Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 2, 2016

March was a Pretty Month in our Yard- 2016

Hello Friends,   YES---I know!!!!  It's MAY (can you believe it?)---but I am just now publishing my "March Flowers"  blog post.... ha ha ..... Where have I been?  WELL---we took two trips in April plus all of the Spring yardwork and all of the exercise/walking we do.  SO---that's my excuse and I'm stickin' with it!!!!!!

Anyhow---Spring is a wonderful time around our yard,  beginning with these March flowers...  Our biggest March joy this year was all of the many, many Daffodils we had.  They bloomed from mid-March to mid-April...  Amazing!  Hope you saw the Daffodil blog post I did this past month.

Next came the big flowering trees/bushes (Forsythia and Red Bud--shown today,  and Pink Dogwood in April)... Then came all of our Tulips (post coming soon).   and now we have tons of gorgeous Irises blooming.  The Roses are beginning to bloom --and next will come the Lilies and Daylilies.  SO--you can see how exciting life is here in Tennessee.

I went through all of my March pictures and pulled out 12 to share with you today.  Since I already showed the Daffodils (individually and up-close),  I skipped most of those photos.  I'm also skipping the Tulip photos since I will blog about them separately....

Now that it is MAY---it looks kinda funny to see our yard with no leaves on the trees in these pictures.  There's a HUGE difference now,  but that will have to be another future post.... ha..  Sit back and pretend it's still MARCH --and enjoy seeing our yard then!

The picture at the top and this one are of our little CROCUSES in our yard.  Crocuses are always the first little flowers to bloom in Spring and ours were so pretty.  This picture was taken on 3/7/16 and the one at the top of the post was taken on 3/16/16.

Next (after the Crocuses) came the HYACINTHS. We had 3-4 different colored ones this year and they were so pretty...  They have a strong aroma also.   This picture was taken on 3/13/16.

A pretty Hot Pink HYACINTH (taken 3/13/16)

A few years ago,  we purchased a small FORSYTHIA Bush.  This year was the first year that it bloomed  A LOT... SO pretty in spring!!!!  I thought you'd like to see a close-up of the blooms.  Photo taken on 3/16/16;

This picture of part of our front yard was taken on 3/25/16.  You can see Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths in this bed (which is one of our Rose Beds). You can also see Daffodils blooming in the two round beds.  At that time,  we were EXCITED about the GREEN grass... The trees had no leaves at that time....

Our Ground Cover (Periwinkle ---or Vinca Minor) is so gorgeous in March and April when it blooms and blooms.  We love the little blueish (almost purple) flowers.  (Picture taken on 3/25/16)

Here's a close-up of some of the Daffodils and Hyacinths in the bed in front of our Rose Bed.  (Picture taken on 3/25/16)

We have two gorgeous RED BUD Trees in our yard.  This is the largest one.   We love seeing the Red Buds bloom in Spring.  (Picture taken on 3/28/16)

Here's a close-up of some of the RED BUD blooms.  Pretty against that blue sky,  aren't they?    (Photo taken on 3/28/16)

Here's one more picture of this bed filled with Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths.  (In May/June,  this bed will be filled with blooming Roses.)  Photo taken on 3/31/16;

Our Home in March (taken 3/31/16);  We loved it then with the green grass and all of the flowers blooming....  BUT??????  (See next picture)

Can you tell a huge difference in ONE month?  This obviously is NOT a March picture of our home --but was taken on 4/30/16, from across the street....  AMAZING the difference,  isn't it?  Nature is just so awesome.  Oh how I love living here --where we have four very different seasons.
I just had to show you this last picture to compare with one a month ago. George and I get up about 5 a.m. almost every single morning and take a 2 mile walk on the golf course cart path next to our home.  We have been watching the leaves on the trees gradually come out this past month.  But seeing pictures like these last two really show the drastic changes.

Well---that was our March!!!  Next,  I'll show you April in our yard..  In addition,  I'll share a Tulip post.  AND---we took a short trip to the North Carolina mountains (Cashiers) this past month --so that's another post....   AND--when will I have time to do all of this since we also have a trip planned in May??????? ha ha ha

BUT---all you need to know is that LIFE for George and me is GOOD...  We both got one of the best medical reports (after our yearly physicals) that we have gotten.  SO--I guess for a couple of OLD people,  we are still plugging along.

If you missed seeing two more gorgeous ROSES on my Photo Blog yesterday,  click HERE to see them...

Much LOVE to all of you,


linda m said...

That is great news about your physicals. Congrats on your A+ report. Also, your yard is awesome - the flowers just blow my mind. Around here Spring is still struggling to arrive, but is making progress. Thanks for sharing all your lovely flowers with us.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, lovely flowers and blossoms. I think your yard and gardens are always beautiful. So glad you and George both have good reports on your health! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

George said...

It was interesting seeing these pictures from March and noting the differences when I look out the window. All of your pictures are gorgeous. I guess we're doing pretty well for a couple of senior citizens, aren't we?

baili said...

you brought such amazing lovely sights to eyes dear,these flowers are so beautiful and so unique never saw such before dear

Linda Kay said...

Beautiful flowers!

Kay said...

I always love to see your springtime blooms.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You always have such pretty things in bloom. I just took a neighbor some of my forsythia last night. Hopefully it will do well for her. And she gave me some of her lilac bush, which I planted this morning. I love trading with my neighbors for flowers.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wow, what glorious beauty you have there. Thank you for sharing ~ FlowerLady

Connie said...

