Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Wonderful Inlaws

I have talked about my inlaws to many of you --so I thought I would feature them in today's post. My parents are both dead (Daddy died in 1969 and Mama in 1991)---so when George and I got married in 2001, his parents became 'my' parents too. I simply adore those two wonderful people.

Dad will be 97 on August 29 and Mom will be 89 on May 2. They will have been married for 69 years on May 5. I love to hear their story about their marriage. Mom (who lived in Winslow, Indiana) met Dad when he went to Winslow to work with the CCC. They fell in love and Dad asked Mom to marry him. Mom's parents said that she couldn't get married until she was 20 yrs. old. SO---three days after her 20th birthday, they got married at the Christian Church in Winslow.

A couple of years ago, George and I took Mom and Dad back to Winslow and they got to visit the church where they got married in 1940. It was so special to see them walk around and re-live that special day so many years ago.

Except for their eyesight, both are in good shape physically considering their ages. Neither have ever taken and still do not take prescription drugs to this day. How many older people can say this???? Amazing, huh?! About 20 years ago, Mom developed Macular Degeneration. So--Dad (the older one) became caregiver for both of them. He took such good care of Mom--and helped her to be very independent despite her poor eyesight. She loved to cook --so Dad put her recipes on a recorder. He put bubble buttons on the microwave --and other places where she needed to 'feel' where things were. She continued to cook and bake and live an almost normal life for many years. It was just this past year that her memory has begun to fail a little --so she doesn't cook anymore.

Dad continued to drive until his eyesight also failed this past year. Giving up driving and his independence was hard for this VERY stubborn and independent man--whose mind is as sharp as a tack!!!!! George's sister (Janet) BEGGED her parents to move in with her in Tullahoma--but Dad absolutely refused. They decided to stay in their own home (where they feel safe) as long as possible.

Janet and her hubby (Charlie) alternate weeks driving to Hendersonville to check on the folks, with George and I.. SO every couple of weeks, we visit them, go through their mail, write checks/bills/finances, etc., run errands such as groceries, take them out to lunch, and do whatever they need to make it through another week. Volunteers from their church get them to worship and Sunday School every week along with Wednesday Bible Study and the Senior Citizen monthly program entitled Young at Heart.

These sweet little people are such an inspiration to me. They still hold hands in church--and have been inseparable for all of these many years. Their love for each other is still so very evident --just by their actions. George and I hope to live as long as them --and hopefully, be as healthy!!!!

Are they not just AMAZING!!???? Here are some pictures I took yesterday sitting at their dining room table.

Dad and George are working on finances.. I asked him to look up and smile--and this is what I got!!!! Cutie!!!

Mom has the prettiest smile---and no matter when you see her, that smile shines through!!!

I finally got Dad to look up --and smile for me!!!!!

I love this picture--even if Mom has her eyes closed... See how lucky I am to have George and his family in my life????? Wow!!!


Kim said...

Great pictures! I can't believe how well they are doing without medication. An ispriation for all of us!

Tina said...

This is a wonderful post today! You are so right about them being an inspiration to the rest of us...all those years together, how nice!! and no prescription drugs...that's amazing. My husband's mother is quite the same...she turned 85 yesterday and drove to Fl. last week with a few of her friends...she does all the driving and is a little whirlwind to keep up with. Must be something in that water back in those old days of yore!! Glad you take the time to go and see them as often as you do!! Peace of mind for both of you!!

Cedar ... said...

How nice! Do say hello to them from me, even though I'm a stranger. Their goodness shines through.

Diane AZ said...

Wonderful post! Your in-laws are so inspiring with their good health and love for each other. I admire you and George for cheerfully checking up on them, and how terrific that George's sister and husband are also involved.

CountryDreaming said...

Truly an amazing couple. The results of depending on each other and their loved ones and living simply and healthily rather than depending on prescription medications really show in their smiles.

I Am Woody said...

Wow - 69 years!! Just wow!!

jlshall said...

What a sweet couple. It's great that they're able to stay in their home, and you're so fortunate to live near enough to visit regularly. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!

Jayne said...

They are simply adorable Betsy. How blessed George is to have them all these years and how blessed you are to now be their adopted daughter. :c)

Anonymous said...

