Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Dear Blog Friends, I'm just stopping by to wish you and your families and friends a very happy THANKSGIVING. Whatever you do, just take a minute and thank God for all of your blessings. 

 George and I will be driving to Georgia for a Family Thanksgiving Dinner. It will be a great day for us since spending time with family is something we all should be thankful for. 

 God's Blessings, 

 Betsy and George

Monday, November 14, 2022

More FALL COLORS around our Yard and Area

Dear Blog Friends....  Can you believe it:  a Post two weeks in a row?????? ha ....  I won't guarantee this will continue but who knows?????   I'm much slower these days --and Blogger keeps changing and making it harder for me!!!  It's not as much fun as it used to be.  Facebook,  on the other hand,  is much simpler and more enjoyable now for this old woman... Oh Well...  I've lost a lot of Blog friends since I don't Blog much --and that makes me sad.  BUT--I do love you all and love hearing from you.

Last week I posted pictures from our trip to see the colors in the mountains...  SO--today I'll share pictures taken from here at home and in our Fairfield Glade area.   It was (gone now and the trees are bare) a beautiful Fall for this entire area this year... Hope you enjoy the pictures.

The first to bloom each year,  our Pink Dogwood  10/4/22

The  REDS of Fall always bloom early!  This is the beautiful Red Maple tree in our yard. 10/4/22  

Another picture of our Red Maple (from below looking up at the blue sky). 10/9/22

A colorful tree in our area 10/10/22

I love the oranges of Fall.   Tree in our area 10/10/22

More trees in our area;  I love the mixtures of colors.  10/13/22

Our Beautiful Golf Course,  near our home 10/13/22

Our Gorgeous backyard with all its trees in Fall;  NOTE the 2 deer in the picture.  There were 3 but one is to the right of my picture!   10/16/22

Another view of Fall that we enjoyed from our deck  10/17/22

I love sitting on the deck looking up at the colors.  10/17/22

Our large yellow Norway Maple tree in our upper side yard.   These maples are some of the LAST ones to turn colors in the Fall..  10/26/22

Our Sweet little home 10/26/22


Well---as I say every time I post a Blog,  this is enough pictures for this post!!!!!!  We had a beautiful Autumn this year and I love showing off the Fairfield Glade area including our home... 

Hope you had a beautiful Fall also (unless you live in Australia and are enjoying Spring now)... ha

Have a great week.  

Love to all,


Monday, November 7, 2022

Our FALL COLORS trip to the Mountains 10/19/22 and 10/20/22

Dear Blog Friends,   Welcome to NOVEMBER.    Our October here in Fairfield Glade was a gorgeous month when it comes to seeing lots of beautiful colors as the leaves changed.  The colors were beautiful here in the Glade --but I always love to see the colors dotting the mountains every year when possible.  SOOOO---On October 19 and 20th we took a short trip to see the colors in those mountains.  First we drove across the Cherohala Skyway (between Tellico Plains, TN and Robbinsville, NC).   We spent the night in Cherokee, NC and that next day we drove across the Smoky Mountains (between Cherokee, NC and Gatlinburg, TN).   Then on the way home --we drove on the Foothills Parkway (between Wears Valley, TN and Townsend, TN).

What a great trip we had seeing colors most all of the way. We were almost too late to see vivid colors on the TOPS of the mountains ---but at the middle and lower elevations,  they were beautiful.   Today I will share 12 pictures (4 from Cherohala,  4 from the Smokies,  and 4 from the Foothills Parkway).  Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!!!!

Come and take a ride with us along the Cherohala Skyway.

God's Paintbrush along the Cherohala Skyway

My favorites are always the reddish/oranges of Fall (along the Cherohala)

The Fall Colors looking across the lake (along the Cherohala)

In the Smokies the next day;  This one got my attention because of the swirls in the sky.  The  angels must be dancing!!!!!

More pretty sky pictures;  One thing I love about the Smokies is all of the layers and layers of mountains.

The Reds may be gone but I love the yellows and rusts here in the Smokies.

Taken in the Smokies near the top of the mountain (near Newfound Gap)

More colors along the Foothills Parkway (at a lower elevation);  Looking across Wears Valley with  the Smoky Mountains in the distance!

From inside our car,  you can see how pretty our drive was along the Foothills Parkway.

There's one of those orange-ish Maple Trees along the Foothills Parkway.

On more picture showing the glorious Fall Colors along the Foothills Parkway

Hope you enjoyed seeing my pictures on our little trip to see the Fall Colors in the mountains.  I am blessed to have taken this little venture.  Of course I did a lot of Oohing and Ahhhhing... You may have heard me!!!!!!!! ha

I have a group of pictures taken here at home, in our area  which I hope to post soon.  The 'home' pictures are different in that I can show individual trees showing off their colors...  

Hope things are doing GOOD with you and hope you've been able to get out and enjoy the beauty all around you.  

