Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Be Wise---Keep on Learning!

The older I get, the more I realize just how much I still don't know. I continue to learn ---and when I learn one thing, then I realize how many other things I still don't know. It's like hiking up a mountain. When I go one step forward, sometimes I take two backward...

Someone sent me these little sayings --so I decided to share them with you today. We all can learn from them!!!!!

I've learned....That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned....That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.

I've learned... That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

I've learned....That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?

I've learned....That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned....That the less time I have to work, the more things I get done.

Which one of these do you relate with the most? Which one jumps out at you right now???? I was always one of those multi-tasker-type people--who could get alot done in a short period of time. But--in the process of being so darn busy throughout most of my adult life, I forgot to 'stop and smell the roses'.... Now that I'm 'retired'---I DO take time to enjoy the roses, the birds, waterfalls, and just being out in nature.

So---I guess for me now, I relate more to the toilet paper one. My life is flying by---WAY too fast. The closer I get to the end of life, the faster it continues to go. BUT---my old body doesn't always want to keep riding that old train, even though my heart wants to keep doing more and more. My questions, as I continue to learn and grow, are : "How can I continue to learn as this life flies by, and how can I stay physically and mentally able to keep on riding????"

I'm going to stay on that train and keep on keeping on, as long as I possibly can!!!! How 'bout you??????


P.S. All pictures in today's post came from the internet.


diane b said...

Everything you say in your post relates to me. The only thing that can stop the train is poor health and that is what scares me the most. I relate to the Toilet paper one now but when I was at work I got more things done in one day than I do now when I have all day to do them. I put that down to no stress and no urgency.

Salitype said...

thank you for sharing this, betsy!

"I've learned...that the Lord didn't do it in one day.what makes me think i can."....

it is a reminder to me that i need to slow down, take it a day at a time and enjoy the sunrise, the sunset, the sound of the wind when it caress the leaves.take it slow in life, its to short not to enjoy!

thanks for sharing!

Bill S. said...

Oh, the lessons of life. Time is a gift - enjoy it. The day I quit enjoying something is the day I quit doing it. Thanks.

Darla said...

there is so much truth in all of these Betsy~~ Great post~~!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I believe the multi tasking one is me....
At one time, I had my days filled with multi tasking, one business one day, another business the next, taking care of everything and everyone's 'stuff'. It's become more difficult to keep that pace, and recently came to the conclusion, I need to slow down, and take life a little more slowly.
I'm beginning to make mistakes, I can only think it's too much to think about, so I've trimmed the fat so to speak. This year has been a better one, even starting a blog, has helped with kiwering my blood pressure.
Great post, gets you thinking !

Arkansas Patti said...

Hate to admit that I am like toilet paper. Rather unglamorous. However, life is really flying by these days isn't it. We need more things to anticipate. When you longed for Christmas, it took forever. Same with your drivers license and being finally on your own. Each milestone reached, kicked life into higher gear. Now all we can do is hang on for the ride and find something new to anticipate.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I can relate to most of them!!! Very cute. We should always keep on learning right?
I hope you have a great weekend with your love.
Hugs, Suz

penny said...

How true your statements are Betsy. I laugh so hard my eyes teared. What a wonderful way to start my day!

Thanks for the Joy ...

Kind regards Pam :)

Diane AZ said...

I like that "Slow Down" turtle sign! I have learned a lot from watching my pet tortoises and turtle. I love how you stop and smell the roses and watch birds and waterfalls and share them with the blogging community.

SmilingSally said...

The TP is the one I relate to, Betsy.

Susie said...

To me life is definitely flying by too fast. I bet we all can relate to that one.

Hope you guys have a great weekend Betsy. Get out there and learn something, right?

Lisa said...

I have learned that I need dreams to keep going. I am struggling to find new dreams but I pray I remain grateful and enjoy what I already have.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, I can relate to all of them. It certainly is true that the older we get the faster life is rushing by. Kind of sad because most of us achieve a little peace in later life and then we find there won't be much time to enjoy it.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy;) I always tried to do everything at once and became frustrated. Nowadays I take things slowly and enjoy smelling the roses. Thanks for the inspiring post. Hugs Jo

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing them, Betsy.

amelia said...

Isn't that all the truth????

They all relate but of course the toilet paper relates to everyone. When I hear my kids saying it I know I'm really over the hill.

It took me a couple of years to slow down after I retired but now I think I've almost stopped I've slowed down so much!!

Janice K said...

As I read through them a couple of times, I could relate to all of them.....some more so at different times in my life.

Right now the Toilet Paper made me laugh because I guess you think after you retire you will have all the time in the world, but for some reason the days, weeks and months just seem to zip by; and then you look back and think, "Boy, I sure didn't accomplish much."

I liked what someone previous said about needing dreams. I find I need goals to keep pushing forward and dreams to look forward to. But most of all, I need my Heavenly Father, whose hand I can always hold on to.

Snap said...

Love the train ... keep on going on!!!

Sunny said...

I hate to say I relate to toilet paper but I guess that's the one that pops out at me.
Multi-tasking for me is a way of life, unfortunately I have slowed down a bit due to my health.
Keep busy and have a positive attitude!
Sunny :)

Jen said...

Good post Betsy, Good lessons to learn and put into practice.

Carol Murdock said...

I'm with you on the torlit paper one! In fact Hubby and I just had a conversation yesterday about how fast time was running out! :(

Karin said...

