Where does creativity come from? How can one person be so creative and another person appear to be uncreative? The source of creativity really stems back to the brain. The brain is divided into two major parts or hemispheres, the right brain and the left brain. The right brain is visual and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. The other (the left brain) is verbal and processes information in an analytical and sequential way.
Check out this GIRL. Which way does she move to you???? Clockwise or Counter-clockwise???? OR BOTH ways???? If you see her moving clockwise, chances are you are using the right side of your brain. If you see her moving counter-clockwise, you are using the left side of your brain. I can get her to move both ways fairly easily. Interesting huh????
GRAMMY talked about this in her blog yesterday. Both George and I took her test, and both of us came out LEFT brained, which I could have guessed. Some words to describe a left brained person could be intellect, rational, analytic, logical, abstract, reasoning, mathematical, and accurate. Words to describe a right brained person are: intuitive, subjective, whimsical, free, imaginative, mystical, impulsive, touchy-feely and visual.
Well, obviously we ALL have some characteristics from both hemispheres. The key for all of us is to learn to use the whole brain.. Those of us who aren't as creative need to develop our creative side. And those of us who are very impulsive and whimsical---well, we need to develop our organized side!!!! The ultimate goal for all of us is to approach our life and our work using a "whole" brain approach. We can't make the mistake of thinking that the left and right brains are two totally separate entities within our bodies. They are connected and do have areas of overlap. An integrated "whole" brain approach begins to maximize the untapped potential of the human brain. Interesting possibilities, aren't there??? I posted my quiz results on the sidebar (near the top on the right). Click HERE to take the quiz!!!! What do you think????? How did you do??? I love talking about this kind of 'stuff'--since we are all different, and there are no right or wrong answers!!!!
Interesting. I've seen the twirling girl, and I see it going both ways, alternating. I took the quiz and like a time many months before I came out nearly equal.... only one point different favoring left brain. Hmmmmm...... !
I saw the girl going both ways as well and got 8 for my left and 10 for my right.
That was fun, thanks for posting all of this.
Okay the girl was moving clockwise, right side of my brain, I scored higher on the test with my left side of the brain. Perhaps I do use my entire brain, sometimes!! LOL This was fun.
I couldn't get that girl to move counter clockwise for the life of me!! But I am so totally a left-brained person it is not even funny. Vol Fan is right-brained so I'm going to get him to try it when he gets in.
Well, I'm a leftie!! I took the test, and...I'm a leftie. I saw the girl...and darned if I could only see her moving left no matter how hard I tried. But I already knew I was a leftie, my mom has been telling me for years that I'm just like my father and he was an engineer before he retired. lol Fun post, Betsy
And by "moving left" I obviously meant counter clockwise, lol
That girl was spinning counter-clockwise for me. I've always known that I was more left-brained than right-brained. Now, I'm off to take that quiz!
I'm 11 to 9--mostly left-brained, but with a creative side.
I got the exact same results as Darla, I could only see the girl move clockwise and I got an 8 for the left side and a 6 for the right. I am ambidextrous and dislexic.
ok - I just got her to go the other way by watching only the shadow of her foot and not the whole girl!
Chris (my husband) says that by isolating just the shadow of the foot, you eliminate all preconceived notions.
L-7; R-8 and the girl didn't move for me. Guess I'm stuck in a rut....lol.
Interesting. Many years ago one of the Dallas papers had a series about the different ways the male and female brains function. Wish I had saved that.
To me the girl is moving clockwise, but I scored left-brained on the test. 7/5 I think.
There is either something wrong with me or my eyes....I can not get her to spin clockwise no matter how long I look at her! I'm more right brain then left...just slightly. I'm definitely creative, but I can not make that girl spin clockwise! Well, I just tried again and now I cannot get her to spin counter-clockwise! I think it's the drawing and not our brains :-) Were you good at those 3-D puzzles that were popular years back? I loved those!
Very interesting! I finally saw the girl spinning counterclockwise, but it took some concentration on my part. The test showed an equal balance between right and left. Again, interesting.
I saw her turning clockwise and I took the quiz to find out I'm just barely left side dominant. My scores were 8/7. Interesting and fun. Thanks Betsy.
This was fun betsy! When I looked at the girl - I was left brain. When I took your quiz - I was right brain by 1 point. My brain has some decisions to make... lol!
D and I both saw the girl only twirling clockwise. I took the test and it was Left 8; Right 7. After reading the other comments, I'm going back to take another look.
This is a fun and interesting post, Betsy. I always thought I was mostly right brained, daydreamer, artist, etc. but the quiz showed exactly 1/2 and 1/2. Now I really have something to think about.
