Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer Birds at My Bird Kitchen

Red-headed Woodpecker
Since getting the new deck and bird arbor (which I call my Bird Kitchen) ---I have enjoyed sitting in my air-conditioned home watching some of our sweet little birdies coming back and forth to the feeders...  SO--today I'll share some cuties for you!!!!!

Be sure to click on the photos to see them all larger... Above is my favorite woodpecker (besides our Pileated --which I have missed getting a picture of recently).   This guy is the Red-headed Woodpecker.  I usually see one or two of his 'babies' during the summer --but so far,  I haven't seen one yet...

Bluejay with a peanut in his mouth  (Nuthatches and Bluejays both love peanuts.)
Here is another summer favorite at the kitchen...  I've always heard that Bluejays are loud and aggressive --but I don't see it... They are loud --and love to make their presence known,  but they don't seem to scare any of the other birds away...  I do know that Mr. Bluebird was chasing him away ---or any bird--which got near to his babies in the nestbox.  But--I think all birds do that.

Brown Thrasher
One year the Brown Thrashers built a nest in our Confederate Jasmine bush in the front yard.  Not knowing they were there,  I was working near that bush ---and almost got nipped by one of the parents.. Scared me to death!!!!!!  Needless to say,  I stayed away from that bush until the little ones fledged..... ha  (Note also that the rope on the arbor has now been replaced with chain since this was a newer picture.)

Male Red-bellied Woodpecker
Here is Daddy Red-bellied Woodpecker. They are with us year-round ---and also squawk when coming to the feeder --making their presence known!!!!

Juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker
AND--may I introduce Daddy's baby---a Juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Note that he/she doesn't have any red yet.  Isn't  he precious?

House Finch and Mourning Dove --having a 'discussion'
I have two bird baths --which the birds love,  especially during a hot and dry summer like we are having.  I keep the smaller bird bath on the deck rail --since it plugs in during the winter to keep the water from freezing...  I also change both of these bird baths twice a day during this hot weather.  Birds need water and love it.

Here is a cute picture of a serious discussion going on between a Mourning Dove and a House Finch...  The Dove had been sitting in the water for the longest time --and I think the Finch wanted a turn!!!!!

Male Northern Cardinal
Here's another year-round bird,  our Northern Cardinal.  When I think of Cardinals,  I think of my Aussie friend, Colin.  He loves these Red Birds...  SO--Colin,  this one is for you!!!!

I have more Goldfinches this year than any other bird... They love Nyger (thistle), although like most all of the birds,  they love the plate feeder too ---and love to eat me out of house and home!!!!!

Downy Woodpecker and House Finches
Since I have multi-feeders,  most birds can usually find a place at the table in at least one of them.   I have suet in 3 places... You can see the Downy Woodpecker eating on the side of the 'red house'.... Even though we have more Goldfinch,  we do have some House Finches also.  They are larger than the Goldfinch.

Male Eastern Bluebird
Finally,  here's my 'man'....  The Bluebirds are my fav's ---and guess what they are doing again JUST for me?????  There are eggs in the nestbox ---so they are going to have more babies....  All of this excitement should happen over the next five-six weeks... I'm sure I'll be sharing it with you!!!!!   (I still haven't seen any of the previous set of little ones at the feeders yet --but I probably will soon.)

Also---I do have a few Hummingbirds around now FINALLY...  There aren't too many --but hopefully,  more will come soon... No pictures of them yet though...

One more thing:  You have heard the "How Hot is It" jokes... Anyhow--I have a new one for you, and this one is true... It was so hot here recently that the suet in the feeders MELTED...  I have never had that happen before --but then again,  it has never been as hot here as it has been this summer.  (They say that the non-melt kind doesn't work either---so I just have to take the suet down when the temperature is over 100 degrees.)

Hope you enjoyed seeing my Bird Kitchen today... Can you tell how much I enjoy my birds??????

Have a bird-lovin' Monday!!!!  AND---thanks for all of your prayers, thoughts and good-wishes after our storm..  The golf course people came the next day and cleaned it all up.  All that is left now are two big stumps (which I'm sure they will come back and get soon)...   Sad though to lose those two trees!  But--we were luckier than some.  That same storm did alot of damage in other areas of Tennessee including the beautiful Smoky Mountains...



Ms. A said...

I can't imagine being able to sit inside and see such a variety of birds. I don't see that many when I'm outside! Lucky you!

