Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Piney Falls State Natural Area, Rhea County, TN

My friend Judy and I email each other several times a day, when we have time. Yesterday, I was asking her about their recent long hike in the Smokies to Mt. LeConte. In the course of those conversations, we started talking about the times where we had become scared while hiking. Judy is deathly afraid of bears.. (Wonder why????? ha ha)... Anyhow they got very close to a bear during this latest hike.

These conversations about the fearful times we had while hiking brought me to today's blog... There have been a few times when I have been frightened while out in God's beautiful world. One of these times was our visit to Piney Falls State Natural Area on Nov. 18, 2006. This beautiful area is not far from us, being on the Cumberland Plateau in Rhea County, between Crossville and Spring City, TN.

Here are pictures from that particular day, beginning with a photo above of Upper Piney Falls. Isn't it gorgeous????? Below, you'll see more pictures from our experiences that particular day.

This is as close as we could get to the top of Lower Piney Falls--after a hike STRAIGHT DOWN!

BUT--when we got to Upper Piney Falls, this was our first view. WOW!

There was TONS of water going over the falls. Unbelievable!!!

To show you the size of this waterfall, see me in the right corner???!!!!

Another shot of me as I walked behind the waterfall. So far, we were having a WONDERFUL time.. We didn't know what was AHEAD!!!!

I am still in the right corner. We LOVED this waterfall and canyon. It drops FIFTY feet to the base into Little Piney Creek.

George took this picture from BEHIND the falls. We both got wet!!!!

Another picture of me from behind Upper Piney Falls

Now--we are on the other side. This is one of my favorite pictures.

The bluffs around the waterfall are 100’ on the left and 60’ on the right. NOW----what I want you to look carefully at is: The rocks on the left AND the top of the waterfall!!!

This 'smiling' picture was taken before I realized what was about to happen. We soon found out that we had to climb rocks 130’ UP using ropes! Scary!!! I had never done that before ---but since it was too late to turn back, that was my only choice. SO---I just DID it!!!! I wasn't nearly as scared then as I was a few minute later..... (Remember: we had no idea what was ahead of us!!)

Here's one more picture of the waterfall taken BEFORE we climbed up the rocks. The falls are housed in a 200’ wide bowl. Hemlock and Laurel are all around. It really is a beautiful waterfall and area. Now look closely at the TOP of that waterfall......

After getting to the top of the rocks, the trail led right back around to------- guess where????? The BRINK/TOP of that big waterfall!!!!!! AND---the trail went right across the creek AT the brink.... YIPES!!!! We had to cross the creek at the TOP VERY near the edge---on those slick rocks????????? Good Gosh---that's just too much, after climbing all of those rocks!!!!

BUT--we DID it, and lived to tell you about it. And to be honest, the fear didn't set-in until the whole hike was OVER. It was only then that I realized what COULD have happened that day. Guess our angels were with us (like they are constantly I hope)!!!

This is what we could see while crossing that creek on the slick rocks at the brink of the waterfall. Yes, we did get our feet wet. The waterfall is beautiful for sure---but we were too close to that edge for comfort...

Don't think I'll ever do that again!!!! Be that as it may, Piney Falls is a beautiful waterfall. My advice: hike to see the falls and then turn around and hike out the way you came in, rather than taking the loop!!!! ha

Have a great Saturday!!!


T said...

What a scare! I know the girls and I had a bit of a freak out while hiking to Machine Falls (I had NO idea that it was so far into the woods) - so I get it!

Beautiful shots and those falls are stunning!

Anonymous said...

wow!!! that must have been scary! but what beautiful memories you carry with you.

i dont think there is anything that scares me more than snakes or the thought of encountering one out in the wild.

Kathy W said...

LOL Betsy you are a lot braver than me. When I was told I would have to go up the side of those rocks I would have fainted dead way. Someone should give you and George the medal of Bravery!

Tina said...

Wow! I'm like you Betsy, I would have plowed through the rope climb...the slippery rocks and then as we let what we did 'process' I would have realized how dangerous it could have been!! Glad all went well..those were some huge falls and having the pictures where you were standing near the falls really gave it perspective!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Very cool waterfall.

Sunny said...

Wow, that's quite a waterfall!
I don't blame you for being scared, I know I would have been!
Sunny :)

Small City Scenes said...

