Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, July 6, 2012

2012 Anniversary --Centennial Park

As most of you know,  George and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary on June 23...  Instead of a long trip this year,  we drove about 2 1/2 hours west of here and spent Saturday and Sunday re-visiting some areas in Nashville, Tennessee which we love, and which have some very special meaning to us.

 I will divide my blog posts into three different parts,  consisting of the three main things we did while there.    First,  we visited CENTENNIAL PARK ---since this was an area which we visited many times in 2001 when we were first dating and then married.

George worked nearby ---so on my lunch-hour from my job,  I would meet him for lunch at the park... It was so much fun to go back there and re-live some of these memories... Today I'll share with you 8 pictures from Centennial Park ---6 of which were taken on June 23, and the other two taken on  April 7, 2001 (also on a Saturday ---on our 2nd date)..

Hope you enjoy our photos from this gorgeous park.  We have so many pictures from the park ---so I'm sure I will have more posts in the future.  It is truly a beautiful park. 

George took the picture above of me enjoying all of the beautiful flowers in bloom at the park.   Be sure to enlarge the photos for some bigger pictures.

Taken in 2001
This picture of me was taken on April 7,  2001 near the same area as the picture above.  Since it was April instead of late June,  the flowers were different.  But--you get the idea as to why this area is so special to us....  (Amazing how much better photo quality is these days than in 2001!!!)

Here is a picture of the lake (Lake Watauga) which we walked around at Centennial Park.

George took this picture of me standing in front of some gorgeous rose bushes... These roses were pretty --but not nearly as pretty or as fragrant as ours!!!!

I took this picture of George kneeling in the flowers at Centennial Park.

Taken in 2001
AND---here is George on April 7, 2001 in the same general location.    I loved seeing the summer flowers this year,  but those spring flowers in 2001 including the Red Bud trees were awesome also.  You can see why we enjoyed spending time there!!!   (Of course,  this gal just wanted to be with her man--wherever we were!!!)

Here's the cutest picture of my Sweetheart-----who thinks he was on the Titanic....  (Maybe he was saying:  "Happy Anniversary to his 'bride'"...   Ya think?)

Finally,   of course,  we had to get the tripod out and take some pictures together.   SO---this one is of the happy couple celebrating their 11th anniversary together.  Hope we have many, many more!!!!!

Stay tuned for more photos from that Nashville Weekend!!!

Tree fell too close to our home (which is on the left in the photo)
You know me.. I worried about the little birdies who had nests in those trees.
On another subject,  we had a TERRIBLE storm late yesterday afternoon (July 5) with almost no warning.  The winds were (according to our TV weatherman) about 70 mph... Two-three trees came down behind our house on golf course property...  One of them was over 60 feet tall.  Scared me to death!!! I thought we were going to get lots of damage.  BUT--we got lucky!  Other than lots of clean-up around our home,  we think that everything is okay.   BUT---the good news for us is that we DID get a little rain --which we desperately needed.  Thanks be to God...  But--it was too close for comfort!!!

Have a great weekend,  and I'll see you on Monday.


Miss Debbie said...

The park is lovely...understand why you enjoyed time there. So glad your house was spared.A storm hit Cleveland last night and there were trees down there, too. Thankfully, his house was spared,also. As you say, "thanks be to God!"

diane b said...

That was a close encounter with the tree. I am glad your home wasn't damaged. Great now and then shots in the beautiful park. You are looking great, fit and trim. Are you growing your hair?

Hootin Anni said...

Awesome photos of you two! As always. You both look so happy to be together, I admire that in you. You're a picture post card perfect couple in love. What a treat to go back and enjoy the beginnings of your relationship. That's just too sweet.

As for the trees and storm....Bud and I had a tree fall during one windstorm in Colorado, years ago, that fell and came right through our roof in our bedroom....CRASH....wake up to dry wall dust coming into my eyes, looking up, and seeing tree branches coming through the ceiling!!!

Ms. A said...

Love the older and newer photos! Sorry to hear about the storms. You came out better than some of the other bloggers, thank goodness!

Tabor said...

Would love to visit that garden. I saw that storm cross your area on the weather channel. It was similar to what hit our area and brought down all the trees and cut all the power. Global climate change is here for real now.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That park is a gorgeous place. it is interesting to see the then and now shots. I too hope that you get to celebrate many more anniversaries.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a gorgeous place to go on your anniversary. so lovely. i love the then & now shots. is that a boat? i love the shot there. (:

FAB said...

Happy Anniversary and what a great way to celebrate those joyful years together.

Connie said...

I loved the pictures of your anniversary trip, Betsy. What a fun way to celebrate that special day. So glad you and George are OK after those winds went through. It could have been much worse for you.

From the Kitchen said...

