We are home from a wonderful---and very different---week at Mt. Nebo, Arkansas. As I've mentioned before, this was our FIFTH visit to that cute little cabin on the top of the mountain. This time the weather played a HUGE part in our week. The first couple of days, the temperature got up to over 80 degrees. Then came the horrible thunderstorms (which were quite scary up there on that mountain). Then the temperature dropped QUICKLY and we had ice on Wed. morning.. The ice turned to rain on Wed.--so that day wasn't too bad. But-- we had an ICE Storm all day on Thursday.
Mt. Nebo sustained MUCH damage from that last horrible ice storm which effected several states in January. The folks up there said that the area looked like a tornado had blown through there. They lost lots of trees and tree limbs then. There was still alot of evidence of the damage when we got there this past week, although they said that most had been cleaned up. HOWEVER---after Thursdays storm, there were even more limbs down. It's so sad to see all of those beautiful pine trees on the ground. Mother Nature can be so cruel, can't she????
The other big difference this week was because it was SO cloudy (along with the rain and ice), we only got to see one (and it wasn't a good one) sunset, and NO sunrises. I'm glad that we have lots of sunset and sunrise pictures from previous visits.
With that being said, we really did have a wonderful week. One reason was, due to all of the rain, we saw some gorgeous waterfalls. We saw nine waterfalls ---and of these nine, FOUR are new ones. And on Monday, before all of the rain, we visited some gorgeous gardens (Garvan Gardens) near Hot Springs. AND--the best joy was celebrating George's birthday with him on that Monday!!!!
We'll share many pictures I'm sure over the next several days/weeks. Today I'll share some of the Ice Storm pictures. The picture above shows the ice on the mountain ---with a view of the valley below. There are more pictures below. Be sure to click on the photos to see larger views.
Mrs. P (our Toyota Prius) was VERY unhappy with us. With at least 1/4th of an inch of ice ALL over her, she was crying and begging us to take her home to her nice, warm garage!
Icicles were hanging down from the eaves all around our cabin.
Late in the afternoon on that icy Thursday, George walked down to check out the Mt. Nebo waterfall. The picture above was taken near the top of the cascades as they flow down that mountain. I especially like this photo due to the ice all around on the nearby trees.
This picture was taken from our back porch--looking at the big yard next to our cabin. The trees were glistening.
This was a close-up view of some of the ice on the trees.
Here is one more photo of the trees ---filled with ice.
Finally, here is another picture taken at the waterfall. As in all of the pictures, ice is so pretty to look at--but can be so dangerous.
I hope all of you had a wonderful week. George says to say THANKS for all of his birthday wishes. It really was a GREAT week.
Sorry to hear of the ice storm. I am glad you and your car made it home safely. ;o)
Fantastic photos. The ice is destructive, but so pretty. I can't wait to see more pictures.
I'm glad that you guys had a great time and are home safe! I personally love the winter weather, so I enjoyed all of your ice pictures!
I have come to really hate ice storms even tho they are very pretty they leave the terrain in such a mess...as you said, breaking and leveling so many tree branches and scrubs! I'm glad you weren't out driving around in that stuff...your pictures, tho, are very romantic and hopefully added to your spending a wonderful birthday week together in a nice little log cabin!!
lol..at your giving your car a name..glad to know I'm not alone in doing that!!
I really like your last pic of the unfrozen waterfall..it is very pretty..glad you had a good time, inspite, and are home safely!
Well, I love how you can make lemons out of lemonade Betsy! :c) Hate that it was so icy, but you captured the beauty nevertheless. Glad you all had a good time away despite the weather.
Arkansas looks awesome in ice! It sounds like an adventurous vacation. I would have loved every minute of it except for maybe the thunderstorm and overcast skies covering up sunrises and sunsets. Apart from that, I would have been wildly happy to photograph rare ice events, barely stopping to eat or rest as long as the scenery remained intriguing. Your waterfall shots are truly glorious! Sending birthday wishes to George ... may they last the whole year.
Welcome home, and despite all of the nasty icy weather, the pictures are still quite magical in their own sense.
I really think those icicles hanging from those eaves on your cabin is quite beautiful...
