Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, January 23, 2017

Tremont area in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1/17/17

Two happy people enjoying the cascades and rock formations along the Middle Prong of the Little River (in Tremont--Great Smoky Mountain National Park)
George and I enjoy going to the Smokies during the OFF-SEASONS...  We usually always visit that area during January.  This year was no exception.  BUT--there was one difference from most Januarys in the Smokies.  This year,  the weather was MILD.. Even though there was rain around the area,  we didn't have too much where we were..   We cannot complain about the rain though since we need the rain to help with the horrible drought our area had this past summer/fall.

This latest trip  (1/17 and 1/18) was a quickie ---but we got alot accomplished  in those two days:
- First,  we went to the Tremont area (near Townsend) and did some hiking and enjoyed taking pictures along the Middle Prong of the Little River,   of the water, rocks and the cascades.
-Then we did some family business in the area.
-Then we drove around the Gatlinburg area ---seeing for ourselves the horrible damage  done by the wildfires a couple of months ago. DEVASTATING!
-We took a hike (Nature Hike) around the area where the Ogle Cabin is (off of Cherokee Orchard Rd).  Saw fire damage in that area --but luckily,  the historic Ogle farm was spared.  That made me very happy.
-Then we checked into our motel for the night,  Rocky Waters.
-It was then dinner at the Applewood Farmhouse in Sevierville...  DELICIOUS.
-The next morning,  we had Pancakes and French Toast at the Atrium Restaurant (local restaurant in Gatlinburg).
-Then it was off to see some more horrible fire damage and devastation.  SO SAD.
-After that,  we did some more business for some family members.
-Then --it was on to the Greenbriar area (on the road to Cosby).  We LOVE both Tremont and Greenbriar --but Greenbriar is always a favorite of mine.  We stopped and hiked all along the creeks in that area ---taking LOTS and LOTS of photos to share.
-After leaving Greenbriar,  we headed home,  stopping in Knoxville for some dinner at the Texas Roadhouse...

Awesome little trip --and we really did get a lot done.... It's so nice to be in the Gatlinburg area when there are fewer people and less traffic...   We LOVE LOVE LOVE Gatlinburg ---and are so happy that most of downtown Gatlinburg was spared from the wildfires which did so much damage to the area.

My pictures today are from the first part of our little trip ---of our time in the TREMONT area.. Hope you enjoy the pictures.  You can click on them for enlargements.

I love seeing the water --and especially all of the rhododendrons on the other side of the creek.

The SUN actually came out (for a short while) while we were enjoying the water..

George is in 'heaven-on-earth' when he has time to take excellent water shots.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE George's  'silky' water pictures!!!

The gravel road in Tremont (and in Greenbriar) takes us WAY back into the gorgeous Smoky Mountains... The farther we go---the more beautiful the water is!!!  Can you see our Prius parked over there?  We had the area to ourselves!!!!  

Wish you could have been there to just sit and hear the roaring water... AWESOME.

George took this picture of a happy woman who LOVES the Smokies!

Another great picture captured by George

Another shot of us,  showing off our new shirts (which we bought on our December trip to Ocean Isle Beach).   (BUT--we didn't leave our jackets off much at all on that trip.. It wasn't 'cold' --but it was COOLISH in those mountains.  ha)

Hope you  enjoyed some of our pictures from Tremont.  It is a gorgeous area of the Smokies --so don't miss this area if and when you visit.



Ann said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip. Love all the pictures. It's so pretty there.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, pretty collection of images. Sounds like a great trip! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Jacqueline said...

Good Morning! I feel like I know you and George through your blog. Beautiful photos - as always! Jackie

Beatriz said...

You always choose beautiful places to go Betsy!!!
I love cascades. Next month I will go to "Iguaçu Falls", in the south of Brazil. I haven't been there for many years, and I think it's going to be a great surprise!!!