I was looking at the shape and didn't notice which way she was moving. :) Seriously, I saw her moving counter clockwise!
I am a rightie!!! I also could only see the girl going clockwise....
on my test I scored 9 on right and 6 on left.
very interesting!!!!
I think I work from the backside of my brain! Must be from all the company I've had. I'm exhausted.
I didn't even think I had a brain; but today it measures as a lefty, 9-8.
Love the top photo - that's one of the best representations I've seen. And that spinning sihouette can keep me occupied for a too long!! There are interesting studies done (easy to find on the web) of language, brain hemispheres and handedness. Most people write RH non-interted. The next most common is LH inverted (Obama). Then comes LH non-inverted (that's me) and the rarest is RH inverted.
Interesting post for today, Betsy. I know without taking the test that I definitely need to learn the "whole" brain, lol!!! I can be a little dense at times.
When I first glanced at the dancing girl, she was twirling counter-clockwise. I looked again and she had reversed direction! The quiz says I am left-brain dominant and I would have to agree.
Thanks for the fun post.
The first time I looked at the girl she twirled counter clockwise,then she went clockwise! I went back to it & she just went counter clockwise.I tested 7 left/12 right.I must have lied.;<)
I tested about even. Some say balanced. Some say wishy-washy. ;)
Very interesting post, Betsy. I saw the girl spinning both ways. It is fun to try and increase your brain power by using both halves. :D
I clicked on her a bunch of times and 7 out of 8 times she went clockwise, fun post, I may have to steal the idea and use it myself sometime;)
I see the girl moving clockwise-I have always known that I am more of a right brained person-as much as I want to use more of my left side!
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to tolerate this test because I'm just not quite well enough with my epilepsy but maybe I'll be strong enough later to not risk seizures =)
As far as your questions on how am I doing... I'm doing ok.
I'm sorry I had to close my day to day blog off to the public but it was necessary. I am opening it to friends and such and if you don't mind hearing my trials of going through my battles, you can send me your email addy to ( tombacat2007 at yahoo dot com) and I'll pop u an invitation to visit the blog. It's for friends and good bloggin' buddies.
Hugs to you and your handsome George!
She was going clockwise ONLY hehe and my test? 6pts left brain, 8pts right.
I consider myself a free spirit! Making a list would ruin my day...well I wouldn't even acknowledge it :)
That was fun :) Now let's go hikin'.
Very interesting, Betsy. Joy and I were both looking at the girl at the same time. We both first only saw her moving clockwise (the the right), then she suddenly seemed to turn and go the othe direction, then we noticed her changing back and forth! So what does that make us? lol!
Then I took the test. I was kind of in the middle. I scored 10 left brain, 11 right brain. Does that make me strange? lol!
Have a great evening!
Ha ha that was interesting and fun. My numbers came out 1 point higher on right brain than left. I knew I would be right-brained. I have always loved the arts, spent my career in the arts. I'm left-handed and always shyed away from the #s and technical things...but funny b/c I love working on the computer..but maybe b/c I have a Mac..which I think is so much easier to work on than a pc.
I would have thought myself more flingy - but test shows I'm a left brainer!!! I scored Left7 & Right6 - Very interesting - I posted my scores on my page too!
BTW - I could only see the dancing girl turning counter clockwise - no other way. Hmmm, that's weird to me.
Hey Betsy, On your side bar under "This girl loves waterfalls" pic. I have some of the same pics of the same falls. We went to the smokies and it had rained ALOT. I just noticed we have pics. of that falls also. Kinda neat.
Really interesting post Betsy! I could only see the woman spinning clockwise. No matter how much I looked I couldn't see the other way. (What a beautiful model by the way!) As for the test, I scored a 9 and 9 split. Maybe I am more balanced that the spinning woman gave me credit for!
Hi Betsy, VERY interesting thanks. I came out as an 8/10 which going on what you wrote is spot on. I am a big-time organised person, analytical etc, but I also have my creative side with my photography and blog. I work all day in a job that requires the former and my spare time is spent on the latter, so no wonder my score came out almost equal. Thanks for sharing this.
She spins both ways for me. I took the test yesterday. I am a 10 & 9, don't remember which was which. Like the post today.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
She spins both ways for me. I took the test yesterday. I am a 10 & 9, don't remember which was which. Like the post today.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
I got left side: 12
Right side : 8
Thanks for sharing, it was fun! :)
I haven't taken the quiz yet but I am definitely, totally right brained. It ain't easy being right brained in a household with all the lefties. LOL!