What a special place--both lovely and meaningful.

So glad you didn't have terrible damage from the storms. It's never good to lose a tree but it could have been so much worse!


mamahasspoken said...

Great photos of you and George. Stay safe this week-end, they are predicting more bad storms....

Unknown said...

Very nice to see these photos of then and now...and you still enjoying the flowers and trees...this is the most unstable atmosphere isn't it? Do stay safe!

Linda P said...

I enjoyed seeing your 'then' and 'now' photos of the park. It must have been very meaningful to go back there and enjoy its beauty together.
So glad you're safe after the incident with the trees falling near your home. I hope you are kept safe in such difficult weather.

Beth said...

So neat, Betsy, to see the photos of Then and Now. You and George look wonderful in both! You are looking really trim these days. I love the idea of revisiting the place where you first met on your anniversary.

I'm sorry you had such a violent storm, but so glad you all were spared worse damage. And thank goodness you got some rain out of it! We really need some here---without the wind, of course!

Beth said...

So neat, Betsy, to see the photos of Then and Now. You and George look wonderful in both! You are looking really trim these days. I love the idea of revisiting the place where you first met on your anniversary.

I'm sorry you had such a violent storm, but so glad you all were spared worse damage. And thank goodness you got some rain out of it! We really need some here---without the wind, of course!

MTWaggin said...

What a lovely park Betsy and I bet it smells amazing! Love the shot of George on the boat that is too cute. I'm glad you didn't have house damage with the winds although it is always hard to see those big old trees that took so long to grow, down. So goes nature. You asked if it was cool here, we had cool on our kayak trip, it was actually 36 when we got to the boat check. Seriously! LOL But the long sleeves are what I always where kayaking, it is a flyfishing shirt that has SPF protection, is lightweight and breaths. Keeps the sunburn at bay on the water.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that titantic shot. and my favorites are those lacy trees in both of the 2001 shots. that is a beautiful place no matter what time of year. glad you survived the storm

Dorothy said...

Great pictures, Betsy! I see why you like to go to the park!

LV said...

Thank you so much Betsy far sharing these gorgeous sights in Nashville, That is one of my favorite places to go. My husband and I spent so many Christmas there.However, I never saw these lovely places. Had a nice trip with you far free. Thanks.

Dar said...

Happy Anniversary Betsy and George!!
You two are such romantics...I love it. The park is so wonderful with all of the gorgeous blooms all around you. I can smell the sweet scent of raspberries by the roses.

Sylvia K said...

I'm so glad that you and George had no damage and weren't injured by the horrible storm, Betsy! There have been so much awful weather particularly on the east coast and with the forest fires in the west!! I am thankful that all we've had has been the gray skies and rain that we usually have!! I love your photos for the day and a belated Happy Anniversary! Have a good weekend -- hopefully with no more storms!!


Randy said...

I’m glad you got a little rain, albeit storm rain. Betsy I declare you are becoming a tiny thing. :0) Happy you and George enjoyed yourself.

Sally Wessely said...

Loved seeing photos of this beautiful garden. You look great.

That tree really did come too close for comfort.

TexWisGirl said...

so glad you had no damage, but the loss of the trees are hard. enjoyed seeing those photos from 2001!

Out on the prairie said...

I missed the news yesterday, sad to lose trees.That park is very nice.

Neal said...

Beautiful pictures Betsy...except the fallen trees of course.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So many terrible pop up storms lately. Love all the pics through the years. The flowers are so pretty there.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos of your and George's special place. The lake and flowers are just gorgeous.
I'm thankful that your damage was minimal in yesterday's surprise storm. So sorry about all the clean up, especially with the extreme heat. You two take care and keep us posted.

Small City Scenes said...

It is a beautiful park full of cherished memories. I love seeing your pictures.

Wow that storm hit pretty close to home. I would be scared too. Trees falling are no fun for sure. MB

Amy Burzese said...

Congratulations on the anniversary! The flowers are beautiful - then and now.

Sharon said...

I thought about you during the storm. It was AWFUL here. We are o.k., but just down the street, still no power and tress down everywhere. It's breaking my heart to hear about the extensive damage and fatalities in the mountains. The entire park from Cades Cove/Abrams Creek to Elkmont is closed and there are still cars and people on the road between Metcalf Bottoms and Townsend that they can't get to. So tragic!

HolleyGarden said...

How nice to be able to go back to a place that holds such dear memories. I love that you included pictures from your second date! How special! And I'm glad that tree didn't fall on your home! How very scary that must have been. So glad you're fine, and I hope any baby birds that were nesting in the tree are o.k., too.

NCmountainwoman said...

