Yesterday, I received some fabulous pictures from my Texas family. Son Mark is the coach of his youngest daughter's softball team. When we visited them in April, we had hoped to see both daughters play softball.. WELL---you may remember that it rained all weekend and we didn't get to see ANY games. I was so sad---but one of these days, I hope that we'll get to see them play!
In the meantime, photos are the next best thing!!!! This past weekend Coach Mark's team won a big tournament. Here is what Mark wrote on the team's webpage:
You brought home the Championship Trophy in this past weekend's Ballerz Bash tournament held in Southbelt. Great defense, clutch hitting, and outstanding pitching highlighted the weekend for the Surge. Led by tournament MVPs Sarah and Stephanie for their outstanding pitching performances, the Surge never gave up more than 2 runs in any inning and held their opponents scoreless in 14 innings. The Surge were tied in or trailed in four of their five victories, but showed incredible heart and desire by never giving up and finding a way to win those games. It was a FANTASTIC weekend to be a Surge! Great Job, Ladies!!
Pictured above is my son and my granddaughter (who incidentally is the team's catcher). Below are more pictures of the happy team.

This granddaughter of mine (age 12 --in March) is certainly VERY happy after the big win!!!! Isn't she a cutie????

Here is a picture of the entire team. Mark is on the back row in the center--barely visible!!!!!

After a big win, there's celebration for the ladies. They had a pool party at Mark and Lara's beautiful home. AND---as you can tell---they enjoyed their CAKE, in many ways besides eating it!!!! ha ha (Oh to be young again!!)

