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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Feeding the Baby Bluebirds

Daddy Bluebird coming to the Mealworm Feeder --eating some himself,  and taking some to one of his Babies!
First of all,  WELCOME to any of my Photo Blog followers!  I decided to stop the Photo Blog for now and resume a Wednesday post on this  (my main) blog!   Hope you all enjoy it, and will sign up to follow me here.

I am so fortunate to have Eastern Bluebirds in my yard year-round.  Spring/Summer are my favorite times to watch them since they nest in our nestbox in the backyard ---and then begin bringing the little ones to the feeders after they have fledged.  Mom and Dad Bluebird usually raise  about 2-3 different 'families' per year,  with each group consisting of from 3 to 5 little ones..

The first group here this year started with FOUR eggs.  We are not sure that all 4 of the babies made it --but as of now,  we have seen 2 of them! Mom and Dad are EXCELLENT parents and once the little ones fledge,  the parents keep a close watch on them as they learn to live in this big-ole world!

About a month after they leave the nest,  Dad (who is the main feeder of the babies) starts bringing them to the bird feeders.  Mom is always nearby --and keeps a watch on all of her babies... They are SO much fun to watch.

Today,  I'll share a group of photos I took beginning on Sunday,  5/25/14.  Hope you enjoy seeing my photos...  Some of them are not the 'best' --because I was taking photos through screen doors and 'dirty' windows... ha.. BUT--you'll get the idea!!!!!  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

See that mouth-full Daddy Blue is carrying????    That is for one of the hungry babies!!

At first,  the babies stopped on the TOP of the arbor (above the feeders)... Daddy would feed them up there (which made it harder for me to get pictures)...

I don't want to forget Mama Bluebird.  Even though she doesn't feed the babies,  she is always around watching and protecting them.

Here's another photo of Daddy with one of the babies on the TOP of the Arbor.  I love seeing those precious little speckled babies--even though they are about as big now as their parents... (The parents obviously feed them well!)

Daddy Blue and one of the babies were watching a Blue Jay who was trying to get his turn on the plate feeder!!!

I love this photo of one of the Baby Bluebirds... Precious,  don't you think?

OKAY!!!!  One of the little ones finally got brave enough to fly down to the plate feeder.  (He still counts on Daddy to feed him though --and doesn't quite know how to do it himself yet.)

Daddy Blue was trying to teach the little one to eat from the feeder.

Again,  they are 'looking' at that Blue Jay  (who desperately wants one of those peanuts on the plate feeder)

Look at the BIG mouth --begging for food....  AND--as you can tell from the mealworms in Daddy's mouth,  that baby is going to get fed.... Adorable,  aren't they?
This is my favorite photo from this set...  I love watching the babies beg for food... AND--you should hear them crying...  They make the cutest little sounds one can imagine!!!!   Wish you all were here to see this...

UPDATE:  Didn't mean to confuse anyone --but some thought I was suspending THIS blog too.. I am not and will continue to post on Monday/Wed./Fridays.

Okay----that's about it from Betsy's Bird Kitchen today!!!!!  Have a fantastic Wednesday.



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Oh Betsy, this is a wonderful series of shots of the parents feeding the babies and you are right, that last shots is priceless.

Kay said...

Great photos, Betsy. I saw my first bluebird just a couple of years ago at Yellowstone. I couldn't believe how blue they were. The color is so startling. You're so lucky you can have them at your home.

Ginny Hartzler said...

These are wonderful pictures, Betsy. My favorite is the last one, too. So you will only be posting on Wednesdays now? Well, I am glad you are still posting and not deserting us completely for Facebook!!!

Jo said...

Oh Betsy, these are all such beautiful pictures but the last one takes the biscuit! I love the way the babies are speckled - like our young flycatchers and robin-chats! Thanks for sharing. (((Hugs))) Jo xxx

Linda P said...

Thank you, Betsy, for sharing a series of photos of Bluebird baby's mealtime, which must be a full-time job for the parents as they protect and feed their young. Great commentary, too. Much appreciated.