What a a beautiful falls. Wow I wouldn't do that again either-but you did and lived to tell the tale.
My husband always used to say--this could happen or this would happen--and I always said--but it didn't!!! and he wasn't too happy with my sassiness--but I am still here to tell about it. HA!!!


Jayne said...

Oh Betsy! I think I would have peed my pants!!!! You are one brave girl!

Cicero Sings said...

Now THAT was an adventure and a half!!!

SmilingSally said...

You are one brave lady!

Darla said...

Brave!!!! I linked to you today!

Anonymous said...

Good Golly Miss Molly! You guys are great hikers...and very courageous ones also! I've been to Piney Falls and we did what you suggested. Hiked in to see some of the Falls and then hiked back out the same way. Except for one little detour down a very very steep hill to get closer to the water. And going back up that hill just about killed me. I don't know how y'all did it!

Sunny said...

Oh my goodness! I was getting scared just reading this and looking at the photos!

I see you waaaay up there at the top of the edge of the waterfall ledge...

Yes, the Angels were with you both !!!

Thankyou for this grand tour and I'm glad I was not hiking!

Tennessee is so very beauteeeful! Love the pictures, thanks!

Good story, :)

Happy weekend! Hugs from Judy

Anonymous said...

I admire you, Betsy and am sure you experienced euphoria of accomplishment as well. Alas, I'm a wimp and would have had to enjoy from afar. So, thanks for sharing your exhilerating views.

Dorothy said...

Betsy, you are a brave girl! I know you and George had a great time! Just beautiful!!!

Snap said...

Wow, Betsy. Quite an adventure. Great waterfall! ;D

Cheryl said...

Beautiful falls. What an accomplishment that you made by going on...even though it was dangerous, you did it! You should be so very proud of yourselves. I love a challenge and this certainly was one.

I Am Woody said...

Very scary but what memories!!

There are 2 hikes that I would love to take that require ropes - Angels Landing in Zion and Half Dome in Yosemite. Vol Fan thinks I'm crazy! Especially since I have a fear of edges - not heights!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so happy that the Angels were not off somewhere else this day...I can't believe you both did this...I would have made a mess in my pants. :)

Loran said...

You are a REAL woman!! Beautiful falls.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Bravery must be the middle names of you two...WOW thanks for the photos...that's all I need!!!

Jo said...

Oh my Betsy; how brave of you and George. How did you manage to hold onto cameras and other goods while slithering along that treacherous edge. I agree: God has His 9 foot angels protecting His children. Thank you for these beautiful pictures. I cannot BELIEVE the size of that waterfall. Sheer magnificence. Betsy, thank you for commenting and encouraging me this past week as I moved from one part of the African continent to the other. Hugs and blessings my beautiful friend. Jo (formallt of South Africa, now North Africa!)

Diane said...

Now you're invincible! Great trip. You look so teensy in those couple pictures.

Unknown said...

What a great experience you had!
And the photos are great!It must have been an exhilerating experience when you got to the top!

Deborah Godin said...

Gee, I don't know Betsy...
A big hungry bear *holds out left hand* or slippery wet cliffs *holds out right hand* ...that's a tough one!! :-)

Beth said...

Oh my, Betsy...you and George are so brave! I don't know if I could have worked up my courage to do that. Confession: When we were hiking at Grandfather Mountain a few years ago, there were a couple of ladders that went vertical up extremely high sheer rock cliffs that I wimped out on. Yep, I'm a sissy hiker. :-) But I'm so impressed that you overcame your fear and did it. Wonderful!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Piney Falls are so gorgeous, but it scared me just reading about your climbing the steep rocks with a rope, and walking across the creek on slick rocks. Thank God! You made if safely.
Regarding my posting about the Ogden School, the building is just empty now and looks so deserted.
Have a blessed weekend.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Betsy,

Thanks so much for dropping in for Pink Saturday. :0) If your mom was in the south with all of her fabric...then it either wound up in some one else stash or it rotted from the humidity before someone ever found it...very common.

I have vintage pieces that are only good for using in collage or things that are not ever going to be washed due to the fragile state they are in.

I've lived with high humidity so much with living along the Gulf coast on and off....nothing wins out over that salt water humidity!