I thought about you and George when I heard about the damage near Cades Cove. Sorry about your tree, but thankful that nothing hit the house. Stay cool in this heat.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I can see why you like the park so much. All those beautiful flowers should be enjoyed by everyone. Hope you have a great weekend.

Ann said...

That park is gorgeous. I can see why you like it so much. Big difference in the spring and summer look too but both stunning.
Glad to hear you didn't have any major damage in that storm

Kay said...

What a pretty park. I love the photo of George play "King of the world".

Rose said...

I bet that park is just beautiful in person. You two always look so happy...

Terry and Linda said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO glad your house was saved! Having a tree fall on your house in never ever good.

Yes, they had to take Hank Puff to vet...180 quills to be removed. I doubt if he learned anything though!


Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Love seeing the differences in the flowers at Centennial Park and what a nice place to visit. So good to see you enjoyed your anniversary.
I heard about the storm your way. Sounds scary.

Arkansas Patti said...

Such a beautiful place to spend your 11th. Hope you have bunches more.
That was a close call with the tree. Glad you didn't have much damage and got some welcome water. We are hoping for some rain also in a few days. It has been since early May for us here for anything we could measure.

SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy, I can see why you and George love this park so much, it is beautiful. The perfect place to fall in love.

I was reading about the storm that went through the Smokies last night and wondered if it came through your area. It sounds like it was really nasty.

Susie Swanson said...

Awesome pictures as usual..That storm came through here too, but we just got wind and it brought down trees and power lines..We didn't lose ours but alot of folks did..We didn't get a drop of rain..Hope you have a nice weekend, Susie

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

So glad you guys weren't harmed during the storms! Trees falling is a very scary thing. We get scared when pine cones start falling on the roof!
Looks like you and George had a fantastic anniversary. Love the scenery.

Buttercup said...

Love seeing your Nashville pictures. I lived there forty years ago and the park was one of my favorite places.
So glad you were safe in the storm.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

In your relatively short relationship with each other, you and George have created some wonderful memories and traditions. And you've documented every one of them with your fine photography. May God give you many more years to enjoy each other and His creation.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

So glad you got some rain and that the tree missed your house! I hope it didn't tear up too many of your gorgeous flowers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Nice pictures of that Nashville area park. I have never been there - maybe a nice day trip for my husband and I to visit. I have not been in Nashville much at all. So sorry about the trees in the golf course common area there. I know how scary it is to have a huge tree come down close to the house. We had one fall on the dock in April 2011 and it did $10,000 worth of damage but we did get a beautiful new dock out of that storm. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and a pleasant weekend!

Nava said...

Beautiful park--sorry about your trees.

GreatGranny said...

This is such a beautiful park. So happy for you and George and hoping you have many many more years together.
I hope nobody has to do the word verification on my blog. I don't like doing it either.

carolina nana said...

Glad those trees weren't any closer to your house, that is scary.
Seems these storms strike somewhere each day you just wonder when it will be your turn !
The flower beds in those pics are really pretty.
Blessings and stay safe

Rohrerbot said...

Hello there:) I'm glad the trees didn't fall onto your property. Very dangerous and deadly sometimes. I can't believe the heat you all have and then of course the crazy storms that passed through the area. Glad you both came out okay.

These gardens are gorgeous. I especially love your then and now pics. It's fun to revisit a place. Hope you have a great weekend. I'm hiding on a mountain with internet for 2 days:) I need mentally unload. It has been a bad week here for me. All my best. Chris:)

Carletta said...

It's such fun to go back and compare photos. I'm so unorganized with mine I can't always find what I'm looking for. :)

Your storm is exactly how the storm last Friday came up here. I was locking the gate to the porch and heard limbs cracking and came inside quickly.
We lost power again tonight for about four hours. No storms so I'm guessing it was in repairing other lines that ours was turned off. Tomorrow's temps are to be 101.
Hope you and George have a wonderful weekend!

BlueShell said...

Hi Betsy: Congratulations, dear! I'll celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary on July 11...
It was so interesting to compare the old photos and these new ones...
That place is LOVELY...an I bet your roses are much nicer!
So sorry about that storm...and the poor tree...
I'll be back to know more...
Have a big Hug!
God bless you both!
Isabel, aka, BluEshell

Jeevan said...

Glad that the storm doesn’t bring damage to your property, but sorry for the lives supported by the fallen tree. The garden looks simply beautiful with colorful flowers at blossom and hope u both enjoyed visiting the garden and taken back in memories... Good to see the older once! I like the last two pictures with George on the ship and couples together :)

Have a nice weekend!

A Colorful World said...

I am so thankful the trees missed your house! Wow! Too close for comfort! I love these beautiful Centennial Park photos. What a lovely gardens! I can see why this place would be so special to the two of you.

joy said...

