I have always been interested in weather.. I must have been a Weather Girl in a past life!!!! I keep track of our weather---and everyone else's weather!!!! I'm the idiot who can sit and watch the Weather Channel for hours!!!! Yipes!!!!
Anyhow, a few days ago, we had a thunderstorm come through the Crossville area with lots of thunder. The next night, the local TV weather forecaster said that weather lore says that "If we have thunder in winter, then snow will be here within ten days." Well---you know that that statement caught my attention! Most of you know how much I would love to see some snow this winter, and so far, we have had none. (I'll let you know IF that statement becomes true for us!!!!)
SO--being the weather girl that I am, I went online and started looking for that statement. I didn't find it---but I found some new weather lore, some of which I have heard many times, and some other things I have NEVER heard.
If you'd like to read my previous blog (written 11/24/08) on the weather and weather lore--click HERE. Today, I will share with you some new weather lore. See how many of these you have heard! You may even want to add some to the list!
-Thunder and lightning in January means high water in May.
-If it rains when the sun is out, it will rain the same time the next day.
-If it rains & bubbles form atop of the puddles, it will rain for 3 days.
-If a circle forms 'round the moon, It will rain, very soon.
-If a cat washes her face o’er her ear, ‘tis a sign the weather will be fine and clear.
-Cats and dogs eat grass before a rain.
-If the sparrow makes a lot of noise, rain will follow.
-If February brings drifts of snow, there will be good summer crops to hoe.
-The first snow comes six weeks after the last thunderstorm in September.
-The first twelve days of the year are thought to foretell the weather for each of the next twelve months. The variant is that the 12 days from Dec. 25 to Jan. 5 determine the weather. (If this is true, our next 12 months will be RAINY--since we've had lots and lots of rain, fog and clouds this past week. Waterfall---here we come!!!)
I conclude with the following:
Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not;
Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot;
We'll weather the weather whatever the weather, whether we like it or not!!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Great minds think alike, huh? lol We count the fogs in August too. Last August was pretty foggy around here, and we've had plenty of snow and ice this winter! I love you blog and you photos!
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