Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Is it really the End of August?????

I cannot believe that August is almost over... AND we usually have the hottest days of summer during August---but not this year. It's been almost fall-like since the middle of August. Yesterday's high was only 75 degrees (F) and the low last night was in the low 50's..... Brrrrrrr!!! It's almost time for a fire in the fireplace!!!!

Our rose bushes LOVE cooler weather. As you probably know by now (unless you are fairly new to my blog), my hubby grows Hybrid Tea Roses. We have about 50 different rose bushes in our yard. Since we live in a very shady yard, we've had to be creative when adding more roses. Therefore, we have about 16 of our roses in containers along our drive-way, which is very sunny. George is building a new flowerbed along the front ditch---so of course, we will have some roses out there also next spring.

Since the weather has been mild, the rose bushes have put on a show for us the past week or two. They are almost as pretty as they were in the spring when they all first bloomed. Today, I'll show you some pictures of some of our roses ---all taken this week, and many of them yesterday. I'll also show you a few more "pretties" in our yard. Above is one of my favorite pictures, a trio of fragrant roses, named PERFUME DELIGHT. I wish you could see them---and even more, I wish you were here to smell them.

If you like pastels, you will love this rose. Its colors are pale yellows and pale pinks. And it has a perfect name, PEACE.

This beauty is named PERFECT MOMENT.

Some people prefer buds---so I wanted to share these two for you. They are named PINK PEACE.

This beautiful yellow rose is named MIDAS TOUCH.

This pretty coral-colored rose is named FRAGRANT CLOUD.

In a recent post, I showed pictures of our Sedum---but since I took those pictures, our Sedum flowers have changed colors and are blooming now (above). The neatest thing about Sedum is that bees love them, and also that the colors change gradually all Fall---ending with a burnt rust color. SO neat!!!!

One more picture of some of our blooming Sedum; If you want to see the other pictures of our Sedum and more Roses, click HERE.

Our Impatiens has finally come to life... For some reason, both the Impatiens and the Vinca didn't do well until recently. I guess they like the milder weather also.

I love these last three pictures showing our Dogwoods ---showing signs of Autumn!!!!

Do you think Fall is on the way????? Pretty Dogwood, isn't it?

This Dogwood leaf is the biggest sign that Autumn is definitely on the way to the Cumberland Plateau!!! Yeah-Rah!!!!!

Hope you have a great Monday.



Jayne said...

I love seeing all of your roses Betsy and wish the computer had smell-a-vision! I've dipped my nose in a Fragrant Cloud.. mmmmmmmmm.
It's 62 here this AM too, but the evenings are still rather sticky and warm. Looking forward to the fall.

Connie said...

BEAUTIFUL flowers. The photos are so good I feel I could reach out and touch them.

I'm seeing signs of fall here too.

Kelly said...

You're right.....they don't look like the last roses of fall, they look like the first roses of spring. This has been a very strange summer, indeed! I wish I were there to smell them also.

Matt Kopikarat said...

Hi Betsy..the roses look very beautiful. You shot the perfect angle. Amazing..


Rose said...

Betsy, our summers have definitely not been normal up here for the past 2 or 3 yrs at least. We have had hardly any of the unbearable hot weather we normally have.

Your roses are beautiful, and I LOVE that picture of a single leaf from your dogwood. Mine is slowly changing, too.

Bill S. said...

What beautiful roses. Working with roses, sometimes your green thumb becomes red. Wonderful pictures.

Arkansas Patti said...

Sitting right on 50 this AM and I love it. My roses are not doing nearly as well as yours. I fear I have neglected them for the past few weeks. They do like attention.
I love the tree ring George made.

Harriet said...

All the roses are so beautiful it would be impossible to pick a favorite.

Beth said...

Beautiful roses, Betsy---they are so vivid that I almost imagine I CAN smell them. Our dogwoods are changing, too, and usually have a bird or two eating the berries. I am so very happy that fall is almost here!

amelia said...

I can almost smell your roses!!

It was 4C this morning and fall is coming on fast! I love it!!

Cicero Sings said...

Yes, the end of August already. I just don't know where these last two months went. Phhhht and they were gone.

Lovely, lovely roses ... I've no luck at all with roses myself ... so I'll especially enjoy yours.

Peggy said...

Beautiful flowers as usual! I can't wait to start on my flower beds for next year. The grands and I will be working on them this fall and hopefully next spring they will provide us with color and wonderful scents. Have a blessed week!

Janice K said...

My husband was just saying the other day....What happened to summer? It has slipped by so quickly. Our weather here has been mild and enjoyable this year without much humidity or those pesky misquitoes.

I wish my grandmother could see your beautiful flowers. She loved flowers especially African violets and what she called monthly roses, so I grew up thinking everyone must be able to grow them like she could.....not so!! At least not me. You and your husband obviously have a way with flowers. Thank you for enjoying their beauty with us......Janice

Carol Murdock said...

LOVE that Midas Touch rose! They are all beautiful Betsy! I'm so excited about Fall1 :)

Dorothy said...

Beautiful flowers! Seems like roses really get going when cool weather sets in. Happy Monday!

dot said...

Your flower shots are gorgeous! I'm ready for fall and I'll be checking out the dogwoods today.

Lou said...

Hi Betsey..
lovely blog!!!
I love roses also..
will be visiting frequently!
thanks for sharing!!
♥ smiles!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful pictures Bestsy. What I would not give for some mild cooler weater!!!
I love the rose Perfect Moment. So pretty.

NCmountainwoman said...

Yes, fall is definitely on the way here as well. How late in the year before your last rose?

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Oooh, I love that Midas Touch rose - yellow roses are just about my favorite flowers. Yes, it really is hard to believe summer's on the way out already. But the leaves on our poplar trees are starting to turn yellow and drift to the ground, so I guess fall really is on it's way. But it can't be all bad if it brings all those gorgeous roses!