Where have all the years gone? I just got married a few years ago - ummmm, 43 years ago! I have teen-age grandkids! Yikes! I'm not old enough for that! Those really all hit home Betsy. Oh, I've slowed down a lot and only work 3 days out of 7. What I need to learn right now though is not to feel guilty about having slowed down and being, in my opinion, unproductive! Maybe my opinion really doesn't count and just 'being' is just fine! Have an awesome week-end!

Cheryl said...

Me, I relate to the TP one. It seems like all of a sudden one day time became oh so much more precious, was it because the children were growing and leaving the nest, or that I married the best guy in the world and he and I are always looking for adventures? And then the "time marches on" thing hit and I realized that it was speeding by so fast? I want it to slow down and really really enjoy each and every moment fully! But its up to me to make it happen! Really enjoyed your thoughts on this Betsy! Have a great weekend!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Great post.I need to realize that God is in control not Ruth.

Loran said...

Great post, Betsy. I related to ignoring the facts doesn't change the facts! Like my knees hurt when I hike but I try to ignore it.....

Dorothy said...

Hi Betsy, Great post and so true. I like the one about a busy person getting more done. I've always heard it said that if you have a job you want done, give it to a busy person. I know I got lots more done when I had a 8 hour a day office job, a house, a husband and a baby to tend to!!

Lou said...

Thanks Betsy..
Like the others,, I can relate to all of these!...
I do try to do something each day to keep my mind sharp and active..whether it be learning the name of the new rose I stopped to smell along the way..
or researching info for my blogs..
mostly tho.. I try to live each day to the fullest, only at a slower pace, thanking God for all the blessings he has thus far bestowed on me, as well as the ability to enjoy life..while making my dreams become reality!
♥warm hugs and smiles from chilly Denver

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: I relate to the idea of be wise and keep learning.

Cookie said...

Great things to think about! Definitely for me the more time i have, the more I waste, so the one about I've learned....That the less time I have to work, the more things I get done.
So i should get off the computer and get some stuff done! LOL

NCmountainwoman said...

I've learned that "To ignore the facts does not change the facts."

This was never more true than this summer when I had the massive GI bleed. I knew on Saturday that I was really sick. By Sunday morning I knew I was having some sort of upper GI bleeding. Yet (even as an RN), I chose to ignore the facts and hope things would get better. It almost cost me my very life and I'll NEVER ignore the facts again.

It also taught me to follow the quote:
"Live as if you will die tomorrow;
Learn as if you will live forever."

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

You go Besty! i think as long as you keep active and have the will, you will be able to enjoy life the way you want.

My MIL is 88 and has survived two hip replacements and a shattered wrists in the last four years and she's still walking, driving, gardening and has a mind as sharp as a tack. She has always said she didn't want to be a burden to anyone and her independence is so important to her. Yeah, she's slowing down, but she's a walking miracle to still be able to enjoy life on her terms.

Diane said...

I think I relate to the one about the shorter time you have the more you get done. That's me.

Adrienne Zwart said...

The Lord didn't do it all in one day, what makes me think I can? I love that one. It reminds me to slow down and just breathe.

Mary said...

I guess the last one speaks to me the most....the less time I have the more I get done. Deadlines make me get busy and concentrate. But I don't like feeling pushed to get things done. I'm too laid back much of the time and fritter my time away....like on the computer :-)

Small City Scenes said...

Too funny---or is it?, Betsy. I can relate also. But I was wondering are you just feeling blue or did you just get tired.

I like "The faster I go, the behinder I get" Take care. MB

Tina said...

Great post, Betsy! hard to choose as many apply at diff times..but you are what you eat and you are what you seek soooo I just take it one day at a time and try to find humor in all of it!

EcoRover said...

Good lessons. I've learned to avoid a lot of mistakes, but somehow I have a knack for discovering lots of new ones!

Janie said...

The Little Engine that Could was always one of my favorites.
"The less time I have to work, the more i get done," jumps out at me as a lesson I've learned. I guess that relates to getting older, too. We're thinking we have less time, so we're working extra hard to learn more and enjoy life.

LV said...

Betsy, save me a seat because I will be right three with you on that train ride. I can relate to most all of them, but at my age, time is running out.

Unknown said...

All good adages. These day's its a mix of just keeping up, and never having enough time. I like the toilet paper metaphor, although could we use paper towels instead?

Kelly said...

:-D Oh yeah......I want to be on that train too!

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm the "less time, more done" type of person, a juggler. The more balls I have in the air the better, I can't handle being still.

I'm definitely with you on the train.

Walla Walla is a Native American name that means "Place of Many Waters".


Cherry said...

i've learned to stop and flowers through photography and i'm growing and learning every passing day...

nice post, Betsy! thanks for sharing it with us. :)

Jayne said...

Funny, how we have to get some years on us to embrace and understand all this. :c) Indeed, it's all about embracing life which you do so well Betsy!

Wendy said...

Oh my gawd - this post is sooooo true!!! I completely agree. We "elders" or grandmas must think alike (and judging from the comments, there are a lot of us out there).
The toilet paper one resonates with me too. I can't believe how fast life is moving!! And I thought I'd have so much more time during the day when I stopped working. Ha!
Love this, Betsy - you really are a wise woman.

A Colorful World said...

Love this one! I think we can all relate to them all!

A Colorful World said...

By the way, thanks so much for visiting my blog! I too loved the sweet little doves who nested under my daughter's front porch...but alas, she said a cat got to the egg and the doves flew away. So sad.

Rose said...

In one way or another, they all strike a note with me.

Clara....in TN said...

I can relate to a lot of the sayings, but the TP one is my favorite. I think I should still be in my 40's and my baby is that age! LOL

Connie said...


1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.

2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first.

3. No one expects you to run--anywhere.

4. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.