Interesting stuff. I like it.
Well, since I'm left-brained AND left-handed, I put your responses together in an interesting list since I love statistics... Here goes!!!
Total Participants --40 TOTAL (some didn't do the quiz or watch the girl--but may have done one or the other, or none)
Number who only saw the girl spin counter-clockwise (left brained)-- 5
Number who are left-brained (according to the quiz)-- 15
Number who saw the girl spin both ways-- 10
Number who only saw the girl spin clockwise (right brained)-- 10
Number who are right-brained (according to the quiz)-- 13
Number who scored equal numbers (according to the quiz)-- 5
One statistic that jumped out to me was that there were 5 people who could only get the lady to spin clockwise (right brained) and YET they scored higher on the quiz as left brained..
And there was only ONE person who was the opposite (lady spinned counter clockwise, and quiz score was higher for right brained).. Hmmm--what does that mean????
Well---I had fun!!!! What does all of this tell us???? Absolutely nothing!!! ha.. WELL--it does tell us how unique and special each of us is!!! I truly think that most of us use our "Whole Brain" more than we think..
Thanks for participating..
I'm responding to Deborah's thoughts on 'handedness.' Since I'm a LEFTY-- I'm also interested in finding out if being right or left-handed has ANYTHING to do with being left or right-brained. So far, the experts say NO--but more research is being done. There is so little that we really know about our brains..
From Deb's comments, most people are right-handed and write with their hand not-inverted (straight). Then comes MY group--lefties who write inverted (hand in a crook position). Third are the lefties who write non-inverted. Deborah falls in that category. And 4th (more rare)--those who write right-handed but turn their hand into a crook (inverted).... Interesting, Deb. Thanks!!!!!
I read long ago that the choice of had makes a difference and leads you more lead or right. I had my oldest try both hands and I attribute it to her 3.7 to 4.0 gpa. And her math abilities exceed any I can hope for. My mom was big into no left use. But as a kid I had a friend with partial arms she taught me to use me feet. That woke up my brain a bit more. I was good in math . Now I need a calculator. I also can not communicate like I could before. You did a better job than me of making since. As I need spell check now to spell. The blog has helped me get better. I wish I could overcome the confusion that comes and goes. When I hit my head. I felt like I was knocked stupid. This also affected my eyes and hands. I get hurt easy. I have even walked into a pole in the isle of walmart and hit my self in the head again. But I am making progress.
I am lft handed and do not write turned in. I write straight. But I totally think right handed using my left hand if that makes any sense to you. This was a fun post. Stay warm my friend...m.
This was a fun post and I guess I'm too late for your survey, lol! I scored 8/8. That means I use both sides of my brain equally. But I do know that I sure don't use all of my brain - cells dying off all the time, lol!
I could only see the girl go counter-clockwise. I came out about even on the test but I consider myself a right brainer. Fun post!
Well Betsy, the girl spun clockwise for me, but by the test, I was left brained 9 and right brained 8. Odd. I am right handed by the way. Interesting post!
Very thought provoking, even if I'm not sure which side of my brain has been provoked. For me, the dancer twirled counterclockwise, though at one point she stopped, bent down and tied her shoe. I tested out to be 8-L and 9-R. Not too surprising, I guess, as one who has spent his life in music, public speaking, high-tech product development, and nature photography and writing... everything from owner's manuals and engineering data sheets to poetry.
Grammy---Well, I'm left handed (very left-handed) --and have always been that way. Nobody tried to change me which I've heard is good. I've never had much trouble--although I do remember having those 'half' desks at times which were made for righties... Thanks again for giving me this idea for a blog. It's gotten a good response.
Mary--SO--you are the 'rare' leftie, huh????? I curve --but not as much as some lefties do.. So---you are both a rightie and a leftie.. That's a good thing, I'm sure.
Karin--So you are well-balanced. That's a good thing I'm sure!!!
MM--Sounds like you are using both sides of the brain in a well-balanced way!!!!
Jayne--Like several of the others, you seem to be quite balanced!!!!! This was a fun post , don't you think?
Greg---I laughed and laughed when you said you saw her bend down to tie her shoe. That was funnier than all of the Blonde Jokes!!!!! I am enjoying your blogs. You have a real gift, Greg
Betsy, interesting post. My results were R-9--L-5, Saw girl go right then left. I use both hands. In fact I do some things with my left hand that I don't do at all with my right hand. Guess they threw the mold away after they made me. Strange. lol lol
Lola--sounds like you are really 'balanced' when it comes to using your brain. This was a fun post, don't you think?
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