When George and I were on our long Day Trip through the Smoky Mountains on Friday, Sept. 5, we saw so many beautiful wildflowers and Fall colors along our way. I can tell you the name of many of the flowers in our yard--but I cannot tell you the name of all of the Wildflowers. SO---if you know them, leave a comment and everyone can read the comments when looking for a specific name. In the meantime though, just enjoy the beautiful colors.
The picture of me above was taken near an overlook not far into North Carolina from the top of the mountain at Newfound Gap (Highway 441) between Gatlinburg and Cherokee. These big patches of WHITE flowers were so pretty, don't you think? On Facebook when I posted this photo, I said that there was a THORN in the middle of the beauty!!!!! ha ha .... Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.
Some Signs of FALL |
Some kind of Coneflowers maybe |
Goldenrod ---I think!! |
Not really a flower ---but I just have to include a FERN for you --since I do that most every time we hike. You can see that it had rained when I got this photo... The ferns loved the rain! |
The Dogwoods are one of the first leaves to change colors --but they haven't turned yet here in Fairfield Glade (like they have in the Smokies in this photo.) |
I don't know what the green leaves are with the red stripe --but I like them!!! |
George even enjoyed playing in the wildflowers!!! |
Loved the combination of colors here |
We saw some interesting skies in the mountains that day--but I think the flowers added some pretty colors to those mountains, don't you? |
Love the little yellow buttercup-looking flowers --and of course, we all know what a Thistle looks like. |
Looks like daisies |
Love the little bluish/purplish flowers and of course, that gorgeous blue/black BUTTERFLY |
That bee likes those little yellow flowers as much as I do!!!! |
Another beautiful Fall picture --showing some colorful leaves |
Well---weren't these flowers/colors pretty???? I never appreciated wildflowers years ago --until I got interested in photography... I've also learned from many of you how to appreciate so many more things in nature--but I still don't know the names of most of these wildflowers. I hope you can help us identify some of these little gorgeous beauties!
I can't name them, but they sure are beautiful!
I enjoyed seeing you and George in the middle of the wild flowers! I can see yellow Evening Primrose next to pink clover (photo 14), yellow tansy (the one with the bee) and small mauve/blue Michaelmas daisies that are part of the wild aster family. The photo with the cone flowers and the mountains is beautiful as is your header.
great assortment of wild flowers. They all look pretty especially that big one with a blue cap.
Autumn in the Smokies is a beautiful thing :-)
I really like this kind of landascapes! All the colors in American autumn are something.....incredibly stunning!!!
I always say that, you're lucky people living so close to all this nature!
Have a nice week Betsy
Hugs <ยบ)))<
No coneflowers, but you do have some sunflower families and asters. What a lovely selection to enjoy.
Beautiful flowers, Betsy.
Those are some beautiful wildflowers. And I love the Fall colors. Of course the views of the Smoky Mountains are always appreciated by me. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
I usually associated blooming wildflowers with spring but you've proved that fall has just as many. Lovely assortment too.
It is a gorgeous place to visit anytime.. I love all the pretty wildflowers and the ferns. Great post, Betsy! Have a happy day!
The wildflowers are so pretty, Betsy! I don't know the names either, but I enjoy seeing them. Looks peaceful there.
Just gorgeous. And what a beautiful setting. Thanks....:)
Unfortunately I can't help you with the names, but I can tell you that you got some beautiful pictures.
Hi Betsy, I was just thinking of those gorgeous fall colors up there in your neck of the woods when I opened this post, I went "Wow"! Beautiful! I do miss the colors - green here almost all the year. I do have a Sycamore that drops its leaves on time. Our Oaks still keep leaves until January or Feb. Have a wonderful day!
I'm naming them beautiful--George too!! One more week until fall but who is counting???
The 6th from the bottom is polk...and you got Goldenrod right. I don't know my wildflowers either.
I just love that green leafed plant with the red veins, too. Looks like a good day to have been out in nature.
Betsy, there is nothing quite as beautiful as wild flowers. And the leaves that you captured are lovely as well.
It is hard to beat the beauty of nature. I lived most of my life in the country and saw many wild flowers, but do not recall their names. The first sight, you could almost get lost in the greens.
