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Friday, July 19, 2013

Hike to the TRI-STATE PEAK, in KY/VA/TN

Us standing in 3 states (KY/TN/VA)
As I mentioned in a previous post (click HERE),   we took a short trip to the Kentucky/Tennessee/Virginia area  northeast of where we live,  to celebrate our ANNIVERSARY.   On this trip,  we did ALOT of hiking in those areas.

Today I'll share with you one of our favorite hikes,,  to the TRI-STATE PEAK area,  where we could put our feet in all three states at one time (KY/TN/VA).  That was SO NEAT....   The picture above is of us standing at the exact spot where all three states come together.  

This is one of the markers showing where we were while standing in the three states.

And this shows were we hiked way up into the mountain in order to get to that peak.  (Be sure and enlarge the photos for better views.)

The trail was in GREAT shape --which I always appreciate... But--it was a fairly long hike --at least where we went..   AND--it was a VERY warm day... George and I both said that the SHADY trail helped!!!!

I loved seeing the wildflowers along the way.

We parked at the Thomas Walker Parking Lot --and were supposed to hike up to the Saddle of the Gap  and then turn on the Tri-State Peak Trail.  BUT--we missed the Saddle of the Gap and hiked even farther on the Wilderness Road Trail toward the Iron Furnace.

When we got to a beautiful cascade at Gap Creek  (which flows down to the Iron Furnace) --we knew that we had gone too far.  However,  we were thrilled to see all of this water in the cascade headed down the mountain.

The picture above shows me on the bridge over going over Gap Creek.  We were glad we made this 'side-trip' --just to see the waterfall/cascade!!!!!

Here's a picture of Gap Creek as it heads down the mountain toward the Iron Furnace.

And here's one more photo of George on the bridge above Gap Creek.

We turned around and headed back up toward the Saddle of the Gap (which is the point where the Wilderness Trail passes through the mountain pass).  We were hiking on the Wilderness Trail which is the exact route where Daniel Boone led a group of pioneers west in 1769 from North Carolina to Kentucky.  We loved the history in this area.

George is standing beside the old sign (which says Historic Cumberland Gap)---at what is known as the SADDLE of the GAP.

Before getting on the Tri-State Peak Trail,  we passed a big marker designating this Daniel Boone's Trail.  I am standing at this marker. 

Here's another picture of the trail.  I do recommend this hike to anyone who enjoys hiking, especially on a good trail ---and a SHADY one (on a hot day)!!!!

We finally made it to the PEAK..... What a great place --and a good place for a picnic lunch!!!!  There were a group of what I call  "Ditch Lilies" up there---and I got this picture of a butterfly enjoying some lunch at one of the lilies.

After taking our photo standing in all three states at one time,  we then took our pictures in EACH of the three states.   Here we are in the great state of VIRGINIA,  the state where I was born and raised!!!

Next,  we are in the terrific state of KENTUCKY ---and even had a view of the Kentucky valley and mountains while there.

Finally,  this is my favorite photo that day of us.... We are in the tremendous state of TENNESSEE,  our home state!!!!!

See how happy we were to be there!!!!!  We knew that the long hike back to the car was all down-hill!!!!  That's the way I like it!!!! ha

Hope you enjoyed our TRI-STATE PEAK hike....  If you want to know more about The Cumberland Gap area,  click HERE.    Have a fabulous weekend and we'll see you on Monday.



Twilight Man said...

I often bragged to friends that I have visited the NSEW of USA. What a shame - I have not visited these Tri-State which is so lovely with green mountains! I will be back soon Betsy. Have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, another beautiful park for hiking. Love the wildflowers and your photos. Have a happy weekend!

Ercotravels said...

Just a beautiful place to hike, Betsy! indeed, both are good friends and couple. but, Betsy! I have also more informative blogs related to India travels. I'm sure that you w'll likes my blogs. if you are interested to follow my blogs please give me your important seconds.
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Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful place to hike. I love the wildflowers and of course, the butterfly!

Small Kucing said...

Over here a lot of waterfall too. one of these days have to go hiking too

From the Kitchen said...

Y'all look cool despite the heat! Beautiful surroundings. Especially Virginia!! Have a great weekend.


Marcia said...

I didn't realize that you could stand on three states at once there. I've been to 4 corners out west and stood in those 4. What a neat park.