PS: One of the photos George posted of that tree looked awfully close to your house. You guys were lucky to have been spared more damage.

Jeevan said...

It’s a complete bliss having so many birds as visitors and I envy a lot looking at you having great enthusiasm over birds visiting and feeding and nesting around! Awesome post Betsy! I love bird watching and it’s quite a treat checking those colorful birds and I agree they are precious...

Male Northern Cardinal is my fav bird too after seeing it many times on internet. The post inspires me to come up with blog post on birds I have captured lately. It’s always pleasure to listen to bird calling and that’s so cute how the two birds got into discussion :)

mamahasspoken said...

Had to chuckle at your bluebird comment (how they are aggressive)because at my bird feeders it's the crows. They come twice a day and you know when they are coming because the feeders can be full of a variety of birds,but scatter when the crows come.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

You have a wonderful variety of birds visiting your new bird table feeder, and what a delightful buffet they are all treated to !
We have been having hawks stopping at the bird baths, it's a little scarey .
I read that suet feed will melt in hot weather, and is best used in Winter months, now I know it's true ;)
The rains came last night...lightening, thunder and monsoon rains, the town had lots of flooding, we go from one extreme to the next it seems.
Cooler weather this week...yah !

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful way to start the morning Betsy, to see all these pretty birds of yours. Thank you!

Connie said...

The birds are loving your new bird kitchen, Betsy. I bet they spread the word among their friends to come and visit you. Ha! Great photos! I think my favorite is the goldfinch.

Unknown said...

How lovely to be able to see these beautiful birds every day, you're lucky. Great photos. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

So happy that all your birds love their new kitchen!

Due to the heat, I also change the water in the birdbaths, the water can get extremely hot by mid afternoon and cool water just sounds a little more refreshing than hot.

I love that you are seeing juvenile red-bellies and hope that the baby Bluebirds have survived the heat. I have four new Robins in a nest on my front porch rain gutter, so much fun watching them grow! I also have two regulars at my Hummingbird feeder, think we'll start seeing more in August.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love seeing all the clients at your Bird Kitchen.Those birdies know where to find a good thing and a a good person.No wonder they come back,you have spoiled them.Stay cool and keep on enjoying those birds.

Catherine said...

So many pretty birds to look at Betsy. The nasty crows keep chasing my sweet little birds away! Darn them!

Hope you are keeping cool ~ it sounds like it is extra hot down there!!!

xo C

Janice K said...

Looks like they like their new kitchen. Lucky you to have the red-headed woodpecker stick around for the summer. As usual the one I had this Spring stayed for a couple of days and moved on.

Looking forward to seeing more of your bluebirds...

Arkansas Patti said...

Goodness, your bird seed bill must be close to my grocery bill. The view you get and the shots you get sure make it worth while.
Looks like a cool front is on the way--for a while anyway. Enjoy.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Enjoyed seeing the action in your bird kitchen - so fun!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I'm glad that you all are safe and sound...and that you have working a/c too!
Love all your birdies and that bird kitchen was such a genius idea!
I do wonder what all the discussions are about though....

Linda P said...

How lovely to have so many different types of bird visitors coming regularly to your feeders! Thank you for sharing an experience that I can only imagine and I'm looking forward to those hummingbird photos.

Small City Scenes said...

I always love seeing the pics of 'your' birds. We have 6 feeders surrounding our deck and apple trees. It is a joy. MB

Amy Burzese said...

So many birds! We have a plate feeder and they love it. You are right about eating us out of house and home!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so hot is melts suet, that is a new one. the first woodpecker looks like he is wearing a tux, so beautiful and all your many species are brilliant colors, even the brown thrasher, he is my favorite, he looks like he has attitude.

linda m said...

I love your "bird kitchen". My hummingbirds have finally returned, saw 5 the other day. The Blue Jays have tried to come around for peanuts; however, the Grackles have been chasing them away. And BOY, have the Grackles and Starlings been a pest this year - they are eating up all the bird food and scaring away all my regulars.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Great photos Betsy, love all of your guests at the bird kitchen!!! Have a wonderful day!!! We got rain last night!

Latane Barton said...

I love all your birds. You have such a variety and I know that getting to sit inside where it's cool and watch these little guys feeding has to be a great pleasure. Are you any cooler today? We are in the 90s instead of 100s. that's improvement.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing your variety of birds! It is fun to learn their songs and recognize when they are at the feeders! Have a good day.

