Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, May 1, 2009

More Wildlife in Alaska

Yesterday I posted some pictures taken by my son, Bert, when he worked on a small cruise line in Alaska in 2004. He took so many fabulous pictures while there. Today, I'll show you more of his 'wildlife' photos. The picture above is one of my fav's.... Isn't that the sweetest picture you have ever seen???? That little seal is definitely a "Cutie Pie".... More pictures are below.

What do you think that is??????????? WELL--it's a tail of a humpback whale.

That's a big humpback, isn't it?

Anyone got a kleenix? I need to blow my nose!!!

The breaching humpback is doing a dance for the people on the cruise ship.

Uh Oh---there are some ORCAS (killer whales)!!! Yipes!!!

The killer whales are following along side of the boat. Bert says there's a real advantage of taking a cruise in Alaska on one of the smaller cruise boats. They can get much closer to the wildlife and the glaciers, etc. BUT---cruising on one of the smaller boats can be more expensive than going on one of the gigantic ships. SO---each person will have to decide for themselves how to 'see' Alaska.

This one wants to join the crew for dinner!!!! Do you think he may be JUST a little too close????? ha

HELP!!!! The boat is going too fast... It's getting ahead of me!!!

NO----this is not a Bluebird's nest!!!!! ha ha ha.... We checked the nest twice yesterday and there were still FOUR eggs there... I was a little disappointed---but who knows???? Maybe this couple are only going to have FOUR babies (instead of five or six). I'll check the nest again today ---and let you know Saturday before we leave for the beach...

Speaking of the beach, we are leaving Saturday morning and will be there until Sunday, May 10. We're going to Ocean Isle, NC (north of North Myrtle Beach). We have gone there in May for several years. I will post one more blog tomorrow---but while we are gone, we won't have computer access. So we probably won't start our blogs back until Monday or Tuesday, May 11 or 12. Forgive me for not commenting on your blogs as much as I usually do. We got extremely busy yesterday and today... Thanks for understanding!

By the way, that unique and gorgeous Iris pictured above in our yard has the name of Floor Show. Neat, isn't it?????


CountryDreaming said...

Love that one cute "little" whale trying to catch up with the boat at the end! Enjoy your trip to Ocean Isle. Wonder if Alaskan whales ever think of vacationing near those waters? :-)

Jayne said...

Have a wonderful time in Ocean Isle Betsy. It should be beautiful this time of year. Thanks for sharing more of Alaska! Be safe!

Arkansas Patti said...

The seal stole my heart. If you ever get a chance, read The Last Whales by Lloyd Abbey. Not an easy read but it will never leave you.
Have a wonderful vacation on the ocean. Since you can't blog, rats, at least take lots of pictures. We will be here when you get back.

Jane said...

Happy Friday!

Shelley said...

That seal is certainly cute! It's their eyes that always melt my heart! Love the killer whales!! They're actually gentle beasts contrary to their name. I hope you and George have a fabulous trip (I have no doubt that you will!) And i think everyone can forgive you for not posting and commenting - you deserve a vacation or two or three! Ha,ha!! (I feel the same way when I go to the cabin and the dial up is making me pull my hair out - I feel bad for not visiting everyones blogs.)

Connie said...

Beautiful Alaska pictures. I have always wanted to go to Alaska, and now I want to go even more. If I ever do go I'll try going on a smaller ship. Have fun at the beach, and I know you will.

Unknown said...

Those are wonderful photos and you know I love the photo of the Iris!

Diane AZ said...

Thanks for sharing Bert's Alaska wildlife photos. The first one of the seal is my favorite. That's an unusual iris you have blooming. Always nice to see what's happening in your garden :)

Susie said...

I loved seeing the pictures of the whales Betsy. Your son must of loved working there!

Hope you guys have a wonderful time at the beach. Lucky you! Sink your toes into the sand for me.

Jessica said...

I've really enjoyed your Alaskan photos the last few days. We are taking a Caribbean cruise in November. I would have rather taken an Alaskan cruise but the cruise is a gift my in-laws and we are going with them. Someday I want to go on an Alaskan cruise.

PCovi said...

You are so dedicated to your readers :)
Y'all have a wonderful time and bring back lots of pics! I wanna see some lifeguards Betsy LOL!
That seal and it's eyes, so human like! It's like it's trying to tell you something.

Beth said...

I really love the picture of the endearing little seal. And the whales are amazing---thanks for sharing Bert's wonderful pictures, Betsy!

Have a safe and restful beach trip. What a great time of year to go---before the crowds hit. Lucky you!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I want to see whales in the wild...not sea world one day!!!
Have a great trip...happy Mother's day!!!

