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Monday, June 29, 2009

Lilies in our Yard---Part II

So far this summer, I have posted pictures of 8 different lilies which have bloomed in our yard. I posted one on June 6 (our first lily of the summer), one on June 10 (Treffer), and 8 on June 10. If you missed the June 10th post, click HERE.

Today I will show you six more lilies (with more to come in a later post). You all know how much I love our roses... WELL--the lilies come in a very close second.... As with day lilies, there are so many varieties---some with names and some without. Some of our lilies grow very tall---and soar above everything else in the garden. Note picture above. Granted, I was standing on the sidewalk and the flowerbed is raised. Even still, those lilies are pretty darn tall!!!!! Below are more of our lilies!

This lily is named AMERICAN ORIGINAL.

And let me introduce you to BUENA VISTA.

This lily is named CASABLANCA.

These beautiful lilies are named GOLDEN SPLENDOR.

I'll bet that many of my blogger friends will LOVE this pink lily. So far, we haven't been able to find out her name. SO---you pink-lovers can name her!!!!

This lily looks like it is a very pale green in some lights and in others, it looks more yellow. VERY pretty lily!!!!

Our lilies are so pretty in our yard since there are so many different colors. Between the roses and the lilies, we do have a colorful rainbow right in our own yard. NOW---if we could just get some rain and some cooler temperatures!!!!!



Arkansas Patti said...

Now that is tall. Good thing it is peaceful and not hostile or you would be in trouble.
As for cooler temps, hang on. I just walked Mighty and it waa 58. Bit of a shock but a delightful one. Hope it is heading your way.

Anonymous said...

Very colorful Betsy. I hope we all get some rain and cooler temps this week.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Those are so pretty Betsy!
Hoping cooler temps come your way.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Beautiful lilies...and I don't know what to say about the tall one :.) I've never seen one that tall...we had a cooler day yesterday so it should be your way soon..cooler meaning 90's...

Beth said...

Your lilies are gorgeous, Betsy. You and George must have the prettiest yard in the neighborhood.

We got a sprinkling of rain last night, and it seems a bit cooler this morning. Hope the same is true for my Tennessee neighbors!

Harriet said...

Your neighbors must love to drive by your house! All spring and summer you have had something blooming.

Peggy said...

beautiful lilies! I bet your flowers are the envy of the neighborhood. Megan said there had been 2 accidents come in from falling off waterfalls. You two be careful hiking!

Dorothy said...

Gorgeous Lilies! And that's a super tall one! Love the pink one.

Susie said...

Wow, some of those lilies do get quite tall. These are really pretty Betsy. I can see why you enjoy them so.

Darla said...

Just gorgeous Betsy!! I can imagine the sight in your yard!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love them...so pretty and sweet.

Loran said...

When I read your posts and look at all the beautiful flowers, I wish I could just stroll through your yard to smell and see it all at once!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Oooh they are gorgeous ! Everything must be so happy lving in your yard, since they just grow and grow.

Shelley said...

Pink Passion! (Though I think I like Suz's name the best - lol!) These were gorgeous to look at - you must love being in your yard!
Scout said to give you puppy smooches!!! :-)

Deborah Godin said...

I could never pick a favorite among such beauty!

I Am Woody said...

My word - I have never seen such tall lilies!!! Beautiful!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Oh forgot to say....
"Tickled Pink" for the pink gal.

Carol Murdock said...

Betsy.......I'm convinced you DO have a secret gardner! No one but a real gardner could have a yard like this.......just kidding! It's is just majestic Bets!

Dirt Princess said...

WHoa!!!!!!!!!!! That is SOME lily!!! I have heard these are very fragrant. Is that true? I have never grown them. And when I see them, I never think to smell them!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful lilies, Betsy. I have only one surviving Asiatic lily in my old garden, but have "rescued" several from the remaindered plant tables lately, and hope to have several next year. My two Orientals, both purchased recently, have bloomed and been enjoyed and are now ready to be moved to permanent and more sunny spots.

Randy said...

Our lilies just did okay, this year. Maybe they will do better next year. I think 'Betsy's Pink' it the perfect name for that lily. :-)--Randy

Betty said...

Your lilys are gorgous. I agree with Jamie and Randy the pink one should be named after you.

Janie said...

You have amazing variety in your garden, and I'll bet you have something blooming all the time. THe lilies are gorgeous. I like the pink ones in the last photo best.

EG CameraGirl said...

Fabulous lilies! I love their HUGE blossoms.

Jane said...

Gunny and I will sneak over tonight with a pair of scissors! Gorgeous!


Wendy said...

I'll send you some rain! It's supposed to rain here all week. I"ll hubb and I'll puff and I'll blooooooow some rain clouds your way. LOL!
I also love lilies. And yes, the pink one is my favourite.

Jen said...

I use to only associate lilies with spring time.
These are lovely and it looks like you are in the perfect climate to raise them.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...


Karin said...

Oh, these are gorgeous lilies! Are these as fragrant as the Easter Lily tends to be?? We can't allow those into our nursing home. We have a staff who is highly allergic to their fragrance and had to be sent to emergency when someone brought a lily in for a resident.

I'd love a stroll through your beautiful garden!! Oh well, I can dream can't I!

SquirrelQueen said...

Awesome, beautiful lilies. All those colors are truly a rainbow. I love the pink one, I think it should be Betsy's Pink Passion.

I have one of the taller varieties also, they get really tall. They should be blooming by the first of next week.


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Beautiful lilies.That pink needs no name,it is just plain pretty.

Leedra said...

Is the pale green one called "Roma"? Just a possibility. They are all beautiful.

Kelly said...

...I've seen those lilies in person, and they are gorgeous! But I didn't get to see the one taller than you! Just lovely...

Meems said...

Hi Betsy,
All very pretty lilies. So nice you can grow such beautiful flowers with so many varieties of colors. Each one displaying its very own spendor. That pink one is yummy... name or no name.

(Your side bar says it is 67 degrees in Crossville~~~ we won't see 67 again until October~~~ I'd say that is cool:-)

Diane said...

I love the lilies, too, Betsy and these are so beautiful. They're so showy.

Lola said...

Very pretty Betsy. I'm trying to add more lilies to my garden.

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Your lilies are just beautiful, Betsy! You have the prettiest flowers! I bet you walk out in your yard and smile all the time! :)

I hope you have a wonderful week, Ms. Betsy! :)


Diane AZ said...

While I was in Wisconsin last week, I saw lilies growing everywhere and I thought of you and your beautiful yard. I didn't see any as tall as yours. I love your pale green ones and of course, the pink lilies.

Lagean Ellis said...

How beautiful! I love lilies but they are my second favorite. Tulips are my number 1 pick.

We bought some hybrid lilies so we can never remember the names. Ollie's bad about "mixing" them all. We had a few "second year" lilies that go about 4 - 4 1/2 feet this year.

Nance said...

awwww! I'm green with envy of your lilies! :)
I planted Oriental and Asiatic Lilies 3 years ago and until now I haven't seen them bloom yet because as soon as the buds start to show, deer go chomp on them! I have to do something next year ...