Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Individual Roses in our yard 2011--Part I

As most of you know by now,  we have 57 different Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Rose Bush varieties in our yard.  I already showed some pictures of the 'overall' look of the roses in our yard.. Click HERE if you didn't see that post.

Today I'll start showing some of the individual blooms  which we have had so far this year.. Above is a beauty called PERFECT MOMENT.  Below are more.


VETERAN'S HONOR (Like Double Delight which I showed in the other post,  Veteran's Honor is another all-time favorite of mine.)


CRESCENDO (a new rose for us this year)



Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our individual rose blossoms today... Wish you could be here to SMELL them.

Have a wonderful weekend---and don't forget,  whatever you do,  to "Stop and Smell the Roses"!!!!  I will see you on Monday!


***IMPORTANT QUESTION:  George and I are doing some traveling this summer. We'll actually be in about 10 different states (including a tiny bit of Nevada near Las Vegas)...  IF you live anywhere near I-40 in Tennessee, Arkansas,  Oklahoma, Texas,  New Mexico,  and Arizona;  OR if you live anywhere near I-70 in Utah, Colorado, Kansas,   Missouri, --or I-24 in Kentucky----we'd love to meet you somewhere IF it works out... We will be on a schedule --so this would be a 'quick' hello --as we have to continue on our way!!!!!   Just asking!  Don't feel pressured.... But--it would be great to meet some of you --if convenient!!!  Email me if interested --and I can give you more info... Thanks!!!


Ms. A said...

My goodness, every one of them are gorgeous!

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh how I wish you were getting all the way to California. But alas, NOT. Excellent way to make connections though, sending out the shout out.

Now I'm going to go and smell me some pretty roses.

Beth said...

I always try and pick out a favorite, but that was tough to do this morning----they're all beautiful!

I wish you were traveling through Ohio, but maybe another year.

Thanks for the encouragement as I'm off to face my last dyo of this school year.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers. Say Hi to George. Have a nice trip.

Twilight Man said...

How I wish to live next door to your home, so that I could admire all your lovely roses and smell them for FREE! We always believe that clean, tidy and sweet smelling homes will attract all the wealth and happiness! I could see that from your smiles.

Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend to all readers!

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betsy! Your roses are all gorgeous. And it is too hard to pick a favorite, I loved them all. I hope you have a safe trip. Sounds like you will be seeing alot. Have a great weekend!

Arkansas Patti said...

Your neighbors have to love you. They do no work but reap the benefits.
Sure wish I lived closer to I-40. What a marvelous trip you have planned.

Les Barr said...

Even though I'm not much into Flowers, I have always appreciated the beauty of them. I tend to like the Veteran's Honor the best. Such a pretty red color. Nature always has something to appreciate and it's always free. Never costs any money to enjoy. Wonder just why they call this flower Veterans Honor?

Ruth Hiebert said...

I started out trying to pick a favourite,but that is impossible.Each one is my favourite.Wow,these are gorgeous.

pam said...

Sweetness is my favorite!

Bookncoffee said...

The roses are just beautiful! We don't have any rose bushes. I've heard they are hard to take care of, but maybe not any harder than anything else we have here. Might add that to the landscape here at some point b/c I love them so.

Darla said...

Your George does have a way with roses! So beautiful each and everyone of them...sounds like you two are going on an awesome adventure, hope you get to meet and share about meeting new bloggers.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, I wish Kenya was on your route and we could meet! I love your roses, every one. Have a great weekend. (((hugs))) Jo

mamahasspoken said...

Read the list of states that you are going to be in and WOW that's a lot of traveling! Have fun with all the sights you'll see! Too bad you didn't say I-75/71 in Ky ;o)

Connie said...

Your roses are so beautiful, Betsy. What a joy it must be to see them everyday there. Good luck in your travels this summer. Sounds like you'll be taking lots of pictures! HA HA! :-)

Unknown said...

sweetness looks like it is dipped in sugar.
Pinks and Yellow's are my favorite.
You've done a fantastic job presenting these.

Catherine said...

I'm hoping the sun shines all weekend Betsy and some of my flowers get to growing! Yours are beautiful!

What? No trip up to Saskatchewan?? ;)

Happy Weekend!
xo Catherine

Shug said...

Good Morning Betsy..

I can just smell the sweetness of each rose....I was very young when my grandmother died, but in every picture that I have seen of her, there is a rose in the picture with her..She must have loved them.
I know you are so very excited about the big trip...Sure wish you could swing on down to I20 in Texas...Sam and I would love to meet yall!
Have a wonderful weekend that brings you joy...


