Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cloudland Canyon State Park, GA

George and I spent three days at gorgeous Cloudland Canyon State Park in Northwest Georgia from March 8-11, 2008. We enjoyed our cabin, the beautiful views, the sunsets and especially the three waterfalls there. This was my surprise trip for George on his birthday in '08. It will take several blog posts to tell you about the entire trip ---but today, I will give show you a little from one of the most gorgeous state parks and canyons in Georgia (we think). Above is a view of Cloudland Canyon just as the sun was beginning to set. Below are more pictures.

Here's another view of the canyon from our overlook.

The first waterfall we saw was directly across from the overlook. This huge waterfall, Sitton Gulch Falls, is at least 500’ high we think!

You can tell by the smile on my face that I loved this canyon, the view and that huge waterfall.

This was the cute little cabin that we rented while we were there.

The birthday boy loved this cabin.. We both did!!!!!

Since George's birthday is in March, the weather was still COLD while we were there. We definitely enjoyed a roaring fire in the fireplace while we were at the cabin.

Of course, a vacation wouldn't be a vacation for us unless we checked out the sunset.

We stood and watched the sky get more and more beautiful --as the sun disappeared.

George took this picture of the canyon --as we walked about 600 steps down to the bottom.

There are two huge and gorgeous waterfalls down inside the canyon. This one is named Upper Cloudland Canyon Falls and is 50' high.

Another hike led us to Lower CLoudland Canyon Falls. This one is 90' high. They both were gorgeous ---and made the hike down worthwhile. (We won't talk about those 600 steps back up though!!!! ha)

I will show you more pictures from our three days at Cloudland Canyon State Park --in blogs to come. BUT---if you are ever in Northwest Georgia, please check out this wonderful place. There are hiking trails as well as camping available.



Salitype said...

beautiful place, serene and really relaxing) and i am just looking at the picture..ha!ha!ha!)

magnificent sunset, always! it is so romantic!

glad to know you had a fabulous time!

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful canyon, beautiful waterfall, beautiful cabin---you guys sure know how to do it up right. More, More!! Good for you. MB

Deb Murphree/Alabama Politics said...

How absolutely beautiful. I am always awed by your stunning photography, Betsy. Yours AND George's. You capture the beauty every single time. I love waterfalls as well. Mountains, beaches, waterfalls. That's me LOL..

Jayne said...

You know Betsy, I don't live that far from Cloudland Canyon and I've never been there!! Your photos make me want to explore for sure! :c)

Kelly said...

What a great birthday present! It is gorgeous there...the falls, the canyons...the scenery, and the cute little cabin (with the fireplace...how nice!). I would never have known Georgia looks like that. I need to get out to all of our states...and see something! :-)

D said...

Betsy, great photos, spectacular views, and especially, wonderful smiles. ;)

Cedar ... said...

What a lovely place for a vacation! Definitely my kind of cabin and view!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Georgeous sunset pictures and beautiful waterfalls!

Beth said...

What wonderful photos, Betsy! I love that cozy little cabin---I am imagining a day of hiking in the crisp March air, then coming back into the cabin and sitting by the crackling fire with a big, steaming cup of hot chocolate. Mmmmm....

I really enjoy so much reading about your adventures with George!

Nina said...

What a wonderful place to celebrate a Birthday!! Spectacular views and spectacular people! I now have so many places I want to visit.... Thank you!!! Love and Light, Nina P.

diane b said...

What fabulous waterfalls and scenery. Looks a bit chilly but 600steps would warm you up. You must be fit.

Peggy said...

You always find the most awesome cabins to stay in! I drooled over this one. LOL Love the waterfall photos.

penny said...

What a wonderful state park to see and ramble around in. Your photos show us some spectacular views that seem to go on forever.
I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful journey, Betsy :)

Janice K said...

You find the neatest places to go in the mountains. My husband and I have always loved exploring the mountains in western Colorado. Even though we have driven through mountains in the Eastern US, we have never spent as much time on foot really checking them out. I need to keep a list of some of the places you have shown us for future reference.

Looking forward to seeing more....Janice

Cherry said...

the sunset photos are spectacular! thanks for the beautiful sceneries and waterfalls, Betsy! the photo shows how much you guys enjoyed your time there. :)

Arkansas Patti said...

North Ga is just beautiful isn't it? I love that view and of course the cabin and fire place set the scene for a cool birthday present.
Your passion for water falls gives you great exercise but the pictures and I am sure the memories, are certainly worth it.

Roses and Lilacs said...

I remember Cloudland. That is a very scenic part of Georgia. Lived in Alabama for many years and used to drive there. Fun memories.

Snap said...

Traveling with Betsy and George -- the best sunsets and waterfalls!

I Am Woody said...

Wow - that place is beautiful!! I'm going to have to check it out.

Judy said...

I just love these photos. What a beautiful place. The photo of you is a wonderful one. That fire looks so inviting, too, and the cabin is so cozy looking.

Deborah Godin said...

