Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to APRIL . We've had a rough month during March in our area. My header photo this month is a picture of our pretty little home with all of the Daffodils/Red Bud, etc. blooming. This picture was taken on 3/28/25. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE. God's Blessings and Happy Easter!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Waterfalls along Parson Branch Road, Smokies

First of all,  if you missed reading my first post about this road and this area,  please click HERE and read that post before reading this one.   I don't think I emphasized enough how truly BAD that road was in certain spots...  I'm sure there are times when it is not so bad --but this may have been the 2nd worst back road that George and I have driven on (the first being Potato Patch Mountain in GA--in the snow and ice).  There were huge ruts,  mud holes --which you could almost disappear in,  etc....  As pretty as it was back in that area (and it was),  there was at least one time that I wasn't sure we would make it!  BUT--we did.....  AND---the beauty we saw made it all worthwhile.

Today,  I'll share that beauty with you.  We saw three new waterfalls along Parson Branch Road.  The picture above shows the first of these waterfalls. Note that the road crossed right OVER it.   We had several 'water crossings' like this one...

We drove over the creek/waterfall,  then stopped and walked back to get some pictures... I didn't try to walk back across the water--but George did (of course).  He managed to get his feet wet --but that didn't stop him!!!!!  Afterall,  this was a new waterfall for us... ha....

George took the picture above.  Isn't it GREAT????  He said it was worth getting  wet!!!!! ha... This waterfall is PANTHER CREEK FALLS.  We have never driven so close and OVER a waterfall before, like this one!!!!!

This is the one I showed you in the last Parson Branch post.  This is TRIPLE FALLS on Parson Branch.  It's the prettiest of the three waterfalls in this area.

The above picture shows another water crossing. Again,  we crossed and then parked to get some pictures.  This time,  George didn't have to get his feet wet!!!

He was able to get down to the bank to get a great picture... Isn't this a pretty little waterfall?  Its name is LOWER FALLS on Parson Branch.  You can see the road near the top of the picture.  This area was truly GORGEOUS-----which made the bumpy road all worthwhile!

Here is a picture of George down on the creek bank.....  And NO--he didn't go wading  (although I'll bet it was tempting)!!!!! ha ha

Finally,  I'll close with a beautiful picture I took of Parson Branch --as it headed on down the mountain.  This is just the type of place which would be wonderful on a hot day (like we have been having).   Take a picnic lunch and find a big rock... AND--let your tootsies dangle in the water--without your shoes on (of course)... ha

Have a wonderful day!!!!  And don't be afraid to go to places like this...  I promise you that I'd go back again in a heartbeat...  It is truly a marvelous area of the Smokies.



eileeninmd said...

Betsy, love this series of waterfalls. And I did the first post about the road. My favorite is the triple falls. Great shots.

Mr. Bill said...

Aren't we blessed! Thanks for sharing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

SOmehow this place has a peaceful look.The falls are not that big,but still lovely.That picnic lunch sounds like a great idea.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

What a serene and enchanting place, triple falls, and being able to enjoy all this beauty within steps of the roadside.
That road looks quite scary, amazing though nevertheless.

Anonymous said...

I can't recall ever seeing waterfalls such as those falling over the roadway. How cool to be that close to a waterfall, no matter how small it is! Great pictures, as always!

Reanaclaire said...

I am quite fearful of waterfalls.. the water must be very powerful... but then no risk, no gain..the pictures are wonderful!

Chatty Crone said...

I love waterfalls especially the kind you can get your feet wet in!

Very pretty - hope he is didn't step in any poison ivy out there!

Shug said...

So Pretty....What I like about waterfalls is that they look so cool and refreshing...
Would love to have my feet getting wet in these beautiful steams...

Thinking and Praying for you all today...

Arkansas Patti said...

That would be a great place to horse back ride. They have 4 legged drive.
My thoughts are with you and George today.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

So beautiful! Great pictures you and George got. I'd love to take a little dip in there right now.
Praying for you and George today.

Fred Alton said...

Thanks Betsy, for sharing your love-affair with waterfalls with us. I love the beauty of these East Tennessee mountains! Praying for you and George and his family today.

amelia said...

I love the way the water goes over the road. This happens a lot in England and the call it 'fording'. Where I come from the name was Lowford and Hungerford was close by. Many names had 'ford' in them as most of them had streams that had been forded.