OH I just so love reading love stories. Ita makes me love my husband even more too. Both of you are lucky to have each other. I wonder can love grow more when sourronded by flowers? I believe so, seeng you both. LOvely pictures. But I agree with you. Your roses are much beautiful:)

Shilpa said...

Beautiful photos on the garden, flowers and posed by you! Seems u both had great time taking photos and enjoying the memories of those days dating in the garden ;)

George looks like the jack of titanic! Lol heart fells looking at the fall of tree... hope there wasn’t much damage in u r neighborhood. God bless


Cheqna said...

Hi Betsy,

Missed the date but am still wishing you and George, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...hope you both will spend many more wonderful years together.

Very nice park, I wouldnt mind spending hours there, reading and picnic.


NatureStop said...

Betsy, I just love your header...so bright and cheerful!!!I enjoyed the trip with you ton the park. Glad you are fine and have a great weekend!


Inggrid Monalita said...

great post!
come by and lets follow each other if you love to do:))

Katie Isabella said...

Hello my Tennessee friend. Loved seeing the pictures and reading the memories.


Katie Isabella said...

Oh we did and have bad weather. It's been 107 here once, 105 usually and the storm night before last left the town ...half of it without power. We kept ours luckily. Hot and dry.


Lady Di Tn said...

Happy belated anniversary and I am glad you got to come to Nashville where it all began. I hope you got to go in the Art Center as that is where I have spent lots of time painting. They usually have an exhibit going on of local artist. Peace

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I'm glad that tree didn't damage your home, but I know the storm was frightening. It's good you did get some rain.
I love these photos of the park. What an awesome place. The flowers are so pretty. I also love your header photo of the lovely roses. Super posting.

imac said...

Then and now - just wonderful.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

What a neat post Betsy...it's like a before/after DIY post...DIY Betsy and George...Happy Anniversary to my favorite couple!!!

Queen Treasure said...

amazing photos<3 love it dear
btw maybewe can fllw each other?let me know

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Anniversary! Looks & sounds like ya'll had a wonderful time, the pics sure are beautiful!

I read about that storm on The Weather Channel online & came right over to your blog when I saw damage in Cades Cove...
We're suppose to have thunderstorms today & they've called out all the tornado spotters, too... I truly hope we just get rain, no tornadoes, esp in July! That's outrageous!!!

Farida said...

The blooms are beautiful! I will never get tired of looking at them, more so being in their midst if I was there, hahaha.

God bless and hope your Sunday was great! :D

HappyK said...

The pictures from your weekend are all spectacular!
The the lake I walk around is in a park named Centennial Park too. Though I guess that is a pretty common name for a park!
Glad you had no damage due to the storm, but what a shame that those big old trees came down.

Lynda said...

I love how happy you two are together. It shows in every smile on your faces in every picture. You seem to be like us in the sense that you both appreciate each minute you get to spend with each other!
Whew on the tree - - very, very close. God was protecting you!

DeniseinVA said...

Super photos, so glad that all was well with those trees and that they missed your house. These summer storms have been awful.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Betsy,
Happy Anniversary to both of you, sweetheart and George!!
Every time I visit you, I see something amazing. Your pics are outstandingly beautiful, not only the new ones, but also the oldies.
You both look so much in love together. You are so blessed, Betsy, you know that...
It was a real blessing to have gone to Nashville, and get to see the old places where you used to gather in those old good days. The flame remains the same, I often say. I wrote a song several years ago. Old folks inspired me to write it. It talks about the love we had in our teen's years which might remain the same in our hearts, if we really want it too.
I just love to see you both together so happily in love, Betsy and George. The photos are great, especially the ones closed to gorgeous flower beds. I am sorry to hear about the storm, and the fallen trees. It happens now and then, for it is part of mother nature. I am sure you will both celebrate many more Anniversaries in your beautiful lives, Betsy.
Your father is 100 years old. George's father is 99. So, you both have great chances to remain together for over a century.
We would love to visit TN. one day in the future. My daughter and her family were there a few years ago. They said it's a gorgeous place.
Have a blessed week, Betsy and George!! God bless you all!!
Thank you for visiting my blogs and writing your heartfelt comments there!!
Warm Hugs,
Poet Starry.

camp and cottage living said...

Congrats to you and George!
You look so sweet and happy together. I can see why this park has such special meaning to you both.
Your right-they've sure come a long way in improving cameras!!

Lynn said...

What a lovely park that is, both then and now. Love the before and now photos too. Isn't it fun to go back and visit places you enjoyed before marriage and are still enjoying both the places and each other? I love, love, love my summer hiatus from blogging, but have to checking up on my friends. So glad I did not miss this one! Blessings.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy anniversary to you and George! I thought maybe you meant Centennial Park here in GA! sandie