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I used to do a Friday Blog Series called, "Let's Talk Fridays"... Do you remember that? I would talk about specific topics --which we would all discuss. (You can see some of these posts plus some other discussion-type posts by looking on my sidebar and clicking on the label, TALK) It was fun ---so I'm going to do something similar on occasion, obviously not specifically on Fridays! I'll call this series, Discussion 2013.... If you think of topics which would be great for discussion, please let me know. Thanks!
Today's topic is about whether you and I are an extrovert or an introvert... I'm curious about bloggers specifically since I 'think' that many of us have more introvert qualities than extrovert qualities... But---I may be wrong.
From the Internet |
Most of us have taken those personality tests in past, myself included. I have always tested almost on the line between being an introvert and an extrovert... I fall in the introvert column more than the extrovert one...
Recently, a good friend of mine --who has known me for years, introduced me to her daughter, saying that I was an extrovert... I didn't correct her ---but it certainly made me 'think'.... AND--when I'm thinking, of course, I come up with a new blog post... ha ha...
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I'm sure I appear to others as someone who is an extrovert.... I 'seem' to be very outgoing ---and am always smiling and seem to be very happy, keeping the true feelings within many times... WELL---I learned to be outgoing, due to all of the jobs I have had for many years, working constantly with people, and being in the spotlight (in the field of music, drama, ministry)...
I was a Christian Educator for many years, and worked with TONS of church volunteers. I loved those people --and depended on them in order to do my ministry... BUT--I sometimes would go to work at 7 a.m. ---in order to get my work done before the people started stopping by my office to chat..
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BUT-if you want to know the 'real me'---I am one who prefers to be in a one-on-one relationship (like I am with George, or one --or just a few-special friends at a time), never preferring to be around large groups of people. I'm truly not much of a people-person although I love blogging and Facebook and being around people in that situation when I'm sitting in my own home, and can turn the computer off and on at will.
But--I also enjoy being with a FEW people at a time ---maybe dinner with a couple of good friends. That is just perfect for an introvert like me!
I was always shy ---and all through my life, even when I was working on my Master's Degree, I struggled being in a 'group' situation in various classes. My husband is REALLY an introvert (much moreso than I am) who loves getting lost in a good book, and doesn't talk alot--compared to me. I've never been a bookworm ---but love to get lost while working on Family History on my computer!!!!
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I love this description of the differences in an introvert and an extrovert.... How do you fit in this group???? One of my good friends is a huge extrovert.. She and I have clashed due to our differences ---but we are still great friends and have grown in understanding of each other through the years. She doesn't understand or like blogging AT ALL--and prefers to be around lots of people most all of the time. Some things we truly cannot discuss.
The biggest difference in us is what we expect from a friendship... I have lots of 'friends' --but not many really special friends. I expect ALOT from those special friends (since I love one-on-one friendships) ---but since she has TONS of best friends, I've had to adjust to the idea of sharing her with lots of other people, and realizing that I am just one of many special friends to her.
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This extrovert friend is totally a people-person ----who wants to be around people constantly and loves big groups and parties. She has more energy than I have ever had. How can two people who are so different be good friends??? Sometimes, I wonder!!!! ha
From the Internet |
WELL---whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, the fact is that we all NEED each other. AND--it takes all of us to make up this world... Blogging has been perfect for me---and I can be 'outgoing' on a blog (or email or Facebook) ---while sitting in the comforts of my home!!!!! How about you???? How do you fit into this wonderful life of ours???? I'll continue to be an INTROVERT ----but when I meet others, I can be as friendly and outgoing as any extrovert!!!! How's that????? ha ha
From the Internet |
I will close with one more poster from the internet.... I love my introvert husband. He's the smartest man I have ever known... Thank God for introverts!!!!!