This is my oldest granddaughter (Mark and Lara's other daughter--aged 15 1/2) who is also playing softball this summer. However, she is now EMPLOYED...... She took lifeguard training this spring and will be a lifeguard all summer at one of the local pools in their area. I wonder what this gal will spend all of her money on??????
It's hard to believe that I have a grandchild who is old enough to be gainfully employed... Yipes!!!!!
Finally, after showing you my beautiful grandchildren (and my wonderful son), I will close with another beauty. This is my all-time favorite ROSE. I am partial to red ones --and this one is named VETERANS HONOR. It is a big rose (which I love)--and it smells SOOOOOOO good!!!!!
I love how your sons share their family events with you! It seems that there is always something interesting going on. Congrats on a great win! I believe that it is well deserved. You have beautiful and talented granddaughters to be proud of. Have a wonderful day, Betsy. Hugs and love from Indonesia :)
Thanks for the smile this am...lovely granddaughters and they look so happy at the pool party...I'm sure that will bring giggles for years to come...and that beautiful red rose...its gorgeous...
Congrats to the Seabrook Surge ladies! I know that is such a sense of accomplishment for them. :c)
Believe me I know how you feel about watching your granddaughter win that trophy! Congrats to her and her father and the team..A huge thrill for them all and a well-deserved trophy!! Such a tall trophy too!
Our daughter played competitive softball for 5 years until she was 18! She and I traveled the east coast with her team in the summer...sometimes playing 6 games a day!! She chose not to play in college, which in hind site was the best..but you-know-who had softball withdrawl after she stopped playing..we now have such great family/softball memories..just as your son and his daughter will carry...a neat thing to have later on...
Congratulations to your son and grandaughter's team. How exciting!
Great photos of your son and granddaughter Betsy. Congrats to them on a great season!
Wonderful that your older granddaughter has a job for the summer - I know you are proud of her.
The rose is picture perfect - such a beauty! Thanks for sharing and brightening our day.
Way to go on winning the trophies! I bet they were some great games to watch.
I love your red rose...I love all roses but am especially partial to yellow roses as well as red roses.
Betsy: Wonderful news with the grasnd daughters. I love your rose photo with the buds.
What fun!! They are making memories that will last a lifetime.
Well congrats to your grand-daughter and son and the whole ball team for winning the big trophy. Go Team!!!
Yes we start feeling it when the grands are out in the work force. my eldest grandson is working at a movie theater
AND- his best friend is graduating from high school this year and and invited Mike along with him and his parents to visit Spain. I told him to go for it. Lucky!!!
As always your roses (and George's) are perfection. MB
So sad you missed it but so glad it happened. That will be a long time wonderful family memory for your son and the girls. Way to go Surge.
Pool party looks like the perfect way to celebrate and cool down.
Congrats also on your wage earner. Bet she is so proud. Almost as much as Grandma.
Great looking grands! I know you are proud of them. And that rose is gorgeous!!
Ahhh..... Congrats to the team! Woman-Power... rah, rah! :)
Hooray for girls in sports. And for the dedicated men and women who coach them.
Betsy, Congrats to you granddaughter!!
Veterans Honor is MY favorite rose too. I planted one to honor my Patrick last year and it was so beautiful...It didn't make it through the winter unfortunately. Down in Phoenix I never lost a rose bush...I guess there are a few things good about Phx! X-C
You Might Be Feeling Very Happy !! I Can Really Feel That !! Thankyou For Introducing Your Family With Me,,,,Your Blog Is GReat
The grandchildren always seem to be involved in so many things, it makes you feel very guilty you can't attend all of it, doesn't it. I know it does me. Thanks for showing the Veteran's Honor rose, it gives me a smile for the day.
a rose flower home is yours.....
always some attractive roses fill it with its fragrance like your grandchildren...
Grand children are great I don't see my as often as I would like.
All of your roses are wonderful it would be hard to pick a favorite,but the red one is amazing.
Oh how sweet it is to win! Congrats to them!
Love the cake celebration picture. Those girls know how to have fun!
Congratulations to your Granddaughter and Son.
What a gorgeous rose!
What beautiful grandchildren you have. I can see why you are so proud of them.
Red roses are my favorite too!!
Hip Hip Hooray! What an exciting win for them. I'm so impressed with your son coaching the team. That is awesome.
Yea for your granddaughters win!! You must've been tickled pink to receive their victory photos!! And wow - that Veteran's Rose is so magnificent - I think I see heaven's light radiating on it!! :)
How great, as an one time second baseman myself...congrats to all the girls!
You have every right ot be proud of your grandaughters.Too bad you were not there in person to see this win.
The rose is another fabulous one.
What wonderful young ladies your granddaughters are!
Absolutely beautiful rose!
Congrats to all concerned! What an exciting occasion!
Love the Veterans Honor rose. One of our sweet ladies at church recently had this variety planted in our church's memorial garden in memory of her husband, a USAF veteran. It sits close to the front door of the church and, yes, it smells soooooo good!!
Great photos, all. Someone looks pretty proud in those photos. Congrats!
I love that red rose. My husband is a Vietnam Veteran-doorgunner in Nam. I showed it to him. He says, "Thanks."
Congrats to you son & grand daughter.
And way to go for your other grand daughter, a lifeguard, sounds like a teens dream job. Don't forget the sunscreen!
Betsy, I know you are so proud!
Congrats - you can just see the excitement on their faces!
Congrats to the Surge players and the coaches. I know first hand how much hard work goes into these games for everyone involved. Your granddaughter is the catcher? that is possibly the hardest and most demanding position. All that crouching and up and down...those girls get the best butt muscles!!!
Love your RED rose...so pretty.
Woo Hoo on the BIG win! Your granddaughter looks so very happy. And the older one looks so proud with her first job. How proud you must be.
Moving from Texas to Tennessee would be rough when searching for Mexican food. I've enjoyed Mexican food in Texas, and it's the real thing.
The rose is beautiful, but I must say that your family is more so. Congrats to the winning team, and to the older granddaughter who has landed her first job. That's a wonderful landmark occasion, too!
Oh to be young again is right. I'm glad they are celebrating their youth and having fun.
You have some cute granddaughters there, Betsy! Congratulations to the champion team! Way to go! They look like they're having a great time with cake smeared over them! That makes me smile!
Have a great evening, Betsy!
Your granddaughters are cute and apparently pretty talented. They're like grandma huh? :)
Congrats, those are some very happy faces. I know you are very proud of all of them.
The rose is so beautiful,and I bet the scent is equally lovely.
What sweet looking Granddaughters!!
That is a beautiful rose...
thanks for sharing.
Kids and grandkids are the best way to have joy in your life and this post just proves it.
This is truly a 'Joyful Reflection', Betsy
Hugs, Pam
What a happy family you have. Can't believe your grandkids are growing up so fast! 12 did you say? She looks more like 13 or 14! 15 1/2?? Thought she was 17!!! Oh to be young and smearing cake and icing all over! What fun!!
Love your red rose too. Simply stunning.
That's one GIANT trophie! Nothing better in life than winning one of those, especially as part of a team. Those are bonds for life ... or at least through the summer.
how exciting for your granddaughter and your son to be champions. congrats! so glad your other granddaughter is doing something so worthwhile with her summer.
that is a big beautiful red rose.
WOW!!!! What great pictures of these memory making days...hugs...m.
Hey Grammy it's Bay.. But I am playing softball all summer.. Alot cuz it never stops.. Love ya..
Bay Lee
Your grandchildren are so cute and such a blessing, Betsy. Looks like they are having fun with the cake at that party. :D
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