Shilpa said...

Wow! How colorful and charming of birds… Great composition on the birds and I’m sure it’s the blessing of God for u to stay along such cute birds.

Love this post Betsy and its nice reading on each ones exists! The blue and red-bellied are my fav here.


Annie Jeffries said...

Always a pure joy to visit your backyard, Betsy. Cardinals, finches, and bluebirds - oh my!!

TexWisGirl said...

i don't feed suet here for exactly that reason (plus the dogs would probably camp out under the feeder). i love your redhead and thrasher!

Sylvia K said...

I do love all of your colorful birds, Betsy! How fun to be able "join them for dinner"! Hope your week is off to a wonderful start! Enjoy!


Serenity Cove said...

LOVE your bird kitchen and you know I love birds:) Bluebirds are my favs too. I've had two nestings and I keep thinking they have time for a third. That would be a first for me.
Still no rain here but we are getting a little relief from the heat this week.

I Am Woody said...

So glad you are enjoying your new deck! But I am especially glad that you were safe in those terrible storms. Vol Fan's Mom in Knoxville was without power for 3 days.

Susannah said...

That was absolutely wonderful to see all of your birds in your new bird kitchen!!! What an experience! Our hummingbirds have been gone for about a month. We can not figure it out. But I sure did enjoy seeing all of your birds! Thank you, Betsey.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely shots, I see lots of the woodpecker when near the river but haven't got a good shot lately.That bluebird is always a favorite.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your birds provide so much enjoyment for you (and for us, your readers), but I know it's a major expense and a lot of work to keep up the feeders and the bird baths. So we all thank you for your efforts!

Loved the "discussion at the water cooler" photo. :)

Anonymous said...

What a charming array of birds!

Beth said...

Oh, I always enjoy your bird photos so much, Betsy...wonderful! I especially love the ones of the new bird babies coming with their Mom or Dad to the feeder. The little red-bellied is adorable. We saw a little family of red-bellied woodpeckers out our back window. Dad was showing the little ones how to find bugs in our fence posts---it was amazing!

I didn't know that suet melts either. By the way, my favorite "It's so hot that..." joke is: It's so hot that the chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs. :-)

Dorothy said...

I see you are having fun with all the birdies! You have quite an assortment there! Enjoy!

Rose said...

I really like your Kitchen....you should give it a name...like Betsy's Cafe....so many pretty birds.

Sarah is teaching Lorelei to enjoy watching them...you should see her. There will be a little sparrow on the ground and she will look back at us and put her finger over her lips signaling us to 'shhhhh', then she does this exaggerated tiptoe and tries to sneak up on them.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your new bird kitchen is wonderful, Betsy! I always enjoy the photos you take of your bird guests.

It has been so hot, hasn't it? Today we have soem wonderfukl relief..it is in the 70's! YAY!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

You lucky gal! So many beautiful birds, but I know you have worked hard to attract them and it isn't luck at all. So pretty- really love the bluebirds!

Barbara said...

Wow just beautiful, I do not get on the blog much any more, but you still have the most wonderful photos of any I have seen God bless you.

momto8 said...

oh I miss my birds!! we had many of the same ones you have ..we would watch them for hours...so beautiful! then came the dreaded squirrels....finally the squirrels won. I miss those beautiful song birds the most.

Nellie said...

Yes, the Smoky Mountains received lots of damage, especially in the Cades Cove area. That is very near where our newly-married daughter and her husband live and work. In fact, that is where we were on Thursday when the storms came through. We stopped and pulled off the road until we could see to drive.

We use the saying, "eat like a bird" to describe someone who doesn't appear to eat very much. It is actually used incorrectly in that sense. Your post indicates how birds don't really eat lightly. They use a lot of energy flying! It's great that you have such a good vantage point.

xo Nellie

nanny said...

Betsy, you have the best blend of birds ever.

I love the bluebirds too. But then the doves are so great to listen to. I only have 2 goldfinches this year. I usually have many, many....?

I'll have to share my bluejay story soon on blog....

trump said...

Always love to see pictures of our little feathered friends, with my favorite picture being the last one because of the color(blue being my top color pick of all time). Also our heat wave seems to have broken for now, and its a very welcome relief right about now for us in Lancaster,Pa. Richard

Glenda said...