Interesting post, Betsy! I think I'm more of an introvert. I don't mind being on my own and I like solitary habits like reading. Of course I also like to be with friends and go out in social situations from time to time, but I'm more of a listener in a group than the center of attraction.
am definitely an introvert. Well, maybe withca tiny bit of extrovert ...tend to act and think later in some situation....
my natural habitat will be in my brain or bookstore.
I'm pretty much an introvert, but have been known to be outspoken if the occasion calls for it, or if I'm around very familiar people. I like being at home and I'm not a fan of crowds. However, I don't really consider myself shy, at all.
I'm thrilled you're back Betsy and what a post! Thought-provoking to say the least. As I saw the heading I immediately thought: I'm an extrovert. But seeing things like Act first, think later, that's not me either. Mmmm. I'll have to go think about this! (((Hugs))) Jo
When you start to think about this question the harder it becomes to answer. I am certainly not shy and have no problem talking to strangers but am I an extrovert when I enjoy my own company so much? Many of the trips I do are on my own - not because I don't have friends but because I can be very spontaneous and can't wait for others to decide if they want to join me or not. I am very aware of my own mortality and feel I want to fill every day just in case I can't do it tomorrow.
I am most definitely a introvert. I've never felt comfortable in crowded noisy places. Although I can fit in I spend part of the time thinking about "how long before I can leave and go home"...lol
Great post Betsy and like you I'm on the line and the me that shows up depends on the situation.
I would have to say I am an introvert. I am shy and quiet. I do not like crowds of people, they make me feel very uncomfortable. I am very happy to do activities by myself such as reading or birding. Interesting post, Betsy! Have a great day!
I don’t think I fit on one of these, but I have a mix of both trovert… I never thought which category I come under. I just do what I like :)
I'm very far on the introvert side. My husband is an extrovert. We make fun of each other ;-)
I'm an extrovert at work but an introvert at home. My hubby is an extrovert through and through.
Wishing you and your sweetie a happy week!
xo Catherine
I remember some of your conversation post. They were always interesting.
Great Idea.
As for me, I once was, what I would call an extreme introvert (Very shy) Now...., I think I might just be the total opposite. Not sure what happened! I think it is wonderful how a blogger can either be an introvert or extrovert and still have so much fun...and many friends!
hugs to you and George.
Can I be both? I suppose that would be categorized under multiple personalities?? LOL I suppose I fall more into the introvert side but I can fake out some people that I am an extrovert. Maybe I should have been an actress??? ;)
Great post....Love this kind of stuff!
I am more of an introvert, as was my dear husband. Being a new widow has made me step out of my comfort zone a bit as I've started going to a once a month meeting of a wonderful group of widow's, and there are around 25 or so of us there.
I love being at home, working on projects, working in the garden, working on a needlework project, reading. Going out into the 'crazy world' that we live in, makes me tired and I am always glad to pull into the driveway to our little haven.
Great post ~ FlowerLady
Interesting question Betsy. I think most of us who blog have a generous touch of introversion. We finally get the conversation floor with our blogs with out having to claim it in person. Blogging is perfect for that.
That said however, I adore parties, talk freely with strangers and the first thing I do in a new town is to join a bunch of "groups."
Not sure I would be happy totally immersed in either social form. I need the balance.
Again, good post.
I am definitely an introvert. Always have been and always will be. I especially like the picture with the books, art, and nature above.
I love this post. After taking the "test" I find most of my qualities fit the "introvert" with maybe only two "extrovert" qualities. Thanks for a great discussion.
Tally up another introvert - that's me. I'm always the first to say it's time to go home from a party. I find it very hard to do small talk with people I don't know. When I tell a story its the brief version. I never am one to ramble on and on and I find those kind of people exasperating. Give me a good book and quiet reflection time here in my home.
I am definitely an introvert. I am usually "inside my own brain" as your poster says. Plus, I always need #4 - time to think. Drives everyone around me crazy. My family has finally figured it out and tells people "She's thinking. Just let her think." :)
I would have pegged you as an extrovert, LOL. I'm definitely an introvert. I have to force myself to converse with folks most of the time. It's just so much easier to write!