Ann said...

What a great series this is. That last one is awesome. Nice to see a father taking an active roll in raising his children...lol There are some humans that could take a lesson from these birds

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, lovely series on the Bluebirds! They are another one of my favorite birds. Have a happy day!

Hootin Anni said...

What a delight!!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What sweet photos! I'm sitting here with a huge smile on my face, especially at that last photo.

Thank you for sharing ~ FlowerLady

DeniseinVA said...

This is a delightful way to start my day Betsy, such cute photos of these darling little birds. I don't get to see them but rarely so this is a real treat. Thank you my friend :)

From the Kitchen said...

Isn't nature perfect?! I love to see and know how creatures take care of their young and teach them independence. I also love the color of the blue bird.


diane b said...

The last shot is a beauty. They are so so blue and cute. It must be pleasant watching them.

Sheryl said...

Love the beautiful shots, Betsy! Seeing them was a great way to stay my day!

linda m said...

Love the photos of your baby Bluebirds. They sure are cute. I wish I had them in my yard. I know WI gets Bluebirds in the summer but I have never seen any around here.

David said...

Betsy, Great blue bird photos. The baby crying for food reminds me of my son...who still goes into hyper feeding mode whenever we visit him and his family! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Jim and Sandie said...

What I find so amazing is that these babies, like human ones, have to be taught how to fly, how to eat, how to survive. What a fabulous world we live in where we can enjoy seeing such precious life.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love seeing the father work so hard to feed his babies....sooo cute of the baby begging in the last pic

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the baby Bluebirds. I'm sure you'll get more as they start learning to feed themselves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wonderful photographs of the Eastern Bluebirds and their offspring. So much fun to see. Have a really good Thursday tomorrow and a pleasant day today!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

colors are magnificent! love the big mouth

Big Dude said...

It's great that you get to see them all up close. We have a pair of wrens that nest in a house on our porch and yesterday we got to see a parent encouraging a young one to fly but I couldn't get a shot without disrupting the process.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, they become part of my extended family when they fledge.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
It's so good to hear you are feeling better! and what beautiful pics too!the birds who visit you are so well loved and looked after, is that a bird umbrella on the 2nd and 4th pic? isn't it adorable! our neighbours have put up a bird feeder, we are having lovely visits from some beautiful birds, I can't put one up as we have 2 cats, I would not want to invite too many birds into the garden as the youngest cat tries to catch them (with us chasing her round the garden telling her off!) x x x

Sylvia K said...

Ah, I do love your birds and such great shots for the day, as always, Betsy! Hope your week is going well!!

Anonymous said...

Betsy the Eastern Bluebird is my favorite bird ever. I have seen one pair, once, in my backyard since moving here. I'm in a congested area, so not sure I'll have many. Your photos are wonderful and I love seeing the daddy feed his young.

Jeevan said...

How sweet... they feed the babies just like how human beings take care of their children. I admire the daddy bird’s attitude towards the babies. Thanks for sharing their cute family photos.

Sometime it’s hard to maintain two blogs. Keep blogging :)

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, thanks so much for taking this series of photographs and sharing them with us. I've truly never seen a parent bird feed a nestling or a young bird out of the nest. I never realized that they needed to be taught to eat from a feeder. I have so much to learn! Peace.

Serenity Cove said...

Betsy you are so lucky! Something got my bluebirds and baby robins while we were gone:(........I am so upset!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think it'll be easier to have everything on one blog.

Your birds are gorgeous!

Shug said...

That certainly is a big mouth and it is wide open!! Much like mine most of the time... I know it must be so much fun to sit on your back deck and to simply enjoy all the cute little birds you have coming to the feeders. I admire you for keeping these babies fed. I try to do a good job, but I often forget to buy food for the creatures...
hugs to ya

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh my goodness,Betsy.These are all so adorable. Love,love,love this post.

Connie said...

I love seeing your bluebird families, Betsy! I very rarely see any bluebirds around here.

Terry and Linda said...

Love the last one! It really says it at all doesn't it?


Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, they are precious! I would not get anything at all done for watching them. And I am pretty much serious. They are so beautiful.

Mom always had a family of bluebirds but I don't think I ever got to see them.

And always had wrens...those I did get to see sometimes...but they were either on the back porch or front porch while the bluebirds were out back where it was not convenient to watch.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i always love blue birds. i always wonder how folks do more than one blog. i keep thinking i want to do another blog just of my thoughts. it seems a lot of times folks don't follow my train of thought. but i have yet to figure out my plan. we will see.

have a great day. ( :

Arkansas Patti said...

I am so envious of your Blues. They come to my fountain but the sparrows have chased them away from the boxes.
Those babies are precious and I love the wide mouth one.

Janice K said...

Such a fun series of pictures!! I especially loved the last one. It is so funny to see the young birds sit right in the feeder but insisting that the parent put the food in it's mouth. I especially enjoy your bluebirds, because they just don't stick around here.

Anonymous said...

Such sweet and colorful photos.

Tabor said...

Yes, ours are being fed now as well!

HappyK said...

Love the bluebirds.
I've seen a couple in my yard too. : )

White Lace and Promises said...

How did you get such great photos? These are great! So precious and a reminder that God cares for the little birds.

Beth said...

I love the Eastern bluebirds---always enjoy seeing pics of them. Your fav. pic is mine also---it's adorable.
We don't have these birds here---wish we did.
What all is on your plate feeder?
How do you keep the raccoons from stealing the suet. We have one persistent one who has stolen 3 containers and we can't find them.
He stole 3 suet slabs in 2 days. I feed him at the edge of the woods, but he still steals from the birds. Any suggestions?

Catherine said...

I can watch birds all day. They are so entertaining. And the bluebirds are wonderful - lucky you to be able to watch them!
xo Catherine

Small City Scenes said...

Betsy's Bird Kitchen!!! Love it!!
We don't have bluebirds here. Well the /western Bluebird but it is mostly way up in the Mountains. So I will enjoy yours. Thanks for the lovely pictures. I love the wide open feed me mouth. MB

Anonymous said...

What sweet shots of the jays!

A Colorful World said...

Absolutely wonderful! What a gift you are receiving each year with these little ones. It has to be a highlight of your year! I am anxiously awaiting some Gambel quail babies to photograph. They haven't been brought to the yard yet. Last year I had some in the back yard hiding from the big bad person trying to photograph them, with Mommy calling to them to come to her for over an hour (I only stayed out there about 15 minutes!) They waited until it was SAFE! :-) Your photos are great. Such a delightful way to start my day!

Miss Debbie said...

We have a "baby bluebird" here at my son's house...his name is Little H!! The little bird's mouth reminds me of our little fella when he is ready to eat! Great pictures

camp and cottage living said...

Pretty birds, Betsy.
We don't get them this far north.
You were able to get some really good photos!

Our photos said...

What a beautiful colored birds !

SquirrelQueen said...

What an adorable family of bluebirds. That little baby with it's mouth wide open is the cutest thing. You are lucky to have them in your yard.

I am running so far behind on blogging. My hubby took some extra days off before and after the holiday weekend and we have been doing things around the house and in the yard.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

My bluebirds just won't come to the feeder. I've been watching the family at one of the boxes and I'm almost sure that the youngun's should be flying out on their own before long. Wonderful shots, Betsy! I love that last one!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful bird...lovely blue colour

Rohrerbot said...

Very nice Betsy!!! You are so lucky to have them in your backyard and I'm so glad they had a successful nesting again this year. You provide the perfect habitat that makes them come back year after year. In Arizona, we have all 3 of the bluebirds....Mountain, Western and Eastern(a different type though than your more colorful ones...they have a light light blue and only breed within the Mexico/Arizona boundary. Thanks for sharing!

Chatty Crone said...

Those are wonderful pictures - such pretty birds - and they even have shelter in the case of rain!

Pat Tillett said...

Great photos Betsy! These little guys are so cute and so pretty...