How lovely that are still going strong (as can be for their age) and have such loving family to look out for them, nice family picture post:)

Karin said...

Nothing beats a loving, caring, close-knit family! It truly is amazing that at their age they are not on any kind of prescription drugs! They've got good genes and probably have been able to live a very healthy, active life-style. God bless you all!Love those smiles!

dot said...

An amazing couple for sure!! It's wonderful that ya'll have worked it out so that they can remain in their own home.

Susie said...

Lucky Betsy? I'd say truly blessed! What a wonderful tribute to them. I loved reading every word! How wonderful the world would be if it was full of people like this. Thanks for sharing such a sweet story!

SmilingSally said...

I'll bet they loved having you as their DiL.

Anonymous said...

What an uplifting post about two such sweet people. God has truly blessed both the Adams' and you and George. Thank you for sharing their story of love with all of us.

Anonymous said...

Betsy, I can tell this was a heartfelt post & I'm so glad you posted it!!! They're sooo sweeeet!!!
*tear* but a tear of happiness!
I would love to hear their stories of when they were kids and in their earlier years - I used to L O V E to sit & listen to my grandpa tell stories & when he was done, I'd say, tell me another one g'pa! He's say, well, I can't think of anything else right now & I'd say, g'pa, you got more stories, you've been around a LOOONG time!!! He'd laugh at me & think of another one!!!
Whoa, now I really have tears in my eyes - I better stop now!!!

Absolutely fantastic post!!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

WOW and WOW!That is one very special couple and you are richer for having them in youyr life.I think in that last picture it looks like Mom is dreaming of all the love they share.What a blessing.

Cicero Sings said...

They look GREAT for their ages! You'd never thing George's Dad was 97. (Good that George has such longevity in his genes eh?!) On the one hand it is great that they have managed so well on their own ... but I know, all to well, your concerns. I'm so glad they aren't on prescription drugs ... I'm sure that's why they've remained so healthy and independent! My Mom has macular degeneration as well so I take vitamins for my eyes ... all the studies say it helps.

Anonymous said...

Your In-Laws sound amazing.I can tell how happy they are just by looking at their pictures.

Grammy said...

It is such a blessing to have people like them in your life.

Anonymous said...

Bless you all - what a heart-warming story!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hello Betsy,Thanks for stopping by and lovely comments too.I think your in-lawsare adorable and amazing.What a wonderful life they have.You are a special daughter in-law also.I went and looked though your old post and Love your blog.And yes I spent an extra few mins on the Mardi Gras post,It was wonderful,but You can't tell an old New Orlreanean anything new,New Orleans was a fab place,not so much now ,unless you are one of the elite.I live all over NO,,but mainly grew up around Aud.Prk.Well Hon my hubby is calling me .He needs help unloading top soil,I need yo direct...LOL Hugs Marie Antionette

Busy Bee Suz said...

George is so blessed to have both of his parents still...and so are you now too.
They are very inspirational and not the norm for our aging parents. Love the pictures. They seem to have a marriage made in heaven. Love their story..thanks for sharing!!!

Leedra said...

Wonderful story and post. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra

Small City Scenes said...

What a wonderful tribute to the folks. They seem so wonderful and happy. Happiness through thick and thin is what does it. My mother takes no meds either nor do I.
My father died when I was a kid and after my sis and brother graduated high school and married did she marry again--so I have a younger brother (20 years younger). My Mother is almost 93 (april) and just a going concern. she lives by herself and still drives although only locally. she lives on Whidbey Island. I go see her once a week. It is about 2hrs away. She is always busy. she has been a widow 3 times now and wonders who will meet her in Heaven. LOL!!!

The train tracks in my post has both freight and amtrk. It goes to Seattle and from there it could go east across country or south to Portland in Oregon and who knows what further points.

We have lots of Flickers out this way and last summer a Red Belly Woodpecker trying to peck the upstairs window to pieces and when that wouldn't work he worked on the road sign for about a week.

amelia said...

Just a wonderful pair. I hope they live many more happy years together!!

Rosa said...

I love your photos. Yes, you are blessed to enjoy your inlaws as you do. Not too many people can say that.

Rose said...