Have a nice week Betsy <º(((<


Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

We've been wanting to get down there to see for ourselves the damage to the park and to Gatlinburg. Just haven't found a good stretch of decent days to do it. These pictures make me "homesick" for the place. Looks like the rain has raised the water level since we were there in October. Glad you two found a couple of good days to spend there, with all these lovely pictures to show for it.

George said...

You did a great job sharing the beauty when found in the Smokies during our little trip. I always enjoy these little trips with my beautiful bride.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You always find some of the most beautiful places and then capture them so well.I would have loved to be there, sounds like a wonderful escape into nature.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What amazing photos of the waterfalls! WOW! And cute pics of the two of you. It really is sad to see land ravaged by wildfires! What a shame. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

Betsy said...

You are the busiest lady! I'm so happy you and your George get to travel so much. We've had a nasty December and January so far. Snow, snow, and more snow, it could stop just anytime and I'd be happy. I love your pictures as always.
Blessings, Betsy

linda m said...

Those are some great pictures. I am with you on loving Gatlinburg and the surrounding are. A number of years ago my hubby and I visited that area and fell in love with it. You were so lucky that you had nice weather.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Beautiful pictures! Your trip was PERFECT! Tell George he is a Water Artist! Our kids love the Greenbriar and have been several times. My favorites today are the first and the last, you guys so happy in front of the water!

Fun60 said...

As scenic as ever and so muchmilder than here. I wouldn't take my coat off at the moment even for a couple of minutes.

LV said...

So nice seeig you back and sharing all the places I love. You two are so fortunate to be able to go and enjoy so much. Been to all those places asseverate times in younger days.Excellent photos.

Rose said...

Oh,Betsy, I love these...love Tennessee...love the creeks.

Susie Swanson said...

Love your beautiful pictures, those mountains are so beautiful. I've got to go back there sometime. We always enjoyed it and like you said what a nice January to visit. Thanks for sharing. Hugs and Love, xo

Lowcarb team member said...

What a wonderful trip, and the photographs are lovely.
I'd love to visit ... well I just did - sort of - by looking at your photo's. Thank you so much for sharing them.

All the best Jan

BeachGypsy said...

some of my favorite pictures you've posted! Love those! I do love the water pictures, great shots there. So glad y'all got to go. There's no place like the Smokies is there? My roots run deep there

Pam said...

Gatlinburg is an amazing place. I have not been there since the fires but I know several have. Gotta keep it all going. Great pics.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Glad you had a fun trip. I've been wondering how they are recovering there after the fires.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely captures Betsy and you and George certainly know how to have fun

Connie said...

Wonderful photos, Betsy. You were quite busy! You and George both look so happy in these pictures.

Andrea said...

Hello Betsy and George, we somehow lost contact again during the holidays. I see you continue your trips specially with the waterfalls. You both look great and happy, continue to be so and healthy! Have more fun. You missed my recent waterfall posts, hehe!

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

Isn't it nice that you could combine business with pleasure. Enjoyed your photos, they are lovely.

Wendy said...

You guys sure know how to have fun!
Lots of hugs

Linda said...

Oh, glad you went in January! I haven't been to the Smokies in winter but I go to Skyline Drive almost every week. Took a salad up there yesterday and had lunch. It's sad about the fires around Gatlinburg.

Marie said...

you two stay so active! you find all the best spots. gorgeous photos as always. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You two sure got a lot done during that trip! Beautiful photos of the falls. I'd love to see that area, but I think my hiking days are about over. I do well on smooth surfaces, but not so well on uneven places and do good to walk down to the pond and back. lol!
Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,
I am totally with you on that less people is better, it's nice to wander around the nature, and actually hearing the nature [I think] and having less people around. It's lovely to have some quiet time in between. This place sounds beautiful.

David said...

Betsy, Back from a trip and in the process of catching up. Glad to see that you visited Gatlinburg and the Smoky Mountain National Park. They need all the support they can get. Laurie and I have yet to get over to Gatlinburg but it is on our list for the next week or two. As usual...great waterfall photos! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Twilight Man said...

I would always remember George's silky water shits. Amazing and beautiful.