Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Orchids at the Biltmore Conservatory

The Orchids in the Conservatory at Biltmore House and Gardens are some of the prettiest I have ever seen... Today I will show you some of those gorgeous Orchids... Be sure and enlarge the photos for a better look!

Aren't these just gorgeous?   I truly don't know much about Orchids ---but I do love seeing them.  There are just so many varieties...

Hope you have a tremendous Tuesday!!!  We have had more rain in 2 days than we had all year I think... It has rained and rained and rained.  Now --they say we might get some snow flurries... December is almost here!!!



Beth said...

First of all, I want to say how beautiful your header is! Your home is so lovely decked out for Christmas---I remember you posting this pic and others last year and me thinking, "What a wonderful place to call home!"

As for the orchids, I don't know much about them either other than I think they are gorgeous. That
4th pic--the color is almost a neon purplish pink--I have never seen a color like that on a flower.
My favorite is the 5th one, but they are all lovely.

I always enjoy visiting here, but my favorite posts are the flower and bird ones, which btw isn't it time we get to visit your birds?:>)

pam said...

Gorgeous!! We are having a few snow flurries this morning. We are already on a two hour delay because of the flooding, I've got my fingers crossed for a snow/flood day off of school.

Elzie said...

They sure are beautiful. And your header looks so much like Christmas.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie

Anonymous said...

I always thought orchids grew in tropical areas, not mainland USA. Wow, those flowers are incredible! Sooo beautiful, Betsy! And I love your house, too!

Neal said...

I love your header. Those orchids are absolutely gorgeous.

Catherine said...

It's hard to believe that December arrives in two more days doesn't it? All our snow is gone (very strange for us) but it is forecasted to come back by the end of the week.

I think I need to go visit a flower conservatory. Beautiful!

xo Catherine

penny said...

I love your cozy Christmas house, Betsy.
These orchids are absolutely gorgeous.
We have several we hang in our trees around our yard. They make a beautiful display when blooming.

Be well, be happy :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, the only thing about orchids that i Know is they die when i have one. even hubby let the one i got when i retired die. they like to be cared for a lot.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The elegant Orchid has so many varieties. I love their delicate beauty.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I don't know much about orchids either, but they are definitely one of my favorite flowers.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Those orchids are indeed beautiful. I think the ones in the first photo are my favorite.

We're getting rain now...started last night. Snow is in the forecast for this afternooon and tomorrow. Two to four inches are predicted. 'Tis the season.

Dar said...

The Orchids are gorgeous, no matter what color of form. The only thing I know about them is that they are finicky about temperature/light and they keep their blooms, it seems forever. Gorgeous!
Sorry I haven't commented in so long...it's been pretty hectic and I don't see an end to it til Jan.
Thanks always, to you, for commenting when you visit. Loveya

TexWisGirl said...

i sure wish i could take your rain!

Hidden Haven Homestead said...

They are breathtaking! I have never had any luck growing orchids but my uncle had so many around his house it was like visiting a greenhouse. Rain here too... wish they were calling for snow flurries.

Anonymous said...

Such pretty flowers! I would love to grow some on a window ledge if not for the cats!
I hope you get some pretty snow flurries.

Chatty Crone said...

Betsy - it is over cast and rainy here in Georgia today.

Thanks for such pretty candy for the eyes and the soul today.

I just love seeing the beauty of the flowers.


Arkansas Patti said...

Orchids are so darn beautiful and each time I see them I think, why not --but I never do. Maybe this time.
Thought of you and the projected snow. Hope you got some of it since I know you love snow like I do.

CottonLady said...

Your Christmas lights on your house are really pretty, Betsy.

Love the orchids..each one so beutiful in it's own right.

I would like the rain, too. :) We do have a chance of snow the end of this week...we'll see.


Diane said...

Gorgeous orchids Betsy. I love them because they're so long lasting and exotic and yet I can't grow them at all. Diane

HappyK said...

They certainly are beautiful. Gorgeous colors!!

Anonymous said...