Karin said...

Such beauties - each unique and blooming to honor their Creator and their loving caretaker - bringing joy to all who see them in real time and virtual time! Totally cool! Thanks for sharing. Would love to meet up with you - maybe when you make a trip to the Rockies! Have a blessed weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those first two photos are really stunning shots. all the roses are wonderful, but the first two grabbed me. what a fun trip, hope you meet a few of your bloggers.

Snap said...

Beautiful roses. I love MY Double Delight. Enjoy your trip.

amelia said...

You can come and stay here for a while!! I'd love to have you! Will you be travelling this far?
Your roses are spectacular and your garden will miss you while you're away!!

Anonymous said...

Your roses are all so beautiful. Ours are just beginning to bloom just in time for our wedding anniversary - so I always associate roses with that. I hope you both have a memorable trip.

I Am Woody said...

Tell me your plans. I may have some pointers:)

TexWisGirl said...

those are just beautiful. the one with the raindrops on it... oh be still my heart!

diane b said...

The blooms are all so beautiful and I wish that i could smell them. I wonder if we will cross paths on our travels. Did I send you an itinerary. Can you send one of yours,please.

Out on the prairie said...

I pick favorites by smell first. Lovely share today Betsy.

Tracy said...

Oh Betsy...oh my goodness, those roses are absolutely gorgeous! Just stunning!
okay, not I'll tell you my three favorites...sweetness, cresendo and the pink promise...just so beautiful! when can you come and plant some for me?

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Hard to choose which I like the best today! I do love yellow roses and had those in my wedding almost 40 years ago! Have a great Friday!

CottonLady said...

Absolutely stunning roses!!


Lynn said...

Stunning photography of your beautiful roses Betsy. Sweetness is my favorite with the water drops, but they are all stunning. Only 57 varieties? LOL, How blessed you are. Can I come up and camp out on your front porch and just take photos of those 57? What a delight your home must be, roses and mts. Much better than Venice, FL for sure, especially in the summer. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment. I see you are living my dream with all your travel. Oh my how delightful that will be. We did a two month road trip last Fall after I retired. Hubby is having surgery early July so for us all trips are off indefinately. Hope you post from your trip. Enjoy safe travels!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful roses, Betsy! I have a question about the ones in the pots? What does George do with them in the winter?

Your upcoming trip sounds like the one hubby and I are planning in September! The last trip out west, we took I70 out to Utah then angled down to Las Vegas and on to Boulder Dam and on to the Grand Canyon with a side trip to see the Painted Desert in AZ and then to Austin Tx to see our son before going home. This year we will skip the Painted Desert and see Sedona instead and maybe Bryce Canyon or Zion in Utah. Also we won't go to TX as our son now lives in KC MO. I'm already excited thinking about seeing all the fabulous sites again and I'm sure you are too! I wish we could go sooner, but we decided to wait until all the kids are back in school and it's less crowded with vacationers. Have a great weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Perfect Moment, Sweetness, and Welcome Home. They are THE ones, it was too hard to pick just one favorite! I think George told me that each one smells different, too. Hope you have a great weekend!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

They are all so gorgeous, but I think Perfect Moment and A Capella are my favorites. I've been collecting travel booklets from some of the western states, in preparation for our next trip out that way. I know you'll love it.

HappyK said...

Wow! What can I say about them but they are all beautiful. I can't even pick out a favorite.

Fred Alton said...

My Oh My! What beauties in your yard. That one you labeled "Veteran's Honor" looks ver classic - and very much like a rose we got from Frances' Mom - which we call "Mr. Lincoln". Do you know if there is a "Mr. Lincoln"?

Anonymous said...

Each rose is gorgeous and I wish I could smell the fragrance of each one! Hope you both have a wonderful weekend.

Diane said...

Beautiful roses Betsy. Roses are just a favorite, aren't they.. Diane

Glenda said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful summer planned - and LOTS of photo opportunities!

Your roses are gorgeous - all of them!

Have a restful weekend!

Cicero Sings said...

Lovely, lovely roses Betsy. I have no luck with Roses at all!

