in both refrigerators ----and guess what????? NO Steaks!!!!!

I then started looking inside the re-usuable bags (that we take to the store each week)..... Sure nuff---there were our expensive steaks in the bottom of one of the bags HIDING below the other folded-up bags. Yum---can you imagine seeing (and smelling) those steaks being OUT of the frig since Wednesday??????? YUK!!!!!! I was so upset... I had looked forward to that meal so much... Guess it wasn't meant to be...

My hubby (being the Sweetie he is) said, "Let's go and buy some more." I said "NO.... I'm not going to spend that kind of money again. We'll just wait and have steaks on another special occasion." George said OKAY---but he would have done whatever I wanted. I truly felt terrible. What a stupid mistake!!!!!! Why couldn't I have left a can of tuna or some chicken noodle soup in the bag???? Why our beautiful steaks?????? GADS!!!!!

Think they are ready for me at the Asylum?????? Maybe they'll have a bed for me... Does that look comfy?

OR----maybe I can find a "Tree Bed" ----so that I can sleep with the BIRDS... They'd love me --no matter how much of a bird-brain --oops, I mean a NUTTY person that I was!!!!!!

Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. After all of my mistakes, we really did have a wonderful weekend. In fact, instead of trying to grill anything on a rainy day yesterday, we just visited one of our favorite Mexican Restaurants up here for some fajitas. Thank Goodness I didn't spill anything on me while I was there, or else, George may have to have me committed.

Now---don't laugh TOO hard at this post, or I might have to ZAP a whammy on your computer. Ha Ha Ha


P.S. All of the above pictures came from the internet!


cherie said...

hahahahaha!! how can i not laugh? this is hysterical! apparently, you bought one too many items - just guessing!!! - so much so that when it was time to empty the grocery bags, you forgot the steaks!! can't let you be committed, ms. betsy, you're too much fun, hahahahah!!! love yah! cherie

Darla said...

Now, now Ms. Betsy...sometimes you 'perfectionists' need to be humbled..seriously, this is a great post and we all get a head of ourselves sometimes...wonder who will be doing the figuring on the the next trip and who will put the groceries away from now on? HA

Jo said...

Oh Betsy, what a treat your post was today. No, you're not ready to be committed, we all enjoy your humility and wonderful sense of humour too much to have you away from late night blogging. I loved your pictures. Oh too good, You made my day. (((Hugs))) Jo

Carol Murdock said...

Hey Betsy...LOL, I call those " mistakes" my Senior moments"! HA!
Sorry about the steaks but that Mexican sounds relly delish!xoxo

Anonymous said...

If you get "put away" I'll have to join you!!! Not too long ago, I bought fresh catfish filets at the market (something I rarely do). When I got home, Nalley said he would unload the groceries for me. Neither one of us "saw" the bag with the fish and you can imagine the smell INSIDE my car the following day! UGH!!!!!!!!!

Inday said...

Gosh, am having a hard time laughing Madam Betsy. oh hahaha ... my tummy! help I can't breath laughing!

Beth said...

I'm like Mildred---I guess I'll have to join you in the Asylum, Betsy! Seriously, I do things like this almost every day. In fact, I could write, not just a single post, but a BOOK on the addled and befuddled things I've done.

P.S. Those pictures were hilarious.

Arkansas Patti said...

Really cute post Betsy. You have joined the ranks of the not so perfect. Perfectionism is OK but look how much fun(maybe a bit more expensive) it is to be like the rest of us.
Mexican was probably easier on your artieries than the steaks anyway. Nice salvage and George didn't have to slave over a hot grill.

Harriet said...

I hate doing things like this but we all do!When my kids were small I left my purse at home with the front door open and unlocked. I didn't know what I had done until I got to my parent's house. Thank goodness I didn't get stopped by the police!
Hope today is better!

storyteller said...

Ya know what they say ... laughter is the best medicine and when we blow it BIG TIME, being able to laugh at ourselves with others is the healthiest option. I'm sorry about your steaks but this does make for a memorable story and a great post ... seriously! And (in the grand scheme of things) it's really 'small stuph' so skip the asylum but the tree bed looks 'kewl' to me ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Susie said...

Betsy that is too funny girl! I guess we all do silly stuff like that at times. One time we came home from the grocery store and left raw chicken sitting in the car all night. Yeah, we felt the same way you did. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Marge said...

Oh Betsy, I'm afraid I did laugh with you, but not at you! I've done the same thing - not with steak, but with milk! Dinner out was a good solution though! So, will it be steaks for Columbus Day???

Busy Bee Suz said...

Looks like you have had a few of my blonde moments lately. I know your friends WILL forgive you, they know you way too well. ;0
as for the steaks?
Ughhh, someone YOU know recently left and entire rotissorie chicken in the back of her car...for 3 DAYS!!!!
Yep, she did. not as expensive, but irritating just the same.

take care-SUZ

blushing rose said...