TexWisGirl said...

that's really beautiful. i'm glad you braved the roads to share it with us...

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Beautiful. Worth the adventure of the road.

mamahasspoken said...

Never heard or saw where the road was part of the waterfall.

Betty Manousos said...

what refreshing and lovely pictures, Betsy!

what a great start to the day!

thanks so much for sharing.


carolina nana said...

Ohhh!!! That water looks so cool and today I know it would feel so good to just sit down right in the middle of it.
What do you do if you meet another car on that little one lane road?
Blessing and prayers to you for the loss of George's mother.

imac said...

Love em all, but I do love the ford across the road.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Wonderful post. Hope you both are coping well. So sorry for your loss. Have a good day!

Andrea said...

There you are again with your waterfalls. Whenever we see any waterfalls, you come to mind. That lower falls is what i like best, although the photo was a bit cut at the left bottom part. I bet you cannot get easily to a vantage point.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are pictures that remind me of my home that I grew up with. We are so blessed to have such beauty in our area of this world...

Connie said...

Neat pictures, Betsy! I've never seen waterfalls that flow right over the road like that. It seems like it would erode the road away!

FAB said...

Ha ... dangle yor tootsies ... I know someone who would do that any chance she gets.
Lovely pics of the running water and well done to the 'intrepid' George.

Karin said...

Oh such lovely waterfalls. I find it interesting that the water just flows over the road!! This place looks like a cool place to get away from the heat - not that we're having any up here!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The fourth picture from the end, that is the most amazing to me, I can see where the water goes right over the road! I can't figure out how that happens, it is strange and unusual!!! But not worth it to ME to go, especially when YOU can show me!!! Beauty without heart attacks or panic attacks, that's the great thing about blogging.

Becca's Dirt said...

Betsy you and George are brave. I would have had second thoughts about driving down that road. It sure is beautiful though and very tempting to stick your feet in. I bet it is so cool.

Lynda said...

That looks so cool and beautiful and today it is hot! It's also very peaceful looking. What a great retreat from the world.

HappyK said...

What beautiful photos. Do you have any idea how many water falls you and George have visited?

nanny said...

I would love to go there and just wander around. Looks so quiet and cool!

Ann said...

Simply beautiful. I can't believe the waterfall runs right over the road like that. I imagine that it could get pretty trick sometimes getting through there

Larry said...

Now I've been to Cades Cove Betsy... somehow missed that fun waterfall though! Larry

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Betsy, these are really nice. We've been down that road two or three times, I think; but we've never seen the waterfalls. I think we were afraid to take our eyes off the road. :)

Neal said...

That looks like a nice drive. Hopefully, it will be open sometimes when we are down there.

Ms. A said...

I'm green with envy, not just because you were there, but because your photos are amazing. I'll bet that cool water would be great on some hot tootsies. Maybe even an entire body.

Diane said...

Especially love the last picture Betsy. The moss on the rocks is beautiful. Diane

Adrienne Zwart said...

Betsy, your waterfall photos are so beautiful. I can almost feel the coolness of the water!

Sally Wessely said...

These photos were beautiful. I'm so glad you and George go out and saw this wonderful part of the country and then shared your visit with us.

Sally Wessely said...

These photos were beautiful. I'm so glad you and George go out and saw this wonderful part of the country and then shared your visit with us.

Kelly said...

...beautiful, Betsy!!! Those waterfalls look so cool and refreshing. I bet they sounded wonderful too. Nothing beats a waterfall on a hot day!! :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, These waterfalls and surrounding area is so beautiful! Just the kind of place I'd love to sit and put my feet in the water and listen to the birds sing and wildlife rustling through the woods! Beautiful photography.

mudderbear said...

These are really awesome. I am quite fascinated with that road going over the falls. And all the moss on the rocks makes me nervous about them being slippery. So be careful. I'm happy you had such a wonderful time.

Janie said...

You and George got some fantastic photos of these beautiful falls. Just looking at them makes the temperature seem cooler!

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, that was well worth the bad bumpy road, gorgeous waterfalls. We have discovered some of the most amazing things by getting off the beaten path. At least there WAS a road!

Rose said...

These are all such beautiful shot...I don't know which I like best. I know I had the same thought as you...perfect place to be on a hot summer day.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Fantastic shots. The fifth picture is a gem!