Too bad I don't live on your planned route cuz I'd love to meet you and George! Hope it is a real fun triip. You'll have a ton to see so I hope you've left yourself enough time.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

It just occurred to me why you have so many roses...you can't make up your minds as to which are the favorites...because that's me...they're all beautiful and unique...just simply breathtaking!!
I'm in the corner of NW TN...60 miles from Jackson, Tn (I 40)...and 60miles from Paducah, Ky. (I 24)...if you're going to be anywhere near those two...let me know, I'd love to meet you two!!!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

All of the roses are so pretty. If only we could smell them.

Carletta said...

These are all lovely images but my favorite is the one of the Sweetness rose - dressed in pink and drenched!
I SO wish I lived somewhere along one of those routes.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Janice K said...

The picture of the Sweetness rose was super neat, and I loved the soft color of Pink Promise. All so lovely.

Sounds like a neat vacation in your future! Those are some of the routes we followed last fall. I never did finish posting my pictures. I still want to do that sometime.

Neal said...

WOW... those are gorgeous. I can't pick a favorite.

SquirrelQueen said...

The roses are all beautiful Betsy but I think I'm in love .... with Sweetness. That is a gorgeous rose.

You're route is going to take to too far south of us. There are so great sights down that way, enjoy.

Betty Manousos said...

oh my word, those are really stunning!
amazing colours!
love the droplets on them and i can almost feel the velvety of those petals.

happy weekend!

betty xx

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful, beautiful!

Happy@Home said...

Your roses are all beautiful. I am using my imagination on the delightful scent.

Happy@Home said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So in love with that second photo.. the pink one for heaven sakes. Rain and dewdrops always makes for such great photography, don't you think? Great job.


Lynda said...

The flowers are beautiful - - - glad I don't have to pick a favorite.
I-40 - - Knoxville - - if it's a weekend - - - or if you're ever going through I-75 from there south since we are near Chattanooga.
Hopefully my husband and I are going to meet Mildred and John about July 5 at their I-75 Exit for a break while driving.

Anonymous said...

Wow - those photos are lovely. Such sweet roses.

I'm smelling the lilac over here instead...

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...


They are all beautiful! I'd love to have all those petal to dry to use in sachets.

I haven't been by for a while due to blogger holding my blog hostage {again}! Today I was finally able to publish a post and leave comments.

Have fun on your journey!

Stephanie ♥

Janie said...

Your delicate roses are all so beautiful, Betsy.
We're a long way from I-70 or any other interstate, so we won't be on your path. Sounds like a great cross country trip!

Ann said...

oh wow those are all gorgeous. I absolutely love the shot of the one called sweetness.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful Roses and photography also! Enjoy your trip :)

carolina nana said...

Beautiful Roses, and you've just reminded me I haven't bought me this years rose yet!
Have a blessed tomorrow

Anonymous said...

You should travel north, not west. Then we could meet! Have a great time in your travels. Your destinations sound grand!

Chatty Crone said...

Each flower I look at I think is the prettiest - then I look at the next - it's even prettier! Gorgeous eye candy. Wish you were coming to GA!

Dar said...

I love your show of roses. Your neighbors must love driving slowly past to catch the scents. My fav, all of them but am partial to Welcome Home. There is something so special about a Yellow Rose and I'm not even from TX., tho I love that state of retirement.
Re: the fern you so loved in my garden is my Cinnamon Fern. I will show more pics as it grows taller. Already, some are over 4 ft. There is one growing at the foot of my steps that I do not have the heart to move. I know it has to go, so maybe under the trees where it will love the shade.

Sarah Knight said...

Beautiful shots!

Lady Di Tn said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I like the Veteran Honor the best too. Your previous post about Susan was very inspiring for those battling the disease. Her birthday is the same as my youngest nephew on my side of the family. Peace

LV said...

I admire you both so much for striking out and travel all over. That is wonderful, but do be careful. I would love to do that. I cannot imagine anyone having that many different roses. A rose paradise.

I Wonder Wye said...

Your roses are beautiful!!! We couldn't grow them here - to much humidity...we live on Wye Mt outside of LR, Arkansas and have a wild mustang sanctuary (wingspur.org) SO if you want to see the 'wild ones,' feel free to contact us and we'll give you a tour...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That sweetness is so lovely. It is amazing how you and George travel so much and still maintain such a beautiful garden.

When we came home from Church, the landline phone and internet was down.

We felt rather unease, especially I was away on Thursday and Friday and lots of visiting other blogs to catch up.

Rose said...

They are all gorgeous...I happen to love yellow roses. Not sure why..yet I love them all. If that makes sense...