Clara....in TN said...

Have fun at the beach. I know where Ocean Isle is located. I guess you know I'm just a little jealous...LOL

NCmountainwoman said...

Have a great trip and enjoy that wonderful fresh seafood!

Karin said...

With spring and summer coming around I'm sure that we all don't expect as much posting or commenting! Betsy, I love the picture of that adorable seal! I totally agree that it's the eyes!Enjoy your visit at the beach and have a wonderful time - as I know you will. Stunning picture of the iris!

Cicero Sings said...

Happy "beaching it"! Enjoy.

I do think a smaller cruise would be nicer but yes, there is that cost factor.

Rose said...

That is a lovely iris...and I like all the animals as well.

I wanted to tell you to have a good time while you are gone. Catch you when you get back! Take care.

I Am Woody said...

Hope you have a wonderful trip!!

What I wouldn't give to see whales, up close and personal like that!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

More wonderful Alaska photos! Thanks for sharing.

"Floor Show" is gorgeous!!

Wishing you and George a safe and enjoyable trip.

Femin Susan said...

Those are wonderful animals i alaska and you have captured them in such a beautiful way that it looks magnificent.

Diane said...

Hi, Betsy, Great pictures, I love the little seal face, they look so pathetic, don't they. Your iris is so beautiful, have fun at the beach.

Dirt Princess said...

Amazing to be able to see animals like that! I would love to see the whales. I would be to tempted to take the seal home and keep him ;)

SmilingSally said...

You really captured some great moments!

Anonymous said...

Your son's Alaska pics are awesome, I can't wait to go! We were going to go a five years ago for our 25th but the mister decided he didn't like cruising. He said he would do Alaska though since that's the only way to see that picturesque state.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed watching the whales up in Cape Cod, off Provincetown.

Becca's Dirt said...

Floor Show is just so pretty. The whale was way too close for comfort. I would have been so nervous.

Betsy, I hope you both have a wonderful time. I'm looking forward to your picture show when you return. Becca

T said...

Have a FABULOUS time next week! Can't wait to see your pictures from it. Give the beach a big hug from me!!

Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement - it was truely appreicated! And you are a real inspiration for finding love a second time around!

Mandy said...

I've always wanted to go to Alaska. It looks so beautiful there!


Tootie said...

I enjoyed the Alaska pictures! And your spring flowers are really beautiful. I'll miss your posts while your gone and will be waiting for photos. :-) Have fun!

Grammy said...

I love the whale photos. I have seen them on tv and would love to see them in person. Bu Alaska is not in my list of places to see. We will soon have Ires blooms too. They are in bud. Thank you for your prayers. Big hug. Happy May day!

Pigeon said...

That iris is so beautiful. I haven't had any luck with them but I do remember that my mother grew irises. The one you posted look so familar to me. Have a great trip!

Neal said...

Hey Betsy, it looks like you are finally getting some rain. Have a great time on vacation (another one??? :) ).

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Betsy: Alaska is a wonderful place with outstanding sights.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

Have a fun and restful vacation. That is the most beautiful iris ever....Hugs...m.

Janie said...

Great photos, especially that first one of the seal. The little guy's eyes are so expressive.
Hope you have lots of fun on your trip! The bluebird eggs will probably be hatched when you get back.

Leedra said...

I told George that iris is gorgeous.

Never seen more than 4 Bluebird babies in one of my boxes in the past.

The whale photos are great. I want to do the little cruise ship Alaska cruise. Someday.

Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

Deborah Godin said...

Wooh! The bigger boat the better having a pod of killer whales right alongside!!

Carol said...

We have always dreamed of visiting Alaska...now we can thru your photos.


Femin Susan said...

Custard apples taste very good. it is peach inside and have seeds like water melon in them. (so many)

Small City Scenes said...

Super Alaskan shots.

Enjoy your vacation and we will still be here when you get back. MB

Connie said...

Great photos from Alaska! So exciting to see those animals up close like that.

Unknown said...

Terrific photos!

Adrienne Zwart said...

My husband and I have been talking about this very kind of cruise on one of the smaller ships. In fact, when my husband told the customer service rep for one of the big cruise lines that we were trying to decide which one to do, she told him that we should absolutely do the smaller one instead if we could. I thought that was a pretty good recommendation! Your son takes wonderful photos, Betsy!

Tes said...

Am so glad I checked the label! Awesome adventure. Nice photos Betsy. You guys are so blessed to have seen all those beautiful places! Thank you for sharing. Please keep them coming! :)