Anonymous said...

You're sooo right, Autumn is definitely on it's way! It has been GORGEOUS out - I almost can't believe how nice its been

Your roses are awesome, I love em!

God bless you!

Roses and Lilacs said...

My dogwoods are turning too. Love the Peace rose, that is one I have and one of my favorites. I had Fragrant Cloud several years ago but lost it in an especially bad winter. By mid September the Japanese beetles will be mostly gone and I may get a few more blooms from my roses before frost.

Susie said...

That Perfect Moment rose if beautiful to me Betsy.

Looks like Fall is on it's way with those Dogwoods changing. August has been very mild for us too. Of course, no complaints here!

Diane AZ said...

Your Perfume Delight trio is gorgeous, and I also love Perfect Moment. All of your flowers look happy in this cooler weather. Fascinating to see your Dogwood showing signs of autumn so early!

SmilingSally said...

Chilly nights already? We're still 90º most days with nights dipping all the way down to 78º.

Mary Alice said...

Goodness those roses are glorious...hardly looks like the end of summer.

Sunny said...

Your roses are heavenly! and such a lovely variety.
So many of my flowers have lost their summer glow, fall is in the air!
Have a great day.
Sunny :)

Vicki ~ FL said...

Lovely roses ... think the first is my fav because it is so vibrant!

Loran said...

Time goes by so fast,but you have softened the blow with these beautiful flower pictures.

Deborah Godin said...

Can't imagine you not having bunches of flowers to show, but...I suppose fall/winter must come eventually!

Diane said...

Gorgeous roses, Betsy, I particularly love the first one. What a spectacular color!!! The dogwoods are beautiful, too.

Snap said...

The roses are gorgeous. Loved all the pictures, but I could look at gardens and plants/flowers all day and be happy!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Your roses are still just blooming their little hearts out, that is so great !
yes, I'm seeing signs everyday that Fall is just around the corner, and honestly, I'm ready for a season change.
How lucky we are to live in Tennessee where we have four seasons ;)

Neal said...

All the pictures are very beautiful. It's been cool here all year. I don't think we had a 90 degree day during July for the first time ever.

Jen said...

Oh I'm not ready to let go of summer. :<

Cookie said...

We used to have Roses at our house in NJ. I miss those. Maybe one day I'll get around to more gardening here. Of course i say that I'll get around to doing lots of things one day... At least i can admire your pics!

Adrienne Zwart said...

Oooh, I like Perfect Moment the best. And I do wish I could smell them--they are all so lovely.

You asked about Big Lyons Falls. Yes there is a waterfall. You can read about our hike to it here and see a picture, too.

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Betsy, all of your flowers are gorgeous and what a variety you have. The Perfect Moment has to be my favorite.

Ther berries on the Dogwood are a sure sign of fall alright. I don't think we have any berries on ours yet, but I'll keep an eye on them.

A Colorful World said...

Absolutely gorgeous photographs!!! Yes, I am so anxious for fall to come! The dogwood is one of my favorite trees because it is so beautiful spring, summer and fall!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: That was truly a wonderful show as you move into September.

Janie said...

The scents outside your house must be amazing. You have such a lovely garden. I really like the "peace" rose.

Karin said...

And we are having a heat-wave - perhaps a last ditch effort by summer! In the past we've usually had a 'killer frost' the first weeks in September, but the weather has really been different this year! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your roses - especially the yellow one. Had yellow roses for my bridal bouquet!

And to think our friends south of the equator are looking forward to spring as much as we look forward to fall/autumn!

Been having 'puter problems last week and still - changed providers recently and need to diagnose the problem. Thank George for all the TLC he provides the roses! That's why they do so well!

Cheryl said...

Every photo was just beautiful, words cannot describe the beauty of the roses. Such varied colors and sizes must make for a gorgeous yard. George certainly has a green thumb! Thanks for sharing these photos, they are delightful and brightened my day big time.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

This has been a most delightful visit.Each rose more beautiful than the one before.THe colors are beginning to come out in the leaves,yeah.Have a great day.

penny said...

Thanks for all the beautiful flowers you always share with us, Betsy. I do enjoy seeing your wonderful world.

Nina said...

Where has this year gone? I can't believe it's the end of August. I was at our family farm this past weekend and some of the trees are starting to turn... Ugg, I'm not ready... if only we could pick and choose the weather... on better thought, nah.. I wouldn't want that responsibility. :-D. Lovely photo's and magnificent roses! You truly have a green thumb. Love and Light, Nina P.

Nina said...

Where has this year gone? I can't believe it's the end of August. I was at our family farm this past weekend and some of the trees are starting to turn... Ugg, I'm not ready... if only we could pick and choose the weather... on better thought, nah.. I wouldn't want that responsibility. :-D. Lovely photo's and magnificent roses! You truly have a green thumb. Love and Light, Nina P.

Anonymous said...

Really pretty roses; I just wish I could smell their lovely scent!

Lola said...

Beautiful Betsy. Thanks for sharing.

Inday said...

Ah Madam Betsy, your blog is a crowd drawer.

Pity you are too far away. I would love to come to smell the fragrance of your flowers. Too beautiful to touch!

The presence of the bees in the garden can bring so much delight. When they are around, expect the many wonders to happen as to the colour of the blooms.

Perfect patient green thumb your hubby has!

Rosa said...

I can hardly believe it too. I've see some trees beginning to turn. Bring it on! Autumn is my favorite time of year!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Your roses, in fact all of your flowers, are always so beautiful. I love your new header it is a nice peak at Fall.


Connie said...

We have had a wonderful mild summer here this year, Betsy. I hate to see it end! Your flowers are all so beautiful. :D