Oh, Bets, I loved this post....so much. Just the look in their eyes--the sparkle. and to hear their story is wonderful. Snd just think of all they have seen happen in their life.

I would love to hear just tales from them...things they have done and seen. Simple things like how and where they bought their first house...just the day to day things.

I know I say this quite often, but I do love when you and George share personal stories.

Natalie said...

That is wonderful that they are still doing so great! I hope Jeff and I are that happy and healthy when we are that age!

Anonymous said...

Family is definitely very important to celebrate each and every day.

Judy said...

This post really touched me. They are just the cutest couple ever and you can tell they are still as much in love as they were 69 years ago, probably a lot more! I love the fact that they are not on any medicine. I don't take any medicine either and hope I can continue without it.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely couple. You can definitely see the love flow between them. George is so fortunate to have his parents as long as he has. I'm sure that you have made a loving daughter-in-law. I can tell that you love them as if they were your own.
I'm so glad to hear that you & George & his sister & hubby have worked out a plan so the happy couple can stay together in their home.
It sure would be a wonderful thing if they could once again share those most sacred vows on their special day in the special place where they placed them so long ago. I for one would sure like to read about that.
Much love to you all.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

They are adorable! Tell them I am looking forward to Willard Scott featuring them one day :)

Anonymous said...

Great story! Kay does indeed have a beautiful smile. And I think George resembles his Dad quite a bit. I did what you two did ~ went out and bought a new computer and helped the economy! I haven't started doing anything with it yet but I'm excited to have a new one. Looks like we will have a bit of wintery stuff tonight. I think you will have more than me. Post me a picture & I'll do the same.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is such a great post! Absolutely wonderful. ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful...Now we know why George is so wonderful...He comes from great stock as do you Betsy.. Michelle

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What a sweet and special couple.
You are indeed blessed, they look like a lot of fun, and to have been together for so many years, is a rarety itself.
Great post !

Beth said...

Oh Betsy, what a beautiful couple and what a beautiful love story! Their kindness and their love for each other really shines through---you are all so blessed to have each other. A very nice post.

Femin Susan said...

nice couple.they look extremely beautiful together.
i think they are very strong internally as well as externally .
they do look very smart.
well you are a lucky person to own such a beautiful mama and papa.

Jerry in Tampa said...

Betsy - what a blessing to have them around!!! Cherish ever moment!!

Happy March:-))

Jerry in Tampa

Diane said...

Dear Betsy, Thanks for sharing your "parents" with us. Very nice story. I don't know how far you have to drive but I'm sure it's just a labor of love to go there every other weekend. I bet they're so thankful.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks to all of you for your kind remarks about these two wonderful people. I hope that IF I live to be almost 97, that I'm as healthy and SMART as my father-in-law is.

I have an unusually special relationship with Dad because in 1990, he learned to use a computer. AND--he and I would email each other EVERY single day. I miss that so much because once he lost his eyesight, he had to give up his emailing and computer work.

Thanks again for stopping by.
Hugs to all,

Unknown said...

That's amazing! And great photos. I can see the inner child in each one shinning through. Makes me at 39 and a half feel like a young whipper snapper.

Unknown said...

Wow they are truly amazing and never taken any prescription drugs!! Love the story and the piccies, and BTW George looks like his dad, here's hoping he has his constitution too!

Anonymous said...

I love this post Betsy. The are certainly very remarkable. I hope I can be as independent as George's parents. I can see why you are happy to claim them too. :-)

Mandy said...

What a great post. I am always inspired by couples that have been married for such a long time. What a beautiful life they must have together!

We are about 25 minutes from Hendersonville - in Greenbrier.


Shelley said...

They are such an inspiration! I would hope to be that sharp and healthy! Amazing that they are not on prescription drugs! And they have amazing kids to take care of them - what a wonderful family you have!!!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What sweet an amazing people. I know you both love and cherish them so...m.

Janie said...

Your in-laws really are inspirational. It's so great to see a couple still in love after so many years together, and even more wonderful that they've been able to stay in relatively good health, helping each other all the way.

Jen said...

This is fabulous. I know how stubborn they can be-my inlaws are in their 90's and want No help.
I'm sure I'll be that way too.
Bless you for taking care of them as much as you do.