Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mountain Views from North Carolina

Okay --okay---this is the last post from our fabulous weekend at Mountain Air with George's son and family. BUT--I think I saved the best 'til last!!!! These are the views of the North Carolina mountains all around us that weekend. The picture above actually was taken at Mt. Pisgah on the Blue Ridge Parkway (on our way back to the condo from Sliding Rock). Except for the next one, the remainder of the pictures were taken from the Mountain Air Resort area. Hope you enjoy!!!!!

We saw this pretty waterfall right off of the road --as we traveled down the mountain from the Blue Ridge Parkway going toward Asheville. We stopped in the middle of the road to get this picture... (The people in the car behind us blew their horn --but there was nowhere to pull over. We just made them wait 'til I got the picture!!!! ha)

Just think of the views that all of these homes have on that mountain. The homes sit RIGHT on the edge ---and all have open decks or big porches along the back---where one can sit and enjoy the mountain view. Must be nice!!!!!

I love seeing the sun's rays in this photo.

I also liked this one with the fence.

The clouds in this picture are so pretty, and...

... also in this one.

The clouds were so different the next day when we took pictures. This picture was taken near the airstrip and the place where a big mountain lodge is supposed to be built sometime.

I think I showed this one before in a previous blog, but it is my favorite one out of all of them. SO---now you've seen all of the beautiful views we saw when we were there. Hope you felt as if you were in the North Carolina mountains --at least for awhile.



Anonymous said...

Pretty as postcards Betsy. I love the pictures of the clouds especially.

Rita said...

I loved every one of these photos. But the last is my favorite also, as the tree branch and fence give it so uch depth and dimension. It made me wish I was there. I love mountain scenery.
Hehehe...I can just see you stopping the car and the car behind honking the horn.
Thank you for sharing.

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so glad I don't live there. I would get nothing done but exercise my vision. Just beautiful.

Rose said...

Oh Betsy, these are wonderful images!

EG CameraGirl said...

The mountain photos are so beautiful, Betsy. Your made me smile when I read about the motorist honking at you. Ha! Funny how some people don't get it about how important it is to take our photos. ;-)

Sunny said...

I love the mountains, really great scenery.
Sunny :)

penny said...

Hi Betsy, Joyful Reflections is the perfect name for you stunning photo blog. It does describe what we all see and read when we visit you.
You have such a delightful wonder about the world you live in and I thank you for passing that along to us.
Your blog is always a 'joy' to see and read.
I hope you and George have a blessed weekend, be Well, be Happy ~ Pam i am :D
Thanks for stopping by...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: You went from one beautiful place where you live to another great place.
Did you see all the great responces when I posted the lake/sky photo from your area.

Kelly said...

Makes me think of the views from the Biltmore House...stunning!

Dorothy said...

Wonderful pictures of I place I like to visit! My favorite is the one with the fence. Hope you and George have a great weekend!

Regina said...

Beautiful mountains. I love all the views. Great shots Betsy.
Enjoy your weekend.

Loran said...

Absolutely gorgeous! It makes me miss the Blue Ridge mountains. They are so soft and rolling, unlike the rugged peaks of the west, but they were my "first" mountains.

Small City Scenes said...

Each and every shot was extra beautiful. I am glad you stopped in the middle of the road to get a waterfall picture. Maybe it made the people behind you take time to enjoy their surroundings too.
Fabulous views in NC. MB

Inday said...

Oh please, don't let them end. I'm glad you make the most of your breakaway and enjoyed sharing with us your wonderful moments over there. Such an enviable place to see. Thank you Betsy!

Susie said...

I'm so glad you posted all of these pics Betsy! It really is beautiful there. Wish I could go to the mountains again.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What gorgeous views, I would never tire of looking at those mountains from my back porch!!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful scenery! I can't believe you stopped the car in the highway to get a picture of a waterfall! :)

If you believe that I don't believe that, I have a bridge I'd like to discuss with you.:)

Anonymous said...

You should post these for Sky Watch Friday! They're gorgeous!

Happy Happy Day

Snap said...

Traveling with Betsy is fun!

Beth said...

Hi, Betsy. Of course, you know I think that North Carolina has the most beautiful mountains anywhere, but some might say I'm a little biased since I live here. :-) Wonderful pictures, Betsy---such lovely blue ridges and glorious skies!

Clara....in TN said...

Hi Betsy, You are not very far from my neck of the woods when you are on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is a beautiful place.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Excellent sceneries! Each picture is equally beautiful! Tks for sharing :)

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful shots !! I loved the location..Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

Natalie said...

OO those are gorgeous views~ Can you guys swing by and pick me up next time you go somewhere? I need a vacation like that lol

Adrienne Zwart said...

These are really beautiful, Betsy.

Jo said...

Oh wow, Betsy, thanks for these beautiful photos. I LOVE that you stopped in the road to take the one photo and the people behind were impatient. They weren't bloggers obviously, ha-ha! Have a WONDERFUL weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

Cheryl said...

Thanks for taking us along with you! What beauty there is in our world. So enjoy your posts, brightens my days.

Deborah Godin said...

Picture perfect - I love the blue haze in the distance.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thanks for allowing me to visit this area via your pictures.At the rate we travel,this may be the only way I will ever see this.

I Am Woody said...


Mark Kreider said...

I drink in the cool, crisp air. That's a good place to feel "above it all"!

Elaine said...

Betsy, Ive certainly enjoyed seeing your photos from North Carolina.....and yes I feel like I have been there again after all these years. Thanks. Oh, and I loved the fact that you got your picture anyway, even though the car behind you was blowing their horn! Love it....sounds like what I do! LOL

Wendy said...

Those pics are fabulous!!! You should make them into postcards! I'd buy them!! (didn't someone else say that?)

Thanks for sharing your wonderful vacation with us. Glad you had a good time.

Lola said...

Thank you Betsy for taking me along to see the gorgeous views again. These tired old eyes sure miss seeing the "sights". I just knew that the first pic. was on the Blue Ridge as I've seen the same view.
I always enjoy your pics of the mtns no matter where they may be.
Thanks again.

Connie said...

So beautiful! I really enjoyed all the scenic views, Betsy. It must have been wonderful to visit there. :)

Beverly said...

Loved the trip with the beautiful pictures...I love this area....

Shelley said...

These are such fabulous photos! I agree w/ Mildred on the "pretty as a postcard!" You should make some! :-)
Hope you had a fabulous week. We drive back to Michigan on Saturday and I look forward to catching up w/ you!!
Big Hugs,

SmilingSally said...

Actually, I think that I have been in these places in NC as I have similar pictures. It is grand, isn't it? Thanks for sharing.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

These pictures are so beautiful!! I agree with the others they would make beautiful cards...m.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Beautiful post. your pictures are amazing AND I love your header.....so glad that I stopped by....

YTSL said...

So very lovely! I once went on a road trip from Philadelphia down to Beuafort, South Carolina, along the coast. Didn't spend too much time inland -- your photos make me wish I had!

Lagean Ellis said...

You always have the best pictures. Can't you take me with you?

Cedar ... said...

Re: people blowing horn, isn't it a shame some folks have to be in such a hurry that they miss nature's beauty? Especially on that route. Love your mountain shots!

Kathy W said...

Beautiful shots Betsy. I bet when the leaves change colors in the fall its beautiful.

Anonymous said...

WoW...some very beautifully captured shots!

Cicero Sings said...

Lovely, lovely scenery and great picture of you in that prior post.

Dave's Bird Watching Blog said...

Hard to go wrong anywhere in the NC mountains! Lovely views and panoramas that you captured, Betsy. And you're right, those homes...what a view!!!