You certainly get to the most lovely, inspiring places! And what a perfect name - Cloudland!

Harriet said...

I haven't been to Cloudland Canyon in years. You have reminded me of yet another place I would love to go some day. When we have the time! It may be a few years from now!

Betty said...

I think that is a place I could just move in and never leave. The scenery and the cabin are just perfect. You Pictures bring it right into our homes.
~~ Hugs ~~

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a wonderful way to spend a birthday. The sunset is amazing!!!!

Shabby Cottage Shoppe said...

Hi Betsy,
Thank you so much for the sweet comment and welcoming me in. Marydon has been a tremendous help. I still have lots to learn and am enjoying all of the fabulous bloggers! Your canyon pictures are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love to travel with you and George.

Thanks for sharing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: What a neat place with great scenery.

Susie said...

Love that cabin. I bet ya'll did enjoy being there. We never visited here while living in GA. Boy, do I wish we had of. Looks great!

cherie said...

thank you for your emails, ms. betsy! will write longer when i can! ~~~ lovely post, as usual! be careful hiking! 600 steps is no mean feat!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sunsets and waterfalls! Wonderful memories of George's birthday. ;-) And what a great cabin!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! As for the cabin,I could live there for awhile,especially with such beauty around.

Jen said...

Looks like you had all you loved with you on that trip!
George looks like he didn't want to leave his seat in that cute log cabin.

Janie said...

Great views, sunsets, waterfalls, and a cute cabin with a fireplace -- what more could a person want? I think you found a little bit of paradise.

Cassie said...

Awesome! Aren't God's creations amazing?? Love your photos girl. Have a good rest of the week!
Blessings, Cassie

SmilingSally said...

Nothing beats a sunset.

Cheryl said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate George's birthday! An absolutely gorgeous sunset pictured and the waterfalls are unbelievable! I would love to visit your neck of the woods.

Bill S. said...

What a beautiful setting for a cabin. I love to read of your travels.

Unknown said...

My Gawd!! You two go to the bestest places ever!!!
I wanna go!...(said with a whiney voice)

Unknown said...

Great to see you two have so much fun and give us great vacation ideas! What a beautiful spot! I hope I can visit there too!

Happy Harvest :)


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Betsy: you always have a huge smile on your face, I think you enjoy life ;)
Not to mention the fact, you always seem to be on top of the world....somewhere.
Looking at that cabin, and those views makes my heart race, it is where I hope to retire in the not too distant future, or at least somewhere in those TN Smoky Mountains.
What a wonderful time for you both...

RA said...

What a beautiful place to be! That was surely a wonderful birthday present. Have a great day, Betsy. Hugs n love :)

Shelley said...

I am sighing over these beautiful photos! And of course I love that adorable little cabin you rented!! You and George know the best places to visit! Greg and I might have to start tailing you two! LOL!

Diane said...

Beautiful pictures of your trip, Betsy. It looks like a lovely place.

Mary said...

The views are spectacular! That cabin looks real cozy. I'd love to do something like this sometime.

Grammyof13 said...

Betsy, loved your blog. The pictures are gorgeous, and did I see that they are in GA. What beautiful country.

I somehow had not connected your residence with Crossville. I have a sister that lives in Tanzie. Would you know where that is? Within a mile or so from a golf course - that's where she and her husband stay. Anyway their name is Carothers.

Keep posting those beautiful pictures.

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful and lovely shot !! I would love to visit this place once..Thanks for sharing your world with us..Great..Unseen Rajasthan

SquirrelQueen said...

I can't think of a more beautiful place in North Georgia than Cloudland Canyon. I love the cozy little cabin.

To answer your question, I miss a few things about Georgia. Alaska is a must see, June or early July, unless you really (and I mean really) love cold weather and snow.


Jo said...

Wow, thanks Betsy for sharing this part of your surprise birthday treat to George. I love the look of that canyon, And you are so fit to be able to climb 1200 steps. (((Hugs))) Jo

Rosa said...

Ooooh, it makes me ready for cooler weather. Love that fire!!!

Dorothy said...

Beautiful place! We were there many years ago and I'm sure it's even more beautiful now. Nice get-away! Watching a beautiful sunset with the love of your life is a very special 'happening'!

Nishant said...

Beautiful canyon, beautiful waterfall, beautiful cabin---you guys sure know how to do it up right. More, More!! Good for you.
How to make a website

Rose said...

Again, I sure enjoyed you sharing some of your memories and photos.

Connie said...

Gorgeous scenery, Betsy! Loved it!

Julie said...

Hey Betsy! I just found your Cloudland Canyon label and came here to read your post! We stayed in one of those cabins in 2005...met one of our grown kids and his family there and my daughter as well. We hiked down to those falls and the trek back up was rediculous and we were all exhausted! We also visited Chattanooga and a cavern in Alabama while there with them. We are so looking forward to returning! Those cabins are the best. Similar ones at another state park nearby called Redtop Mountain. It is an awesome place as well with white tailed deer everywhere! We just love Georgia!