They're all sooo beautiful & the colors are fantastic! WoW

The snow we got yesterday & last night is melting fast & should be gone by late afternoon, tomorrow at the latest, thank GOD! I love to watch falling snow, but I'm ready for it to go pretty quick, too. No ice this time, thank GOD for that, too! =)

A Brit in Tennessee said...

There's something so very special about orchids, especially a greenhouse full of them !

We thought we were going to wash away yesterday, creeks running over everywhere.
It definately feels like Winter is just around the corner.

Love, your header picture, I remember it from last year, and so admired it.

Stay warm,

Larry said...

Thanks for the orchid shots... I am truly enjoying mine just now as they continue to bloom and many are now throwing additional spikes... Larry

trump said...

Very nice post Betsy and for adding some color to this sometimes grey part of the year. I think the camera is definitely your friend. Richard

Ms. A said...

The orchids are so tropical looking, compared to the wintery weather currently taking over some parts. It's even pretty cold here, for my area.

Serenity Cove said...

It's rained for 3 days straight here but we have had rain all year. It just wouldn't be Ohio if it was anything but rainy,snowy,windy or cold.
The white orchid is my fav but they are all beautiful.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Here you are! I have missed you Betsy! When you are on a trip, a little ray of joy and sunshine goes away from blogland!! I just caught up on yesterday's post. I LOVE you and George in front of the poinsettia tree!! My word but you have lost a lot of weight from your illness! Orchids are odd flowers to me. You got really good pictures. Some people say they are real hard and need pampered, and some say they are a piece of cake! And both schools of thought coming from orchid experts!

Ann said...

Those are gorgeous orchids. We've had rain all day here today and they are saying snow tomorrow.
Love the picture in your header. The house looks great all decked out

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Just lovely! I like the one with white and magenta the best. The next favorite for me would be that last one that is neon yellow and pink. Bright and beautiful! Yes, we got snow but it did not stick. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow!

Shug said...

Hi Betsy...
the orchids are beautiful and the throats are just outstanding...I know this was a fabulous trip.. All your pictures makes me want to plan our next trip there..

Linda@VS said...

How beautiful they all are, especially the exotic-looking ones in the top photo. I love stopping by here to see what colorful surprises you have for us each day.

carolina nana said...

Those orchids look like spring flowers on a cold winter day here in the mountains of NC. We've had it all in the last couple days,warm temperatures,rain with thunder and now cold temps with snow !!
Hope we have another white Christmas !!

Out on the prairie said...

I liked the 1st yellow one the best. I always am drawn to these beautiful blooms.

nanny said...

Beautiful orchids.....

cold, cold day with wind.....

Connie said...

Those orchids are beautiful, Betsy. Great photos! :)

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

The orchids are gorgeous.
We've had lots of rain here, too. We were supposed to get snow flurries, but they never came. The kids were very sad. Stay warm and dry.

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful shots!! Did you get snow? We awoke to a dusting:)

Angela said...

Those orchids are just so beautiful! I'm sure the deer around my house would eat them as a snack on the first day I would have them out!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love your new blog header, Betsy! Your house looks all ready for Christmas.

Orchids are such delicate beautiful flowers, aren't they? The all purple ones in photo #4were my favorite!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, so glad you and George had a nice Thanksgiving trip. (You were right, we went to Branson again.)
The orchids are simply gorgeous and you've taken such clear and crisp shots of them. Love your header photo, too. Your house is so pretty all dressed up in its Christmas finery! Hope you are still feeling well. Hugs, Cheryl

SquirrelQueen said...

Orchids are so exotic and a flower that I rarely see in person. This is a lovely collection, the yellow one in the second photo down is my favorite. Our weather, other than lots of wind, has been pretty uneventful so far.

Anonymous said...

A lovely set of photos. Hot house orchids are so spectacular. We have the smaller variety as a houseplant. It has died back now, but usually surprises us with new growth and masses of flowers. At the moment I'm growing indoor hyacinths for the Christmas season and the Christmas Rose cactus has lots of buds.

Busy Bee Suz said...

They ARE gorgeous....I find the best way to care for them is to put them in a tree and walk away. :)
I do bring them in when we have a freeze though; I'm not totally crazy.