I see both sides. I can't say I'm more one way or the other. A mixture of both. I think. :)
Introvert most of the time. Many of the things you said about yourself are also true for me.
You put a lot of thought into that post.
I can really identify with many of your feelings. I guess growing up as an only child among four adults till I was nine years old taught me how to entertain myself and be very content even if I was alone. However, I need very much friends and family with whom I can converse at a deeper level, who are interested in the things I enjoy. I thrive in small groups, but have learned over the years to ask the right questions of strangers to get them talking, so I can choose to be quiet if I want to. I can lead or speak to a group of people without getting all uptight, but I am just as happy to follow someone else. I have many hobbies that I enjoy; but I am sorry to say, many of my friends don't share the same interests. Maybe that is why I enjoy blogging--I have found people there with interests similar to mine. So what does that make me? Maybe a little bit extroverted introvert.
Well, now that you know all that, I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day.
Well, this was my education for the week.:-) I have generally considered myself an introvert through the years, and that hasn't changed. In fact, that is probably where all our family would be placed - husband and children as well. We have not found it to be restrictive in any way, however, though sometimes being with extroverts can really be stressful.:-)
Have a great Monday, Betsy.
I love the How to Care for an Introvert poster you found.
And it's funny (and humbling) that I called you an extrovert to my daughter because I am also an introvert who people routinely confuse for being an extrovert. I blame it on the fact that you co-parented me as a teen and I got this from you. Both the need to please and be successful and work hard which I clearly see as something I learned from you and the ability to stick my neck out to get that done even though the way that happens is by looking extroverted.
When people call me extroverted, I usually correct them and say, I am not shy, I do not have a social phobia and there is work that needs to be done so if necessary I will take charge and do it. But do not fool yourself, I am so pro-active about getting the work done not because I like in the spotlight but because I would RATHER be at home, writing, doing photography or anywhere that puts me out of the public traffic.
i may be a bit of both depending on the situation
I tend to be more of an introvert myself. Doug, too. I think that introverts often have a sensitivity to other introverts. For example, if I see someone appearing uncomfortable in a group situation, I might greet him or her warmly and offer encouragement. That might make me look like an extrovert in that person's eyes, but it's really just one introvert identifying with another.
I also have an extrovert friend. She's a wonderful friend who would do and has done)anything for me. But we are so different, and we also have things we don't discuss...at least not too deeply.
This is an interesting post, Betsy.
I would never have thought that George is an introvert. But since you say it, I believe it. You have done quite a bit of work on this. And I am thinking that there are all kinds of grey here. Of course there are people who are right in the middle. YOU are interesting. You seem to be an extrovert, but you must deal with it very well. Lots of good info here, Betsy.
I am a total, off the charts diagnosed, Myers-Briggs certified Introvert. The day I finally freed myself from the expectations of those in my life who are extroverts was the happiest day of my life. On the rare occasion when I am forced to be in a situation better suited to an extrovert, it is only with the understanding that I get as long as I need following the situation to recharge. It is sad to me that "extroversion" is considered the better of the two personality types and true introverts often have the reputation of being snooty or arrogant when usually that is totally untrue. I'd be interested in hearing from introverts who are married to extroverts and how they cope with the differences. I could write a book on that!!
Hi Betsy,
I would guess most bloggers are introverts. Otherwise, we'd be out socializing with groups of people instead of enjoying people on our own time schedule.
I'm definitely an introvert. I can live most of the time in my own internal world. I can appear to be an extrovert when I have to, but I'm not particularly happy in that forum. Steve is a little of both. He can thrive with or without people, and doesn't require a lot of internal time.
Great post, Betsy. It does make one think because we view ourselves as one way and others see us a another. So true. I would say I am an introvert. I enjoy myself more than I do others but when one is out in the working world we have to almost extrovert ourselves. I didn't go out into to the working world until I was in my late 40s and now I am comfortable around people but tend to shrink into the background although Bob sees me as a very outgoing, smiling, helpful person. so .........I thank him for that. LOL Mb
I would say I am a little of each .. maybe a little more intro.