I am in the planning stages of decoupaging with a lot of antique sheet music...It's very old and some is crumbly...but no smell of mold! It came from Arizona...there are some fabulous finds out in that part of the US due to the low humidity allowing things to survive so much longer.

Have a great day and please stay away from that type of hiking path forever..LOL You are a brave soul...of course, you had no choice, right! hahahah

Love & Light,

Rita said...

OK Betsy I am sold. I am also a lover of waterfalls. You seem to find so many!! Lucky girl.
So that is it!! Once I get home from my Pilgrimage across Spain, I am going to plan a trip around waterfalls and guess who I am going to email to get advice. You my dear girl
have a great day!
Big Hug

Adrienne Zwart said...

My goodness, Betsy. That is scary!! But the waterfalls were so pretty that I can see why you kept going. Glad you lived to share your story with all of us. :)

Michele said...

A beautiful waterfall, I am amazed at the size.
I could not have done that for medical reasons, much too risky but even if I could have, I wouldn't have.. hehehe.... you did get some awesome pictures though. WOW...

Sorry I haven't been around much, it has been a little hectic. My visits have been a little sporadic.

Take care, both of you. Hugs♥

Kay said...

Hi Betsy. As usual, I love your photos.

You left a comment on my blog asking if I live near the California fires. I do not live near the ones that are burning right now, but California burns everywhere every year, and there are times when they are near us. Back in 2007, we had to evacuate because the hill 1 1/2 blocks from us was burning. We spent the night in our car down the road watching the flames. Luckily no homes were destroyed in our gated community in that one.

About 1 1/2 years ago, a terrible fire between Chico, CA and Paradise, CA (Northern California) was heading for my brother. He lives in Paradise and they almost had the entire town evacuated. Luckily he survived that one too and did not lose his home.

Thanks for stopping by.


cherie said...

ms. betsy, you, rope climbing? what's next? by the way, ahem, you are NOT afraid of bears? ma'am, you are the bravest woman in ALL AGE BARACKETS that i know, by all accounts...i bow to that.

Mark Kreider said...

You had me holding my breath even though I knew you'd make it out OK. You did blog it after all. Great story!

cherie said...

i'll take a raincheck this week...hey, that's six! hahahahaa

Jessica said...

I'm so glad you were safe that day! What a story you had to tell after that!

Matt Kopikarat said...

Hi from Malaysia. I am Deen from Golden Sand. Wow..beautiful waterfalls. Nice,,look at the birds.. beautiful. I love painting, see my blog too..ok..nice to meet u here.


Anonymous said...

Such beautiful scenery but that would have scared me to death. It seems like something I would dream about!!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This place is beautiful,BUT,I refuse to do that kind of climbing.You had me up-tight just reading about it.I am glad you made it up and across safely.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, you guys are DAREDEVILS! I wouldn't have done it myself

Gorgeous shots of the falls though & I'm glad you pointed out the size of the falls where you were standing there to the side or I wouldn't have realized just how big they are! WOW

Connie said...

WOW Betsy!! You are one very brave lady!! I'm not sure I could handle that much excitement in a hike.

Impressive Falls. You and Georgr just amaze me.

Nina said...

Wow, what a magnificent waterfall, and yes scary hike. I do think your Angels were with you. It's a shame they couldn't have flew you up those rocks and across the river... (smiles) I love hiking with you (without even leaving my computer screen). As always, happy hiking, happy waterfalling! Love and Light, Nina P.

EG CameraGirl said...

You are a LOT braver than I am, Betsy. I'm terrified of heights, partly because I don't have a good sense of balance and I've taken some bad falls. I'd have turned around. Yep, really I would have. ;-)

PCovi said...

Oh wow!!! I love to use ropes and go up ...I guess they were already in place?
I also get scared after the fact and worry about what could have happened.
So proud you conquored!!!

Janie said...

The waterfall looks gorgeous, Betsy, but your route sounds terrifying!

Rose said...

What a hike that must have been! We tend to be able to do things when we have to. But I am glad I am not the one that had to do it.

Karin said...

My legs felt like jelly just while I was reading this, never mind what they would feel like if I actually had to do this myself! You are one AMAZING pair! Absolutely stunning Piney Falls and great photos!