I have not really ever been subjected to ice rain, believe it or not. It seems around here, we either have snow or rain, there just doesn't seem to be that point of ice rain, so I never really have experienced it before and frankly, I don't think I want to. As pretty as it looks at times, it can be downright dangerous as well.
I am glad you two were able to get in a few more waterfalls to your collection. YAY!
I am looking forward to seeing more of your holiday photos in your future posts!
Thanks for popping by on my blogs, I really appreciate that!
Amazing pictures.I especially like the way the cabin is decorated with icicles.Lokks like you were ready for Christmas.The water falls look spectacutlar as well.
Betsy, I am glad you made it home safe...I wasn't sure what day you were coming. Even though you missed beautiful sunsets and sunrises, you caught a lot of beauty. That top photo is wonderful, and you may think I am nuts but I absolutely love that one with the icicles on the edge of the roof. And the last tow...yeah, you caught beauty of different sort. It is too bad at how destructive ice can be.
Now, let me go see what George posted!
Sorry you had bad weather, but being in a cozy cabin had to have it's merits too. Ice is tough stuff, for sure. At least your temperature wasn't below zero. Did you lose power? I'll be looking forward to more pics of those waterfalls!
Welcome back! Those are wonderful photographs. The ice makes me think of the fireplace in "your" cabin. I could hear the crackling all the way from here. Thank goodness it isn't the weather that makes for a great time.
Exciting times!
I was hiking once, in a thunder storm in the mountains. Now that was an experience. I thought of Much Afraid in the book "Hinds Feet on High Places" Have you ever read that book?
Glad you and George had a great time despite the weather ... I can't imagine you two NOT having a good time!
Wow, what an experience! I love waterfalls too, and love the last photo here. :)
Yes, Mother Nature can be wicked! Our hurricane season is right around the corner.
Your photos are so lovely! The icecovered trees lok so pretty.
That's a neat and very nice cabin you have there!!!
Glad you made it back home happy and safe. :)
Great pictures Betsy. I suppose it was not a "dream" vacation because of the weather...but those Ice pictures really are pretty to look at.
I love your line about Mrs P...crying and wanting to get back home. ;)
Glad you both made it home...you were certainly missed. Glad George had a nice bday.
How did you meet Happy wife? In person...or via blog??? I can't let ALL my secrets get out there....
The waterfall picture should be entered into a contest of some kind. Very dramatic.
We noticed a bird nest in our patio canvas covering so that means we'll endure the sun until mommie and babies have flown away. Spring is here...yea!
Well, the weather in the Glade was not very good while you were gone. Very cold, gray and rainy. But no ice, thank goodness.
The pictures were impressive in spite of, or maybe because of, the weather. Glad you two had fun.
The waterfall is impressive! The flow was surely greater than usual because of the rain.
Dear Betsy, Glad you're home, I missed you. Even though it was an experience, it will be one you'll never forget. (It gave you a chance to really use that fireplace!)
Glad you made it home safely. Sounds like a fun trip!!
Welcome back, Betsy! I'm sorry that you encountered ice, but you certainly got some beautiful shots out of it. I especially love the last one of the waterfall. And I'll bet that fire in the fireplace and the hot, steaming cup of cocoa were all the more cozy with the icy weather outside!
Betsy: It looks like you got some unusual photos that you wouldn't normally get. I hope you had more fun them your car. LOL
Well Betsy, it seems as though VARIETY played a big part in your vacation. These are just beautiful photos and I look forward to more. Congrats on seeing more new waterfalls last week and I am happy George had a great birthday.
WOW!!! The falls and ice photos are amazing and just breathtaking.
I love your site and enjoy coming back (often :0) ).
You really have an eye for taking awesome shots Betsy! Now if the sun were shining on the iced trees you'd have to wear your shades! All that glistening, wow! So glad Mrs. P. and you all got back in one piece. God sent His angels to protect you! You've made another fantastic memory in your cabin and seeing all those waterfalls - amazing. And, yes, you were definitely missed!
Sounds like your trip was like ours to St Pete in Feb, not our or your normal. But with the weather difference just made for a different type trip.
Sure are glad you are home, I have missed you this week.
