Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Ride in the Country --Part I

George and I took a drive in the country this past Sunday afternoon east of Fairfield Glade toward the little town of Hebbertsburg, TN. Since we haven't done much of this in awhile, due to my knee surgery, it felt wonderful just to get out for a drive. What does one find while driving around in the country????? WELL---pictured above, you'll see some gorgeous blue skies, puffy clouds and lots of beautiful mountains in the background... Below --you'll see more!!!

You stop and enjoy a neat little creek --on a hot, summer day!

You drive on tiny little roads just like this one!!!!

You pass by an old barn, and think about Blog Friend, ROSE, who loves barns!!!

You also pass and admire (and take lots of pictures of) all of the gorgeous wildflowers in bloom now!

AND--you will pass by a cute little log home --which you wished belonged to you!!!!! Sigh!!!

I'll have six more pictures from this little ride--which I will share next week.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! I have a doctor's appointment today --so maybe I'll find out what the next step is!!!! Don't you just love hearing about the Saga of my KNEE?????? Fun Fun!!!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Deaths at Waterfalls

Blog friend
SANDRA told me about a death she read about at a waterfall in North Carolina. I found out that it was a waterfall which George and I visited in August of 2006. This death was a 28-year old woman from Asheville, NC. She was wading at the top of Rainbow Falls (pictured above) and slipped.... The article said that 13 people have died in that region of NC since 2001, and there have been 4 deaths in 15 years at Rainbow Falls alone.

When I was reading about this death, I heard about another death at another waterfall which we also have visited. On May 29, a man died at Elk River Falls near Banner Elk, NC. People always scare us when we are checking out waterfalls. George and I are VERY careful and never hike or wade around the top of a waterfall --unless we are FAR away from the edge. People are so careless --and we see people taking chances everywhere we go..

Since Sandra mentioned Rainbow Falls (not the Smoky Mountains one in TN--but the one in NC), I decided to go back in the archives and show you some pictures of this area and the waterfalls we saw in 2006. Above is a picture of RAINBOW FALLS (which is 150 feet high). Below are more!

We took an EIGHT mile hike in 2006 to see four beautiful waterfalls on the Horsepasture River, south of Sapphire, NC. Rainbow Falls was one of the four. The one above is DRIFT FALLS. Some people call it "Bustyourbutt" Falls--since people slide down that waterfall!!! That is a very appropriate name, don't you think???

This one was neat and is named TURTLEBACK FALLS. It was one of my favorites I think that day.

Here's another view of TURTLEBACK FALLS from the side... Isn't it pretty?

This was the last one (of the four) --and I would not recommend this one since the hike was long and hard --and we couldn't get a good view of it. Its name is STAIRWAY FALLS.

Here's one more view of RAINBOW FALLS. The trail doesn't even lead to the top of this waterfall, or anywhere near it. I don't understand why anyone would be crawling around the top.... GADS!!!!!

This waterfall is not near the other four, but since there was a death here in May, I included this one. This is ELK RIVER FALLS (50 feet tall) --and it is near Banner Elk and Boone, NC. We visited this waterfall in February of 2008. Again, why would anyone be climbing around the top of that waterfall???????? Apparently--from what we read and see, people are stupid!!!!! George and I try to be very very careful!!! BUT--we are there to take pictures, not to swim near or play in the water!

Hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!!!! I have started walking this week. So far, it's slow, and only back and forth around my yard --but it's a beginning. My knee still hurts, so I either need to learn to walk with the pain --or continue to sit (which I refuse to do). There may be a knee replacement in my future--but for now, I'm doing much better than I was!!!!!!

Bless you ALL.

Monday, June 28, 2010


My knee problem began the first of May... SO--it's been a long and hard couple of months for me... With the pain and medication problems came some real "DOWN" time for me with lots of tears and Pity Parties..

My husband has been wonderful, and very patient with my moodiness. But--he wants his positive, happy gal back... And ---so do I... Out of my tears recently came the statement, "I just want my old self back. I want to feel better."

SO---George came up with an idea to bring that smile back to my face. He was going to take me to my favorite place in the world, our little cabin at Mt. Nebo, Arkansas. IF that won't make me smile, nothing will!!!!!

Here are some pictures taken this past February on our trip to Paradise. Above is the precious little cabin where we stay. Below are more.

This is the back patio/porch area of the cabin. Since we always go to Nebo in the late Fall or Winter, we have never gotten to sit outside much --or have a picnic at the picnic table. Wouldn't it be fun to be there during the Summer?

AND--while we sit on the porch or at the picnic table, this is our view.... Wow--life is good at Mt. Nebo!!!!

OR---we could get up early and enjoy this beautiful sunrise....Oh My Heart!!!

OR---we could sit and enjoy seeing these Cutie Pies---without having to worry about them eating our Roses!!!!!

OR----we could sit outside until after dark, watching the sun go down in the west....

NOW---there's good news and there's bad news to this story. The good news is that I think I have found Betsy --and she's not hiding in the depths of depression anymore.

Thanks to my good friend, MILDRED, I found something to soothe my tummy... After trying several things, I found that Maalox did the trick... Thank you, Mildred!!!! AND--my knee pain has gotten much better and I am OFF of both of those horrible prescription drugs. I finally think I am on the mend.... It has been a long two months.

The bad news is that, since I am doing so well, I guess that trip is OFF. We are planning a big August trip---so I'll just have to build up my strength for that trip. The other part of that problem is that Mt. Nebo is usually FULL in the Summer and we don't have reservations. Oh Well---it's fun to yearn for paradise.....