... are we related!? Boy! can WE both relate to this event. Chuckle! Irritates the tar outta ya when these things happen, doesn't it.

Have a great week. TTFN ~ Marydon
PS Yes, 'My Prayer' song by Bocelli & Dion brings me to tears ...

Peggy said...

Maybe we could get a room together. I am so glad i am not alone in my crazy world. LOL Thanks for making me smile this morning

Roses and Lilacs said...

I did something similar a couple weeks ago. Was pretty mad at myself too. Oh well, we aren't 25 anymore and we will just have to deal with it;)

I think I'll reserve my rocking chair in the old folks home. Can't hurt to get an early reservation;)

Snap said...

Gosh, Betsy. I did laugh with you and this post, but I'm also glad to read that you are NORMAL and not super-woman. I feel so much better now -- you really are one of us! :D :D :D

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Lol Patsy, such a funny post I think you may have gone a little "Cuckoo"..
I used to be able to multi task, but the last couple of years, I catch myself making silly mistakes.
Last week, I put the milk pitcher in the microwave, swore The First Sergeant had broken it and tried to hide it from me, and then found it in the microwave...duh !

Janice K said...

Mistakes or not....that was one cute post. Just goes to show how creative you really are.

You've made this day brighter for a lot of us....Thanks!

Anonymous said...

We've all made mistakes before, Betsy, don't beat yourself up over it. It'll be ok!

Loves & hugs

Sunny said...

Oh Betsy, I'm so sorry you didn't get to enjoy your steaks! I've had 'moments' like that myself, maybe we can get a 2 for 1 deal on a room! LOL
Sunny :)

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, Betsy...you are not alone going down that long dark corridor!! I have done the very same thing before....and left things in the trunk of the car, YUCK! I guess I'll be walking the corridor with you? Save me some room, ok LOL...and don't start out without me. You know I love ya!

Cheryl said...

Oh my Betsy...you have brightened my day! Who hasn't done something similar? But you turned the steak episode into something to chuckle over, not to whine over. I truly needed something today to give me a mental boost and you did it! Thank you! Have a good rest of the week.

I Am Woody said...

The worst moment in time - the moment during an argument that you realize you are wrong!

I cannot stand to be wrong!!

Cicero Sings said...

If it is any comfort, I've pulled a few corkers too. Sad you didn't get that yummy meal you had your taste buds all whet for.

JunieRose2005 said...

:) These things happen to us all...LOL- my husband and I once failed to see a pk of breakfast sausage(the bulk-rolled up kind)in the trunk of our car when we unloaded groceries... It had rolled into a 'hiding place!'

We started to notice a smell a few days later...FINALLY discovered it!
(we thought at first than a small animal had somehow got in the car and died!)
Oh my-what a mess!That pack of sausage was blown up like a balloon-and was on the verge of exploading! Took us a long time to get rid of that smell!! :)


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Betsy,you are too funny.No assylum needed.I did have to smile a bit at your struggles,sorry.Hope the rest of the week goes super well for you,my friend.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope I am allowed to laugh a little. Cause I am lol.

Thank you very much for visiting My Birds Blog and for the comment you left me there about my goldfinch photograph. My Birds Blog

Diane said...

Oh, Betsy, I can really relate to that. The other day I couldn't find the opened mayonnaise, anywhere! Finally a couple days later I find it up in the kitchen cupboard - 90 degrees. Nice. I think it's because we have too many things floating around in our minds, politics, the unfairness to the senior citizens, junk, important stuff, MATH! In my case, that senseless murder. But....Jesus is still on the throne, isn't He.

Diane said...

P. S. I don't want that hard old bed in that awful place, I'll take the sweet one with the birds on top.

Dorothy said...

Make room for me, too! The day before my eye surgery I made a big batch of Chicken Spaghetti and packaged up portions to freeze for later. Yesterday (4 days later) I went to the freezer to get ice cream and saw that I had left two packages out on the counter!!! I was so mad at myself for letting that good stuff ruin!!!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I sure needed this humor today. Thanks for sharing the cute cartoons. Leaving the steaks in the bags sounds just like a little trick I would pull. We all have "Bad Hair Days." Have a wonderful day and great week.

Connie said...

My "senior" moments have become more frequent. Nothing to do but laugh about it. I laugh a lot.

Cookie said...

Ewww! I think leaving steaks in the bags is worse than my leaving the garlic in the bag that time! Hope you had something else to cook!

Janie said...

I love the baby's "dazed and confused" look.
I've been known to fail to unpack grocery items. I've also put steaks on the grill and forgotten about them, ending up with a blackened substance no one will eat.
so, maybe we should go in the asylum together! Either that, or allow ourselves a few foibles... I'm inclined to go with the latter!