It's pretty amazing how many of the wild flowers are still blooming so beautifully. So far up here our trees haven't been showing fall colors, but the nights have been getting lots cooler--it will happen soon.
Good Monday morning, Betsy. We have a daughter and son-in-law who could identify all those wildflowers for you! I've never tried to call them by name.:-)
Have a wonderful day!
Good Morning Betsy! Those are beautiful wild flowers but, unfortunately I don't have a clue as to any of their names either. Our leaves are turning up here in the Northwest too. It's very early for that and makes me think the winter ahead could be a doozy! Have a lovely day.
Beautiful captures as always, Betsy, and such glorious colors and exquisite views! What a great day and thank you -- as always -- for sharing the beauty and the fun with us!! Hope you have a great new week! Enjoy!!
I love wildflowers! That butterfly photo is gorgeous! Love all your pics!
Beautiful!!! So neat to see the wildflowers as well as the start of the fall foliage. Ours now is just starting to turn but the wildflowers are long gone!
What lovely flowers and scenery.
The little yellow is a primrose and the daisies near it are hardy asters, probably. This is your season!
The bush with purple berries is American beautyberry, and in addition to the goldenrod and flowers already named by other comments, I spotted daisy fleabane and clover (maybe what you were calling thistle?). Lovely pictures!
Such beauty!! One day wouldn't have been enough for me! The photo with the orange flowers in the foreground and God's glorious mountains in the background is breath-taking. It would make a wonderful painting. So beautiful.
Oh my gosh, Betsy! This is all so beautiful. You're really making me miss the mainland for sure. I just love all your wildflower photos.
Beautiful captures, Betsy!! You NEED a wildflower guide to take on your trips! No, I am serious it would be great fun! I was sure I would guess a few, but NOT ONE!! I did no better than you!! So now we are both stumped!
Betsy, Beautiful flower photos! I love Fall, it's colors and nice temperatures...but I don't care much for the following season! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
I do like the looks of Fall coming on!! My goodness...what wonderful pics of the wild flowers. My favorite...the one with the yellow flowers and the mountains in the background...so so pretty! Don't you just love this season of your life? hiking and having the time of your life, with the one you love! Awesome!
i really feel like fall has arrived sooner this year. more fall leaves & all that jazz. it is wild. i wonder why?
i love the wildflowers. have a great day. i will be back to commenting more now. been traveling. it has been a busy time. & horrible cell service. never a dull moment. ( :
Everything looks so lush and green and aren't those wildflowers gorgeous? Great photos as always Betsy.
very pretty wild flowers and I love the picture of the mountains with the yellow flowers across the bottom
Beautiful pictures. I have long ago given up trying to find names for the wildflowers. I just enjoy them. You got lovely shots that day.
So beautiful, Betsy! Lovely flowers (and thorns! :-) ) Your photos are wonderful, and I am so excited about that emerging fall color! Such a great trip of course.
By the way, just FYI, a lot of people don't understand why the murals are allowed to be in the Denver Airport, but the airport is privately funded, as I mentioned, and the people who control it believe that there will be a cataclysm and then a new world will emerge (New World Order) when most people will be gone and the children of the world will inherit a time of peace, but with the elite in charge. This is one of their ways of telling us what is going on, without trumpeting it loudly. It's like the Georgia Guidestones (look them up if you don't know about them). We just had to go see them for ourselves!
Have a great week.
Love that first picture of you. You look so cute in all those wild flowers. : )
Wow, those Fall flowers might be more impressive than their Spring cousins. Just beautiful.
I have a signal tree here that is the very first in the area to turn and I noticed today, it is starting. We may have a better year of color since the signal tree is showing lots of red. Last year it just turned brown.
I like the colors of fall. Very nice !
I enjoyed this Besty! Seeing you and George in all this beauty is so relaxing. I'm so glad you 'all can get out there and enjoy things!
The wild flowers are so pretty. You saw a great assortment!
I have seen ferns in rainforest and I think they grow where there’s often rain. I also began to admire the flowers only after got interested in photography, but I liked the fragrance of flowers.