What do you think????? Should I get sick again????? Nah---probably not!!!! That was not a fun couple of months.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Our 2010 Lilies --Part II

So far, this Summer, I have showed you 8 of the Lilies blooming in our yard. Today, I am sharing 6 more for you, beginning with AFRICAN QUEEN --pictured above. (To see all of our 2010 Lilies, you can go to the LABELS on my sidebar and click on LILIES 2010.)

BLACK BEAUTY (Pretty color, don't you think?)




TOUCHING (one of my favorite new Lilies this year)

Several of you have asked about my knee--and I will tell you that it's been 3 weeks since surgery and I am beginning to feel better. My knee is actually doing better than my stomach. The pain medications did a 'number' on my tummy ---and even though I am OFF of most of those medications, my stomach is still not back to normal. BUT--since I try to stay positive, let me just say that I'm BETTER --and just need to stay patient. Thanks for asking.

Have a nice weekend... I'll be back on Monday morning.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Precious Little Bluebirds

Here is Mama Bluebird, making all kinds of noise and staring at our Sliding Door... She is the most HYPER bird I have ever seen.... She has spent several days recently trying to 'dive' into our glass doors. For some reason (this has never happened before to us), Mama sees her reflection ---and thinks that another female Bluebird is invading her territory. She can't stand it... She flits around making all kinds of noise ---and actually scares the other birds away from the feeders...

Even when I am sitting right there on the deck with her, she is not afraid of me... BUT---she flies around constantly, making all kinds of noise... Then, she'll go and check on the babies in the nestbox --and then fly all around the yard, still making all kinds of noise. I was really afraid that she was going to hurt herself.... We finally put up an old shower curtain over the windows --and that helped a little. BUT--she remained hyper until the birds fledged sometime early yesterday morning. Yesterday, I only saw Mama Bluebird once --and she seemed to have calmed down (thank goodness).

Mama (in the midst of her turmoil) never ever neglected the babies. Can you see one with its mouth open---begging for food????

Isn't she a gorgeous little bird???? I know that she was just trying to protect her little ones ---but gee, she needed a pill to settle herself down a bit!!! Wonder what Daddy thought of Mama and her antics?????

Sorry these pictures are dark--but it is very shady where the nestbox is... In this picture, Daddy is inside cleaning up the poopy diapers---while Mama waits on top. That's Daddy's rear end that you see inside!!!

Here is Daddy leaving the nest. Both Mom and Dad are good parents.

I love this picture of Mama with her wings spread out... I seldom am lucky enough to get pictures of birds in flight.

"Hello, Little One.... Welcome to this big-ole world." Isn't he (or she) precious???? We think there were 4 babies in this brood. I guess they are up in the trees somewhere being taught about REAL LIFE now....

I hope Mom and Dad come back and do it again.... We'll clean out the nestbox this week. BUT---I hope Mama Bluebird settles herself down a little and just enjoys her babies!!!!! ha


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Nine Years of Pure JOY

On this day (June 23, 2001), George and I got married!! We usually take an Anniversary trip--but this year, we are enjoying our Air Conditioned home while I continue to improve from my recent Knee Surgery... Here's a little of our story!

On August 5, 1942, this little girl was born in the small town of Big Stone Gap, Virginia. Her name is Elizabeth Bruce Banks.

AND--on March 9, 1942, this good looking young man was born in Gary, Indiana. His name is George Emery Adams. I put this picture of George (who was the oldest of 4 children) with his parents, both of whom are still alive and living in Hendersonville, Tennessee. (Dad will be 98 in August and Mom is 90. Amazing couple!!!!)

Well---this couple didn't find each other until we were 59 years old. Both had led very different lives for many years before we met. Between us, we had 5 wonderful children and 7 grandchildren. BUT--God led us both to new employment opportunities in the fall of 2000 to Hendersonville, TN... We met in January of 2001, had our first date in March and were married on June 23 that year. Here are a few more pictures from our wedding, held in Knoxville, TN.

We wrote our own vows --which were very meaningful. We were married outside along the Tennessee River, on a gorgeous Saturday morning with only the family present.

The most important part---the KISS.... The person on the left is my oldest son and the giggling lady on the right is Rev. Nancy Wilhite, who married us.

Here's the family surrounding us ---as we all sang "Amazing Grace".

The reception was under the pavilion --and of course, both of us loved stuffing cake into our mouths!!!! If you want to see more pictures from our wedding, click HERE.

I cannot express in words just how much George means to me. If you have read my blog for awhile, I'm sure you KNOW. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met --and our love just continues to grow, as we also grow in years. I hope and pray that we have many, many more years together. Thank You, Honey, for marrying ME and for being the best friend I have ever had.

IF you have not met the 'love of your life' yet, don't EVER give up... It can happen!!! I never dreamed it would happen to me!!!! WOW!!!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Daylilies in our Yard Now

Our yard is ablaze with color these days (Roses, Lilies, Daylilies, etc.). Even with the extreme heat which we are having, the flowers are doing really well... Today, I will share some of our beautiful Daylilies. The picture above is a variety which are blooming next to our garage. Aren't they pretty? Below are some more individual ones.

As much as I do NOT like the Alabama Crimson Tide Football Team (since I'm a big Tennessee Vol fan)----I will admit that I do love the 'crimson' color of this Daylily. Its name appropriately is BAMA BOUND.



FRED HAM (Don't you just love the texture in this Daylily?)

Finally, this beauty (don't you love the color) is named PRAIRIE BLUE EYES.

Hope you are enjoying the beauty around you too, wherever you are... It's still extremely HOT here --and it looks like this heat wave will continue all week.... Thank God for our Air Conditioned home!!!!