Happy Monday to you!!
I think I have qualities from both sides:) sometimes, I love to be with people, sometimes I just love to be with myself:)
Well, I just thank God for making me as I am:)
Interestingly enough Terry and I are both introverts...works for us!!!
I have no idea where I fit into this. I love being with people,but not really big crowds.I think I am a people person,but would love to have someone else tell mw what they think I am. Interesting thoughts,Betsy,they made me think.
From you descriptions, I have some of both.
I am definitely an Introvert.
To sum it up I prefer my privacy but when I do socialise I am not shy, and have a marvellous time.
When I really think about it, I too am on the fence but tend to topple into the Introvert's yard.
Interesting discussion!
Hi Betsy! So interesting. I don't know whether I'm an introvert, as I'm pretty much a solitary-type person, or just selfish! I love my family and a few very good friends, but I just have never had the need to have a lot of people around me. I quite enjoy my alone time and doing things on my own and I'm ultra private, but on the other hand, I can be very social and outgoing when I have a notion to! It's just that I don't have a need to be social very often. :)
It's funny that most people think of introverted people as very shy and I was
shy when growing up, but I don't consider myself as very shy now. Just reserved, I think. I have a little problem with trust issues that stems from the past.
Have a nice week!
I'm with you, Betsy! I'm an Introvert who has, over the years, become a tiny bit more of an Extrovert.
Betsy, you pretty much described me to a tee. I learned to be outgoing just like you did...I had to when I worked. I do not like large groups but I have learned to deal with them so I'm not uncomfortable. If the truth be known I would rather be a few friends that I am comfortable with. I'll bet most people would label me as an extrovert if they met me but I'm not. Some people love being the center of attention....I hate it.
Very interesting post Betsy. Like you most people who know me well would call me an extrovert because I am outspoken and not afraid to jump into anything with both feet. But I personally think I am a mix of both because my favorite place is outside surrounded by nature and being very quite just listening to the sounds of nature,I can sit for hours in my wn little world,haha so maybe that makes me "normal" !!
I LOVE this topic!!! I had read this earlier and came back tonight to show hubby and leave a comment. I'm in the middle but, a little more towards introvert. Hubby is definitely an introvert. Everyone says I'm a people person and I do usually have strangers starting conversations with me. I do love blogging for a lot of the same reasons you do. I've never had a lot of friends. I do know a lot of people, but that doesn't mean they are friends. I've also had a lot of trust issues in my life.
I'm going to email you about this, hope you don't mind. :)
I never really thought about it before. I'd guess in my younger years people would think of me as being an extrovert - a PTA President, girl and boy scout leader, teacher - all positions where you deal with a lot of people and have to interact with them. That's just necessary to do the job. I really think I'm more of an introvert. I like being around only a few people at a time, I can get lost in a book or surfing the internet. I like going out to eat but not in a big crowd. I like going to the movies but never on a weekend when everybody goes. :)
I think maybe we are all a little of each and different situations bring out the side we need to be.
I am an introvert.
I'm a bit of both!
Hi, Betsy. I think I just found out that I'm more of in introvert. Although I do like being around friends and like having many, I find myself watching them more (I like to take pictures of their actions) than actually interacting with them and I really don't talk that much. I learned a lot today from your blog; that's it's OK to be either one. :)
I've missed you because I haven't blogged in such a long time. But I now have about three new posts that I hope you will take time to visit. I'm not sure what I want to do with my blog and I was losing sight of what I wanted to do, but now I miss everyone so much that I thought it's best to just blog whatever I want to share. My camera broke, so I am looking to get another good camera. I hope that we can pick up where we left off.
Down Memory La La Lane
april 23rd...
I know our paths have diverged, but I thought you'd like to read my post today. So I leave the Sig. Line I am leaving on comments, today...