Oh, what beauty! I know you spend many joyful moments watching the birds in your little piece of heaven! I have been away from blogging for a while, so I didn't know the storm hit your area. I'll have to read your previous posts . . . so glad you are OK!

Terry and Linda said...

The invasive ring-necked dove has kicked our delightful mourning doves out of most of Colorado. There are still a few places left where the Mourning Doves collect. Thanks for the photo of one of my most favorite birds -- the Mourning Dove.


Ann said...

I love all your bird shots. We get quite a few goldfinches here as well as the mourning doves. I haven't been seeing the variety here that we used to get though

Unknown said...

I enjoyed your bird kitchen. Great photos.

imac said...

What beauty you show today Betsy, in all your birds and such colour too.

FAB said...

Thanks for sharing these views of your colourful garden visitors.

Chatty Crone said...

I have had melted suet before. Gosh between the birds and the flowers you have a very colorful yard. I love it.
I don't know which I like better - I love them both. You take some great photos Betsy. Sandie

Karin said...

I was thinking like Patti - that the gourmet options in your bird kitchen must be as much as my grocery bill! LOVE all your birds and wish I could see them in reality! We did catch a glimpse of a couple of finches on the tree in my son's yard last night.

Hope you can keep cool and blessings to you all!

María said...

Bello blog que descubro por casualidad, me quedo viéndolo, gracias.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Your birds are so beautiful. I love watching the birds at our feeders. I should try to get some pictures. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a great week.

Sally Wessely said...

You are happy. The birds are happy. I love your new bird kitchen.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

My goodness you have a great variety of birds. Colorful ones too.
My suet block also melted! That is too crazy hot. I haven't put one back out yet.

SquirrelQueen said...

All of your little birds are so sweet. Now you can sit inside where it's nice and cool and watch Birdie TV.

I did that one year with the suet too, it melted into a nice little puddle.

The news I read about the storm made it sound like there was damage around Cades Cove, I hope none of the structures were damaged.

Rohrerbot said...

Love all your birds Betsy. What an incredible array of color and design you have there!!! My favorites are those neat woodpeckers. Love the reds on their heads. Have a great Monday evening!

Sheryl said...

WOW Betsy!!!! I just knew your pics were going to make me sooooo jealous!!! Incredible! I especially like the juvie!!! Looking forward to your babies being born!!!!

Lynn said...

Amazing photos Betsy! Such a delightful group of bird buddies you have visiting the bird kitchen. From the volume, it is obvious that the bird kitchen is a bit hit! Really enjoyed your photos. I would not know one bird from the next, except morning doves, which we have in abundance here and I love. However, I enjoy photography and these are fantastic shots. Blessings.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Such beautiful birds! I never thought of the suet melting but it makes since! We haven't had any hummingbirds either. The kids and I have certainly missed them.

Lynda said...

You give God honor and glory by showcasing HIS beautiful creation and you do it with such joy! Your love for this hobby shines through your post.

Shug said...

I guess red must really be my favorite color. I simply love all the red on a lot of these birds. Great visiting here...always something beautiful to look at..

carolina nana said...

Love all the bird pics. That new bird kitchen looks really good. I have never seen a red headed woodpecker around my house. I've also noticed that there are very few hummingbirds around this year.

Andrea said...

It is not common in this country to put bird houses or feeders, however yours inspired me to maybe make it also in our area. We have many birds in the trees and maybe they will come also to the feeders. I will experiment on that too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, I love how you keep so many feeders going even in summer. I confess that I only put out nyger seed this time of year. I have such a problem with the grackles gobbling down everything in sight! I'd love to be able to keep more out. We're still seeing a lot of goldfinches and I still have a few bluebirds around.
I'll have to come back to see what I've missed in previous posts later.
Have a great week!

Small Kucing said...


They are such lovely birds. You are so lucky to have some many birds coming.

Faye said...

How much pre pleasure you must get out of watching these birds Betsy. Y fav of your wonderfulcollection is the little brown thrasher--and mourning dove. Wonderful to hear them in the quiet.

Glad things are getting back to normal from the storms. We're still waiting for rain although I did get a welcome soaking on a garden tour Sunday--but very localized.

Neal said...

All are good but my favorite is the bluebird. It has always been a favorite of mine.

Faye said...

Oops! Sorry for all the typos in previous comment--a pet peeve of mine to not proof. Early in the a.m.!

Beth said...