Beautiful photos Betsy! The little yellow flowers were such cute :) and wildflower are exotic unlike we grow in homes... Love the overlooking mountains shot with flowers at bottom.
All beautiful Betsy to be sure, but the one that really stands out in composition AND beauty [at least for me] is the mountain backdrop with the turbulent sky behind/above and the yellow wildflowers in the foreground.
By the way...Joyce has posted the questions for this week's Hodgepodge if you'd like to join and answer them on your own blog this time instead of in comments. Here is the link:
I love the beautiful wildflowers and something is blooming at every time of year. I always had to look them up our the wildflower ID book! Enjoy your week! Have fun, Diane
Isn't it funny Betsy - some of them are so beautiful and yet they cause me so many allergies!
I love Fall too. The first leaves to turn out here are the Western Vine Maple and the the other Maples and the beat goes on!!!
The two pics - combination of colors and interesting skies in the mountains, are both excellent! Wonderful treat to the eyes, all the flowers and leaves :)
Destination Infinity
I'm crazy about wildflowers. :) I agree - I think photography has fueled my love of them.. when I began photographing them, I noticed more and more of them and learned more, too!
That mountain scene is breathtaking!
The mini daisy-like flowers that range lavender to purple are asters. We have masses of them around us late summer to fall, they make me happy! And they seem to make the bees happy too. :)
Hi betsy... as usual, ur photos never fail me...splendid... u r so attached to nature...I was in cambodia yesterday n met a group of travellers from michigan.. is it near to yr state?
Hi Betsy, your beautiful Autumn pictures cooled and delighted me.
Have a wonderful time in Arizona with your family and friends.
Hopefully they have air conditioning :)
Be well, be happy
Hi Betsy!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment - I love meeting and making new friends! I think we have a lot of the same, "blogging buddies". I have seen your picture many times on some of my favorite blogs!
I love your photos - just gorgeous! I love the Smokey Mountains! I've only been there once, but one time there is all you need to appreciate and love the feeling and the beauty of them! I would love to be there in Autumn to see the colors change . . . that would be amazing!
Have a wonderful week!
I'm with Chatty. Love the flowers in the autumn, but I'd be tearing and sneezing, especially around the golden rod. I am an especial fan of the sweet buttercup-like flower.
Delightful photos! Makes me want to be there!
Hi Betsy!
Oh my goodness what pretty wild flowers! and gorgeous pics too, I adore the independent pics of you and George surrounded by the lush foliage and also the pics of the changing colours of the leaves (I can't wait for Autumn!) Oh Betsy! I'm sorry I haven't a clue identifying flowers! I'm the worst! luckily you don't have to depend on me, you do have so many wonderful knowledgeable Blogger Buddies as above! Have a wonderful weekend x x x
Looks like you saw a lot of beauty on this trip. I love the wildflowers. My fav pic is the yellow flowers with the mountains in the background.
I too see wild flowers differently now that I look with my camera. Loved all these. My favorite photo was the one with that gorgeous butterfly! :>) ♥b
I love the Smokey Mountains and fall too. Buddy has been pointing out the changes he's been noticing for two weeks or more but now it more official.
I love your header.
Absolutely gorgeous.... You got a lot of great shots!
Dear Betsy, like so many who have left comments, I must admit to not knowing the names of these wildflowers. I do think that the white filagree one is Queen Anne's Lace, but I'm not certain. Thank you for your unbounded enthusiasm for Nature's beauty. Peace.
Lovely fall flowers and color! Mike and I are always planning to visit the Smokies and never seem to get there. Maybe this year!
I am pretty useless in naming any of the wildflowers, but I do think most all are beautiful! Great shots and that's no thorn in the flowers! :)
They are just so gorgeous. Hmmm...maybe not in my garden :p
I always love all photos of the wildflowers, cute birds and garden flowers in your garden. You often showed me how beautiful mother nature is. That will keep my heart fresh and young always. Thanks for sharing Betsy.
Oh my gosh! These are so gorgeous. I love taking photos of wildflowers. We often try to search out the names on Internet too. It's been so long since we've seen the Smokies and now you've made me long to see them again.
Like you I don't know many of the names of plants even rose types. But photography has a way of making me wish I did. Lovely butterfly shot too .
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