Have you read my today-post yet? You might want to hurry, in case it "goes poof".... -sigh- "Auntie"
It was very interesting reading this post Betsy, and I have also enjoyed reading everyone's responses. So here's mine. I am an introvert and the older I get the more introverted I become, maybe going back to the way I used to be when I was young, who knows. I enjoy having my immediate family around me, and a few close friends, but am very uncomfortable at large parties and I can't stand being in crowded places, almost to the point of becoming nauseous on occasion. I am very happy with my own company. Gregg is borderline introvert he tells me. In his job he has to speak in front of a lot of people at times and he is very comfortable doing that, but when he is on his own time he enjoys solitude and being able to go to out-of-the-way places where we both say isn't it lovely being here on our own. A couple of introverts to varying degrees and yes, people are surprised when they learn of it.
I think I am an introvert, but people tell me I am not. Hmmm.
I like this idea of a discussion. So you are an introvert.
I would have to say I am an introvert too - BUT I do have extrovert tendencies.
Love, sandie
Very thought provoking Betsy! I'm sure that the people I know wouldn't agree on which one I was.
I have and value most of the attributes of each, so I'd say I'm both...
i may be a bit of both, depending on the situation i'd say.
very interesting post dear betsy.
big hugs~
An interesting subject Betsy, I really enjoyed reading everyone's response.
A friend of mine once described me as a Type A personality with slight introvert traits thrown into the mix. That's probably a pretty good description.
Most teachers are extroverts after all we have to stand in front of 25 people and be a role model and impart knowledge in an exciting manner. Now that I lecture at U3A I have of 40 adults. I get very nervous but I can do it. So I guess i'm an extrovert but I don't totally fit the posters on your post. I love being on my own just to think , read, blog, in the garden and walking through the forest. I don't like crowds or noisy concerts. I like to have lunch with a small group of friends but I'm not fussed on big parties.
From your posts I would have thought you were an extrovert or at least a partial one.
i spent my years until i had my first child at age 20 as a bonafide introvert, i had one friend in high school and if she did not come, i did not eat in the cafeteria. something changed when I had my two sons and i am now the opposite, i talk to strangers in line, in waiting rooms, in elevators, on beaches and paths in state parks. i rather be the teacher in a class than be taught. BUT i don't like crowds or parties and if i am forced to a party where i don't know any one, i freak out and revert.
Hello Betsy
In fact, I used to be more introvert when I was young.....but nowadays I'm easygoing, fortunately!!!
Have a nice week darling!
I am a talkative introvert....talk a lot to a few family, friends
:) That's a fun topic. I think I am at heart an introvert now. My public personality is an extrovert because that is what is needed of me. And I have no problems saving the world or making grand speeches. But when I'm off the stage, it's silence I love best. I HATE crowds, weddings, funerals, large parties, family picnics etc. I LOVE small get togethers, one on ones, and quieter settings where I can speak with others in an appropirate fashion:)
I am very much an introvert and quite shy besides. I, too, enjoy one-on-one relationships the most and especially appreciate those of my close friends and family whom, when we're together, don't feel the need to chatter every second. Sometimes, I feel closest to people when we're sitting in companionable silence, listening to the sound of birds or the trees rustling in the wind. Not all communication is vocal.
I think I would be about 50/50. I was totally an introvert until I met and married my extrovert husband. He really pushed me in many ways. I started teaching and that was a real challenge for me. Later I took a job supervising in a vacation resort as manager over 150 employees. Lol I learned to become an extrovert in certain circumstances.
Didn't read all of this, but I am definitely an introvert :-)
I read this soon after you posted it but don't think I had time to comment. But what I remember is I am a lot like you in that I do like some quiet time to myself to do projects or just relax but I am very good in an extroverted role as when I was our church librarian. Every one was made to feel welcome when they walked in the door because I made them feel like we were there to minister to them. They were greeted, assisted in finding things if needed, and listened to when they wanted to talk.
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