I always enjoy your bird posts. And as always, the bluebird is my favorite--just love those spunky little birds!
I caught up on your anniversary trip post--it's wonderful you can travel like that.
I'm so glad the trees missed your house. We saw many trees still down at the campground and around the lake. It may take quite awhile to get everything cleaned up. Mike's nephew cut up the tree that fell in front of our trailer and cleaned up for us. We let him and his girlfriend use our place and our boat, so they help out with things like that. That's a blessing!

diane b said...

Hot enough to melt the suet, that's hot. Your birds are such beautiful creatures and like Colin I love the red cardinal. Your new deck looks great.

NatureStop said...

Betsy, I really envy you getting to see some many different birds sitting at home:)Here too is getting hot with every passing day!Hope you will better weather soon.Have a great day!


BlueShell said...

Adorable...the red one is my favorite!!!

joy said...

Ilove all the birds:) Each one is unique. Here, I can't have birds tp feed, because there are plenty cats in the neighborhood and they just eat baby birds:( Anyway, thanks for sharing yours:)

amelia said...

Your birds are so lovely Betsy! I hope you can always feed them. Who takes over if you go away? That's what worries me with our birds, who is going to feed them when I'm dead!!! :) I know people say they'll go off somewhere else and find food but they do get used to being fed and we have such inhospitable winters for birds.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, your bird kitchen was an ingenious idea for both you and these marvelous bird who visit your beautiful yard.

I especially enjoy seeing your precious Blue birds.

May rain come your way and be genital.

Mountain Mama said...

You certainly got some great shots. I love the bluebird. We have Stellars Jay's here and they are pretty, especially when the sun shines on them but they are loud and very aggressive. We also have Goldfinches but other than that our birds aren't as colorful as yours.

Brenda said...

I can see why you really enjoy your Bird Kitchen! You have a lot of beautiful guests! They are blessed to have you supply for them such wonderful morsels. Their colors are stunning. I think I would just love watching them all day. Kind of make ya feel like Snow White in the forest, singing with the birds! LOL! I can dream, can't I?...
Sorry you didn't get any of that rain going around. We got some and very thankful for it.

Unknown said...

Looks like your birds are enjoying your new deck and all the food you have out for them. Lucky birds! Hopefully some of that rain I see dotted on your radar is hitting you. The rain we had Sunday was nice, but it didn't amount to much. Sigh....... Hugs!

HappyK said...

Always nice to see your bird visitors. You have such a wide variety that come and visit you. Do you put out special things to attract certain birds?

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Big rain today and oh so glad for it! I really like your photographs of the birds. That baby Red-bellied Woodpecker is so beautiful! Have a super nice day tomorrow! Hooray for the rain!

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, I love all your lovely yardbirds. The redheaded woodie is one of my favorites. But, I love all the birds. It is nice to have your feeders right outside your window, great shots.

Mary said...

What a nice variety of birds! I think a lot of mine are just as hot as I am and aren't coming around as much. I buy my suet at the Pet Food Center and the brand I buy is from C&S Products. There are 2-3 flavors that have the word "dough" in the title. They look all dried out and you think at first that something must be wrong with them, but there isn't and the birds love them. I buy the Orange Dough. They aren't greasy and don't melt in the heat. I use them year round. There is one brand of suet I find several places that I have tried that is real cheap, but none of my birds will even eat it! Neither will the varmints. The C&S are not expensive.

Valerie said...

Great photos as usual Betsy! Love the Red Headed woodpecker and the Thrasher - as I don't ever get to see those up here. Looks like I have exchanged Orioles for my bluebirds. HAven't seen them this year at all. But hubby and I are truly enjoying the variety that we do have. They are amazingly beautiful and all so very unique!

Anita Johnson said...

My suet melted too! My favorite bird has to be a bluebird too, but the sight of a Red-bellied Woodpecker is always a thrill!

BlueShell said...

Today it is my 25st weeding anniversary!-...I Praise the LORD...
We have gone through so much...BUT WE ARE still here...with so much love...
His cancer seam to be gone...and he is here with me. We do not have children...I could not get pregnant...so we live to each other...laughing...crying...being silly...and being in love...
I praise the LORD for He is LOVE...and I'm so glad that I can't help spreading the news...

Have a blessed day, dear!And may God bless you and GEORGE too!

Isabel, aka, blueshell

Pat Tillett said...

Beautiful! It wouldn't matter how much and what kind of bird food we would put out, we just don't have these colorful birds where I live. I wish we did...