Your blooms are all so beautiful, Betsy. Your yard is always so gorgeous. You and George put a lot of work into it, and it shows. Glad to hear you got good reports from the Doctor. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooo - so very pretty!

Betsy said...

Betsy, I loved this post full of happiness and joy. Yes, your flowers, trees and yard are beautiful, but the best news for me was at the end. You and George are healthy, happy and chock full of "vim and vigor" as my Mom used to say. It makes my heart happy. Thank you for the beautiful photos.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love seeing all your flowers, Betsy, as we are still getting snow at times here. Our trees are just beginning to grow leaves and annuals will have to wait a few more weeks to be planted. The colors in your photos are so pretty--I think springtime flowers are among the most beautiful!

HappyK said...

Your gardens always look so beautiful. These spring pictures are all gorgeous.

Shug said...

Your flowers are always so pretty. Sam just commented to me how beautiful your iris's are! Our April showers did a lot of damage to most blooms! 😥

David said...

Betsy, Health is the most important factor at our age, that's for sure... Congratulations on positive medical reports! Beautiful flower photos as usual! Getting up at 5 AM for any reason is way beyond my imagination. It's 8 - 9 AM for us but we're both night owls. The beauty of retirement is that one can chose the bed time and wake time because we don't usually have a schedule! Take Care, Dave

Fun60 said...

A blaze of colour to celebrate your health.

Ruth Hiebert said...

This post is beautiful and a lot more timely for my part of the world. We are just beginning to see green grass and tiny leaves emerging.Keep on having fun and enjoying life.

LV said...

I am so happy you two are able to be out and about. So many are not. No doubt your active life style definitely makes a difference. Always such a joy seeing your lovely home surrounded by beautiful flowers.

Nellie said...

What gorgeous flowers, Betsy! Evidence of your hard work gardening! xo Nellie

Arkansas Patti said...

Wonderful news about your physicals. You both keep doing all the right things.
Wasn't worried when you didn't post for I know with that lovely yard you have that this time of year is a hugely busy one. Boy is it worth it. Be proud Betsy and George.

Linda P said...

Glad you and George are keeping well and active. Your yard has been looking colourful for many weeks. A lot of work has been put in and it's a joy to see your Spring flowers.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

You have the most beautiful yard, Betsy! With all the traveling you and George do, I'm amazed that you have time to cultivate such a glorious garden! It's spectacular!!

Big Dude said...

It was indeed a pretty month.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The photo of that first crocus is gorgeous! Love the redbuds, too. Your yard shows all the tender, loving care that you both put into it.

Susie Swanson said...

Awesome news about your physicals. That's all it takes is walking and diet. Walking is the best exercise there is. Your yard looks like a paradise. I know you both work very hard and it really shows. Hugs and lots of love to you both. xo

Sally Wessely said...

Such color and vibrancy is making me just a little jealous. The snow is melting here, so soon we should have some flowers. Lovely photos as always.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Glad you two are well. Such a show at your place. Love the changes in spring.

Ann said...

everything is so pretty. My forsythia has always been full of blooms until last year it didn't bloom at all. This year it started to and then we go snow and that was the end of the blooms

Judy said...

Your flowers are beautiful. I love Spring and the changes that come with it.

Chatty Crone said...

I am not kidding you, I bet every one of your neighbors love having you there. I think they probably go back and forth pass your house just to see the beauty there - I know I would!

Devilish Angel said...

Amazing photos...Lovely...

Pat Tillett said...

Wow! You already live in a gorgeous place, and your landscaping is amazing. I would love to live with all that around me, but I don't want to do the work. Fantastic photos also Betsy!

Ms. A said...

What a difference a month makes!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Glad you both are is A! form and condition. I do not know how you manage to do so much work in your garden however it is very much worth it as all your spring flowers are glorious. Good to see a post from you and to hear all the news.

Andrea said...

Hi Betsy, i thought i have missed visiting your site, but no you are the one not constantly showing up, hehe. But i am glad i came in here as the blooms are so beautiful once again. I love most that purple flowering tree at the last, i wonder why it is called REd Bud tree. Your area with the bald trees are looking good as well, it tells me that is a scene from a temperate land. Stay happy,. best regards.

Marie said...

your yard is so beautiful...I can always count on seeing beautiful flowers on your blog. :) some of the flowers don't even look real!
can you believe it's May?? I'm way behind on my blog as well. Let's enjoy everyday! we're having a pretty sunny day here. :) I'm playing with my pups and enjoying the wildlife in my yard.
happy days to you!

DeniseinVA said...

That is great to hear that you and George had wonderful med reports Betsy. Your flower photos are absolutely glorious! Can't wait to hear where you two went in May :) Happy traveling!

Small City Scenes said...

Very pretty, Betsy. I love the Crocus (and all other flowers) because they are the bright spot early on sometimes peeking through the snow. The flush over green in spring is so beautiful. I always say green in Spring is almost obscene. LOL

The Furry Gnome said...

Betsy, it doesn't look like March to me. Our Daffodils and Hyacinth are both in bloom, and our Forsythia has just started too. Mind you our Crocuses are over; they got snowed on. Sadly we don't have any of the stunning Redbuds that get enough warmth to bloom. Those last two pictures of your house are a great comparison!

Unknown said...

Hi Betsy,
Know you have been busy, but wow such lovely pictures.

Joe Todd said...

I took a cutting from a FORSYTHIA Bush near Cades Cove a few years back. It is now almost a very small bush.