I see you use two hiking sticks. Are they easier than just one? That's what I use and it sure helps with going up and down the steep parts especially if its also rocky.

No raccoon visitors last night. Yeah.

Big Dude said...

Great shots as always Betsy. George is looking a little warm standing beside the sign.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Great photos of you two hiking and enjoying yourselves. The scenery is spectacular.


Catherine said...

You both do indeed look very happy!
Have a wonderful weekend Betsy!
xo Catherine

Elizabeth Edwards said...

looks like such great exercise. loved the views. the lilies are beautiful. have a good weekend. hoping for cooler weather. so hot & humid here lately. i kind of miss the rain. ( :

linda m said...

A beautiful park to hike in, gorgeous views, a nice day and two happy people - what more could you ask for. Not to mention it's all down hill back to the car. Have a great weekend.

RoeH said...

What a great place! I love that you guys always have the same shirts on. What a fun idea.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

That trail does look inviting. One of the problems with a shady trail, though, is that the trees that provide the shade also block the breeze. Nevertheless, it appears to be a hike worth taking.

I Am Woody said...

We hiked that trail several years ago. I agree - it is a great hike!! Love being in multiple states at the same time!!

The Furry Gnome said...

What an interesting place, and a nice looking trail too. My wife insists I call those lilies 'Lilies of the Field'. They're out all over the place here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome photos, love all those trees and my favorite is the butterfly sucked fast to his nectar hole in the flower. that 3rd photo looks like it might be chain rock on pine mountain

Karin said...

Glad you can enjoy all these fabulous places! Loved the butterfly perched for lunch!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You two kids have to be in great shape to do all that hiking! Good for you!! I loved seeing your photos of this hike. I'll probably never get there, so thanks for sharing it with us!
Have a wonderful day and weekend, too!!

Sylvia K said...

What a beautiful place!! And your photos are terrific as always, Betsy! What a fun day/anniversary for both of you!! Have a great weekend!!

Betty Manousos said...

wow betsy, what a delightful post!

such a beautiful park to hike in.

love, love, love your photos. it's always a pleasure to pop by your lovely spot for a visit.

have a great weekend~

big hugs.

missed you!

Jeevan said...

Wow! This sounds wonderful and interesting... visiting three states at a moment and standing at a cross junction amid the jungle. The hike routes are inviting and I love the gap creek. Glad u made this trip across states. Have a great weekend Betsy... I liked all the pictures esp. the last three :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is so neat, Betsy! And I do appreciate your two little map things so I can follow along and know the distance! I actually don't know what the Iron Furnace is! I was going to list may faves, but they are too many. The shady tree trail, the butterfly in the lily, you and George everywhere in every state at once! Hey, have you used the On Demand feature on Direct t.V?

Ruth Hiebert said...

The trail looks like an easier one to hike,but the distance would still make it hard. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the day and share these beautiful pictures.

Marie said...

You two always look so happy on your hikes! I know it's not easy, but you can see, by your smiles, how much you both enjoy it. :)
I love the photo of the butterfly and the flower...gorgeous!

Linda P said...

This looks like a great hike with the shade of the trees and the wild flowers along the way. I like the rustic bridges. I'm reminded of a song 'Cumberland Gap' that a country music skiffle player used to sing years ago in the UK. I wonder if it's about your Cumberland Gap?? I shall have to find out more...

Neal said...

Very nice Betsy. I played in Gap Creek many a time when I was a kid. It ran real close to our house so it wasn't much of a walk for us to get to it. We also fished in it sometimes. After a heavy rain it might be out of it's banks and we couldn't get to school because we had to cross it to go to school.

Lynda said...

You all made me sweat just thinking about you out in the heat and humidity! I loved the info on this post and the condition of those trails. That is the way I would enjoy hiking - - - where it's fairly smooth. The area looks very well maintained. The good thing about your return trip is your load is lighter after eating the food. Thanks again for letting us celebrate with you!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Another great hike you took us on today Betsy. Beautiful scenery and always love the ones of you and George. Have a great weekend :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

You got some lovely photos. I have never been on the tri state line. I would love to take that hike someday with my dear hubby.

MJ said...

All I can say is WOW... I bet that the trail through all that greenery smelled absolutely delicious... Gorgeous... Reminds me of some of the terrain we have up here...
I have started up a small simple blog, MJ, used to have a blog of Rocky Mountain Retreat, but started new... I will be back to visit... HUGS

Ann said...

wow, what a gorgeous area. How cool is that to be standing in three different states at the same time

Chatty Crone said...