Kelly said...

Hahaha! Betsy...Betsy.....welcome to my world! My absent-mindedness drives Rick nuts. Matter of fact, Rick was saying something to me yesterday about "THE Alzheimers" while we were shopping in Kroger's, but I can't remember what it was. Glad you had a happy day regardless of the mishap! :-) You made me laugh....
Hugs and love....

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy! Both things sound so much like something I would do, but expecially those steaks!

But fajitas sound good, too.

I went and got Bright Eyes today--she has a cold. The first time she has been sick. But other than being stuffy, she really don't seem to feel too bad.

Deborah Godin said...

I'm very glad right now to be among the math-impaired! Sorry about your steaks, though!!

Jen said...

You are so funny! Glad to hear it all ended up being a good day anyway. But with George to the rescue how could it go wrong? :D

Vicki ~ FL said...

Oh my gosh....I'm so sorry you didn't get to enjoy those good looking steaks. We all make mistakes and I'm sorry yours was an expensive one!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Very nicely posted, forgetfullness is next to Godliness. At least we are in a position to see him more quickly. Those were neat tales and I'm sure the second steaks were great.

EG CameraGirl said...

Too funny, Betsy! You sure are lucky to be married to George, ;-) Now I'm even more convinced that he's a GREAT guy.

Joy said...

Don't you just hate it when that happens. I have left stuff in grocery bags before. I get so aggravated with myself. We could all write post after post of the silly things we've done.

Atleast you got a good post out of it. haha.


Loran said...

From the looks of all these comments, I think we can start the Save A Room For Me Club!

SmilingSally said...

At least you didn't end up eating cereal!

Neal said...

That's just a sign of old-timers disease. :)

Neal said...

One more thing....Here's your problem. :)

Cedar ... said...

Oh my,... don't fret, we all take turns. Last week was just your turn! hee hee... I've done crazy things too... :)

Betty said...

I just read all of thoes wonderful commets and I can think of nothing more to add except I would like the bird bed. My Mom was a math person and she could not balance her ck book she would have to close her account every once in a while to catch up on the overdraft charges. so I know all about math people(LOL)

penny said...

Well you can now join my club, Betsy.
I call it the 'errors of my ways' club. Just remember to error is human. Welcome :D
As for the steaks, well there just meat... its not like you left your kids somewhere and couldn't find um :)

Lola said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, And I thought I was the only one missing a wheel lately. You made my day, Betsy.
Don't worry you are fine. {You were probably thinking of that last waterfall} He He.
Great post.

Small City Scenes said...

Oh Betsy---Too, too funny. Instead of steak some times we gotta eat a little crow or is that humble pie!!!! Or as my Grandma used to say, 'it's alright dearie, it'll all come out in the wash'. MB

SquirrelQueen said...


As one perfectionist to another, that is just too funny. The steaks did sacrifice themselves for a really good story however.

I get steaks (found some beautiful porterhouse the other day) out of the markdown bin at the grocery store and throw them in the freezer. They cost less and I always have some on hand. We really love to grill.

PS, I watching the photos!

diane b said...

It is good that you can laugh at yourself and even share it with others. I think we all do such silly things especially as we get older. We call it "Having a senior moment". I had a bout of clumsiness on holidays. I dropped and broke my little camera, I fell and cut my finger, I fell and banged my knee, I bumped my head in the bus.

Jayne said...

OK, so I'll make you feel better Betsy. I had a friend who noticed this horrid smell in her kitchen. Had her husband in there turning the place upside down looking for a dead rat. They looked all over the place and she even had him checking the duct work to no avail. After DAYS of this horrible odor as if something were dead, she discovered.... yes, she had put a full chicken from the store....a week earlier.... in the breadbox!!!!!!!! So there. Don't you feel better? HUGS!

Karin said...

Love you!!! You are too funny! Laughing at ourselves and our foibles is a good thing.

Leedra said...

LOL! That was the first story. The 2nd one wasn't so funny, probably because I was thinking I was glad it wasn't me. Thought you were going to say the steaks were still in the car. Boy, the car would have smelled real ripe.

RA said...

If you had to go to asylum I had to join you, too. *chuckle* Guess there are a lot of us having one of these days. But I love the way you handled it in this post. It shows your great sense of humor. Hugs and love :)

Becky said...

Betsy Betsy Betsy.....I have one for ya. I left a gallon of milk in my van in the Hot georgia heat on summer for 2 days and needless to say my van was stinky. It swelled and burst. I feel your pain (((hugs))

Mary said...

Oh, dear.....I'm laughing and crying for you :-) I think we all need that room at the funny farm sooner or later. I think if you recognize you need it, than you are safe in knowing that you don't really! I'm sure this week will be better....go buy some steaks and find out.

PCovi said...

"Zap a whammy" Hahahaaa!!!