Love the last photo the best.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
We went down to southern IN and northern KY last Monday and we had nice warm weather Monday & Tuesday but it turned cold and was cold on Wed and Thur when we came home. There was damage from the ice in southern IN but around Rough River State Resort in KY the damage was much, much worse. It looked like a tornado had come thru there. Most of the trails were closed because of down trees. However, we still had a good time. We saw flowers blooming and we sat and watch barges go through the locks so it was a good trip overall.
We get our share of ice storms and the damage is awful and yes,,sad. I am glad that you and George got to get out and hike..Michelle
I would so have enjoyed being in the cabin with all the ice and cold outside. Thats my favorite relaxing time but even better if there were lots of snow. Looks like you two had a wonderful time... welcome home
Beautiful and Brrrr.
Hi Betsy,
So glad you are home safely. Weather is the chance we take whenever we plan a vacation I suppose. Who would have thought ice storm in AK in March??? Not me. Sounds like you got the most out of it anyway... some really pretty shots. I know there is more to come, too. will watch for them.
Meems @ For the Love of Florida
Wow Betsy - sorry to hear about that rain and ice storm! Glad you and George are safe and still had an enjoyable time! That last shot of the waterfall is especially gorgeous and would look great framed!! I missed you - glad you're back!!
Hi Betsy, Your Mt. Nebo waterfall pictures with ice are beautiful and unusual. I can't recall ever seeing ice on a waterfall before. Too bad about the storm knocking pine trees down. Glad you had a wonderful time anyways and welcome back!
I love all your icy pictures Betsy. It sounds like y'all have a wonderful time even with the crazy weather. Glad you made it home safely.
Sorry about all that ice, but it looks like you made the best of the situation, especially w/ the photos! Sorry I haven't been visiting lately, I'm getting back into things now though!
I can't imagine that much cold. I am looking forward to seeing more of your holiday photos in your future posts!
Sorry to hear about your weather, but exploring the world of ice certainly brings a lot of benefits to a waterfall lover. I am happy you guys had a great time.
Wow.. seems so late for an ice storm in Arkansas! The photos are awesome! Love the icicles even though it all must have been scary. We are just now getting our ice storm mess cleaned up and it has cost our city over a million dollars to clean up after the Feb. storms. The waterfall photos are just as lovely as always! I hope you had a great time anyway.
I love your icy photos, just beautiful. I especially like the last one. :-) George got a great view of the waterfall and ice. Sorry you had bad weather, but I can imagine you were snug and warm with the fireplace blazing. :-)
No, no word yet on Jilly and the anxiety is running high - her daddy just started a new job, so I'm hoping that's why he hasn't returned my calls lately! I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard! Thank you so much for asking & for your concern - I appreciate that very much!!!
I am so sorry about the storm. The pictures are so beautiful. I am glad you had a good time...m.
Too bad the weather wasn't better Betsy. Love the ice photos, it can be dangerous, but sure has beauty to it.
I love the icicles and the last picture of the water falls. Fantastic!!
I love the look of the trees covered in ice. So peaceful.
The ice is magical! I almost expected to see little fairies come flitting out and about! :)
Little ice fairies---good one HappyWifeHappyLife! Well Miss Betsy, I'm with you as far a thunder storms are concerned. Find me a nice table to crawl under with a bone to chew on and get it over with!Glad Mr.George had a good B-Day. Smooches from the pooch,BabyRocketDog
The ice is beautiful, but it is so dangerous to drive on! I'm glad you two made it there and back safely home! I can't imagine those winding roads of the mountains in that weather!
Betsy, so glad you are home safe! Worried about you two during the weather nasties. This spring into spring, is a hard one for sure. Had the same high temps then ice and freezing rain. It's 76* right now and all my windows are open and birds are singing and I have waited for this. Been in many many hurricanes, and a few very huge ice storms. In 1992 (?) Nashville and surrounding areas were devastated by one and Franklin NC in 1996 (?). Both these storms did such damage, you'd have to see it to realize the distructive powers. Most of the parks in NC were closed down for months and many for years. After that storm we bought an RV and got out of winter. Now ~ we're back into winter and no RV. Go figure. Good to have you home and blogging and sharing all the beautiful pictures.
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