Oh you two have the best time - I love the love you two show us. I think that is so sweet. Love the standing in 3 states. Love, sandie

Arkansas Patti said...

Now those are the kind of trails that could turn me into a hiker. Really nice. Poor ole NC just missed it.
How neat to look in three directions and see three different states.

Latane Barton said...

As always, beautiful pictures!

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

What a great hike. Love the three photos for the three states too.

Anonymous said...

Looks so lush -- what a lovely hike!

Carletta said...

You guys must be in great shape for this hike.
Lovely scenery!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Joy said...

I admire your stamina. If it is nearer, i would love to hike there. Lovely place:)

Small City Scenes said...

What a beautiful and historic area. Love all the shady green trails. I would love to hike there. Beautiful photos and such happy people in some of them. LOL MB

Mary said...

Happy Anniversary! Looks like you had a nice trip. The bridge and flowers and falls are all so beautiful! You two look pretty good, too :-)

Rose said...

I was here to comment yesterday but got detoured and didn't get to comment...used to be at the Gap beside the mill wheel, there were some big trout...I don't think they were the there the last time we were there. I don't know what happened to them...they had been there for years.

Jeanne said...

That looks like my kind of trail! I like the ones with steps and hand rails when there 's a drop off.
Great pics of the two of you!

HolleyGarden said...

How fun! I've stood where two states join, but never three! The wildflowers are so pretty, but it is all just such beautiful country. The shade looks so cool and refreshing, too. So glad the hike back was all downhill. That makes it so much easier!

Evanir said...

Um momento especial de renovação para sua alma e seu espírito,
porque Deus, na sua infinita sabedoria, deu à natureza,
a capacidade de desabrochar a cada nova estação e a nós
capacidade de recomeçar.
Desejo a você, um final de semana cheio de amor e de alegrias.
Afinal Deus nos a oportunidade de fazer novas amizades,
ajudar mais pessoas,
aprender e ensinar novas lições,
vivenciar outras dores e suportar velhos problemas.
Sorrir por novos motivos e chorar outros,
porque amar o próximo é dar mais amparo,
orar e agradecer .
Fazer novas amizades é amadurecer um pouco mais
e olhar a vida como uma dádiva de Deus.
É ser grato, reconhecido,
forte, é ter fé acima de tudo.
Que o Senhor abençoe a você,
no doce lar Lugar onde vive!
Que você possa ver sua
família crescer e progredir,
e tenhas uma vida longa,
com saúde , paz e eterna felicidade.
Um Feliz Dia Do Amigo : Estou atrasada , mais Nunca esqueceria essa data.
Tem um mimo
na postagem fique a vontade para pegar.
Um abençoado final de semana.
Deus abençoe VOCÊ!
Beijos da amiga sempre ,Evanir.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thank You, Evanir. May God Bless you also. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Connie said...

What great pictures, Betsy! You and George always look so cute in your matching shirts. That looks like a great place to visit and hike. So beautiful! Must have been fun to be at the corner where all three states meet too. I hope you have a nice Sunday!

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a way to kill three birds with one stone. :) I don't think I've ever been to this point; love it though.
The hiking looks like fun; especially the shady part!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I don't think I've been there. It really is pretty. Great pics!

Unknown said...

It looks gorgeous there and like the ones with you and the Tennessee sign. Beautiful waterfalls/streams there.

HappyK said...

The trails and scenery are beautiful and looks like a great hike.

Beatriz said...

You're so luck Betsy!!!
Wonderful trip and lovely photos! By the way, I simply love hiking, anywhere with a lot of nature around. Unfortunately I have not done much in recent years in my country, as the studies take me a long time...... I wish you have long and shiny days walk ahead. I want follow more adventures out there, ok!

A big hug from the south



Shug said...

Hmmmm. are there ever any hikes where it can be downhill all the way? That's probably the only kind of hiking I could do. Our son-in-law sent a picture back this morning and he was at "Four Corners"....Colorado, Utah,Arizona and Mexico. He played a guessing game with us to see who could guess where he was. I think this is neat to be able to stand in a place like this...
Keep all the gorgeous pictures coming...

Donna said...

That was an ambitious day of hiking! Lovely views make it all worthwhile, though!