Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Death of my Son


 Melvin Bertrand Wilhite III (known as Bert to the family/old friends and Tre to new friends)

July 18, 1963 --April 21, 2023

Thank You to ALL who have sent so many prayers and so much love not only to Bert--but to our entire family.  These past 3 months have been so difficult,  and let me just say how much I HATE CANCER.  God must have big plans for Bert since he took him from us WAY too quickly.

I have said this so many times,  but my other two sons,  Mark and Jeff,  couldn't have been anymore loving and helpful to Bert through this journey.  I couldn't have made it without them.  SO--a huge thank you for my sons and their families.

And I cannot write this without saying thank you to my ROCK,  George.  He has been with me constantly through this journey, and has given me more love than any one person deserves. Thank You to my Sweetheart.

These past 3 months, Bert and I have had some great talks about his life.  He has lived several places and experienced life in ways that many of us never have.  I'm sure I will be sharing more about these experiences over the next several weeks.

As a strong Christian,  I know that Bert is in a beautiful place and is totally out of pain.   He died peacefully with the family surrounding him.   He is now in heaven with his father (who died in July of 2022).

But--I will admit that I miss him TERRIBLY.   We have been texting each day (several times) with his Mama asking him how he felt... He would always text back telling me he was fine (even when he wasn't).  I almost picked up my phone this afternoon to text him.  BUT--He can't text me back now...   It HURTS so much....

I miss you Sweet Boy.  I will see you again someday in Heaven.   (Picture of my 'awesome' son was taken in 2021 on a family picnic celebrating his brother Jeff's 50th Birthday)

Monday, April 3, 2023


 Dear Blog Friends,    I thought I'd better give you a March Update since I haven't written lately.  First of all,  I do want you to know that George and I are fine--for two old people!!!   We are slowing down but enjoying life!!!!!   Today I'll share a few pictures from  THREE  March events you may have missed (unless you follow me on Facebook)...

FIRST was our little trip to Cades Cove (in the Smokies) to celebrate George's 81st BIRTHDAY on March 9.

SECOND-- shows you some of our DAFFODIL collections in our yard.  The Daffodils must love our rainy weather since they have really put on a show this past month.

THIRD-- was our little spur of the moment trip to KENTUCKY   (March 25 and 26).   We seldom go anywhere much anymore --so this was a nice change for us,  and we NEEDED it.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!!

The Birthday Boy enjoying some ice cream at Cades Cove in the Smokies

I love this picture that George took on his Birthday --showing the silky water at the Sinks in the Smokies.

 Two very happy people enjoying George's Birthday at Cades Cove in the Smokies.

Daffodils in our Yard,  March 2023

These little Daffodils were given to us many years ago by George's sweet Daddy.

More pretty Daffodils in our yard;  We have so many different varieties.

This is from the PINNACLE at the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park in Middleboro, KY..  You can see the little quaint town of Cumberland Gap below.  We love to visit the Pinnacle every time we get near that area, but this time --the high winds and cold temperatures made it more difficult to take pictures....  

From the balcony of our room at the lodge at Pine Mountain State Resort Park,   we enjoyed watching the sun disappear behind the mountain.   NOTE the colors in the sun's rays!!!!  I called it a Sun-Bow!!!!! ha

Another beautiful photo of the fantastic Kentucky mountains,  taken from the lodge at Pine Mountain State Resort Park

The next day,  on our way home,  we stopped at Cumberland Falls State Resort Park.   The waterfall was dirty but beautiful after all of the rains we have had.

Finally,  an update on son BERT who has terminal cancer:  

March 1st-- Bert had his last visit with Palliative Care.

March 2nd-- Bert had his last visit with the Oncologist

March 10--Bert was evaluated by HOSPICE care.

March 13-- HOSPICE took over his care.  We (the family) are very pleased with Hospice so far.  They visit him often,  have taken over his medications and have them delivered to his home the next day after being ordered,  and have given the family much information about cremation,  giving his organs for research, etc. They have taken a lot of responsibility off of the family --AND they are keeping him out of pain.

Right now,  Bert is doing remarkably well.   Even with this terrible cancer --he has been healthy in all other ways (which really is helping).   He still cannot eat/drink much since the cancer is in his throat and has destroyed his taste buds... The Radiation treatments HELPED shrink the big tumor but in the process,  he has struggled swallowing and eating solid foods...  Hospice has provided some healthy 'clear' drinks for him which help him get the necessary calories....  Because of his lack of hunger and being able to taste,  he is losing weight plus the fact that he doesn't have much energy.   BUT--he'll tell you if you ask that he is doing FINE...  Bless his heart...

I took this photo last Wednesday  (March 29) when we took Bert to the Soup Kitchen for lunch.  He was able to eat 1/2 cup of Curried Chicken soup  and drink some water.   He took the rest home to eat that night for his dinner.... 

I'm so proud of him and his wonderful attitude.   As I said before,  we don't know how long we will have this wonderful guy on this earth,  but every day we do have him is a BLESSING...

